
अनुज्ञातस्सुमन्त्रोऽथ योजयित्वा हयोत्तमान्।

अयोध्यामेव नगरीं प्रययौ गाढदुर्मनाः।।2.57.3।।


अथ after this, अनुज्ञातः having been permitted by Rama to leave, सुमन्त्रः Sumantra, हयोत्तमान् best of horses, योजयित्वा harnessing, गाढदुर्मनाः with a heavy heart, अयोध्यां नगरीमेव to the city of Ayodhya, प्रययौ set out.

Permitted by Rama to leave, Sumantra harnessed the best of horses and set out for the city of Ayodhya with a heavy heart.