
असङ्ख्येयास्तु रामस्य सायकाश्चापमण्डलात्।

विनिष्पेतुरतीवोग्रा रक्षःप्राणापहारिणः।।3.25.20।।


रामस्य Rama's, चापमण्डलात् from the bow bent into a circle, अतीव highly, उग्राः fierce, रक्षःप्राणापहारिणः which can take the lives of demons, असङ्ख्येयाः countless ones, सायकाः arrows, विनिष्पेतुः thrown out destroying.

From Rama's bow bent into a cirle, countless fierce arrows able to take the lives of demons were released.