Sloka & Translation


[Hanuman narrates all the incidents starting from his departure for Lanka till his return.]

ततस्तस्य गिरेः शृङ्गे महेन्द्रस्य महाबलाः।

हनुमत्प्रमुखाः प्रीतिं हरयो जग्मुरुत्तमाम्।।5.58.1।।

ततः then, महाबलाः mighty, हनुमत्प्रमुखाः Hanuman the foremost, हरयः among vanaras, तस्य that, महेन्द्रस्यगिरेः on the mountain Mahendra, शृङ्गे summit, उत्तमाम् very much, प्रीतिम् rejoiced, जग्मुः went.

Then the mighty Hanuman and other vanaras having assembled on the summit of mountain Mahendra and felt vey much happy.
तं ततः प्रीतिसंहृष्टः प्रीतिमन्तं महाकपिम्।


ततः thereafter, प्रीतिसंहृष्टः very delighted, जाम्बवान् Jambavan, प्रीतिमन्तम् very affectionately, महाकपिम् great monkey, अनिलात्मजम् Hanuman, कार्यवृत्तान्तम् all that happened, अपृच्छत् inquired.

Thereafter, very delighted Jambavan inquired Hanuman most affectionately of all that happened.
कथं दृष्टा त्वया देवी कथं वा तत्र वर्तते।

तस्यां वा स कथंवृत्तः क्रूरकर्मा दशाननः।।5.58.3।।

देवी divine lady, त्वया by you, कथम् how, दृष्टा was she found, तत्र there, कथं वा how is she, वर्तते behaving, क्रूरकर्मा cruel in action, सः दशाननः that tenheaded one, तस्याम् with her, कथंवृत्तः you narrate (what she said).

"How did you find the godlike lady? How was she? How was the tenheaded one, cruel in action, behaving with her? You may narrate what she said.
तत्त्वतस्सर्वमेतन्नः प्रब्रूहि त्वं महाकपे।

श्रुतार्थाश्चिन्तयिष्यामो भूयः कार्यविनिश्चयम्।।5.58.4।।

महाकपे great vanara, एतत् all that, सर्वम् entire, तत्त्वतः truly, त्वम् you, नः us, प्रब्रूहि after knowing, श्रुतार्थाः after hearing, भूयःकार्यविनिश्चयम् next course of action, चिन्तयिष्यामः will think .

"O Hanuman, tell us in detail the entire thing. On hearing it, we will think about the next course of action.
यश्चार्थस्तत्त्र वक्तव्यो गतैरस्माभिरात्मवान्।

रक्षितव्यं च यत्तत्र तद्भवान्व्याकरोतु नः।।5.58.5।।

गतैः when we go, अस्माभिः we too, तत्र there, यः that which, अर्थः meaningful, वक्तव्यः will tell, यत् that which, तत्र there, रक्षितव्यं च to be hidden, तत् that, आत्मवान् yourself, भवान् you are wise, नः to us, व्याकरोतु tell us in detail.

"You are wise and you should tell us in detail what is to be told and what has to be hidden when we report."
स नियुक्तस्ततस्तेन सम्प्रहृष्टतनूरुहः।

प्रणम्य शिरसा देव्यै सीतायै प्रत्यभाषत।।5.58.6।।

तेन by him, नियुक्तः having been asked, सः he, सम्प्रहृष्टतनूरुहः horripilations all over his body out of joy, ततः then, देव्यै to queen, सीतायै to Sita, शिरसा bowed down head, प्रणम्य saluted, प्रत्यभाषत began telling.

Having been asked (by Jambavan and others) Hanuman with horripilations all over his
body, bowed down and saluted in the direction of queen Sita and began:
प्रत्यक्षमेव भवतां महेन्द्राग्रात्खामाप्लुतः।

उदधेर्दक्षिणं पारं काङ्क्षमाण स्समाहितः।।5.58.7।।

उदधेः rose up, दक्षिणम् southern, पारम् shore, काङ्क्षमाणः you have seen, समाहितः intent on, भवताम् all of you, प्रत्यक्षमेव directly, महेन्द्राग्रात् Mahendra mountain, खम् sky, आप्लुतः leaping.

"I rose upwards leaping into the sky, intent on reaching the southern shore from the mountain Mahendra.It has been witnessed directly by all of you.
गच्छतश्च हि मे घोरं विघ्नरूपमिवाभवत्।

काञ्चनं शिखरं दिव्यं पश्यामि सुमनोहरम्।।5.58.8।।

गच्छतः while I was going, मे I, घोरम् terrific, विघ्नरूपमिव like a form that came to obstruct, अभवत् saw, काञ्चनम् golden, दिव्यम् wonderful, सुमनोहरम् very beautiful, शिखरम् peak of mountain, पश्यामि saw.

"Even as I was leaping I saw a terrific and wonderful golden peak which came as if to obstruct me on my path.
स्थितं पन्धानमावृत्य मेने विघ्नं च तं नगम्।

उपसङ्गम्य तं दिव्यं काञ्चनं नगसत्तमम्।।5.58.9।।

कृता मे मनसा बुद्धिर्भेत्तव्योऽयं मयेति च।

पन्थानम् on my way, आवृत्य turning towards, स्थितम् stood, तं नगम् that mountain, विघ्नम् to obstruct, मेने my path, दिव्यम् wonderful, काञ्चनम् golden, तं नगसत्तमम् that great mountain, उपसङ्गम्य meeting, अयम् this, मया by me, भेत्तव्यः इति this should be broken, मे मनसा in my mind, बुद्धिः कृता resolved.

"The mountain stood on my way turning towards me in order to obstruct me. Then I resolved in my mind that this great, wonderful, golden mountain has to be smashed.
प्रहतं च मया तस्य लाङ्गूलेन महागिरेः।।5.58.10।।

शिखरं सूर्यसङ्काशं व्यशीर्यत सहस्रधा।

मया by me, लाङ्गूलेन with my tail, प्रहतम् hit, तस्य महागिरेः that great mountain, सूर्यसङ्काशम् radiating like the Sun, शिखरम् peak, सहस्रधा a thousand pieces, व्यशीर्यत shattered.

"Hit by my tail the great mountain peak, which was radiating like the Sun was shattered into a thousand pieces.
व्यवसायं च तं बुद्ध्वा स होवाच महागिरिः।।5.58.11।

पुत्त्रेति मधुरां वाणीं मनः प्रह्लादयन्निव।

सः महागिरिः that great mountain, तम् him, व्यवसायम् going to smash, बुद्ध्वा perceiving, मनः my mind, प्रह्लादयन्निव delighting, पुत्त्र इति like a son, मधुराम् sweet, वाणीम् tone, उवाच ह spoke.

"Perceiving that I am going to smash him he spoke to me in a sweet tone delighting my heart, addressing me like a son.
पितृव्यं चापि मां विद्धि सखायं मातरिश्वनः।।5.58.12।।

मैनाकमिति विख्यातं निवसन्तं महोदधौ।

महोदधौ in the great ocean, निवसन्तम् residing, मातरिश्वनः winddeity, सखायम् friend, विख्यातम् called, माम् I, मैनाकमिति Mainaka, पितृव्यं चापि like father's brother, विद्धि you may know.

'Know me to be a friend of windgod and so I am like your father's brother. I am dwelling in this great ocean and known as Mainaka.
पक्षवन्तः पुरा पुत्त्र बभूवुः पर्वतोत्तमाः।।5.58.13।।

छन्दतः पृथिवीं चेरुर्बाधमानाः समन्ततः।

पुत्त्र O son, पुरा in the past, पर्वतोत्तमाः the foremost of mountains, पक्षवन्तः had wings, बभूवुः had, बाधमानाः tormenting, छन्दतः at will, समन्ततः all over, पृथिवीम् the earth, चेरुः ranging.

'O son in the past, foremost of the mountains too had wings and they used to range at will all over the earth tormenting all.
श्रुत्वा नगानां चरितं महेन्द्रः पाकशासनः।।5.58.14।।

चिच्छेद भगवान् पक्षान्वज्रेणैषां सहस्रशः।

पाकशासनः who killed Paka (an ogre), भगवान् god, महेन्द्रः Mahendra, नगानाम् of the mountains, चरितम् the story (of their cruel deeds), श्रुत्वा on hearing, एषाम् their, पक्षान् wings, वज्रेण by the thuinderbolt, सहस्रशः into a thousand pieces, चिच्छेद cut off.

'Mahendra, the killer of ogre Paka, heard the story (of the cruel deeds) of mountains and cut off their wings into a thousand pieces with his thunderbolt.
अहं तु मोक्षितस्तस्मात्तव पित्रा महात्मना।।5.58.15।।

मारुतेन तदा वत्स प्रक्षिप्तोऽस्मि महार्णवे।

वत्स O Son, अहं तु I was also, तव your, पित्रा father, महात्मना great self, मारुतेन of Maruta's, तदा so also, तस्मात् your, मोक्षितः dropped, महार्णवे in this great ocean, प्रक्षिप्तः saved from Indra, अस्मि I am.

'O son I was saved from Indra by your kind father Maruta who dropped me in this great ocean.
रामस्य च मया साह्ये वर्तितव्यमरिन्दम।।5.58.16।।

रामो धर्मभृतां श्रेष्ठो महेन्द्रसमविक्रमः।

अरिन्दम subduer of enemies, मया by me, रामस्य Rama's, साह्ये received help, वर्तितव्यम् has to make efforts, महेन्द्रसमविक्रमः equal to Mahendra in valour, रामः Rama, धर्मभृताम् among the righteous, श्रेष्ठः foremost.

'O subduer of enemiesI must make efforts to help Rama the foremost among the righteous, for I have received help (from your father) who is equal to Indra in valour'.
एतच्छ्रुत्वा वचस्तस्य मैनाकस्य महात्मनः।।5.58.17।।

कार्यमावेद्य तु गिरेरुद्यतं च मनो मम।

तेन चाहमनुज्ञातो मैनाकेन महात्मना।।5.58.18।।

महात्मनः great self, तस्य मैनाकस्य that Mainaka's, वचः words, श्रुत्वा having heard, कार्यम् task, गिरेः mountain, आवेद्य told, मम my, मनः mind, उद्यतम् to go, अहम् I, तेन to him, महात्मना the great self, मैनाकेन by Mainaka, अनुज्ञातश्च granted permission.

"When I heard Mainaka, I told him about my intention to go up. That great self Mainaka allowed me.
स चाप्यन्तर्हितः शैलो मानुषेण वपुष्मता।

शरीरेण महाशैलः शैलेन च महोदधौ।।5.58.19।।

सः he, शैलः mountain, मानुषेण in human form, वपुष्मता अन्तर्हितः concealed, महाशैलः huge mountain, शैलेन in mountain form, शरीरेण च in the form, महोदधौ great ocean, अन्तर्हितः remained hidden.

"Then the huge mountain in human form concealed as huge mountains remain hidden in the ocean.
उत्तमं जवमास्थाय शेषं पन्थानमास्थितः।

ततोऽहं सुचिरं कालं वेगेनाभ्यागमं पथि।।5.58.20।।

ततः then, अहम् I, उत्तमम् excellent, जवम् speed, आस्थाय catching, शेषम् rest of, पन्थानम् the path, आस्थितः to cross, सुचिरं कालम् long time, वेगेन speedily, अभ्यागमम् went on.

"Then with great speed I proceeded on my path. It took a long time to cross the ocean.
ततः पश्याम्यहं देवीं सुरसां नागमातरम्।

समुद्रमध्ये सा देवी वचनं मामभाषत।।5.58.21।।

ततः then, अहम् I, नागमातरम् mother of serpents, सुरसाम् Surasa, पश्यामि saw, सा देवी that lady, समुद्रमध्ये in the midst of the ocean, माम् me, वचनम् these words, अभाषत said.

"I saw Surasa, the mother of serpents in the midst of the ocean and she said:
मम भक्षः प्रदिष्टस्त्वममरैर्हरिसत्तम।

अतस्त्वां भक्षयिष्यामि विहितस्त्वं चिरस्य मे।।5.58.22।।

हरिसत्तम powerful monkey, त्वम् you, मम my, भक्षः food, अमरैः immortals,प्रदिष्टः destined, अतः as such, त्वाम् you, भक्षयिष्यामि I will eat you, त्वम् you, मे my, चिरस्य after a long time, विहितः found you.

'O powerful monkey you are destined to be my food provided by the immortals. Therefore, I will eat you as I have I found you after a long time. (of unsatiated hunger).'
एवमुक्त स्सुरसया प्राञ्जलिः प्रणतः स्थितः।

विवर्णवदनो भूत्वा वाक्यं चेदमुदीरयम्।।5.58.23।।

सुरसया by Surasa, एवम् in that way, उक्तः having spoken, प्राञ्जलिः offered salutations
with folded palms, प्रणतः bent low, स्थितः stood, विवर्णवदनः face turned pale, भूत्वा became, इदम् these, वाक्यं च and words, उदीरयम् uttered.

"When addressed thus by Surasa, I bowed low with joined palms, stood before her with my face turned pale, and said:
रामो दाशरथिः श्रीमान् प्रविष्टो दण्डकावनम्।

लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा सीतया च परन्तपः।।5.58.24।।

दाशरथिः Dasaratha's son, श्रीमान् illustrious, परन्तपः scorcher of enemies, रामः Rama, दण्डकावनम् Dandaka forest, भ्रात्रा brother, लक्ष्मणेन सह accompanied by Lakshmana, सीतया च and Sita, प्रविष्टः entered.

'Dasaratha's son, the illustrious Rama, a scorcher of enemies, accompanied by his brother Lakshmana and wife Sita entered Dandaka forest.
तस्य सीता हृता भार्या रावणेन दुरात्मना।

तस्या स्सङ्काशं दूतोऽहं गमिष्ये रामशासनात्।।5.58.25।।

तस्य his, भार्या wife, सीता Sita, दुरात्मना evil minded, रावणेन by Ravana, हृता abducted, अहम् I, रामशासनात् by Rama's command, दूतः messenger, तस्याः her, सङ्काशम् to meet, गमिष्ये going.

'His wife was abducted by the evilminded Ravana. By Rama's command I am going to meet her as messenger from Rama.'
कर्तुमर्हसि रामस्य साहाय्यं विषये सती।

अथवा मैथिलीं दृष्ट्वा रामं चाक्लिष्टकारिणम्।।5.58.26।।

आगमिष्यामि ते वक्त्रं सत्यं प्रतिशृणोमि ते।

विषये king's wife, सती wife, रामस्य Rama's, साहाय्यम् help, कर्तुम् will do, अर्हसि fit, अथवा or
else, मैथिलीम् when Mythili, अक्लिष्टकारिणम् after revealing about her, रामं च and Rama, दृष्ट्वा seeing, ते to you, वक्त्रम् mouth, आगमिष्यामि will enter, सत्यम् it is true, ते you, प्रतिशृणोमि promise.

"I told her that it is proper for her (living in the domain of Rama) to help his queen and wife. Or else, I promised after I disclose to Rama, Sita's whereabouts, I will come and enter her mouth.
एवमुक्ता मया सा तु सुरसा कामरूपिणी।5.58.27।।

अब्रवीन्नातिवर्तेत कश्चिदेष वरो मम।

मया by me, एवम् in that way, उक्ता having said, कामरूपिणी who can assume any form at will, सा सुरसा that Surasa, अब्रवीत् said, कश्चित् none, नातिवर्तेत can escape, एषः thus, मम I have, वरः a boon.

एवमुक्तस्सुरसया दशयोजनमायतः।।5.58.28।।

ततोर्थगुणविस्तारो बभूवाहं क्षणेन तु।

सुरसया when Surasa, एवम् in that way, उक्तः spoke, दशयोजनम् ten yojanas, आयतः in length, अहम् I, ततः then, क्षणेन in a moment, अर्थगुणविस्तारः fifteen yojanas, बभूव grew in size.

"When Surasa said this I who was ten yojanas in height increased by fifteen yojanas.
मत्प्रमाणानुरूपं च व्यादितं च मुखं तया।।5.58.29।।

तद्दृष्ट्वा व्यादितं चास्यं ह्रस्वं ह्यकरवं वपुः।

तस्मिन्मुहूर्ते च पुनर्बभूवाङ्गुष्ठमात्रकः।।5.58.30।।

तया to go, मुखम् mouth, मत्प्रमाणानुरूपम् commensurate with my size, व्यादितम् opened, व्यादितम् when she opened, तत् that, आस्यम् her, दृष्ट्वा seeing, वपुः form, ह्रस्वम् turned away, आकरवम् to move, तस्मिन् from her, मुहूर्ते in a moment, पुनः again, अङ्गुष्ठमात्रकः of the size of thumb, बभूव became.

"She too opened her mouth wide enough for my size. Seeing her distending her mouth, in a moment I became small equal to the size of thumb and came out.
अभिपत्याशु तद्वक्त्रं निर्गतोऽहं ततः क्षणात्।

अब्रवीत्सुरसा देवी स्वेन रूपेण मां पुनः।।5.58.31।।

ततः then, अहम् I, आशु she, तद्वक्त्रम् her mouth, अभिपत्य seeing, क्षणात् in a moment, निर्गतः came out, देवी lady, सुरसा Surasa, स्वेन natural, रूपेण form assumed, पुनः again, माम् to me, अब्रवीत् said.

"Then Surasa assumed her natural form again in a moment and said this to me:
अर्थसिद्ध्यै हरिश्रेष्ठ गच्छ सौम्य यथासुखम्।

समानय च वैदेहीं राघवेण महात्मना।।5.58.32।।

सुखी भव महाबाहो प्रीताऽस्मि तव वानर।

सौम्य O noble one, हरिश्रेष्ठ foremost of vanaras, अर्थसिद्ध्यै accomplish the task, यथासुखम् happily, गच्छ going, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, महात्मना great self, राघवेण to Raghava, समानय unite, महाबाहो strongarmed, वानर vanara, सुखी be happy, भव you, तव you, प्रीता pleased, अस्मि I am.

'O noble vanara O foremost of the vanaras go and accomplish the task.Unite the great Rama with Vaidehi.O strongarmed vanara, be happy. I am pleased with you'.
ततोऽहं साधु साध्विति सर्वभूतैः प्रशंसितः।।5.58.33।।

ततोऽन्तरिक्षं विपुलं प्लुतोऽहं गरुडो यथा।

ततः then, अहम् I, सर्वभूतैः all creatures, साधु साध्विति well done, well done, प्रशंसितः praised, ततः then, अहम् I, गरुडो यथा like Garuda, विपुलम् vast, अन्तरिक्षम् sky, प्लुतः leapt .

"Then all creatures praised me saying 'well done well done'. Then I leaped into the vast sky like Garuda.
छाया मे निगृहीता च न च पश्यामि किंचन।।5.58.34।।

सोऽहं विहतवेगस्तु दिशो दश विलोकयन्।

न किञ्चित्तत्र पश्यामि येन मेऽपहृता गतिः।।5.58.35।।

मे my, छाया shadow, निगृहीता held, किञ्चन by some one, न च पश्यामि I could not see, विहतवेगः reduced my speed, सः अहम् I, दश दिशः all the ten directions, विलोकयन् looked around, येन even then, मे to me, गतिः one that approached, अपहृता that which seized, किञ्चित् not seen, तत्र न च पश्यामि was not seen.

"Then I was captured by a shadow of some one. I could not see and I reduced my speed and looked around in all the ten directions. I could not see the one who seized me.
ततो मे बुद्धिरुत्पन्ना किन्नाम गगने मम।

ईदृशो विघ्न उत्पन्नो रूपं यत्र न दृश्यते।।5.58.36।।

ततः then, मे my, बुद्धिः intellect, उत्पन्ना arose, मम in me, गगने in the sky, यत्र there, रूपम् form, न दृश्यते not able to see, किं नाम what is her name, ईदृशः not able to discern, विघ्नः obstructing, उत्पन्नः thought.

अधोभागेन मे दृष्टि श्शोचता पातिता मया।

ततोऽद्राक्षमहं भीमां राक्षसीं सलिलेशयाम्।।5.58.37।।

शोचता thinking so, मया by me, अधोभागेन down, मे I, दृष्टिः saw, पातिता down, ततः there, अहम् I, भीमाम् terrific, सलिलेशयाम् in the water, राक्षसीम् shedemon, अद्राक्षम् I saw.

"Thinking so I looked down into the water and there I saw a terrific shedemon.
प्रहस्य च महानादमुक्तोऽहं भीमया तया।

अवस्थितमसम्भ्रान्तमिदं वाक्यमशोभनम्।।5.58.38।।

भीमया frightening, तया she was, महानादम् loud voice, प्रहस्य laughed, अवस्थितम् without any hesitation, असम्भ्रान्तम् steadfast, इदम् this, अशोभनम् inauspicious, वाक्यम् these words, अहम् to me, उक्तः said.

"She was frightening and laughed in loud voice without any hesitation. Steadfast she uttered these ominous words to me:
क्वासि गन्ता महाकाय क्षुधिताया ममेप्सितः।

भक्षः प्रीणय मे देहं चिरमाहारवर्जितम्।।5.58.39।।

महाकाय one with a huge body, क्व where, गन्ता going, असि you are, क्षुधितायाः I am hungry, मम my, ईप्सितः I am eager, भक्षः to eat, चिरम् for long time, आहारवर्जितम् without food, मे my, देहम् body, प्रीणय make me satisfied.

'O huge monkey where are you going? I am hungry since long. I am going without food and must eat you. Make me satisfied'.
बाढमित्येव तां वाणीं प्रत्यगृह्णामहं ततः।

अस्यप्रमाणादधिकं तस्याः कायमपूरयम्।।5.58.40।।

अहम् I am, बाढम् इत्येव saying well, तां वाणीम् her mouth, प्रत्यगृह्णाम् ततः then, तस्याः her, अस्यप्रमाणात् more than her size, अधिकम् bigger, कायम् size body, अपूरयम् grew.

"I said 'well' and enlarged my body more than her mouth could hold.
तस्याश्चास्यं महद्भीमं वर्धते मम भक्षणे।

न च मां साधु बुबुधे मम वा विकृतं कृतम्।।5.58.41।।

तस्याः her, महत् huge, भीमम् fierce, आस्यं च mouth, मम भक्षणे to eat me, वर्धते increased, माम् myself, कृतम् did, मम my, विकृतम् ugly, साधु on my own, न बुबुधे not know.

"She opened her huge mouth to eat me as she did not know that I had already assumed a huge ugly form on my own.
ततोऽहं विपुलं रूपं संक्षिप्य निमिषान्तरात्।

तस्या हृदयमादाय प्रपतामि नभ:स्थलम्।।5.58.42।।

ततः then, अहम् I, निमिषान्तरात् in a moment, विपुलम् vast, रूपम् form, संक्षिप्य reduced, तस्याः from her, हृदयम् heart, आदाय entered, नभस्थलम् into the sky, प्रपतामि sprang up.

"In a moment I reduced from a huge form to a small one, entered her heart and sprang into the sky.
सा विसृष्टभुजा भीमा पपात लवणाम्भसि।

मया पर्वतसङ्काशा निकृत्तहृदया सती।।5.58.43।।

भीमा fierce, पर्वतसङ्काशा resembling mountain, सा she, मया my, निकृत्तहृदया pulled out her heart, सती she, विसृष्टभुजा hanging down her arms, लवणाम्भसि into the ocean, पपात fell.

"She who resembled a mountain fell into the ocean with her arms hanging down when I pulled out her heart.
शृणोमि खगतानां च सिद्धानां चारणैस्सह।

राक्षसी सिंहिका भीमा क्षिप्रं हनुमता हता।।5.58.44।।

चारणैः सह including charanas, खगतानाम् residing in the sky, सिद्धानाम् siddhas, भीमा fierce, राक्षसी ogres सिंहिका Simhika, क्षिप्रम् in a moment, हनुमता by Hanuman, हता slain, शृणोमि (talking to each other) I heard.

"I heard the charanas and siddhas residing in the sky talking to each other that the fierce ogres Simhika has been killed by Hanuman in a moment.
तां हत्वा पुनरेवाहं कृत्यमात्ययिकं स्मरन्।

गत्वा चाह महध्वानं पश्यामि नगमण्डितम्।।5.58.45।।

दक्षिणं तीरमुदधेर्लङ्का यत्र च सा पुरी।

अहम् I, ताम् her, हत्वा having slain, पुनरेव once again, अत्ययिकम् huge, कृत्यम् feat, स्मरन् remembered, महत् अध्वानम् huge mission, गत्वा went, यत्र there, सा that, लङ्कापुरी city of Lanka, उदधेः full of trees, दक्षिणं तीरम् southern shore, पश्यामि saw.

"Having slained Simhika, I thought of the huge feat that I have done. I remembered the big mission before me and went to the southern shore of the ocean and saw Lanka full of trees.
अस्तं दिनकरे याते रक्षसां निलयं पुरम्।।5.58.46।।

प्रविष्टोऽहमविज्ञातो रक्षोभिर्भीमविक्रमैः।

दिनकरे Sun, अस्तं याते after setting, अहम् I, भीमविक्रमैः of fierce valour, रक्षोभिः guarded, अविज्ञातः unnoticed, रक्षसाम् demons, निलयम् abode, पुरम् city, प्रविष्टः entered.

तत्र प्रविशतश्चापि कल्पान्तघनसन्निभा।।5.58.47।।

अट्टहासं विमुञ्चन्ती नारी काप्युत्थिता पुरः।

तत्र there, प्रविशतः as I entered, पुरः the city, कल्पान्तघनसन्निभा like a cloud at the dissolution of the universe, कापि behaving like, नारी woman, अट्टहासम् yelling, विमुञ्चन्ती stood in front, उत्थिता opposing me.

जिघांसन्तीं ततस्तां तु ज्वलदग्निशिरोरुहाम्।।5.58.48।।

सव्यमुष्टिप्रहारेण पराजित्य सुभैरवाम्।

प्रदोषकाले प्रविशं भीतयाऽहं तयोदितः।।5.58.49।।

ततः then, जिघांसन्तीम् burning, ज्वलदग्निशिरोरुहाम् hair like the sacrificial fire, सुभैरवाम् frightening form, ताम् her, सव्यमुष्टिप्रहारेण hit with the fist of the left hand, पराजित्य after defeating, प्रदोषकाले at the sunset time, प्रविशम् entered, भीतया fearful form, तया she, अहम् me, उदितः risen.

"Then the frightening form, with its hair burning like sacrificial fire, emerged to kill me. I defeated her hittting with my left fist and entered the city at sunset time.
अहं लङ्कापुरी वीर निर्जिता विक्रमेण ते।

यस्मात्तस्माद्विजेतासि सर्वरक्षांस्यशेषतः।।5.58.50।।

वीर hero, अहम् I, लङ्कापुरी the deity of Lanka, यस्मात् I am, ते by your, विक्रमणे by your valour, निर्जिता won, तस्मात् therefore, सर्वरक्षांसि all demons, अशेषतः many, विजेतासि will win.

'O hero I am the presiding deity of Lanka whom you have won by your valour. Therefore you will win many demons she foretold.
तत्राहं सर्वरात्रं तु विचिन्वन् जनकात्मजाम्।

रावणान्तःपुरगतो न चापश्यं सुमध्यमाम्।।5.58.51।।

अहम् I am, तत्र there, रावणान्तःपुरगतः Ravana's harem, सर्वरात्रम् all night, जनकात्मजाम् Janaka's daughter, विचिन्वन् searched also, सुमध्यमाम् fairwaisted lady, न अपश्यं च and not seen.

"There when I went to the harem of Ravana and searched all night, I did not find the fairwaisted Janaka's daughter.
तत स्सीतामपश्यंस्तु रावणस्य निवेशने।

शोकसागरमासाद्य न पारमुपलक्षये।।5.58.52।।

रावणस्य Ravana's, निवेशने residence, सीताम् Sita, अपश्यंस्तु not able to find, ततः then, शोकसागरम् ocean of sorrow, आसाद्य immersed, पारम् endless, न उपलक्षये did not know.

"Not able to find Sita at the residence of Ravana I was immersed in an ocean of endless sorrow and did not know what to do.
शोचता च मया दृष्टं प्राकारेण समावृतम्।

काञ्चनेन विकृष्टेन गृहोपवनमुत्तमम्।।5.58.53।।

शोचता worrying so, मया by me, काञ्चनेन golden, विकृष्टेन long, प्राकारेण boundary wall, समावृतम् surrounding, उत्तमम् very splendid, गृहोपवनम् home garden, दृष्टम् seen.

"While worrying like that I saw a long golden boundary wall surrounding a splendid home garden. (upabana)
स प्राकारमवप्लुत्य पश्यामि बहुपादपम्।

अशोकवनिकामध्ये शिंशुपापादपो महान्।।5.58.54।।

तमारुह्य च पश्यामि काञ्चनं कदलीवनम्।

सः that, प्राकारम् boundary wall, अवप्लुत्य crossed, बहुपादपम् many kinds of trees, पश्यामि saw, अशोकवनिकामध्ये in the midst of Ashoka garden, महान् huge, शिंशुपापादपः Simsupa tree, तम् that, आरुह्य ascended, काञ्चनम् golden, कदलीवनम् rows of banana plants, पश्यामि saw.

"I crossed that boundary wall and saw many kinds of trees and in the midst of that Ashoka garden, a huge Simsupa tree. I ascended it and saw rows of banana plants.
अदूरे शिंशुपावृक्षात्पश्यामि वरवर्णिनीम्।।5.58.55।।

श्यामां कमलपत्राक्षीमुपवासकृशाननाम्।

तदेकवासस्संवीतां रजोध्वस्तशिरोरुहाम्।।5.58.56।।

शोकसन्तापदीनाङ्गीं सीतां भर्तृहिते स्थिताम्।

राक्षसीभिर्विरूपाभिः क्रूराभिरभिसंवृताम्।।5.58.57।।


शिंशुपावृक्षात् from the Simsupa tree, अदूरात् not far from there, वरवर्णिनीम् beautiful, श्यामाम् dark complexioned, कमलपत्राक्षीम् with eyes like lotus petals, उपवासकृशाननाम् whose face was emaciated due to fasting, तदेकवासःसंवीताम् wearing only a single sari, रजोध्वस्तशिरोरुहाम् hair filled with dust, शोकसन्तापदीनाङ्गीम् patheticlooking in grief, भर्तृहिते well wisher of husband, स्थिताम् seated, विरूपाभिः ugly, क्रूराभिः cruel also, मांसशोणितभक्षाभिः who were fed with flesh and blood, राक्षसीभिः shedemons, व्याघ्रीभिः tigress, हरिणीमिव like a doe, अभिसंवृताम् collected around, सीताम् Sita, पश्यामि I saw.

"Not far from the Simsupa tree I saw beautiful Sita, of dark complexion, with eyes like lotus petals, whose face was emaciated due to fasting, wearing only a single sari (the same one since her abduction) her locks filled with dust, pathetic looking, immersed in sorrow, meditating on her husband seated like a doe encircled by tigresses, surrounded by ugly and cruel shedemons fed on flesh and blood.
सा मया राक्षसीमध्ये तर्ज्यमाना मुहुर्मुहुः।।5.58.58।।

एकवेणीधरा दीना भर्तृचिन्तापरायणा।

भूमिशय्या विवर्णाङ्गी पद्मिनीव हिमागमे।।5.58.59।।

रावणाद्विनिवृत्तार्था मर्तव्यकृतनिश्चया।

कथञ्चिन्मृगशाबाक्षी तूर्णमासादिता मया।।5.58.60।।

मुहुर्मुहुः again and again, तर्ज्यमाना intimidated, एकवेणीधरा wearing a single braid, दीना miserable, भर्तृचिन्तापरायणा engrossed in sorrow about her husband, भूमिशय्या on account of lying on the bare ground, विवर्णाङ्गी become pale, हिमागमे at the onset of winter, पद्मिनीव like the lotuses, रावणात् by Ravana, विनिवृत्तार्थाम् not knowing the way to escape, र्तव्यकृन्तिश्चया determined to give up life, सा she, मया by me, राक्षसीमध्ये in the midst of demonesses, आसादिता seated, मृगशाबाक्षी fawneyed, मया by me, कथञ्चित् some how, तूर्णम् quickly, आसादिता saw.

तां दृष्ट्वा तादृशीं नारीं रामपत्नीं यशस्विनीम्।

तत्रैव शिंशुपावृक्षे पश्यन्नहमवस्थितः।।5.58.61।।

अहम् I am, तादृशीम् seeing her, नारीम् woman, यशस्विनीम् renowned one, तां रामपत्नीम् that Rama's wife, दृष्ट्वा on seeing, तत्र there, शिंशुपावृक्षे एव from the Simsupa tree only, पश्यन् saw, अवस्थितः stayed.

"I remained there looking on that renowned wife of Rama from the Simsupa tree.
ततो हलहलाशब्दं काञ्चीनूपुरमिश्रितम्।

शृणोम्यधिकगम्भीरं रावणस्य निवेशने।।5.58.62।।

ततः then, रावणस्य Ravana's, निवेशने residence, काञ्चीनूपुरमिश्रितम् sound of jingling bells of gold, अधिकगम्भीरम् very majestic, हलहलाशब्दम् making a loud noise, शृणोमि I heard.

"Then I heard a deep sound mixed with jingling golden girdles and anklets coming from Ravana's residence.
ततोऽहं परमोद्विग्नः स्वं रूपं प्रत्यसंहरम्।

अहं तु शिंशुपावृक्षे पक्षीव गहने स्थितः।।5.58.63।।

ततः then, अहम् I, परमोद्विग्नः very scared, स्वं रूपम् my form, प्रत्यसंहरम् contracted my body, अहं तु I also, गहने sky, शिंशुपावृक्षे in the Simsupa tree, पक्षीव like a bird, स्थितः stood.

"I was scared and contracted my body size and stood on the Simsupa tree like a bird in the sky.
ततो रावणदाराश्च रावणश्च महाबलः।

तं देशं समनुप्राप्ता यत्र सीताऽभवत् स्थिता।।5.58.64।।

ततः then, रावणदाराश्च Ravana's consorts, महाबलः powerful, रावणश्च Ravana's, सीता Sita, यत्र there, स्थिता stood, अभवत् came, तम् to her, देशम् location, समनुप्राप्ताः reached.

"Then arrived the powerful Ravana with his consorts to that place where Sita was and stood there.
तं दृष्ट्वाथ वरारोहा सीता रक्षोगणेश्वरम्।

सङ्कुच्योरूस्तनौ पीनौ बाहुभ्यां परिरभ्य च।।5.58.65।।

अथ and then, वरारोहा beautiful one, सीता Sita, रक्षोगणेश्वरम् king of demon troops, तम् her, दृष्ट्वा seeing, ऊरू thighs, बाहुभ्याम् shoulders, सङ्कुच्य folded across, पीनौ plumpy,
स्तनौ breasts, परिरभ्य च covered.

"On seeing Ravana, the king of demons, beautiful Sita, full of fear hid her face and plump breasts between her thighs.
वित्रस्तां परमोद्विग्नां वीक्षमाणां ततस्ततः।

त्राणं किञ्चिदपश्यन्तीं वेपमानां तपस्विनीम्।।5.58.66।।

तामुवाच दशग्रीवस्सीतां परमदुःखिताम्।

अवाक्चिराः प्रपतितो बहुमन्यस्व मामिति।।5.58.67।।

वित्रस्ताम् full of fear, परमोद्विग्नाम् very much worried, ततस्ततः here and there, वीक्षमाणाम् looking, किञ्चित् not even one, त्राणम् protector, अपश्यन्तीम् not seen, वेपमानाम् trembling, तपस्विनीम् one in meditation, परमदुःखिताम् very sorrowful, तां सीताम् that Sita, दशग्रीवः tenheaded, अवाक्चिराः bending the head down, प्रतितः trust, माम् me, बहुमन्यस्व respect, इति this, उवाच spoke.

"Sita was full of fear and worry, looked here and there without any protector to pacify. She was trembling in fear. To that Sita, the tenheaded Ravana bent his head down and said, 'trust me and respect me'.
यदि चेत्त्वं तु दर्पान्मां नाभिनन्दसि गर्विते।

द्वौ मासावन्तरं सीते पास्यामि रुधिरं तव।।5.58.68।।

गर्विते in your pride, सीते Sita, त्वम् your, दर्पात् with pride, माम् me, नाभिनन्दसि यदि चेत् if you do not respect me, द्वौ मासौ अन्तरम् in two months time, तव your, रुधिरम् blood, पास्यामि I will see.

'O Sita if in your pride, you do not respect me, I will see (drink) your blood in two months.
एतच्छ्रुत्वा वचस्तस्य रावणस्य दुरात्मनः।

उवाच परमक्रुद्धा सीता वचनमुत्तमम्।।5.58.69।।

दुरात्मनः evilminded one, तस्य your, रावणस्य Ravana's, एतत् all these, वचः words, श्रुत्वा hearing, सीता Sita, परमक्रुद्धा very angry, उत्तमम् good, वचनम् these words, उवाच spoke.

"Hearing the words of evilminded Ravana, Sita became very angry and spoke these approprate words:
राक्षसाधम रामस्य भार्याममिततेजसः।

इक्ष्वाकुकुलनाथस्य स्नुषां दशरथस्य च।।5.58.70।।

अवाच्यं वदतो जिह्वा कथं न पतिता तव।

राक्षसाधम lowly rakshasa, अमिततेजसः highly valourous one, रामस्य Rama's, भार्याम् wife, इक्ष्वाकुकुलनाथस्य of the king of Ikshvaku race, दशरथस्य Dasaratha's, स्नुषां च daughterinlaw, अवाच्यम् unspeakable, वदतः words, तव your, जिह्वा tongue, कथम् how, न पतिता not fallen.

'O lowly demon I am the wife of valiant Rama and daughterinlaw of Dasaratha, the king of Ikshvaku race. How is it your tongue that spoke unspeakable words has not fallen down?
किञ्चिद्वीर्यं तवानार्य यो मां भर्तुरसन्निधौ।।5.58.71।।

अपहृत्याऽऽगतः पाप ते नादृष्टो महात्मना।

नार्य ignoble, पाप sinner, यः such you, भर्तुः husband, असन्निधौ not near, माम् me, अपहृत्य abducted, महात्मना great, तेन by his, अदृष्टः without being seen, आगतः came, तव your, वीर्यम् courage, किञ्चित् not have little.

'O ignoble one when my husband was away, you came and abducted me unseen by the great Rama. You do not have even a little courage (to win me through a straight fight).
न त्वं रामस्य सदृशो दास्येऽप्यस्य न युज्यसे।।5.58.72।।

यज्ञीय स्सत्यवादी च रणश्लाघी च राघवः।

त्वम् you, रामस्य Rama's, सदृशः not equal, न not, अस्य his, दास्येऽपि even of servant, न युज्यसे not fit to be, राघवः Rama, यज्ञीयः does yagnas, सत्यवादी always abides in truth, रणश्लाघी च and valiant in war.

'You are not equal to Rama and not even fit to be his servant. He does yagnas and always abides in truth. He is valiant in war.
जानक्या परुषं वाक्यमेवमुक्तो दशाननः।।5.58.73।।

जज्वाल सहसा कोपाच्चितास्थ इव पावकः।

जानक्या by Janaki, एवम् in that way, परुषम् harsh, उक्तः spoken, दशाननः tenheaded one, सहसा suddenly, चितास्थः in the funeral pyre, पावकः इव like fire, कोपात् in anger, जज्वाल like flame.

"Thus addressed harshly by Janaki, the tenheaded Ravana blazed up in anger suddenly like the flame of the funeral pyre.
विवृत्य नयने क्रूरे मुष्टिमुद्यम्य दक्षिणम्।।5.58.74।।

मैथिलीं हन्तुमारब्ध: स्त्रीभिर्हाहाकृतं तदा।

क्रूरे wicked, नयने eyes, विवृत्य opened, दक्षिणम् right hand, मुष्टिम् fist, उद्यम्य raised, मैथिलीम् Mythili, हन्तुम् to kill, आरब्धः started, तदा then, स्त्रीभिः even the women there, हाहाकृतम् raised their voice saying, alas

"Then the wicked Ravana raised his eyebrows and his right fist to strike at Sita and even the shedemon there raised their voice saying, ' alas, alas '
स्त्रीणां मध्यात्समुत्पत्य तस्य भार्या दुरात्मनः।।5.58.75।।

वरा मन्दोदरी नाम तया स प्रतिषेधितः।

दुरात्मनः evilminded, तस्य his, भार्या wife, मन्दोदरी नाम named Mandodari, वरा noble one, स्त्रीणाम् among women, मध्यात् from the midst, समुत्पत्य came, तया forward, सः he, प्रतिषेधितः objected.

"Evilminded Ravana's wife Mandodari, a noble one among women came forward from the midst and prevented him.
उक्तश्च मधुरां वाणीं तया स मदनार्दितः।।5.58.76।।

सीतया तव किं कार्यं महेन्द्रसमविक्रमः।

मदनार्दितः tormented by god of love, सः he, तया such, मधुराम् sweet, वाणीम् words, उक्तश्च having spoken, महेन्द्रसमविक्रमः equal to Mahendra in might, सीतया Sita, तव your, किं कार्यम् for what purpose.

"She spoke sweetly to Ravana, who was tormented by the god of love saying, 'For what purpose do you desire Sita? You are equal to Mahendra in might'.
देवगन्धर्वकन्याभिर्यक्षकन्याभिरेव च।।5.58.77।।

सार्धं प्रभो रमस्वेह सीतया किं करिष्यसि।

प्रभो O Lord, देवगन्धर्वकन्याभिः even gods and daughters of gandharvas, यक्षकन्याभिरेवच even young yaksha ladies, सार्धम् all, इह here, रमस्व enjoy, सीतया with Sita, किं करिष्यसि why do you need.

'O lord you enjoy with the daughters of gods, gandharvas and even the young ladies of yakshas. Why do you need Sita?'
ततस्ताभिस्समेताभिर्नारीभिस्स महाबलः।।5.58.78।।

प्रसाद्य सहसा नीतो भवनं स्वं निशाचरः।

ततः then, महाबलः mighty, सः निशाचरः nightwanderer, समेताभिः together, ताभिः नारीभिः all the women, प्रसाद्य sprang up, सहसा quickly, स्वं भवनम् his mansion, नीतः took.

"Then all the women got together and stopped the mighty nightranger, Ravana and quickly took him back to his mansion.
याते तस्मिन् दशग्रीवे राक्षस्यो विकृताननाः।।5.58.79।।

सीतां निर्भर्त्सयामासुर्वाक्यैः क्रूरैस्सुदारुणैः।

तस्मिन् दशग्रीवे when that tenheaded one, याते went, विकृताननाः those uglyfaced ones, राक्षस्यः demons, क्रूरैः cruel, सुदारुणैः frightful, वाक्यैः words, सीताम् to Sita, निर्भर्त्सयामासुः threatened.

तृणवद्भाषितं तासां गणयामास जानकी।।5.58.80।।

गर्जितं च तदा तासां सीतां प्राप्य निरर्थकम्।

जानकी Janaki, तासाम् those, भाषितम् words, तृणवत् like a blade of grass, गणयामास not cared, तदा then, तासाम् they, गर्जितम् frightened, सीताम् Sita, प्राप्य uttered, निरर्थकम् were of no use.

"Janaki did not care for their words of threat, as though they were a blade of grass and of no use to her.
वृथागर्जितनिश्चेष्टा राक्षस्यः पिशिताशनाः।।5.58.81।।

रावणाय शशंसुस्ताः सीताध्यवसितं महत्।

पिशिताशनाः flesh eaters, ताः राक्षस्यः those demonesses, वृथागर्जितनिश्चेष्टाः since their threatenings were of no use, महत् great, तत् that, सीताद्यवसितम् Sita's determination was
formidable, रावणाय to Ravana, शशंसुः reported.

"Since the threatenings of the shedemons were of no use the ogresses who live on flesh and blood reported to Ravana about great Sita's formidable determination.
ततस्तास्सहितास्सर्वा निहताशा निरुद्यमाः।।5.58.82।।

परिक्षिप्य समन्तात्तां निद्रावशमुपागताः।

ततः then, सर्वाः all, ताः those, सहिताः together, निहताशाः given up hope, निरुद्यमाः given up their efforts, ताम् they, समन्तात् all over, परिक्षिप्य scattered around, निद्रावशम् to sleep, उपागताः succumbed.

"Then all of them gave up hope of their efforts and scattered around her, succumbed to sleep.
तासु चैव प्रसुप्तासु सीता भर्तृहिते रता।।5.58.83।।

विलप्य करुणं दीना प्रशुशोच सुदुःखिता।

तासु them, प्रसुप्तासु after sleeping, भर्तृहिते wellwisher of the husband, रता one who remained, सीता Sita, दीना miserable, करुणम् pathetically, विलप्य crying, सुदुःखिता very sad, प्रशुशोच lamented.

तासां मध्यात्समुत्थाय त्रिजटा वाक्यमब्रवीत्।।5.58.84।।

आत्मानं खादत क्षिप्रं न सीता विनशिष्यति।

जनकस्यात्मजा साध्वी स्नुषा दशरथस्य च।।5.58.85।।

तासाम् all of them, मध्यात् midst, समुत्थाय got up, त्रिजटा Trijata, वाक्यम् these words, अब्रवीत् said, क्षिप्रम् at once, आत्मानम् you, खादत eat me, जनकस्य Janaka's, आत्मजा daughter,
साध्वी chaste, दशरथस्य Dasaratha's, स्नुषा daughterinlaw, सीता Sita, न विनशिष्यति not be destroyed.

"From the midst of all of them got up Trijata, saying, 'You eat me if you like. Know that Janaka's daughter is a chaste woman and is the daughterinlaw of Dasaratha. She cannot be destroyed'.
स्वप्नो ह्यद्य मया दृष्टो दारुणो रोमहर्षणः।

रक्षसां च विनाशाय भर्तुरस्या जयाय च।।5.58.86।।

रक्षसाम् rakshasas, विनाशाय च even destruction, अस्याः her, भर्तुः husband's, जयाय च even victory, अद्य today, मया to me, दारुणः dreadful, रोमहर्षणः horripilating experience, स्वप्नः in dream, दृष्टः saw.

'Today I saw in my dream, a dreadful and horripilating scene of destruction of demons and even victory of Sita's husband.
अलमस्मात्परित्रातुं राघवाद्राक्षसीगणम्।

अभियाचाम वैदेहीमेतद्धि मम रोचते।।5.58.87।।

अस्मात् from that, राघवात् by Rama, राक्षसीगणम् rakshasa clan, परित्रातुम् to protect, अलम् enough, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi's, अभियाचाम will beg her, एतत् by that, मम our, रोचते हि thinking indeed.

'To protect the demon clan from destruction by Rama, it is enough if we beg her (pardon). Indeed, I think that way.
यस्या ह्येवंविधस्स्वप्नो दुःखितायाः प्रदृश्यते।

सा दुःखैर्विविधैर्मुक्ता सुखमाप्नोत्यनुत्तमम्।।5.58.88।।

प्रणिपातप्रसन्ना हि मैथिली जनकात्मजा।

यस्याः whoever, दुःखितायाः is in sorrow, एवं विधः in this way, स्वप्नः dream, प्रदृश्यते sees, सा that, विविधैः many, दुःखै grief, विमुक्ता will be relieved, अनुत्तमम् immense, सुखम् happiness, आप्नोति will result, जनकात्मजा Janaka's daughter, मैथिली Maithili, प्रणिपातप्रसन्ना हि will bless us if we pray her.

'Whoever in a sorrowful state sees such kind of dream, would be not only relieved of all sorrows but will experience immense happiness. Janaka's daughter Sita will bless us with protection if we pray her.
ततस्सा ह्रीमती बाला भर्तुर्विजयहर्षिता।।5.58.89।।

अवोचद्यदि तत्तथ्यं भवेयं शरणं हि वः।

ततः then, ह्रीमती bashful, बाला young, सा that Sita, भर्तुः husband, विजयहर्षिता feeling happy that he will succeed, अवोचत् hearing the words, तत् that, तथ्यं यदि comes true, वः thee, शरणम् protect, भवेयम् I will.

'On hearing the words (of Trijata) that 'Rama will succeed', young and bashful Sita felt happy and said that 'If it comes true I will protect thee'.
तां चाहं तादृशीं दृष्ट्वा सीताया दारुणां दशाम्।

चिन्तयामास विक्रान्तो न च मे निर्वृतं मनः।।5.58.90।।

अहम् I, विक्रान्तः heroic, सीतायाः Sita, तादृशीम् seeing her deplorable state, ताम् her, दारुणाम् dreadful, दशाम् state, दृष्ट्वा on seeing, चिन्तयामास started worrying, मे myself, मनः in mind, न निर्वृतम् not had peace.

"Seeing Sita's deplorable state, her illluck and her dread, I began to worry and had no peace of mind.
सम्भाषणार्थं च मया जानक्याश्चिन्तितो विधिः।।5.58.91।।

इक्ष्वाकूणां हि वंशस्तु ततो मम पुरस्कृतः।

मया I am, जानक्याः with Janaki, सम्भाषणार्थम् to enter into conversation, विधि strategy, चिन्तितः thought, ततः that, इक्ष्वाकूणाम् in Ikshvaku, वंशस्तु in the race, मम my, पुरस्कृतः to praise.

"I thought of a strategy to enter into conversation with Janaki that is to praise the Ikshvaku race.
श्रुत्वा तु गदितां वाचं राजर्षिगणपूजिताम्।।5.58.92।।

प्रत्यभाषत मां देवी बाष्पैः पिहितलोचना।

देवी the divine lady, राजर्षिगणपूजिताम् sanctified by the names of royal seers, गदिताम् enumerated, वाचम् words, श्रुत्वा heard, बाष्पैः tears, पिहितलोचना eyes blinded, माम् me, प्रत्यभाषत replied.

"The divine lady heard my enumeration, sanctifying the royal seers. She replied me, with her eyes blinded by tears:
कस्त्वं केन कथं चेह प्राप्तो वानरपुङ्गवः।।5.58.93।।

का च रामेण ते प्रीतिस्तन्मे शंसितुमर्हसि।

वानरपुङ्गव foremost of vanaras, त्वम् you, कः who, केन why, कथम् how, इह here, प्राप्तः could come, ते to you, रामेण with Rama, प्रीतिः friendship, का tell, तत् that, मे to me, शंसितुम् in detail, अर्हसि it is prpoer.

"O foremost of vanaras who are you? Why and how have you come here? How did you make friendship with Rama? Tell me all that in detail.
तस्यास्तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा ह्यहमप्यब्रुवं वचः।।5.58.94।।

देवि रामस्य भर्तुस्ते सहायो भीमविक्रमः।

सुग्रीवो नाम विक्रान्तो वानरेन्द्रो महाबलः।।5.58.95।।

तस्याः तत् her those, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा hearing, अहमपि I also, वचः these words, अब्रुवम् spoke, देवि O queen, ते to your, भर्तुः husband, सहायः help, महाबलः mighty, भीमविक्रमः fierce valour, सुग्रीवो नाम named Sugriva, विक्रान्तः warrior, वानरेन्द्रः king of monkeys.

"Hearing her I also said, 'O queen Sugriva, the warrior of fierce valour and king of monkeys developed friendship with your husband'.
तस्य मां विद्धि भृत्यं त्वं हनुमन्तमिहागतम्।

भर्त्राहं प्रेषितस्तुभ्यं रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा।।5.58.96।।

इह here, आगतम् I came, माम् me, तस्य his, भृत्यम् servant, त्वम् you, विद्धि to find, अहम् I, भर्त्रा by your husband, अक्लिष्टकर्मणा tireless in action, रामेण by Rama, तुभ्यम् for your sake, प्रेषितः sent me.

'I came here as a servant sent by your tireless husband to find you.
इदं च पुरुषव्याघ्रः श्रीमान् दाशरथिः स्वयम्।

अङ्गुलीयमभिज्ञानमदात्तुभ्यं यशस्विनि।।5.58.97।।

यशस्विनि O glorious lady, पुरुषव्याघ्रः tiger among men, श्रीमान् illustrious, दाशरथिः Dasaratha's son, स्वयम् himself, इदम् this, अङ्गुलीयम् this ring, तुभ्यम् to you, अभिज्ञानम् to recognise, अदात् sent.

'O glorious lady the tiger among men, the illustrious son of Dasaratha himself sent this ring to you as a taken of identity.
तदिच्छामि त्वयाऽऽज्ञप्तं देवि किं करवाण्यहम्।

रामलक्ष्मणयोः पार्श्वं नयामि त्वां किमुत्तरम्।।5.58.98।।

देवि O venerable lady, तत् that, त्वया by your, आज्ञप्तम् order, इच्छामि wish to know, अहम् I, किम् what, करवाणि to do, त्वाम् you, रामलक्ष्मणयोः both Rama and Lakshmana, पार्श्वम् to them, नयामि take you, उत्तरम् back, किम् what do you say?

'O venerable lady I seek your order. What should I do? Should I take you to Rama and Lakshmana? What do you say?
एतच्छ्रुत्वा विदित्वा च सीता जनकनन्दिनी।

आहरावणमुत्साद्य राघवो मां नयत्विति।।5.58.99।।

जनकनन्दिनी delight of Janaka, सीता Sita, एतत् all this, श्रुत्वा having heard, विदित्त्वा च thought over, राघवः Rama, रावणम् Ravana, उत्साद्य slaying, माम् me, नयतु should take, इति this, आह she said.

"Having heard all that (Hanuman said) Sita, the delight of Janaka thought over and said, 'Rama should kill Ravana and take me'.
प्रणम्य शिरसा देवीं महमार्यामनिन्दिताम्।

राघवस्य मनोह्लादमभिज्ञानमयाचिषम्।।5.58.100।।

अहम् I am, आर्याम् noble, अनिन्दिताम् flawless, देवीम् queen, शिरसा bowing, प्रणम्य saluted, राघवस्य to Rama, मनोह्लादम् very pleasing to his mind, अभिज्ञानम् to recognise, अयाचिषम् signet.

"Then bowing down I saluted the noble and blameless queen Sita to give a signet, which would be very pleasing to Rama.
अथ मामब्रवीत्सीता गृह्यतामयमुत्तमः।

मणिर्येन महाबाहू रामस्त्वां बहुमन्यते।।5.58.101।।

अथ and then, सीता Sita, माम् to me, अब्रवीत् said, उत्तमः best, अयम् this, मणिः gem, गृह्यताम् take, येन by this, महाबाहुः longarmed, रामः Rama, त्वाम् you, बहुमन्यते presented to him.

"Sita then said to me, 'Take this best of gems and present it to the longarmed Rama as a token'.
इत्युक्त्वा तु वरारोहा मणिप्रवरमद्भुतम्।

प्रायच्छत्परमोद्विग्ना वाचा मां सन्दिदेशह।।5.58.102।।

वरारोहा fairhipped lady, इति thus, उक्त्वा having delivered, अद्भुतम् wonderful, मणिप्रवरम् excellent jewel, प्रायच्छत् gave, परमोद्विग्ना in an anxious state, माम् me, वाचा spoke, सन्दिदेश ह message.

"Having said so, the noble lady delivered a wonderful jewel with supreme message to me in a sorrowful mood.
ततस्तस्यै प्रणम्याहं राजपुत्र्यै समाहितः।

प्रदक्षिणं परिक्राममिहाभ्युद्गतमानसः।।5.58.103।।

ततः then, अहम् I, तस्यै her, राजपुत्र्यै princess, प्रणम्य saluted, समाहितः with focused mind, इह here, अभ्युद्गतमानसः should come soon, प्रदक्षिणम् circumambulated, परिक्रामम् went round.

"Reminded by her again (that Rama should turn up soon to take her), I offered reverential salutations by circumambulating her.
उक्तोऽहं पुनरेवेदं निश्चित्य मनसा तया।

हनुमन्मम वृत्तान्तं वक्तुमर्हसि राघवे।।5.58.104।।

अहम् I, तया to her, मनसा in mind, निश्चित्य determined, पुनरेव again, उक्तः said, हनुमान् Hanuman, राघवे to Rama, मम my, वृत्तान्तम् all about my story, वक्तुम् you tell, अर्हसि I wish.

यथा श्रुत्वैव न चिरात्तावुभौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।

सुग्रीवसहितौ वीरावुपेयातां तथा कुरु।।5.58.105।।

वीरौ heroic one, तौ they both, रामलक्ष्मणौ Rama and Lakshmana, उभौ both, श्रुत्वैव on hearing, सुग्रीवसहितौ accompanied by Sugriva, न चिरात् not very late, यथा that way, उपेयाताम् coming here, तथा that way, कुरु you may do.

'O heroic Hanuman narrate in such a way that by hearing you both Rama and Lakshmana will come here soon, accompanied by Sugriva.
यद्यन्यथा भवेदेतद्द्वौ मासौ जीवितं मम।

न मां द्रक्ष्यति काकुत्स्थो म्रिये साहमनाथवत्।।5.58.106।।

अन्यथा otherwise, भवेद्यदि with none to protect, मम I, जीवितम् life, द्वौ two, मासौ months only, काकुत्स्थ to Rama, माम् me, न द्रक्ष्यति not see, सा अहम् that I, अनाथवत् like an orphan, म्रिये will die.

'Otherwise with none to protect me, I will live only for two months.I will die like an orphan and he will not see me'.
तच्छ्रुत्वा करुणं वाक्यं क्रोधो मामभ्यवर्तत।

उत्तरं च मया दृष्टं कार्यशेषमनन्तरम्।।5.58.107।।

करुणम् pathetic, तत् these, वाक्यम् words, श्रुत्वा having heard, माम् me, क्रोधः anger, अभ्यवर्तत overtaken, उत्तरम् reply, अनन्तरम् after that, कार्यशेषम् left over task, मया by me, दृष्टम् perceived.

"When I heard her pathetic appeal, I was overtaken by anger. I perceived the task left over for me to do.
ततोऽवर्धत मे कायस्तदा पर्वतसन्निभः।

युद्धकाङ्क्षी वनं तच्च विनाशयितुमारभे।।5.58.108।।

ततः that, तदा then, मे I, कायः body, पर्वतसन्निभः like a mountain, अवर्धत increased, युद्धकाङ्क्षी intent on fighting, तत् that, वनम् garden, विनाशयितुम् to destroy, आरभे started.

"Thereafter, I increased my body to the size of a mountain, intent on fighting and started destroying the pleasure garden.
तद्भग्नं वनषण्डं तु भ्रान्तत्रस्तमृगद्विजम्।

प्रतिबुद्धा निरीक्षन्ते राक्षस्यो विकृताननाः।।5.58.109।।

विकृताननाः uglyfaced, राक्षस्यः ogresses, प्रतिबुद्धाः woke up and saw, भग्नम् broken, भ्रान्तत्रस्तमृगद्विजम् terrified birds and beasts, तत् that, वनषण्डम् destroyed garden, निरीक्षन्ते saw.

"Those uglyfaced ogresses woke up and saw the devastated garden and terrified beasts and birds.
मां च दृष्ट्वा वने तस्मिन् समागम्य ततस्ततः।

ता स्समभ्यागताः क्षिप्रं रावणायाचचक्षिरे।।5.58.110।।

ततस्ततः here and there, समागम्य collecting together, तस्मिन् वने in that garden, माम् me, दृष्ट्वा saw, ताः them, क्षिप्रम् at once, समभ्यागताः understood, रावणाय to Ravana, आचचक्षिरे thus reported.

राजस्वनमिदं दुर्गं तव भग्नं दुरात्मना।

वानरेण ह्यविज्ञाय तव वीर्यं महाबल।।5.58.111।।

महाबल powerful, राजन् king, दुरात्मना evilminded, वानरेण by a vanara, तव your, वीर्यम्
valour, अविज्ञाय not knowing, दुर्गम् inaccessible, तव your, इदं वनम् this garden, भग्नम् destroyed.

'O powerful king an evilminded vanara has destroyed the inaccessible pleasure garden not knowing your valour.
दुर्बुद्धेस्तस्य राजेन्द्र तव विप्रियकारिणः।

वधमाज्ञापय क्षिप्रं यथासौ विलयं व्रजेत्।।5.58.112।।

राजेन्द्र O king, असौ यथा this, विलयम् aimlessly, व्रजेत् wanderer, तव your, विप्रियकारिणः who has done contrary to your interest, दुर्बुध्देः wickedminded, तस्य his, वधम् to kill, क्षिप्रम् immediately, आज्ञापय order.

'O king may orders be issued to kill this wickedminded vanara wandering aimlessly. He has done contrary to your interest.
तच्छ्रुत्वा राक्षसेन्द्रेण विसृष्टा भृशदुर्जयाः।

राक्षसाः किङ्करा नाम रावणस्य मनोनुगाः।।5.58.113।।

तत् that, श्रुत्वा having heard, राक्षसेन्द्रेण by the lord of demons, भृशदुर्जयाः who are invincible, रावणस्य Ravana's, मनोनुगाः those who know his mind, किङ्करा नाम called kinkara, राक्षसाः demon, विसृष्टाः sent.

"Ravana, lord of the demons having heard (the ogresses) sent invincible ogres called kinkaras who know his mind.
तेषामशीतिसाहस्रं शूलमुद्गरपाणिनाम्।

मया तस्मिन्वनोद्देशे परिघेण निषूदितम्।।5.58.114।।

तस्मिन् those, वनोद्धेशे near the garden, शूलमुद्गरपाणिनाम् tridents and maces, तेषाम् with them, अशीतिसाहस्रम् battalion of eighty thousand (demons), मया by me, परिघेण by iron bar, निषूदितम् killed.

"I killed with an iron bar a battalion of eighty thousand demons who were guarding the garden with tridents and maces.
तेषां तु हतशेषा ये ते गत्वा लघुविक्रमाः।

निहतं च महत्सैन्यं रावणायाचचक्षिरे।।5.58.115।।

तेषाम् them, ये who were, हतशेषाः left behind, ते they, लघुविक्रमाः less powerful, गत्वा went, महत् great, सैन्यम् army, निहतम् killed, रावणाय to Ravana, आचचक्षिरे reported.

"Those who were left behind, the less powerful ones went and reported to Ravana that the great army has been killed.
ततो मे बुद्धिरुत्पन्ना चैत्यप्रासादमाक्रमम्।

तत्रस्थान्राक्षसान् हत्वा शतं स्तम्भेन वै पुनः।।5.58.116।।

ललामभूतो लङ्कायास्स वै विध्वंसितो मया।

ततः then, मे I, बुद्धिः intellect, उत्पन्ना arose, चैत्यप्रासादम् high rise mansion, आक्रमम् taking hold, स्तम्भेन with a pillar, तत्रस्थान् stationed there, शतम् a hundred, राक्षसान् demons, हत्वा killed, पुनः again, मया by me, लङ्कायाः in Lanka, ललामभूतः a decorative mansion, सः that, विध्वंसितः destroyed.

"Then a thought struck my mind. I took hold of a pillar of the tall, decorated mansion of Lanka and killed with it all the hundred demons stationed there.
ततः प्रहस्तस्य सुतं जम्बुमालिनमादिशत्।।5.58.117।।

राक्षसैर्बहुभिस्सार्धं घोररूपैर्भयानकैः।

ततः then, घोररूपैः of terrific appearance, भयानकैः frightening, बहुभिः many, राक्षसैः ogres, सार्धम् together with, प्रहस्तस्य Prahasta's, सुतम् son, जम्बुमालिनम् Jambumali, आदिशत् ordered

तं महाबलसम्पन्नं राक्षसं रणकोविदम्।।5.58.118।।

परिघेणातिघोरेण सूदयामि सहानुगम्।

महाबलसम्पन्नम् endowed with mighty strength, रणकोविदम् expert in war, सहानुगम् and others who accompanied, तं राक्षसम् the demons, घोरेण by a terrific, परिघेण with iron bar, सूदयामि slayed.

"With a dreadful iron bar I slayed Jambumali, who was endowed with mighty strength, and was an expert in war and other terrific ogres who accompanied him.
तच्छ्रुत्वा राक्षसेन्द्रस्तु मन्त्रिपुत्त्रान्महाबलान्।।5.58.119।।

पदातिबलसम्पन्नान् प्रेषयामास रावणः।

राक्षसेन्द्रः demon king, रावणः Ravana, महाबलान् mighty army, पदातिबलसम्पन्नान् strong footsoldiers, मन्त्रिपुत्रान् sons of ministers, प्रेषयामास sent.

"Ravana, the demon king sent his mighty army of strong footsoldiers, the sons of ministers.
परिघेणैव तान् सर्वान्नयामि यमसादनम्।।5.58.120।।

मन्त्रिपुत्त्रान्हतान्च्छृत्वा समरेऽलघुविक्रमान्।

पञ्च सेनाग्रगाच्छ्रूरान्प्रेषयामास रावणः।।5.58.121।।

तान् सर्वान् all of them, परिघेणैव with iron bar only, यमसादनम् the abode of Yama, नयामि sent, रावणः Ravana, समरे in combat, लघुविक्रमान् less valiant, मन्त्रिपुत्रान् sons of ministers, हतान् having been killed, श्रुत्वा heard, शूरान् heroes, पञ्च five, सेनाग्रगान् army generals, प्रेषयामास sent.

"I sent all of them to the abode of Yama with just an iron bar. Having heard about the death of the less powerful ones, Ravana sent five heroic army generals.
तानहं सहसैन्यान्वै सर्वानेवाभ्यसूदयम्।

ततः पुनर्दशग्रीवः पुत्रमक्षं महाबलम्।।5.58.122।।

बहुभी राक्षसैस्सार्धं प्रेषयामास रावणः।

अहम् I, सहसैन्यान् along with the army, तान् सर्वान् all of them, अभ्यसूदयम् having been killed, ततः then, दशग्रीवः tenheaded, रावणः Ravana, महाबलम् mighty, पुत्रम् son, अक्षम् Aksha, बहुभिः and many, राक्षसैः demons, सार्धम् together with, प्रेषयामास sent out.

"Since I killed all of them along with the army, the tenheaded Ravana sent out his mighty son Aksha together with many demons.
तं तु मन्दोदरीपुत्त्रं कुमारं रणपण्डितम्।।5.58.123।।

सहसा खं समुत्क्रान्तं पादयोश्च गृहीतवान्।

चर्मासिनं शतगुणं भ्रामयित्वा व्यपेषयम्।।5.58.124।।

रणपण्डितम् expert in war, मन्दोदरीपुत्त्रम् Mandodari's son, खम् to the sky, उत्क्रान्तम् risen up, चर्मासिनम् feet, तं कुमारम् of that young man, सहसा at once, पादयोः both feet, गृहीतवान् caught hold of, शतगुणम् hundred times, भ्रामयित्वा whirled him round, व्यवेषयम् smashed.

"When Mandodari's son, an expert in war had risen up to the sky I caught his feet and whirled him round a hundred times and smashed him.
तमक्षमागतं भग्नं निशम्य स दशाननः।

तत इन्द्रजितं नाम द्वितीयं रावणस्सुतम्।।5.58.125।।

व्यादिदेश सुसंकृद्धो बलिनम् युद्धदुर्मदम्।

दशाननः tenfaced, सः रावणः that Ravana, आगतम् gone, अक्षम् of Aksha, भग्नम् destroyed, निशम्य after hearing, सुसंकृद्धः became very angry, ततः then, बलिनम् strong, युद्धदुर्मदम् thirsting for war, इन्द्रजितं नाम named Indrajit, द्वितीयम् second, सुतम् son, व्यादिदेश gave instruction.

"When Aksha was done to death, the tenfaced Ravana was enraged and gave instruction to the second son, called Indrajit who was thirsting for war.
तच्चाप्यहं बलं सर्वं तं च राक्षसपुङ्गवम्।।5.58.126।।

नष्टौजसं रणे कृत्वा परं हर्षमुपागमम्।

अहम् I, सर्वम् all, तत् that, बलं च even army, तम् them, राक्षसपुङ्गवं च even the army chiefs, रणे in combat, नष्टौजसम् having been destroyed, कृत्वा done, परम् very, हर्षम् happy, उपागमम् became.

"When the army and even the Generals were done to death in combat I was very happy.
महतापि महाबाहुः प्रत्ययेन महाबलः।।5.58.127।।

प्रेषितो रावणेनैव सह वीरैर्मदोत्कटैः।

महाबाहुः strongarmed, महाबलः mighty, मदोत्कटैः intoxicated, वीरैः सह including the warriors, रावणेनैव Ravana's confidence, महता great, प्रत्ययेन again,प्रेषितः sent.

"Thinking that Indrajit will surely kill me, the strongarmed mighty Ravana again sent intoxicated demon warriors.
सोऽविषह्यं हि मां बुद्ध्वा स्वं बलं चावमर्दितम्।।5.58.128।।

ब्राह्मणास्त्रेण स तु मां प्राबध्नाच्छातिवेगितः।

सः he, माम् my, आविषह्यम् cannot be slain, बुद्ध्वा knowing, स्वम् his, बलं च strength, अवमर्दितम् is reduced, स तु that, अतिवेगितः with high speed, माम् at me, ब्राह्मेण अस्त्रेण Brahma's weapon, प्राबध्नात् captured.

"Realising that I cannot be slain and that his (Indrajit's) power is reduced, he released Brahma's weapon on me with high speed and captured me.
रज्जुभिश्चाभिबध्नन्ति ततो मां तत्र राक्षसाः।।5.58.129।।

रावणस्य समीपं च गृहीत्वा मामुपानयन्।

ततः then, तत्र there, राक्षसाः demons, माम् me, रज्जुभिः with ropes, अभिबध्नन्ति also bound, माम् me, गृहीत्वा holding, रावणस्य to Ravana, समीपम् near, उपानयन् brought.

"Then the demons bound me with ropes and brought me to Ravana.
दृष्ट्वा सम्भाषितश्चाहं रावणेन दुरात्मना।।5.58.130।।

पृष्टश्च लङ्कागमनं राक्षसानां च तं वधम्।

अहम् I, दुरात्मना wickedminded, रावणेन by Ravana, दृष्ट्वा on seeing, सम्बाषितश्च conversed, लङ्कागमनम् about my coming to Lanka, राक्षसानाम् ogres, तम् them, वधम् killing, पृष्टश्च enquired.

"The wickedminded Ravana, then enquired me why I came to Lanka and why I killed the demons.
तत्सर्वं च मया तत्र सीतार्थमिति जल्पितम्।।5.58.131।।

अस्याहं दर्शनाकाङ्क्षी प्राप्तस्त्वद्भवनं विभो।

मारुतस्यौरसः पुत्रो वानरो हनुमानहम्।।5.58.132।।

तत् that, सर्वम् entire, सीतार्थमिति for Sita's sake, मया I am, तत्र there, जल्पितम् burnt, विभो O king, अस्याः your, दर्शनकाङ्क्षी desiring to see her, त्वद्भवनम् your mansion, प्राप्तः
reached, अहम् I, मारुतस्य Windgod's, औरसः पुत्रः legitimate son, वानरः vanara, हनुमान् Hanuman.

'I have done all this for the sake of Sita, O demon king I came to your mansion desiring to see Sita. I am the legitimate son of Windgod. My name is Hanuman.
रामदूतं च मां विद्धि सुग्रीवसचिवं कपिम्।

सोऽहं दूत्येन रामस्य त्वत्सकाशमिहागतः।।5.58.133।।

कपिम् I am a vanara, माम् I am, रामदूतम् messenger of Rama, सुग्रीवसचिवम् minister of Sugriva, विद्धि you may know, सः अहम् that I, रामस्य Rama's, दूत्येन as messenger, त्वत्सकाशम् to convey that message, इह here, आगतः came.

'I am a vanara, a messenger of Rama and minister of Sugriva.You may know that I have come here to convey the message of Rama to you.
सुग्रीवश्च महातेजास्सत्वां कुशलमब्रवीत्।

धर्मार्थकामसहितं हितं पथ्यमुवाच च।।5.58.134।।

महातेजाः highly powerful, सः सुग्रीवश्च Sugriva, त्वाम् to you, कुशलम् welfare, अब्रवीत् enquires, धर्मार्थकामसहितम् in accordance with dharma, wealth and wellbeing, पथ्यम् that which provides, हितम् beneficial advice, उवाच sent.

'Highly powerful Sugriva enquires your welfare. He sends beneficial advice to you for your righteousness, pleasures and wellbeing.
वसतो ऋश्यमूके मे पर्वते विपुलद्रुमे।

राघवो रणविक्रान्तो मित्त्रत्वं समुपागतः।।5.58.135।।

विपुलद्रुमे filled with plenty of trees, ऋश्यमूके Rshyamuka, वसतः dwelling, मे I, रणविक्रान्तः skilled in war, राघवः Rama, मित्त्रत्वम् friendship, उपागतः was made.

'While I was dwelling at the woodedmountain in Rshyamuka, a treaty of friendship was made with Rama, who is skilled in war.
तेन मे कथितं राज्ञा भार्या मे रक्षसा हृता।

तत्र साहाय्यमस्माकं कार्यं सर्वात्मना त्वया।।5.58.136।।

राज्ञा the king, तेन by him, मे to me, कथितम् revealed, मे भार्या my wife, रक्षसा by the demon, हृता abducted, तत्र there, त्वया by your, सर्वात्मना by all ways, अस्माकम् by you, साहाय्यम् help, कार्यम् do.

'The king said, ' My wife was abducted by a demon. I request your help by all means to get her'.
मया च कथितं तस्मै वालिनश्च वधं प्रति।

तत्र साहाय्यहेतोर्मे समयं कर्तुमर्हसि।।5.58.137।।

मया च I also, वालिनः Vali, वधं प्रति will kill in turn, तस्मै your, कथितम् story, तत्र thereupon, मे to me, सहाय्यहेतोः will help, समयम् agreement, कर्तुम् will do (said), अर्हसि is proper.

'Sugriva told the story of Vali in turn and asked for his help and to make agreement to kill Vali.
वालिना हृतराज्येन सुग्रीवेण महाप्रभुः।

चक्रेऽग्निसाक्षिकं सख्यं राघवस्सह लक्ष्मणः।।5.58.138।।

महाप्रभुः that great lord, सह लक्ष्मणः accompanied by Lakshmana, राघवः Rama, वालिना Vali, हृतराज्येन kingdom usurped, सुग्रीवेण by Sugriva, अग्निसाक्षिकम् in the presence of fire as witness, सख्यम् ally, चक्रे made.

With fire as witness the great lord, Rama along with Lakshmana made friendship with Sugriva whose kingdom had been usurped.
तेन वालिनमुत्पाट्य शरेणैकेन संयुगे।

वानराणां महाराजः कृतस्स प्लवतां प्रभुः।।5.58.139।।

तेन and then, संयुगे in the combat, एकेन with a single, शरेण arrow, वालिनम् Vali, उत्पाट्य slayed, प्लवताम् for vanaras, प्रभुः king, सः he, वानराणाम् vanaras, महाराजः lord, कृतः did.

'In the combat Rama killed Vali with a single arrow and made Sugriva the king of vanaras.
तस्य साहाय्यमस्माभिः कार्यं सर्वात्मना त्विह।

तेन प्रस्थापितस्तुभ्यं समीपमिह धर्मतः।।5.58.140।।

इह here, अस्माभिः we also, सर्वात्मना all of us, तस्य to him, सहाय्यम् help, कार्यम् in this task, तेन so, तुभ्यम् surely, समीपम् to you, धर्मतः righteously, प्रस्थापितः sent to convey the message.

'We too have to help him in this task. So a message is sent to you on righteous grounds.
क्षिप्रमानीयतां सीता दीयतां राघवाय च।

यावन्न हरयो वीरा विधमन्ति बलं तव।।5.58.141।।

वीराः heroic, हरयः vanaras, तव your, बलम् army, यावत् entire, न विधमन्ति before exterminating your army, सीता Sita, क्षिप्रम् at once, आनीयताम् get, राघवाय to Rama, दीयतां च you may give.

'Before the heroic vanaras exterminate your entire army, return Sita at once to Rama.
वानराणां प्रभावो हि न केन विदितः पुरा।

देवतानां सङ्काशं च ये गच्छन्ति निमन्त्रिताः।।5.58.142।।

ये who, निमन्त्रिताः summoned to, देवतानाम् even devatas, सङ्काशम् for the help, गच्छन्ति पुरा earlier, वानराणाम् by the vanaras, प्रभावः power, केन who, न विदितः does not know.

'Who knows not the power of Vanaras in the past? Even gods had sought their help.
इति वानरराजस्त्वामाहेत्यभिहितो मया।

मामैक्षत ततः क्रुद्धश्चक्षुषा प्रदहन्निव।।5.58.143।।

इति this, वानरराजः king of vanaras, त्वाम् to you, आह to tell, इति this, मया my, अभिहितः wishing your welfare, ततः that, क्रुद्धः angrily, चक्षुषा eyes, प्रदहन्निव as if to burn, माम् at me, ऐक्षत looked.

'This I was asked to tell you by the king of vanaras wishing your welfare'. 'Ravana then angrily looked at me as if to burn me.
तेन वध्योऽहमाज्ञप्तो रक्षसा रौद्रकर्मणा।

मत्प्रभावमविज्ञाय रावणेन दुरात्मना।।5.58.144।।

रौद्रकर्मणा one who performs dreadful actions, रक्षसा by the demon, दुरात्मना evilminded one, तेन रावणेन by that Ravana, मत्प्रभावम् my power, अविज्ञाय not knowing, अहम् I, वध्यः to kill, आज्ञप्तः ordered.

"The evilminded demon, Ravana, who perpetrates dreadful acts ordered my slaughter, not knowing my power.
ततो विभीषणो नाम तस्य भ्राता महामतिः।

तेन राक्षसराजोऽसौ याचितो मम कारणात्।।5.58.145।।

विभीषणो नाम named Vibhishana, महामतिः very pious, तस्य his, भ्राता brother, ततः then, तेन him, असौ was there, राक्षसराजः demon king, मम कारणात् on account of me, याचितः solicited.

"Vibhisana, a very pious brother of the demon king, interceded on my behalf.
नैवं राक्षसशार्दूल त्यज्यतामेष निश्चयः।

राजशास्त्रव्यपेतो हि मार्गः संसेव्यते त्वया।।5.58.146।।

राक्षसशार्दूल tiger among demons, एवम् in that way, न not, एषः that way, निश्चयः decision, त्यज्यताम् give up, राजशास्त्रव्यपेतः according to science of royal polity, मार्गः course, त्वया by you, संसेव्यते हि indeed not permitted.

"Vibhishana, a tiger among demons, asked Ravana to give up his decision as it was a forbidden course according to the science of royal polity.
दूतवध्या न दृष्टा हि राजशास्त्रेषु राक्षस।

दूतेन वेदितव्यं च यथार्थं हितवादिना।।5.58.147।।

राक्षस demon, राजशास्त्रेषु by the royal code, दूतवध्या killing of emissary, न दृष्टा हि not seen indeed, हितवादिना wellwisher, दूतेन messenger, यथार्थम् truth, वेदितव्यम् has to convey.

'The royal code prohibits the murder of an emissary. A wellwishing emissary should convey the truth.
सुमहत्यपराधेऽपि दूतस्यातुलविक्रमः।

विरूपकरणं दृष्टं न वधोऽस्तीति शास्त्रतः।।5.58.148।।

अतुलविक्रमः one of immeasureable courage, सुमहति any kind, अपराधेऽपि harm done, दूतस्य at emissary, विरूपकरणम् may be mutilated, दृष्टम् seen, शास्त्रतः in the sastras,वधः killing,नास्ति not there.

'O Ravana of immeasurable courage even if the emissary has done any kind of harm he may be mutilated but not murdered. Nowhere do the sastras allow killing (of an ambassador).
विभीषणेनैवमुक्तो रावणस्सन्दिदेश तान्।

राक्षसानेतदेवास्य लाङ्गूलं दह्यतामिति।।5.58.149।।

विभीषणेन by Vibhishana, एवम् in that way, उक्तः having spoken, रावणः Ravana, अस्य his, एतत् all that, लाङ्गूलम् tail, दह्यतामिति to burn, तान् राक्षसान् to the demons, सन्दिदेश instructed.

'On hearing Vibhishana, Ravana instructed the demons to burn my tail.
ततस्तस्य वचः श्रुत्वा मम पुच्छं समन्ततः।

वेष्टितं शणवल्कैश्च जीर्णैः कार्पासजैः पटैः।।5.58.150।।

ततः then, तस्य those, वचः words, श्रुत्वा having heard, मम my, पुच्छम् tail, समन्ततः all of them together, शणवल्कैः saris made of fibre, जीर्णैः tattered, कार्पासजैः of cotton, पटैः rags, वेष्टितम् wrapped.

"Having heard the king's words, all the demons collected and held my tail, wrapped it with saris of fibres and tattered rags of cotton.
राक्षसाः सिद्धसन्नाहास्ततस्ते चण्डविक्रमाः।

तदाऽदह्यन्त मे पुच्छं निघ्नन्त: काष्ठमुष्टिभिः।।5.58.151।।

बद्धस्य बहुभिः पाशैर्यन्त्रितस्य च राक्षसैः।

ततः then, सिद्धसन्नाहाः got ready, चण्डविक्रमाः who had terrific courage, राक्षसाः demons, काष्ठमुष्टिभिः with firesticks and fists, निघ्नन्तः hit, बहुभिः many, पाशैः ropes, बद्धस्य tied, राक्षसैः by the demons, यन्त्रितस्य fastened, मे me, पुच्छम् tail, तदा then, अदह्यन्त set fire.

"Many ferociously courageous demons got ready. They bound me and hit me with firesticks and fists. They fastened my tail with ropes and set in on fire.
ततस्ते राक्षसाश्शूरा बद्धं मामग्निसंवृतम्।।5.58.152।।

अघोषयन्राजमार्गे नगरद्वारमागताः।

ततः then, शूराः courageous, राक्षसाः by demons, नगरद्वारम् gate of the city, आगताः took, बद्धम् bound, अग्निसंवृतम् set on fire, माम् me, राजमार्गे in the royal street, अघोषयन् announced loudly.

"The brave demons took me round the city through the royal streets and announced loudly to let every one know that I am bound and that my tail has been set on fire.
ततोऽहं सुमहद्रूपं संक्षिप्य पुनरात्मनः।।5.58.153।।

विमोचयित्वा तं बन्धं प्रकृतिस्थः स्थितः पुनः।

आयसं परिघं गृह्य तानि रक्षांस्यसूदयम्।।5.58.154।।

ततः then, अहम् I, आत्मनः my own, सुमहत् very huge, रूपम् form, पुनः again, संक्षिप्य assumed small form, तं बन्धम् that bondage, विमोचयित्वा got rid off, पुनः again, प्रकृतिस्थः into my natural huge form, स्थितः stayed, आयसम् near by, परिघम् iron beam, गृह्य took up, तानि रक्षांसि that rakshasas, असूदयम् killed.

"I reduced my form and rid of the bondage. Then again I assumed my original huge form and took up an iron bar lying near and killed all the demons (present).
ततस्तन्नगरद्वारं वेगेनाप्लुतवानहम्।

पुच्छेन च प्रदीप्तेन तां पुरीं साट्टगोपुराम्।।5.58.155।।

दहाम्यहमसंभ्रान्तो युगान्ताग्निरिव प्रजाः।

ततः then, अहम् I, वेगेन quickly, तत् that, नगरद्वारम् gate of the city, आप्लुतवान् leapt, अहम् I, असंभ्रान्तः not perplexed, युगान्ताग्निः fire at the end of the dissolution, प्रजाः इव like the world, साट्टप्राकारगोपुराम् boundaries and towering mansions, तां पुरीम् of the city, प्रदीप्तेन by fire, पुच्चेन by the tail, दहामि burnt away.

"Then I leaped to the entrance gate of the city without being perplexed. With my burning tail I set fire to the boundaries and towering mansions which looked like the world at the end of dissolution.
विनष्टा जानकी व्यक्तं न ह्यदग्धः प्रदृश्यते।।5.58.156।।

लङ्कायां कश्चिदुद्धेशः सर्वा भस्मीकृता पुरी।

व्यक्तम् after doing so, जानकी Janaki, विनष्टा may be burnt, लङ्कायाम् with Lanka, कश्चित् perhaps, उद्धेशः thinking so, अदग्धः rose up, न प्रदृश्यते हि not even one place was left unburnt, सर्वा completely, पुरी city, भस्मीकृता reduced to ashes

दहता च मया लङ्कां दग्धा सीता न संशयः।।5.58.157।।

रामस्य हि महत्कार्यं मयेदं वितथीकृतम्।

लङ्काम् Lanka, दहता burnt, मया by me, सीता Sita, दग्धा has burnt, संशयः doubt, न not, मया to me, रामस्य of Rama, इदम् this, महत् great, कार्यम् purpose, वितथीकृतम् has been spoilt.

"Lanka has been burnt by me and Sita might have also been burnt. There is no doubt. The great purpose of Rama has been spoilt by me'.
इति शोकसमाविष्टश्चिन्तामहमुपागतः।।5.58.158।।

अथाहं वाचमश्रौषं चारणानां शुभाक्षराम्।

जानकी न च दग्धेति विस्मयोदन्तभाषिणाम्।।5.58.159।।

इति thus, शोकसमाविष्टः overtaken by sorrow, अहम् I, चिन्ताम् worry, उपागतः became, अथ and then, अहम् I, जानकी Janaki, न च दग्धा not been burn, इति this, विस्मयोदन्तभाषिणाम्
wonderful utterances, चारणानाम् from charanas, शुभाक्षराम् propitious, वाचम् words, अश्रौषम् heard.

"Thus I was overtaken by sorrow and worry. Just then I heard the wonderful propitious utterances of charanas announcing that Sita was not burnt.
ततो मे बुद्धिरुत्पन्ना श्रुत्वा तामद्भुतां गिरम्।

अदग्धा जानकीत्येवं निमित्तैश्चोपलक्षिता।।5.58.160।।

अद्भुताम् amazing, तां गिरम् those words, श्रुत्वा after hearing, ततः then, जानकी Janaki, अदग्धा not been burnt, इत्येवम् this way, मे my, बुद्धिः knew, उत्पन्ना arose, निमित्तैश्च on account of her, उपलक्षिता I understood.

"It was amazing to hear the words of the charanas. On hearing that Jankai had not been burnt, I understood that it is on her account (that he is also not burnt although his tail was ignited.)
दीप्यमाने तु लाङ्गूले न मां दहति पावकः।

हृदयं च प्रहृष्टं मे वातास्सुरभिगन्धिनः।।5.58.161।।

लाङ्गूले tail, दीप्यमाने was burning, पावकः by fire, माम् but I, न दहति was not burnt, मे my, हृदयं च from my heart, प्रहृष्टम् joy, वाताः wind, सुरभिगन्धिनः very sweet fragrance.

"My tail was burning but I was not burnt by fire. There was joy in my heart. The wind carried sweet fragrance.
तैर्निमित्तैश्च दृष्टाथै: कारणैश्च महागुणैः।

ऋषिवाक्यैश्च सिद्धार्थैरभवं हृष्टमानसः।।5.58.162।।

दृष्टार्थैः by such signs, तैः those two, निमित्तै: reasons, महागुणैः great virtues, कारणैश्च and for these reasons, सिद्धार्थैः will accomplish, ऋषिवाक्यैश्च uttered by the words of sages, हृष्टमानसः felt very happy, अभवम् attained.

"For these two auspicious signs and the highly propitious words uttered by the sages I felt glad at heart.
पुनर्दृष्ट्वा च वैदेहीं विसृष्टश्च तया पुनः।

ततः पर्वतमासाद्य तत्रारिष्टमहं पुनः।।5.58.163।।

प्रतिप्लवनमारेभे युष्मद्धर्शनकांक्षया।

वैदेहीम् to Vaidehi, पुनः again, दृष्ट्वा च and to see, तया like that, पुनः again, विसृष्टः seeking permission, ततः then, अरिष्टपर्वतम् mountain Arishta, पुनः again, आसाद्य ascended, अहम् I, युष्मद्धर्शनकांक्षया to see you all, प्रतिप्लवनम् leapt again, आरेभे started.

ततः पवनचन्द्रार्कसिद्धगन्धर्वसेवितम्।।5.58.164।।

पन्थानमहमाक्रम्य भवतो दृष्टवानिह।

ततः then, अहम् I, पवनचन्द्रार्कसिद्धगन्धर्वसेवितम् by Windgod, the Moon, the Sun, the siddhas and the gandharvas, पन्थानम् through the path travelled by, आश्रित्य came, इह here, भवतः to you, दृष्टवान् to see.

"Passing along the path of the Windgod, the Moon, the Sun, the siddhas and the gandharvas I came to see you.
राघवस्य प्रभावेण भवतां चैव तेजसा।।5.58.165।।

सुग्रीवस्य च कार्यार्थं मया सर्वमनुष्ठितम्।

राघवस्य Rama's, प्रभावेण by the power, भवताम् your, तेजसा चैव grace, सुग्रीवस्य Sugriva's, कार्यार्थं च on his account, मया for me, सर्वम् all, अनुष्ठितम् was favourable.

"Everything was favourable to me by the power of Rama, by your goodwill and for the great purpose of Sugriva.
एतत्सर्वं मया तत्र यथावदुपपादितम्।।5.58.166।।

अत्र यन्न कृतं शेषं तत्सर्वं क्रियतामिति।

एतत् all that, सर्वम् entire, तत्र there, मया by me, यथावत् as it is, उपपादितम् presented, अत्र there, यत् whatever, न कृतम् not done, शेषम् remaining task, तत् that, सर्वम् everything, क्रियताम् will do.

"Let all that could not be done there and still remains to be done, be accomplished by you. I have presented the entire thing".
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे अष्टपञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fiftyeighth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.