

karma kurvanti vidhivadyājakā vēdapāragā:.

yathāvidhi yathānyāyaṅ parikrāmanti śāstrata:৷৷1.14.3৷৷


vēdapāragā: scholars who mastered vedas fully, yājakā: chief priests, vidhivat in consonance with tradition and scriptures, karma tasks, kurvanti carried out, yathāvidhi in conformity with duties laid down in vedas, yathānyāyam according to law, śāstrata: as laid down in scriptures, parikrāmanti move about (officiated).

The chief priests, masters of the Vedas, conducted the rituals in consonance with traditions and scriptures. They officiated in conformity with duties laid down in the Vedas and according to law.