
विवर्णवदनो दीनस्तृष्णया च श्रमेण च।।1.62.3।।

पपाताङ्के मुनेराशु वाक्यं चेदमुवाच ह।


तृष्णया with thirst, श्रमेण च and fatigue, विवर्णवदन: with discoloured face, दीन: piteous, आशु immediately, मुने: sage's, अङ्के lap, पपात fell, इदम् these, वाक्यम् words, उवाच ह spoke.

With his face discoloured due to thirst and fatigue, he (Sunassepha) immediately fell into the sage's lap in a pitiable condition and said: