Sloka & Translation


[Hanuman wonders at the splendour and glory of Ravana]

ततस्स कर्मणा तस्य विस्मितो भीमविक्रमः।

हनुमान्रोषताम्राक्षो रक्षोधिपमवैक्षत।।5.49.1।।

ततः then, भीमविक्रमः of fierce valour, सः हनुमान् that Hanuman, तस्य his, तेन कर्मणा by that act, विस्मितः astonished, रोषताम्राक्षः eyes red with anger, रक्षोधिपम् demon king, अवैक्षत beheld.

The highly courageous Hanuman, astonished at the action (of binding and dragging him to the court) by the demon king looked at him with eyes turned red in anger.
भ्राजमानं महार्हेण काञ्चनेन विराजता।

मुक्ताजालावृतेनाथ मकुटेन महाद्युतिम्।।5.49.2।।

महार्हेण of innate splendour, काञ्चनेन with a golden, विराजता shining, अथ and, मुक्ताजालावृतेन covered with strings of pearls, मकुटेन with crown, भ्राजमानम् shining, महाद्युतिम् glittering.

(Hanuman looked at Ravana) of innate splendour, who shone with a glittering crown of gold glowing, encircled with strings of pearls.

हैमैराभरणैश्चित्रैर्मनसेव प्रकल्पितैः।।5.49.3।।

वज्रसंयोगसंयुक्तै: studded with diamonds, महार्हमणिविग्रहैः adorned with small motifs made of precious gems, मनसा by imagination, प्रकल्पितैरिव as if created, चित्रैः wonderful, हैमैः golden, आभरणैः with ornaments.

He was decked with wonderful golden ornaments studded with diamonds and had small motifs of precious gems fixed to them. They were as though designed by imagination. (An ornament made with the hand connot be so fine and delicate.)
महार्हक्षौमसंवीतं रक्तचन्दनरूषितम्।

स्वानुलिप्तं विचित्राभिर्विविधाभिश्च भक्तिभिः।।5.49.4।।

महार्हक्षौमसंवीतम् dressed in exquisite silk, रक्तचन्दनरूषितम् smeared with red sandal paste, विचित्राभिः with wonderful, विविधाभिश्च with many kinds, भक्तिभिः with ornamental designs drawn, स्वानुलिप्तम् smeared with unguents.

He was dressed in exquisite silk and smeared with red sandal paste and had many ornamental designs drawn on his body with fragrant unguents.
विचित्रैर्दर्शनीयैश्च रक्ताक्षैर्भीमदर्शनैः।

दीप्ततीक्ष्णमहादंष्ट्रैः प्रलम्बदशनच्छदैः।।5.49.5।।

शिरोभिर्दशभिर्वीरं भ्राजमानं महौजसम्।

नानाव्यालसमाकीर्णैश्शिखरैरिव मन्दरम्।।5.49.6।।

दर्शनीयैः appeared, रक्ताक्षैः with bloodred eyes, भीमदर्शनैः with terrible looks, दीप्ततीक्ष्णमहादंष्ट्रैः with shining sharp big teeth, प्रलम्बदशनच्छदैः with drooping lips, दशभिः with ten, शिरोभिः with heads, विचित्रैः wonderful, नानाव्यालसमाकीर्णैः with different kinds of beasts, शिखरैः with peaks, मन्दरम् इव like Mandara mountain, भ्राजमानं splendid, महौजसम् lustrous, वीरम् hero.

He appeared terrible with bloodred eyes, shining sharp big teeth, drooping lips and ten heads, which looked like ten peaks of mountain Mandara inhabited by various beasts. He was heroic, powerful and splendid.
नीलाञ्जनचयप्रख्यं हारेणोरसि राजता।

पूर्णचन्द्राभवक्त्रेण सबलाकमिवाम्बुदम्।।5.49.7।।

नीलाञ्जनचयप्रख्यम् like a black mountain of collyrium, उरसि on the chest, राजता by the illumining, हारेण with a pearl necklace, पूर्णचन्द्राभवक्त्रेण with a face like the fullmoon, बलाकम् with cranes around, अम्बुदमिव like a cloud.

He was like a black mountain of collyrium, and with a face like the fullmoon. With a pearl necklace illumining his chest he appeared like a cloud lit up by the fullmoon with white cranes flying across. (The white pearlnecklace moving on his chest appeared like a row of cranes flying through the black cloud.)

भ्राजमानाङ्गदैः पीनैः पञ्चशीर्षैरिवोरगैः।।5.49.8।।

बद्धकेयूरैः wearing armlets, चन्दनोत्तमरूषितैः smeared with choicest fragrants of sandal, भ्राजमानाङ्गदैः with shining, पीनैः stout ones, पञ्चशीर्षैः five headed, उरगैरिव like serpents, बाहुभिः with arms.

Adorned with armlets (keyura), smeared with choicest sandal paste, his shining, stout armlets appeared like many fivehooded serpents (fingers appearing like hoods).
महतिस्फाटिके चित्रे रत्नसंयोगसंस्कृते।

उत्तमास्तरणास्तीर्णे सूपविष्टं वरासने।।5.49.9।।

रत्नसंयोगसंस्कृते encrusted with precious stones, चित्रे a wonderful one, उत्तमास्तरणास्तीर्णे covered with beautiful carpets, स्फाटिके with crystals, महति huge one, वरासने a magnificent throne, सूपविष्टम् well seated.

(He was) seated on a huge magnificent throne of crystal encrusted with precious stones and overspread with a wonderful carpet.
अलङ्कृताभिरत्यर्थं प्रमदाभिः समन्ततः।


अत्यर्थम् exceedingly well, अलङ्कृताभिः with decorated ones, वालव्यजनहस्ताभिः holding whisks in their hands, प्रमदाभिः with beautiful girls, समन्ततः all over, आरात् the vicinity, समुपसेवितम् attended on him.

Young and beautiful girls decorated exceedingly well holding whisks all over the vicinity attended on him.
दुर्धरेण प्रहस्तेन महापार्श्वेन रक्षसा।

मन्त्रिभिर्मन्त्रतत्त्वज्ञैर्निकुम्भेन च मन्त्रिणा।।5.49.11।।

सुखोपविष्टं रक्षोभिश्चतुर्भिर्बलदर्पितैः।

कृत्स्नं परिवृतं लोकं चतुर्भिरिव सागरैः।।5.49.12।।

दुर्धरेण by Durdhara, प्रहस्तेन by Prahasta, रक्षसा by the ogres, महापार्श्वेन by Mahaparsva, मन्त्रिणा by the ministers, निकुम्भेन by Nikumbha, मन्त्रतत्त्वज्ञैः with learned ones, मन्त्रिभिः with ministers, बलदर्पितैः with arrogant ones, चतुर्भिः with four, रक्षोभिः with demons, सुखोपविष्टम् comfortably seated, चतुर्भिः with four, सागरैः with oceans, परिवृतम् surrounded, कृत्स्नम् entire, लोकम् इव like the world.

He was attended by Durdhara, Prahasta, Mahaparsva and Nikumbha who were his learned ministers. Seated comfortably and attended by the four arrogant ministers, he was puffed with pride of their strength and appeared like the entire world surrounded by four oceans.
मन्त्रिभिर्मन्त्रतत्त्वज्ञैरन्यैश्च शुभबुद्धिभिः।

अन्वास्यमानं रक्षोभिः सुरैरिव सुरेश्वरम्।।5.49.13।।

मन्त्रतत्त्वज्ञैः by learned ones, शुभबुद्धिभिः by the intellectuals, मन्त्रिभिः with ministers, अन्यैः with others, रक्षोभिः with ogres, सुरैः with suras, सुरेश्वरम् इव like Indra, अन्वास्यमानम् attended him.

He was attended by ogres including ministers who were intellectuals and adept in counselling. He appeared like lord Indra attended by the gods.
अपश्यद्राक्षसपतिं हनुमानतितेजसम्।

विष्ठितं मेरुशिखरे सतोयमिव तोयदम्।।5.49.14।।

हनुमान् Hanuman, अतितेजसम् highly resplendent, मेरुशिखरे on the peak of mount Meru, विष्ठितम् seated, सतोयम् laden with water, तोयदम् इव like cloud, राक्षसपतिम् demon king, अपश्यत् saw.

Hanuman saw the highly resplendent giant king (seated on the throne) who appeared like a cloud laden with water appearing on the peak of mount Meru.
स तैस्सम्पीड्यमानोऽपि रक्षोभिर्भीमविक्रमैः।

विस्मयं परमं गत्वा रक्षोधिपमवैक्षत।।5.49.15।।

सः he, भीमविक्रमैः by those of fierce valour, रक्षोभिः by ogres, सम्पीड्यमानोऽपि even though pressed hard, परमम् great, विस्मयम् wonder, गत्वा experiencing, रक्षोधिपम् king of demons, अवैक्षत saw.

Hanuman looked at the demon king with great amazement even while he was dealt harshly by the demons of fierce valour.
भ्राजमानं ततो दृष्ट्वा हनुमान्राक्षसेश्वरम्।

मनसा चिन्तयामास तेजसा तस्य मोहितः।।5.49.16।।

ततः then, हनुमान् Hanuman, भ्राजमानम् splendid, राक्षसेश्वरम् lord of ogres, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, तस्य his, तेजसा by splendour, मोहितः dismayed, मनसा in mind, चिन्तयामास started thinking.

Seeing the splendour of the lord of demons, Hanuman was dimayed and started thinking thus:
अहो रूपमहो धैर्यमहो सत्त्वमहो द्युतिः।

अहो राक्षसराजस्य सर्वलक्षणयुक्तता।।5.49.17।।

राक्षसराजस्य Ravana's, रूपम् form, अहो oh, wonderful, धैर्यम् courage, अहो amazing, सत्त्वम् power, अहो is great, द्युतिः glow, अहो great, सर्वलक्षणयुक्तता endowment of all merits, अहो how great.

'Oh what charm what courage what strength what splendour How great is this demonking, an endowment of all merits.
यद्यधर्मो न बलवान् स्यादयं राक्षसेश्वरः।

स्यादयं सुरलोकस्य सशक्रस्यापि रक्षिता।।5.49.18।।

अयम् this, अधर्मः unrighteousness, बलवान् powerful, न स्याद्यदि if it was not, अयम् this, राक्षसेश्वरः lord of demons, सशक्रस्य including Indra, सुरलोकस्यापि even of the world of gods, रक्षिता lord, स्यात् would become.

'If only this lord of demons was not unrighteous, he could have become even the lord (protector) of gods including Indra.
अस्य क्रूरैर्नृशंसैश्च कर्मभिर्लोककुत्सितैः।

सर्वे बिभ्यति खल्वस्माल्लोकास्सामरदानवाः।।5.49.19।।

अयं ह्युत्सहते क्रुद्धः कर्तुमेकार्णवं जगत्।

क्रूरैः with cruel, नृशंसैश्च wicked, लोककुत्सितैः contemptible to the people, अस्य कर्मभिः by his deeds, सामरदानवाः even the demons and gods, सर्वे all, लोकाः people of the world, अस्मात् from his, बिभ्यति हि get sacred, अयम् this person, क्रुद्धः becomes angry, जगत् the world, एकार्णवम् one ocean, कर्तुम् to render, उत्सहते हि indeed he will intend.

'This Ravana has done many cruel, fierce and contemptible deeds. That is why even
the demons, gods and all the people of this world get scared of him. He will render the entire world into a single ocean when he turns angry'.
इति चिन्तां बहुविधामकरोन्मतिमान् हरिः।।5.49.20।।

दृष्ट्वा राक्षसराजस्य प्रभावममितौजसः।

अमितौजसः brilliant, राक्षसराजस्य Ravana's, प्रभावम् power, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, मतिमान् intelligent, हरिः Hanuman, इति in this way, बहुविधाम् many ways, चिन्ताम् thought, अकरोत् entertained.

Many such thoughts crossed Hanuman's intelligent mind on seeing Ravana's brilliance and power.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे एकोनपञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fortyninth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.