
तेन पापानुबन्धेन वचनं न प्रतीच्छता।

एवं ब्रुवन्त्यस्सर्वास्स्म वायुना निहता भृशम्।।1.33.4।।


एवम् in this way, ब्रुवन्त्य: while we were speaking, सर्वा: all of us, पापानुबन्धेन by the sinful one, वचनम् our words, न प्रतीच्छता without accepting, तेन वायुना by that windgod, भृशम् greatly, निहता: we are smitten.

As all of us were speaking thus, the sinful Windgod, disregarding our words repeatedly assaulted us.