

अष्टौ बभूवुर्वीरस्य तस्यामात्या यशस्विन: ।

शुचयश्चानुरक्ताश्च राजकृत्येषु नित्यश: ।।1.7.2।।


वीरस्य of the mighty, यशस्विन: glorious, तस्य for that king Dasaratha, शुचय: free from blemish in dealings, नित्यशः ever, राजकृत्येषु in royal duties, अनुरक्ताश्च loyally devoted, अष्टौ eight, अमात्या: ministers, बभूवु: had been employed.

The mighty and glorious (king Dasaratha) had eight ministers who were free from blemish in their dealings and ever devoted to royal duties.