
न मेऽस्ति माता न पिता ज्ञातयो बान्धवा: कुत:।।1.62.4।।

त्रातुमर्हसि मां सौम्य धर्मेण मुनिपुङ्गव।


सौम्य O Gentle man, मुनिपुङ्गव O Preeminent among ascetics, मे to me, माता mother, नास्ति does no exist, पिता father, न not, ज्ञातय: agnate relations, बान्धवा: relatives, कुत: where?, माम् me, धर्मेण in accordance with righteousness, त्रातुम् to protect, अर्हसि behoves of you.

"O Noble man O Preeminent among ascetics I have no mother nor father nor friends nor relatives. You should protect me according to dharma.