
धर्मे रता: स‌त्पुरुषै: स‌मेतास्तेजस्विनो दानगुणप्रधानाः।

अहिंसका वीतमलाश्च लोके भवन्ति पूज्या मुनयः प्रधानाः।।2.109.36।।

धर्मे in righteousness, रताः are engaged, सत्पुरुषैः with men of virtue, समेताः are associated, तेजस्विनः of radiant, दानगुण प्रधानाः charity as their chief virtue, अहिंसकाः eschewing violence, वीतमलाः purged of their sins, प्रधानाः supreme, मुनयः ascetics, लोके in this world, पूज्याः भवन्ति are truly worthy of reverence.

Those supreme ascetics who are radiant, devoted to righteousness and associated with men of virtue, with charity as their chief virtue, eschewing violence and purged of their impurities are truly worthy of reverence in this world.