
ब्राह्मण स्सुमहातेजा स्तपोबलसमन्वित:।

उद्धरिष्यति रम्भे त्वां मत्क्रोधकलुषीकृताम्।।1.64.13।।


रम्भे O Rambha, सुमहातेजा: highly splendrous, तपोबलसमन्वित: endowed with the power of asceticism, ब्राह्मण: Brahmana, मत्क्रोधकलुषीकृताम् fouled on account of my anger, त्वाम् you, उद्धरिष्यति will liberate.

'O Rambha an effulgent brahmin, endowed with the power of asceticism, will liberate you from this state into which you have fallen on account of my anger'.