Sloka & Translation

[Hanuman gives a detailed description of Lanka on interrogation by Rama.]

सुग्रीवस्यवचश्श्रुत्वाहेतुमत्परमार्थवत् ।

प्रतिजग्राहकाकुत्स्थोहनूमन्तमथाब्रवीत् ।।6.3.1।।

काकुत्स्थ: scion of Kakuthsa dynasty, सुग्रीवस्य: of Sugriva, हेतुमत्: wellmeaning, परमार्थवत्: one who spoke the truth with deep understanding, वचः words, श्श्रुत्वा: having heard, प्रतिजग्राह: having accepted, अथ: then, हनूमन्तम्: at Hanuman, अब्रवीत्: said

Rama the scion of Kakuthsa dynasty having accepted the wellmeaning words of Sugriva, who spoke the truth with deep understanding, turned to Hanuman and said.
तपसासेतुबन्धेनसागरोच्छोषणेनच ।

सर्वथासुसमर्थोऽस्मिसागरस्यास्यलङ्घने ।।6.3.2।।

तपसा: by austerity, सेतुबन्धेन: construction of bridge, सागरोच्छोणेनच: or by drying the ocean, सर्वथापि: any other way, अस्यसागरस्य: that ocean's, लङ्घने: to cross, सुसमर्थः highly capable, अस्मि: I am.

"By austerity or by drying up the ocean or by any other means, I am capable of crossing the ocean."
कतिदुर्गाणिदुर्गायालङ्कायाब्रूहितानिमे ।

ज्ञातुमिच्छामितत्सर्वंदर्शनादिववानर ।।6.3.3।।

वानर: vanara, दुर्गायाः forts, लङ्कायाः in Lanka, कति: how many, दुर्गाणि: difficult to access, सर्वम्: totally, दर्शनादिव: just as you have seen, ज्ञातुम्: to know, इच्छामि: I wish, तानि: all that, ब्रूहि: tell me

"O Vanara How many forts are in Lanka? You may tell me whatever you have seen. I wish to know all that."
बलस्यपरिमाणंचद्वारदुर्गक्रियामपि ।

गुप्तिकर्मचलङ्कायारक्षसांसदनानिच ।।6.3.4।।

यथासुखंयथावच्छलङ्कायामसिदृष्टवान् ।

सर्वमाचक्ष्वतत्त्वेनसर्वथाकुशलोह्यसि ।।6.3.5।।

बलस्य: of the strength of army, परिमाणंच: the size, द्वारदुर्गक्रियामपि: the gateways that are difficult to enter, लङ्कायाः of Lanka, गुप्तिकर्मच: the way in which the entrances have been protected, रक्षसाम्: by the rakshasas, सदनानिच: and the dwellings, यथासुखम्: very conveniently, यथावच्च: tell in detail लङ्कायाम्: in Lanka, दृष्टवान्: one who has seen, असि: to me, सर्वम्: all,तत्त्वेन: truly, आचक्षय: you are aware, सर्वथा: in all aspects, कुशलः you are capable, असिहि: indeed to me

"Tell me in detail about the strength and size of the army, the number of gateways that are difficult to enter, the way in which the entrances have been protected by the rakshasas, and their dwellings in Lanka. Indeed you are aware of all aspects and are also capable."
श्रुत्वारामस्यवचनंहनुमान्मारुतात्मजः ।

वाक्यंवाक्यविदांश्रेष्ठोरामंपुनरथाब्रवीत् ।।6.3.6।।

वाक्यविदाम्: among those who are good in speech, श्रेष्ठः foremost, मारुतात्मजः son of Maruti, हनुमान्: Hanuman, रामस्य: Rama's, वचनम्: words, श्रुत्वा: having heard, अथ: then, पुनः again, रामम्: to Rama, अब्रवीत्: said

Hanuman the son of Maruti, the foremost among those who are good at speech, having heard Rama's words again said to Rama.
श्रूयतांसर्वमाख्यास्येदुर्गकर्मविधानतः ।

गुप्तापुरीयथालङ्कारक्षिताचयथाबलैः ।।6.3.7।।

लङ्कापुरी: city of Lanka, यथा: so also, दुर्गकर्मविधानतः the way in which, it is fortified, गुप्ता: secret , बलैः forces, यथा: that way, रक्षिताच: and protected, सर्वम्: everything, आख्यास्ये: relate, श्रूयताम्: wish to hear

"I will relate the way in which the city of Lanka is fortified, the way in which it is protected by secret forces, everything you wish to hear."
राक्षसाश्चयथास्निग्धारावणस्यचतेजसा ।

परांसमृद्धिंलङ्कायास्सागरस्यचभीमताम् ।।6.3.8।।

विभागंचबलौघस्यनिर्देशंवाहनस्यच ।

एवमुक्त्वाकपिश्रेष्ठःकथयामासतत्त्ववित: ।।6.3.9।।

राक्षसाः rakshasas, यथा: like that, स्निग्द्धा: affection, रावणस्य: Ravana's , तेजसा: power, लङ्कायाः in Lanka, पराम्: superior, समृद्धिम्: abundance, सागरस्य: ocean's, भीमताम्: terrifying, बलौघस्य: army,विभागम्: divisions, वाहनस्य: the means of transport, like chariots, elephants horses and soldiers, निर्देशंच: and point out, तत्त्ववित: as it truly is, कपिश्रेष्ठःforemost of vanaras, एवम्: in that way, उक्त्वा: tell, कथयामास: every thing

Hanuman, the foremost of the vanaras said that he will truly point out everything in Lanka:"Ravana's power, the affection of rakshasas to Ravana, his prosperity, the terrifying ocean, the divisions of the army such as chariots, elephants, horses and soldiers."
हृष्टप्रमुदितालङ्कामत्तद्विपसमाकुला ।

महतीरथसंपूर्णारक्षोगणसमाकुला ।।6.3.10।।

महती: vast, लङ्का: Lanka, हृष्टप्रमुदिता: very delighted, मत्तद्विपसमाकुला: full of elephants in rut, रथसंपूर्णा: filled with chariots, रक्षोगणसमाकुला: filled with innumerable rakshasas

"The people in the vast island of Lanka are very delighted. Lanka is filled with chariots and innumerable rakshasas."
दृढबद्धकवाटानिमहापरिघवन्तिच ।

द्वाराणिविपुलान्यस्याश्चत्वारिसुमहान्तिच ।।6.3.11।।

अस्याः in that Lanka, सुमहान्ति: lofty, विपुलानि: wide, चत्वारि: courtyards, द्वाराणि: entrances, दृढबद्धकवाटानि: doors fixed with metal fixtures , महापरिघवन्तिच: with large iron bars

"Lanka is endowed with lofty wide courtyards, entrances with doors that are fixed with metal fixtures and large iron bars."
तत्रेषूपलयन्त्राणिबलवन्तिमहान्तिच ।

आगतंपरसैन्यंतैस्तत्रप्रतिनिवार्यते ।।6.3.12।।

तत्र: there , बलवन्ति: powerful, महान्तिच: and large, इषूपलयान्त्राणि: machines that release darts and stones, तत्र: there, आगतम्: when they reach , परसैन्यम्: enemy's army, तैः those, प्रतिनिवार्यते: will retaliate and destroy

"The doors are fitted with powerful machines which retaliate by discharging darts and stones on the enemy's army and kill them."
द्वारेषुसंस्कृताभीमाःकालायसमयाश्शिताः ।

शतशोरचितावीरैश्शतघ्नयोरक्षसांगणै ।।6.3.13।।

संस्कृताः made ready, भीमाः terrific, कालयसमयाः fearful rakshasas ,श्शिताः sharpened, शतशः one hundred, शतघ्नयः huge stones studded with iron spikes , रक्षसाम्: guards, गणैः troops, द्वारेषु: at the entrance, रचिताः kept ready

At the entrances are troops of terrific looking guards kept ready with a hundred sharpened stones studded with iron spikes.
सौवर्णस्तुमहांस्तस्याःप्राकारोदुष्प्रधर्षणः ।

मणीविद्रुमवैदूर्यमुक्ताविरचितान्तरः ।।6.3.14।।

तस्याः its, सौवर्णः golden , महान्: lofty, मणीविद्रुमवैदूर्यमुक्ताविरचितान्तरः encrusted here and there with gems, corals and Vaiduryas and pearls, प्राकारः boundary wall, दुष्पधर्षणः difficult to assail

"Its lofty golden boundary wall encrusted here and there with gems, corals, Vaiduryas and pearls is difficult to assail."
सर्वतश्चमहाभीमाश्शीततोयवहाश्शुभाः ।

अगाधाग्राहवत्यश्चपरिखामीनसेविता ।।6.3.15।।

सर्वताः all round it, महाभीमाः very frightening, शीततोयाः very cold water, महाशुभाः very splendid, अगाधाः fathomless, ग्राहवत्यश्च: crocodiles, मीनसेविताः inhabited by fish, परिखा: moats

All round it (boundary wall) are very splendid moats filled with frighteningcold water inhabited by fish and crocodiles.
द्वारेषुतासांचत्वारस्सङ्क्रमाःपरमायताः ।

यन्त्रैरुपेताबहुभिर्महद्भिर्गृहपङ्क्तिभिः ।।6.3.16।।

द्वारेषु: at the entrance of gateways,चत्वार: on four sides, परमायताः very extensive, बहुभिः huge, यन्त्रै: engines, महद्भि: huge,गृहपङ्क्तिभिः rows of houses, उपेताः when people approach, तासां: movable bridges, सङ्क्रमाः four roadways

At the entrance of the gateways around the moats are four road ways. Huge engines are fixed to move the bridges when people approach. There are rows of houses (for the guards) at the gateways.
त्रायन्तेसङ्क्रमास्तत्रपरसैन्यागतेसति ।

यन्त्रैस्तैरवकीर्यन्तेपरिखासुसमन्ततः ।।6.3.17।।

तत्र: there, परसैन्यागतेसति: when enemy army enters, सङ्क्रमाः road ways, त्रायन्ते: protected, समन्ततः all over, परिखासु: in the moats, तैः those, यन्त्रै: those engines, अपकीर्यन्ते: not possible to cross

"When the enemy arrives, the engines all over the moats lift the bridges making entry impossible for enemy armies."
एकस्त्वकम्प्योबलवान्सङ्क्रमस्सुमहादृढः ।

काञ्चनै र्बहुभिस्स्तम्भैर्वेदिकाभिश्चशोभितः ।।6.3.18।।

काञ्चनै: golden, बहुभिः many, स्तम्भै: pillars, वेदिकाभिश्च: altars , शोभितः shining, बलवान्: strong, सुमहादृढः steady, एकः one, सङ्क्रमस्तु: road way, अकम्प्यः not shaky

"One of the road ways is very strong and steady, shining with unshakeable golden pillars and altars."
स्वयंप्रकृतिमापन्नोयुयुत्सूराम रावण: ।

उत्थितश्चाप्रमत्तश्चबलानामनुदर्शने ।।6.3.19।।

राम: O Rama, स्वयम्: Ravana himself , युयुत्सुः one with hostile intention, प्रकृतिम्: assuming natural tendency, आपन्नः one who has adopted, रावणः Ravana, उत्थितश्च: eager to combat, बलानाम्: army, अनुदर्शने: looks after, अप्रमत्तश्च: ever very alert

"O Rama Ravana, who is hostile in his intentions, assuming his natural tendency which is eagerness to combat, is always very alert and looks after the army."
लङ्कापुनर्निरालम्बादेवदुर्गाभयावहा ।

नादेयंपार्वतंवान्यंकृत्रिमंचचतुर्विधम् ।।6.3.20।।

देवदुर्गा: difficult for devatas to access, निरालम्बा: being located on peak of mountain, लङ्का: Lanka, पुनः again, भयावहा: fierce, नादेयम्: rivers, पार्वतम्: mountains, वान्यम्: forests, कृत्रिमंच: and artificial fortress, चतुर्विधम्: four kinds

"Lanka is difficult to access even for devatas located on high peaks of the mountain. It is fierce to onlookers, surrounded by four kinds of forts, like rivers, mountains, forests and artificial fortresses."
स्थितापारेसमुद्रस्यदूरपारस्यराघव ।

नौपथोपिश्चनास्त्यत्रनिरादेशश्चसर्वशः ।।6.3.21।।

राघव: O Raghava, दूरपारस्य: difficult to cross, समुद्रस्य: ocean's, पारे: other shore, स्थिता: located, अत्र: there, नौपथोपिश्च: passage for ships, नास्ति: not possible, सर्वशः all over, निरादेशश्च: nothing around.

"O Raghava Lanka is located on the other shore of the ocean. Passage through the sea is not possible. It is away from all and there is nothing around."
शैलाग्रेरचितादुर्गासापुरैर्देवपुरोपमा ।

वाजिवारणासम्पूर्णालङ्कापरमदुर्जया ।।6.3.22।।

दुर्गा: inaccessible, देवपुरोपमा: like the abode of devatas, सा: that, पुरै: city, शैलाग्रे: peak of the mountain, रचिता: to prepare, वाजिवारणसम्पूर्णा: full of horses and elephants, सा: that, लङ्का: Lanka, परमदुर्जया: difficult for anyone to conquer

"It is inaccessible like the abode of devatas as it is on the peak of the mountain. It is difficult to conquer for any one as it is full of horses and elephants."
परिखाश्चशतघ्नयश्चयन्त्राणिविविधानिच ।

शोभयन्तिपुरींलङ्कांरावणस्यदुरात्मनः ।।6.3.23।।

दुरात्मनः evil minded, रावणस्य: Ravana's, पुरीम्: city, लङ्काम्: of Lanka, परिखाश्च: by moats, शतघ्नयश्च: by missiles विविधानि: of many kinds, यन्त्राणिच: and machinery, शोभयन्ति: is shining

"Evil minded Ravana's city of Lanka is shining with moats and missiles of many kinds and machinery."
अयुतंरक्षसामत्रपूर्वद्वारंसमाश्रितम् ।

शूलहस्तादुराधर्षास्सर्वेखङ्गाग्रयोधिनः ।।6.3.24।।

अत्र:there, रक्षसाम्: rakshasas, अयुतम्: ten thousand, पूर्वद्वारम्: eastern gate, समाश्रितम्: garrisoned there , सर्वे: all, शूलहस्ताः those wielding tridents, दुराधर्षाः unassailable in war, खङ्गाग्रयोधिनः stand in front and fight with swords

"There(in Lanka) ten thousand warriors are garrisoned at the eastern gate way holding tridents, and those who are unassailable in war stand in front with swords."
नियुतंरक्षसामत्रदक्षिणद्वारमाश्रितम् ।

चतुरङ्गेणसैन्येनयोधास्तत्राप्यनुत्तमाः ।।6.3.25।।

अत्र: there, रक्षसा: rakshasas, नियुतम्: one lakh , दक्षिणद्वारम्: at the southern gateway, आश्रितम्: garrisoned, तत्रापि: they are also, चतुरङ्गेण: with four divisions of army , सैन्येन: with army, योधाः warriors, अनुत्तमाः best ones

At the southern gate also one lakh of rakshasas are garrisoned with four divisions of army. They are also the best warriors.
प्रयुतंरक्षसामत्रपश्चिमद्वारमाश्रितम् ।

चर्मखङ्गधरास्सर्वेतथासर्वास्त्रकोविदाः ।।6.3.26।।

अत्र: there, रक्षसाम्: the rakshasas, प्रयुतम्: ten lakhs, पश्चिमद्वारम्: western gate, आश्रितम्: garrisoned, सर्वे: all, चर्मखङ्गधराः: wearing shields of skin and holding swords, तथा: that way, सर्वास्त्रकोविदाः knowledgeable in several weapons.

At the western gate are garrisoned ten lakhs of rakshasas wearing shields of skin and holding swords. They are knowledgeable in several weapons.
न्यर्बुदंरक्षसामत्राप्युत्तरद्वारमाश्रितम् ।

रथिनश्चाश्ववाहाश्चकुलपुत्त्रास्सुपूजिताः ।।6.3.27।।

अत्र: there, रक्षसाम्: rakshasas, न्यर्बुदम्: one hundred crores, उत्तरद्वारम्: northern gate, अपि: even, आश्रितम्: garrisoned, रथिनः charioteers, अश्ववाहाश्च: horse riders and elephant riders,सुपूजिताः well respected trust worthy ones, कुलपुत्राः born in noble families

At the northern gate(of Lanka) are garrisoned one hundred crores of rakshasas constituting, charioteers, horse riding and elephant riding ogres born of noble families, respected and trustworthy (for Ravana).
शतशोऽथसहस्राणिमध्यमंस्कन्धमाश्रिताः ।

यातुधानादुराधर्षास्साग्रकोटिश्चरक्षसाम् ।।6.3.28।।

अथ: and , शतशः hundreds, सहस्राणि: thousands, दुराधर्षाः unassailable in war, यातुधानाः warriors, मध्यमस्कन्धम्: in the center of the city, आश्रिताः collected, रक्षसाम्: ogres, साग्रकोटिश्च: in multitude of crores

"Hundreds and thousands of warriors who are unassailable are collected in the center(of Lanka) in multitudes of crores."
तेमयासङ्क्रमाभग्नाःपरिखाश्चावपूरिताः ।

दग्धाचनगरीलङ्काप्राकाराश्चावसादिताः ।।6.3.29।।

बलैकदेशःक्षपितोराक्षसानांमहात्मनाम् ।

मया: by me, ते: those, सङ्क्रमाः the road ways, भग्नाः destroyed, परिखाश्च: and even moats, अवपूरिताः filled up, लङ्कानगरी: city of Lanka, दग्दाच: burnt also , प्राकाराश्च: even boundary walls, अवसादिताः smashed, महात्मनाम्: very powerful ones, राक्षसानाम्: rakshasas,बलैकदेशः part of the army, क्षपितः killed

"I have destroyed some of those roadways, even filled up the moats, burnt parts of the city of Lanka, smashed the boundary walls and killed part of the powerful army."
येनकेनतुमार्गेणतरामवरुणालयम् ।

हतेतिनगरीलङ्कावानरैरवधार्यताम् ।।6.3.30 ।।

येनकेनतु: by whatever means , मार्गेण: passage, वरुणालयम्: the ocean, abode of Varuna, तराम: cross over , वानरैः vanaras, लङ्कानगरी: Lanka city, हताइति: has destroyed, अवधार्यताम्: taken as destroyed

"If by whatever means the passage of ocean can be crossed by vanaras it can be taken for granted that the city of Lanka is destroyed."
अङ्गदोद्विविदोमैन्दोजाम्बवान्पनसोऽनलः ।

नीलस्सेनापतिश्चेवबलशेषेणकिंतव ।।6.3.31।।

प्लवमानाहिगत्वातांरावणस्यमहापुरीम् ।।6.3.32।।

सपर्वतवनांभित्त्वासखातांचसप्रतोरणाम् ।

सप्राकारांसभवनामानयिष्यन्तिराघव ।।6.3.33।।

राघव: Raghava, बलशेषेण: with the rest of the army, तव: your, किम्: why, अङ्गदः Angada, द्विविदः Dwivida, मैन्दः Mainda, जाम्बवान्: Jambavan, पनसः Panasa, अनलः Anala, सेनापतिः chief of the army, नीलश्चैव: even Nila, प्लवमानाः reaching by leaping, गत्वासपर्वतावनाम्: going over the mountains , सखाताम्: outer gates, सप्रतोरणाम्: archways, सप्राकाराम्: those boundaries, सभवनाम्: and the buildings, ताम्: those, रावणस्यमहापुरीम्: Ravana's city, भित्त्वा: demolishing, आनयिष्यन्ति: will get

"Raghava What do we have to do with the rest of the army when Angada, Dwivida, Mainda, Jambavan, Panasa, Nala and the chief of the army Nila are there? Reaching Ravana's city by leaping over the mountains and demolishing the outer gates, other boundaries, archways and other buildings they will get into Lanka city."
एवमाज्ञापयक्षिप्रंबलानांसर्वसङ्ग्रहम् ।

मुहूर्तेनतुयुक्तेनप्रस्थानमभिरोचय ।।6.3.34।।

एवम्: in that way, बलानाम्: the army, सर्वसङ्ग्रहम्: who the total, क्षिप्रम्: quickly, आज्ञापय: command, युक्तेनप्रस्थानम्: start at opportune time, अभिरोचय: you may command

"You may command the total army this way."Quickly start at an opportune time towards Lanka (said Hanuman to Rama)" commanded Hanuman."
This is the end of the third Sarga of Yuddha Kanda of the first epic, the holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.