
स प्रविश्य महात्मानमृषिं शिष्यगणैर्वृतम्।

संशितव्रतमेकाग्रं तपसा लब्धचक्षुषम्।।2.54.11।।

हुताग्निहोत्रं दृष्ट्वैव महाभागं कृताञ्जलिः।

रामः सौमित्रिणा सार्धं सीतया चाभ्यवादयत्।।2.54.12।।


सः रामः Rama, प्रविश्य having entered, संशितव्रतम् one practising rigorous austerities, एकाग्रम् with concentration of mind, तपसा with asceticism, लब्दचक्षुषम् one who has obtained spiritual insight, हुताग्निहोत्रम् one who has kindled fire in sacrificial rituals, महाभागम् distinguished, शिष्यगणैः with disciples, वृतम् surrounded by, महात्मानम् highsouled, ऋषिम् sage, दृष्ट्वैव having seen, सौमित्रिणा Lakshmana, सार्धम् along with, सीतया च Sita too, अभ्यवादयत् paid obeisance.

Rama entered the hermitage and saw that highsouled Bharadwaja surrounded by his disciples. He was a distinguished sage who (himself) kindled sacrficial fires and acquired spiritual insight by practising rigid austerities with concentration of mind and ascetic powers. Rama, Lakshmana and Sita paid their obeisance to that great sage.