
अथ तं व्यथया दीनं सविशेषममर्षितम्।

श्वसन्तमिव नागेन्द्रं रोषविस्फारितेक्षणम्।।2.22.1।।

आसाद्य रामस्सौमित्रिं सुहृदं भ्रातरं प्रियम्।

उवाचेदं स धैर्येण धारयन्सत्त्वमात्मवान्।।2.22.2।।


अथ thereafter, आत्मवान् selfpossessed, सः रामः that Rama, धैर्येण with fortitude, सत्त्वम् composure, धारयन् holding, व्यथया with mental agony, दीनम् miserable, सविशेषम् especially, अमर्षितम् indignant, नागेन्द्रमिव like a king cobra, श्वसन्तम् hissing, रोषविस्फारितेक्षणम् eyes widened with wrath, सुहृदम् to the intimate, प्रियं भ्रातरम् beloved brother, सौमित्रिम् to Lakshmana, आसाद्य having approached, इदम् these words, उवाच said.

The selfpossessed Rama held his composure and approached his beloved, intimate brother Lakshmana who was (looking) miserable with his mental agony. To him, who was hissing like a king cobra, he said: