
[Sumantra reaches Rama's palace and conveys to him Dasaratha's messageRama accompanied by Lakshmana proceeds to his father's palace-- comments of men and women on his way to the king.]

तदन्तःपुरद्वारं समतीत्य जनाकुलम्।

प्रविविक्तां ततः कक्ष्यामाससाद पुराणवित्।।2.16.1।।


अप्रमादिभिरेकाग्रै स्स्वनुरक्तैरधिष्ठिताम्।।2.16.2।।


पुराणवित् conversant with ancient traditions, सः he (Sumantra), जनाकुलं तद् crowded with people, अन्तःपुरद्वारम् the door of the inner apartment, समतीत्य having passed through, ततः after that, प्रासकार्मुकबिभ्रद्भिः carrying spears and bows, मृष्टकुंडलैः wearing shining ear rings, अप्रमादिभिः alert, एकाग्रैः attentive, स्वनुरक्तै: with utmost devotion (to the king), युवभिः by young men, अधिष्ठिताम् guarding, प्रविविक्ताम् sparsely crowded, कक्ष्याम् courtyard, आससाद reached.

Sumantra, who was conversant with ancient traditions, passed through the entrance of the inner apartment full of people and reached the sparsely crowded courtyard. There alert, loyal young men were attentively guarding the frontyard, armed with spears and bows and wearing shining earrings.