
भगवन्नित आसन्नः पौरजानपदो जनः।

सुदर्शमिह मां प्रेक्ष्य मन्येऽहमिममाश्रमम्।।2.54.24।।

आगमिष्यति वैदेहीं मां चापि प्रेक्षको जनः।

अनेन कारणेनाहमिह वासं न रोचये।।2.54.25।।


भगवन् O venerable one, इतः from here, पौरजानपदः inhabiting towns and villages, जनः subjects, आसन्नः living closely, इह here, माम् me, सुदर्शम् easily to be seen, प्रेक्ष्य having seen, जनः people, वैदेहीम् Sita, मां चापि me too, प्रेक्षकः in order to see, इमम् आश्रमम् to this hermitage, आगमिष्यति will frequent, अहम् I, मन्ये think so, अनेन कारणेन for this reason, अहम् I, इह here, वासम् to reside, न रोचये do not desire.

O venerable sage, I feel the people living in nearby villages and towns, perceiving that we can be easily seen here, will frequent this ashram. This is the reason I don't wish to stay here.