
ततस्सपुरुषव्याघ्र स्तद्धनं सहलक्ष्मणः।।2.32.28।।

द्विजेभ्यो बालवृद्धेभ्यः कृपणेभ्योऽह्यदापयत्।


ततः then, पुरुषव्याघ्रः tiger among men (best of men), सः that Rama, सहलक्ष्मणः along with Lakshmana, तत् धनम् that wealth, द्विजेभ्यः to brahmins, बालवृद्धेभ्यः to the young and old, कृपणेभ्यः to the poor, अदापयत् got it distributed.

Rama, best among men, got the entire wealth distributed among indigent brahmins, and young and old alike with the help of Lakshmana.