
यावता चित्रकूटस्य नरशृङ्गान्यवेक्षते।

कल्याणानि समाधत्ते न पापे कुरुते मनः।।2.54.30।।


नरः a man, यावता as long as, चित्रकूटस्य Chitrakuta mountain's, शृङ्गानि peaks, आवेक्षते beholds, कल्याणानि auspicious deeds, समाधत्ते will perform, पापे in sinful thoughts, मनः the mind, न कुरुते will not employ.

As long as one beholds the peaks of mount Chitrakuta, he will be inspired to do good deeds and will not employ his mind in sinful thoughts.