
अलङ्कारो हि नारीणां क्षमा तु पुरुषस्य वा।

दुष्करं तच्च यत् क्षान्तं त्रिदशेषु विशेषत:।।1.33.7।।

यादृशी व: क्षमा पुत्र्यस्सर्वासामविशेषत:।


नारीणाम् for women, पुरुषस्य वा or for men, क्षमा forbearance, अलङ्कारो हि is an ornament, क्षान्तम् इति यत् which act of forgiving, तत् दुष्करम् that one is difficult, त्रिदशेषु even for gods, विशेषत: especially difficult, पुत्र्य: Daughters, व: all of you, सर्वासाम् for the rest, अविशेषत: without difference, यादृशी similar to that.

Whether for women or men forgiveness is an ornament. It is difficult even for gods. For you, daughters, to show it without any difference of opinion is especially hard.