
ततोऽन्तःपुरमाविद्धं मूर्छिते पृथिवीपतौ।

उद्धृत्य बाहू चुक्रोश नृपतौ पतितेक्षितौ।।2.57.27।।


ततः then, पृथिवीपतौ when lord of the earth (the king), मूर्छिते had fallen unconscious, अन्तःपुरम् inner apartment, आविद्धम् broken down, नृपतौ king, क्षितौ on the ground, पतिते had fallen, बाहू arms, उद्धृत्य having raised, चुक्रोश cried loudly.

The moment the lord of the earth fell down on the ground unconscious, the women in the inner apartment burst into tears, raising their arms.