Sloka & Translation

[The Fire god restores Sita to Sri Rama testifying her purity.]

एतच्छ्रुत्वाशुभंवाक्यंपितामहसमीरितम् ।

अङ्केनादायवैदेहिमुत्पपातविभावसुः ।।6.121.1।।

विभावसुः fire god, पितामहसमीरितम् address of Brahma, शुभम् auspicious, एतत् these, वाक्यम् words, श्रुत्वा hearing, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, अङ्केन under arms, आदाय picking, उत्पपात arose

On hearing creator Brahma's address to Rama, fire god emerged picking auspicious Vaidehi in his arms.
नविधूयाथचितांतांतुवैदेहींहव्यवाहनः ।

उत्तस्थौमूर्तिमानाशुगृहीत्वाजनकात्मजाम् ।।6.121.2।।

अथ and then, हव्यवाहनः fire god, मूर्तिमान् taking human form, आशु immediately, ताम् those, चिताम् firesticks, विधूय shaking off, जनकात्मजाम् janaka's daughter, तांवैदेहीम् that Vaidehi, गृहीत्वा taking, उत्तस्थौ emerged

Then the fire god taking human form emerged from the fire immediately,with Janaka's daughter shaking off the fire sticks.
तरुणादित्यसङ्काशंतप्तकाञ्चनभूषणाम् ।

रक्ताम्बरधरांबालांसीलकुञ्चितमूर्थजाम् ।।6.121.3।।

अक्लिष्टमाल्याभरणांतथारूपामनिन्दिताम् ।

ददौरामायवैदेहीमङ्केकृत्वाविभावसुः ।।6.121.4।।

विभावसुः fire god, तरुणादित्यसङ्काशम् radiating brightly like rising sun, तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणाम् adorned with polished gold ornaments, रक्ताम्बरधराम् wearing red coloured robes, नीलकुञ्चितमूर्थजाम् with beautiful black hair, अक्लिष्टमाल्याभरणाम् with fresh looking flowers, तथारूपाम् in the same form as before, अनिन्दिताम् blameless, बालाम् young, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, अङ्के arms, कृत्वा holding, रामाय to Rama, ददौ gave

Radiating like the rising sun, adorned with polished gold ornaments, wearing red coloured clothes, with beautiful black hair, wearing fresh flowers, being in the same young form as before, blameless Vaidehi was held in the arms of the fire god and presented to Rama.
अब्रवीत्तुतदारामंसाक्षीलोकस्यपावकः ।

एषातेराम वैदेहीपापमस्यां न विद्यते ।।6.121.5।।

तदा then, लोकस्य in the world, साक्षी witness, पावकः fire god, रामम् to Rama, अब्रवीत् spoke तु you, राम Rama, एषा this way, ते you, वैदेही Vaidehi, अस्याम् she, पापम् sin, न विद्यते not know

Then the fire god who is a witness in the world, spoke to Rama," Here is your wife Vaidehi and she does not know any sin."
नैववाचा न मनसानैवबुद्ध्या न चक्षुषा ।

सुवृत्तावृत्तशौण्डीरन त्वामत्यचरच्छुभा ।।6.121.6।।

सुवृत्ता of good conduct, शुभा auspicious, वृत्तशौण्डीर endowed with valour, त्वाम् you, वाचा speech, न अत्यचरत् by intention, मनसा in the mind, न not, बुद्ध्या by intellect, नैव or else, चक्षुषा च even with eyes

"Sita is of good conduct and auspicious. To you who are endowed with valour, she is faithful by speech, by intention of thought and intellect and even by glance."
रावणेनापनीतैषावीर्योसतिक्तेनरक्षसा ।

त्वयाविरहितादीनाविवशानिर्जनाद्वनात् ।।6.121.7।।

त्वया you, विरहिता lonely, दीना piteous, विवशा having no control, एषा she, वीर्योसतिक्तेन proud of valour, रक्षसा Rakshasa, रावणेन by Ravana, निर्जनात् when no one was there, वनात् from the forest, अपनीता abducted

"When she was lonely, piteous, having no control, Rakshasa Ravana, who was proud of his valour abducted her from the forest when no one was there."
रुद्धाचान्तःपुरेगुप्तात्वच्छित्तात्वत्परायणा ।

रक्षिताराक्षसीभिश्चघोराभिर्घोरबुद्धिभिः ।।6.121.8।।

त्वच्छित्ता seperated from you, त्वत्परायणा fully absorbed in you, अन्तःपुरे in the gynaeceum, रुद्धा frightful, गुप्ता secretly, घोराभिः terrific, घोरबुद्धिभिः ruthless mind, राक्षसीभिः Rakshasa women, रक्षिता to guard

"She was separated from you yet fully absorbed in you. She was kept in the gynaeceum secretly and guarded by frightful and ruthless Rakshasa women."
प्रलोभ्यमानाविविधंभर्त्स्यमाना च मैथिली ।

नाचिन्तयततद्रक्षस्त्वद्गतेनान्तरात्मना ।।6.121.9।।

विविधम् several, प्रलोभ्यमाना tempted, भर्त्स्यमाना threatened, मैथिली Mythili, त्वद्गतेन set her mind on you only, अन्तरात्मना in herself, तत् those, रक्षः Rakshasa, नाचिन्तयत not thought of

" Although Mythili was tempted, threatened also, she had set her mind on you only and not thought of that Rakshasa."
विशुद्धभावांनिष्पापांप्रतिगृह्णीष्वमैथिलीम् ।

न किञ्चिरभिधातव्याअहमाज्ञापयामिते ।।6.121.10।।

विशुद्धभावाम् untainted mind, निष्पापाम् sinless, मैथिलीम् Mythili, प्रतिगृह्णीष्व take her back, किञ्चित् indeed, न अभिदातव्या without any reply, अहम् I am, ते you, आज्ञापयामि order

"Mythili is of untainted mind and a sinless one. Take her back without any reply, I am ordering you."
ततःप्रीतिमानारामःश्रुत्यैवंवदतांवरः ।

दध्यौमुहूर्तंधर्मात्माबाष्पव्याकुललोचनः ।।6.121.11।।

ततः then, वदताम् good at speaking वरःsupreme, धर्मात्मा truthful, रामः Rama, एवम् all that, श्रुत्वा hearing, प्रीतमनाः rejoiced at heart, बाष्पव्याकुललोचनः eyes filled with tears, मुहूर्तम् for a moment, दध्यौ thought

Then the supremely righteous Rama, who is good at speaking rejoiced at heart, his eyes filled with tears, thought for a moment.
एवमुक्तोमहातेजाधृतिमान्दृढविक्रमः ।

उवाचत्रिदशश्रेष्ठंरामोधर्मभृतांवरः ।।6.121.12।।

एवम् in that way, उक्तः spoken, धृतिमान् firm, दृढविक्रमः determined valour, धर्मभृताम् upholder of dharma, वरः supreme, रामः Rama, त्रिदशश्रेष्ठम् Brahma, उवाच said

Rama who is endowed with valour and firmness, and an upholder of dharma, a supreme person said to Brahma.
अवश्यंत्रिषुलोकेषु न सीतापापमर्हति ।

दीर्घकालोषिताहीयंरावणान्तःपुरेशुभा ।।6.121.13।।

सीता Sita, अवश्यम् surely, त्रिषुलोकेषु in the three worlds, पापम् sin, न अर्हति not done, शुभा auspicious, इयम् this, रावणान्तःपुरे in the gynaeceum of Ravana, दीर्घकालोषिताहि lived for log time

"That Sita is auspicious and has surely not done any sin is known to three worlds. But she lived long in the gynaeceum of Ravana."
बालिशोखलुकामात्मारामोदशरथात्मजः ।

इतिवक्ष्यन्तिमांसन्तोजानकीमविशोध्यहि ।।6.121.14।।

जानकीम् Janaki, अविशोद्य without testing, दशरथात्मजः Dasharatha's son, रामः Rama, बालिशः mighty, कामात्मा lusty at heart, खलु surely, इति thus, सन्त: people, माम् me, वक्ष्यन्ति will say

"The people will surely say that mighty Dasharatha's son, Rama being lusty at heart has accepted Janaki without testing."
अनन्यहृदयांभक्तांमच्चित्तपरिवर्तिनीम् ।

अहमप्यवगच्छामिमैथिलींजनकात्मजाम् ।।6.121.15।।

मच्चित्तपरिवर्तिनीम् ever coming around me, जनकात्मजाम् Janaka's daughter, मैथिलीम् Mythili, अनन्यहृदयाम् undivided in her love, भक्ताम् devoted, अहमपि to me, अवगच्छामि I also know

"I also know that Mythili is ever coming around me with undivided love and is devoted to me."
इमामपिविशालाक्षींरक्षितांस्वेनतेजसा ।

रावणोनातिवर्तेतवेलामिवमहोदधिः ।।6.121.16।।

स्वेनतेजसा selfeffulgent, रक्षिताम् can protect herself, इमाम् her, विशालाक्षीम् broadeyed, महोदधिः great ocean, वेलामिव bounds, रावणः Ravana, नातिवर्तेत not violate

"Naturally she is selfeffulgent and can protect herself. Will Ravana be able to violate broad eyed Janakijust as the great ocean can't cross the bounds."
प्रत्ययार्थंतुलोकानांत्रयाणांसत्यसंश्रयः ।

उपेक्षेचापिवैदेहींप्रविशन्तींहुताशनम् ।।6.121.17।।

सत्यसंश्रयःfollower of truth, त्रयाणाम् three worlds, लोकानाम् in the world, प्रत्ययार्थम् to convince, हुताशनम् fire, प्रविशन्तीम् entering fire, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, उपेक्षेचापिI was disregarding

" As I am a follower of truth only, to convince the three worlds I was disregarding Vaidehi entering fire."
न हिशक्तःसुदुष्टात्मामनसापिहिमैथिलीम् ।

प्रधर्षयितुमप्राप्यांदीप्तामग्निशिखामिव ।।6.121.18।।

सुदुष्टात्मा evil minded, अप्राप्याम् inaccessible, मैथिलीम् Mythili, दीप्ताम् glowing, अग्निशिखामिव like flaming fire, मनसापि in thought also, प्रधर्षयितुम् exhibiting, न हिचशक्तः not possible

"It could not be possible for the evil minded Rakshasa to access or lay thoughts on Mythili who was glowing like flames of fire."
नेयमर्हतिचैश्वर्यंरावणान्तःपुरेशुभा ।

अनन्याहिमयासीताभास्करेणप्रभायथा ।।6.121.19।।

शुभा auspicious, इयम् she, रावणान्तःपुरे in the gynaeceum of Ravana, ऐश्वर्यम् fortune, नार्हति, सीता Sita, भास्करेण even sun, प्रभायथा like the radiance, मया by me, अनन्याहि other than

" Auspicious Sita would not have cared for the fortunes in the gynaeceum of Ravana. She is just like the radiance of the sun attached to the sun, attached to me and none other."
विशुद्धात्रिषुलोकेषुमैथिलीजनकात्मजा ।

न विहातुंमयाशक्याकीर्तिरात्ववतायथा ।।6.121.20।।

जनकात्मजा Janaka's daughter, मैथिली Mythili, त्रिषुलोकेषु in the three worlds, विशुध्धा unsullied, आत्मवता from self, कीर्तिःयथा like fame, मया by me, विहातुम् to renounce, न शक्या not feasible

"Mythili is unsullied in the three worlds. Renouncing her is not feasible just as fame and as she is like my own self."
अवश्यं च मयाकार्यंसर्वेषांवोवचोहितम् ।

स्निग्धानांलोकनाधानामेवं च वदतांहितम् ।।6.121.21।।

स्निग्धानाम् loving, लोकनाथानाम् worship worthy of the world, एवम् in this way, हितम् good advice, वदताम् speaking, वःसर्वेषाम् to all, हितम् good, वचःwords, मया by me, अवश्यम् certainly, कार्यम् will do

"You are worship worthy of the world and loving people advising me in this way. Your words of good advice are good to all and for me. I will certainly follow."
इत्येवम्विजयीमहाबलःप्रशस्यमानःस्वकृतेनकर्मणा ।

समेत्यरामःप्रिययामहायशाःसुखंसुखार्होऽनुबभूवराघवः ।।6.121.22।।

विजयी victorious, महाबलः endowed with mighty prowess, महायशाः illustrious, सुखार्हः deserving happiness, राघवः Raghava, रामःRama, इत्येवम् in this way, उक्त्वा having said, स्वकृतेन by this कर्मणा for the service, प्रशस्यमानः praised, प्रियया dear wife समेत्य along with, सुखम् happiness, अनुबभूव enjoyed

Illustrious Raghava, endowed with mighty prowess, who deserved happiness, spoke like this to all for the service rendered. He was praised by all for his deeds and was happy with his dear wife.
।। इत्यार्षेवाल्मीकीयेश्रीमद्रामायणेआदिकाव्येयुद्धकाण्डेएकविंशत्युत्तरशततमस्सर्गः ।।
This is the end of one hundred and twentyone sarga of Yuddha Kanda of the first epic the holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.