
मातृभ्यो मातृकार्याणि कृत्वा परमयन्त्रित:।

गुरूणां गुरुकार्याणि काले कालेऽन्ववैक्षत।।1.77.25।।


परमयन्त्रित: highly cotrolled and disciplined to his duties, मातृभ्य: for his mothers, मातृकार्याणि duties towards his mothers, कृत्वा having done, गुरूणाम् for adorable ones, गुरुकार्याणि duties towards Spiritual preceptors, काले काले at approprtiate times, अन्ववैक्षत supervised.

With unfailing regularity Rama carried out his duties towards his mothers, and his elders, looking into them from time to time.