Sloka & Translation

[Vibheeshana offers gifts to all Vanaras. Sri Rama, Lakshmana and Sita depart to Ayodhya accompanied by Vibheeshana, Sugriva and Hanuman.]

उपस्थितंतुतंकृत्वापुष्पकंपुष्पभूषितम् ।

अविदूरेस्थितोराममित्युवाचविभीषणः ।।6.125.1।।

विभीषणःVibheeshana, पुष्पभूषितम् decorated with flowers, तम् that, पुष्पकम् Pushpaka, उपस्थितम् seated, कृत्वा having, अविदूरे little distance, स्थितः stood, रामम् Rama, इति this, उवाच spoke

Offering to Sri Rama the Pushpak decorated with flowers to sit, Vibheeshana stood at a distance and spoke.
स तुबद्धाञ्जलि: प्रह्वोविनीतोराक्षसेश्वरः ।

अब्रवीत्त्वरयोपेतःकिंकरोमीतिराघवम् ।।6.125.2।।

सःराक्षसेश्वरः he, Rakshasa king, विनीतः humbly, बद्धाञ्जलिप्रह्व: saluting with folded palms, त्वरया quickly, उपेतः approached, किम् why, करोमि to be done, इति this, राघवम् to Raghava, अब्रवीत् spoke

The Rakshasa king humbly offered salutation to Raghava with joined palms, quickly approached, and said, 'What is to be done'?
तमब्रवीन्महातेजालक्ष्मणस्योपशृण्वतः ।

विमृश्यराघवोवाक्यमिदंस्नेहपुरस्कृतम् ।।6.125.3।।

महातेजाः highly brilliant, राघवः Raghava, विमृश्य thinking, लक्ष्मणस्य Lakshmana's, उपशृण्वतः while listening closely, तम् him, स्नेहपुरस्कृतम् in friendly manner, इदम् this, उवाच spoke

Highly brilliant Raghava was thinking and spoke in a friendly manner while Lakshmana was listening closely.
कृतप्रयत्नकर्माणःसर्वएववनेचराः ।

रत्नैरर्थैश्चविविधैस्सम्पूज्यन्तांविभीषण ।।6.125.4।।

विभीषण Vibheeshana, कृतप्रयत्नकर्माणः who fought making effort, सर्वे all, वनेचराः forest rangers, रत्नैः with valuables, विविधैः several, अर्थैश्च and luxuries, सम्पूज्यन्ताम् duly honoured

"Let all the forest rangers (without exception) who made effort and fought be duly honoured with valuables and several luxuries."
सहामीभिस्त्वयालङ्कानिर्जिताराक्षसेश्वर ।

हृष्टैःप्राणभयंत्यक्त्वासङ्ग्रामेष्वनिवर्तिभिः ।।6.125.5।।

राक्षसेश्वर Rakshasa Lord, हृष्टैः delighted, प्राणभयम् fear of life, त्यक्त्वा giving up, सङ्ग्रामेषु in the combat, अनिवर्तिभिः who never turned back, अमीभिःसह with these heroes, त्वया by you, लङ्का Lanka, निर्जिता could win

"This Lanka could be won with the help of these heroes who never turned back and fought in comb at without fear of life, O Lord of Rakshasas."
त इमेकृतकर्माणस्सर्वएववनौकसः ।

धनरत्नप्रदानेनकर्मैषांसफलंकुरु ।।6.125.6।।

ते you, इमे these, वनौकसः forest rangers, सर्वेएव all in that way, कृतकर्माणः accomplishment, धनरत्नप्रदानेन wealth and gems, एषाम् such effort, कर्म deed, सफलम् successful, कुरु make it

"These forest rangers, all of them have struggled and accomplished success. Reward them with wealth and gems."
एवंसम्मानिताश्चेतेमानार्हमानदात्वया ।

भविष्यन्तिकृतज्ञेननिर्वृताहरियूथपाः ।।6.125.7।।

आनदा helpless, मानार्हम् who respects, एवम् that way, कृतज्ञेन in gratitude, त्वया you, सम्मानिताः reward, एते these, हरियूथपाः monkey troops निर्वृता contended, भविष्यन्ति will be

"These helpless monkey troops will be content with gratitude when rewarded, O respectable Vibheeshana."
त्यागिनंसङ्ग्रहीतारंसानुक्रोशंजितेन्द्रियम् ।

सर्वेततःअवगच्छन्तिसम्बोधयामिते ।।6.125.8।।

त्यागिनम् charitable, सङ्ग्रहीतारम् not seizing, सानुक्रोशम् compassionate, जितेन्द्रियम् gained over senses, त्वाम् you, सर्वे all, अवगच्छन्ति telling you for so long, ततः then, ते you, सम्बोधयामि will call you

"If you do so you will be called as charitable and kind, not seizing wealth and as one who has gained over senses. That is why I am telling you for so long."
हीनंरतिगुणैस्सर्वैरभिहन्तारमाहवे ।

सेनात्यजतिसम्विग्नानृपतिंतंनरेश्वरा ।।6.125.9।।

नरेश्वरा ruler of men, सर्वैः all, रतिगुणैः devoid of virtues, हीनम् low, आहवे in battle, हन्तारम् destructor, तंनृपतिम् that king, सेना army, त्यजति will desert

"O Ruler of men, all the army will desert a king who is devoid of virtues, lowly and who is a destructor in the battlefield."
एवमुक्तस्तुरामेणवानरांस्तान्विभीषणः ।

रत्नार्थसंविभागेनसर्वानेवाभ्यपूजयत् ।।6.125.10।।

रामेण by Rama, एवम् in that way, उक्तः spoken, विभीषणः Vibheeshana, सर्वानेव all, तान् वानरान् those Vanaras, रत्नार्थसम्विभागेन with gems, gold and valuables, अभ्यपूजयत् honoured them very much

Vibheeshana honoured the Vanaras with gems and valuables, after Rama had spoken like that.
ततस्तान्पूजितान्दृष्टवारत्नार्थैर्हरियूथपान् ।

आरुरोहतदारामस्तद्विमानमनुत्तमम् ।।6.125.11।।

ततः then, रत्नार्थैः with gems, तान् हरियूथपान् those monkey troops, पूजितान् offered prayers, दृष्टवा seeing, रामः Rama, तदा then, अनुत्तमम् excellent, तत् that, विमानम् aerial car, आरुरोह ascended

Then on seeing the monkey troops being honoured with excellent gemsRama ascended the aerial car.
अङ्केनादायवैदेहींलज्जमानांयशस्विनीम् ।

लक्ष्मणेनसहभ्रात्राविक्रान्तेवधनुष्मता ।।6.125.12।।

लज्जमानाम् who was feeling abashed, यशस्विनीम् illustrious, अङ्केन arms, आदाय taking, विक्रान्तेन valiant, धनुष्मता archer, भ्रात्रा brother, लक्ष्मणेनसह with Lakshmana

Illustrious Vaidehi was abashed while she was taken in his(Hanuman’s) arms to Pushpalata while the valiant archers Lakshmana and his brother were there .
अब्रवीत्सविमानस्थःपूजयन्सर्वावानरान् ।

सुग्रीवं च महावीर्यंकाकुत्स्थसविभीषणम् ।।6.125.13।।

सःकाकुत्स्थ: that Kakuthsa, विमानस्थः in the aerial car, सर्ववानरान् all Vanaras, सविभीषणम् and Vibheeshana, महावीर्यम् highly courageous, सुग्रीवं च Sugriva also, पूजयन् honoured, अब्रवीत् spoke

After duly honouring all the Vanaras, to Vibheeshana and highly courageous Sugriva, Kakuthsa spoke as follows.
मित्रकार्यंकृतमिदंभवद्भिद्वानरर्षभाः ।

अनुज्ञातामयासर्वेयथेष्टंप्रतिगच्छत ।।6.125.14।।

वानरर्षभाः bull among Vanaras, भवद्भिः you also, इदम् this, मित्रकार्यम् friend's work, कृतम् having done, सर्वे all, मया my, अनुज्ञाताः per mission, यथेष्टम् as you will, प्रतिगच्छत can go

"Bull among Vanaras! Since this work of the friend has been accomplished, you too have my permission to go where you will."
यत्तुकार्यंवयस्येनस्निग्धेन च हितेन च ।

कृतंसुग्रीवतत्सर्वंभवताधर्मभीरुणा ।।6.125.15।।

किष्किन्धांप्रतियाह्यावुस्वसैन्येनाभिसम्वृतः ।

सुग्रीव Sugriva, स्निग्धेन affectionate, हितेन च What has to be done, वयस्येन advanced in age, यत् तु all that, कार्यम् work, तत् that, सर्वम् everything, धर्मभीरुणा fear of unrighteousness, भवता by you, कृतम् done, आशु now, स्वसैन्येन with your own army, अभिसम्वृतः surrounding you, किष्किन्धाम् to Kishkinda, याहि can go

All that has to be done by an affectionate friend in advanced age has been done, for the fear of unrighteousness. Now you may advance with your army to Kishkinda.
स्वराज्येवसलङ्कायांमयादत्तेविभीषण ।।6.125.16।।

न त्वांधर्षयितुंशक्तास्सेन्द्राअपिदिवौकसः ।

विभीषण Vibheeshana, लङ्कायाम् in Lanka, मया by me, दत्ते bestowed, स्वराज्ये own kingdom, वस living, नेन्द्राः Indra, दिवौकसःअपि gods in the heaven even, त्वाम् you, धर्षयितुम् will not be able to attack, न शक्ताः not possible

"Vibheeshana, I would like to see you living like Indra bestowed with your own kingdom in Lanka. It will not be possible for even gods to attack you."
योध्यांप्रतियास्यामिराजधानींपितुर्मम ।।6.125.17।।

अभ्यनुज्ञातुमिच्छामिसर्वानामन्त्रयामिवः ।

ममपितुः my father's, राजधानीम् capital, अयोध्यांप्रति Lord of Ayodhya, यास्यामि to proceed for me, अभ्यनुज्ञातुम् you need to permit, इच्छामि I wish, वः be auspicious, सर्वान् all, अमंत्रयामि I take leave of

"I shall proceed to my father's capital, Ayodhya. You may permit me. Be auspicious. I take leave of you."
वमुक्तास्तुरामेणहरीन्द्राहरयस्तथा ।।6.125.18।।

ऊचुःप्राञ्जलयस्सर्वेराक्षसश्चविभीषणः ।

रामेण by Rama, एवम् in that way, उक्ताः spoken, हरीन्द्राः Sugriva, तथा that way, हरयः monkeys, राक्षसः Rakshasas, विभीषणश्च Vibheeshana's, सर्वे all, प्राञ्जलयः saluting, ऊचुः said

After Rama had spoken that way Sugriva, Vibheeshana, monkeys and Rakshasas saluted Rama and said as follows.
अयोध्यांगन्तुमिच्छामःसर्वन्नयतुनोभवान् ।।6.125.19।।

मुद्युक्ताविचरिष्यामोवनान्युपननानि च ।

अयोध्याम् to Ayodhya, गन्तुम् proceed, इच्छामः wish, भवान् we, सर्वान् all, नः nay, नयतु to go, मुद्युक्ताः with you, वनानि forests, उपवनानि च groves, विचरिष्यामः will range without anxiety

We wish to proceed with you to Ayodhya, and many wishes to go with you and range the forests and groves without anxiety.
दृष्टवात्वामभिषेकार्ध्रंकौसल्यामभिवाद्य च ।।6.125.20।।

अचिरादगमिष्यामःस्वगृहान्नृपसत्तम ।

नृपसत्तम jewel among kings, अभिषेकार्द्रम् getting consecrated, त्वाम् you, दृष्टवा seeing, कौसल्याम् Kausalya, अभिवाद्य च greeting, अचिरात् soon, स्वगृहान् own house, अगमिष्यामः will return

"O Jewel among kings! We will see you being consecrated and see Kausalya, greet her and return back to our own house."
एवमुक्तस्सधर्मात्मावानरैस्सविभीषणैः ।।6.125.21।।

अब्रवीद्वानरान्रामस्ससुग्रीवविभीषणान् ।

सविभीषणैः Vibheeshana, वानरैः Vanaras, एवम् in that way, उक्तः spoken, धर्मात्मा righteous, सःरामः he, Rama, ससुग्रीवविभीषणान् Sugriva and Vibheeshana, वानरान् Vanaras, अब्रवीत् spoke

Vibheeshana and Vanaras had spoken in that way, Rama replied to Sugriva, Vibheeshana and Vanaras as follows.
प्रिययतरंलब्दंयदहंससुहृज्जनः ।।6.125.22।।

सर्वैर्भवद्भिःसहितःप्रीतिंलप्स्येपुरींगतः ।

अहम् I, ससुहृज्जनः with my dear and near, सर्वैः all, भवद्भिः you also, सहितः together, पुरीम् Ayodhya, गतः go, प्रीतिम् happy, यत् that, लप्स्ये gain, प्रियात् dear Sita, प्रियतरम् very happy, लब्दम् give

"If I with my dear and near and together with you go to Ayodhya, that will give more happiness with Sita coming and with all of you."
क्षिप्रम् सुग्रीवविमानंवानरैस्सह ।।6.125.23।।

त्वमप्यारोहसामात्योराक्षसेन्द्रविभीषण ।

सुग्रीव Sugriva, वानरैःसह with Vanaras, क्षिप्रम् quickly, विमानम् aerial car, आरोह ascended, राक्षसेन्द्रः Rakshasa king, विभीषण Vibheeshana, सामात्यः ministers, त्वमपि all, आरोह ascended

Sugriva and the Vanaras, quickly ascended the aerial car. Vibheeshana, the king of Rakshasas and ministers all of them ascended.
ततः स पुष्पकंदिव्यंसुग्रीवस्सहवानरैः ।।6.125.24।।

आरुरोहमुदायुक्तःसामात्यश्चविभीषणः ।

ततः then, सःसुग्रीवः Sugriva, वानरैःसह with Vanaras, मुदा happy, युक्तः joined, दिव्यम् wonderful, पुष्पकम् Pushpaka, आरुरोह ascended, सामात्यः ministers, विभीषणश्च Vibheeshana

Then Sugriva with Vanaras happily joined the wonderful Pushpaka, Vibheeshana and his ministers also ascended.
तेष्वारूढेषुसर्वेषुकौबेरंपरमासनम् ।।6.125.25।।

राघवणाभ्यनुज्ञातमुत्पपातविहायसम् ।

तेषु those, सर्वेषु all, आरूढेषु having got in, कौबेरम् Kubera's, परमासनम् supreme seat, राघवेण by Raghava, अभ्यनुज्ञातम् with his permission, विहायसम् sky, उत्पपात flew

All the Vanaras and others having got into Kubera's Pushpaka with Rama's permission, it flew into the sky.
गतेनविमानेनहंसयुक्तेनभास्वता ।।6.125.26।।

प्रहृष्टश्चप्रतीतश्चबभौरामःकुबेरवत् ।

प्रहृष्टश्च delighted, प्रतीतश्च thrilled, रामः Rama, खगतेन in the sky, हंसयुक्तेन with pictures of swans, भास्वता shining, विमानेन by the aerial car, कुबेरवत् like Kubera, बभौ shone

Delighted and thrilled, Rama was flying in the sky in Pushpaka and with shining swans, he shone like Kubera.
तेसर्वेवानरर्र्क्षश्चराक्षसाश्चमहाबलाः ।।6.125.27।।

यथासुखमसम्बाधंदिव्येतस्मिन्नुपाविशन् ।

सर्वे all, ते they, वानरर्र्क्षश्च Vanaras and Bears, महाबलाः mighty, राक्षसाश्च Rakshasas also दिव्ये wonderful, तस्मिन् their, यथासुखम् happily, असम्बाधम् seated at comfortable distance, उपाविशन् seated

The Vanaras, Bears and the mighty Rakshasas also were happily and comfortably seated at good distance in the wonderful aerial car.
।। इत्यार्षेवाल्मीकीयेश्रीमद्रामायणेआदिकाव्येयुद्धकाण्डेपञ्चविंशत्युत्तरशततमस्सर्गः ।।
This is the end of one hundred and twenty fifth sarga of Yuddha Kanda of the first epic the holy Ramayana composed by sageValmiki.