
को हि स्यादीदृशो लोके यादृश स्त्वमरिन्दमः।।2.106.2।।

न त्वां प्रव्यथयेद्दुःखं प्रीतिर्वा नप्रहर्षयेत्।

सम्मतश्चासि वृद्धानां तांश्च पृच्छसि संशयान्।।2.106.3।।


अरिन्दम O subduer of enemies (Rama), त्वम् you, यादृशः of such nature, ईदृशः of such person, लोके in the world, कोहि स्यात् who he may be, त्वाम् you, दुःखम् sarrow, न प्रव्यथयेत् does not pain, प्रीतिः pleasure, न वा प्रहर्षयेत् does not delight, वृद्धानाम् for the elders, सम्मतः असि beloved, तांश्च them, संशयान् doubts, पृच्छसि ask them.

O subduer of enemies, you are of such nature that neither sorrow pains you nor pleasure delights you. There are none in this world like you. You are loved by the elders, for you seek their counsel whenever you have doubts.