
तैर्धनूंषि ध्वजाग्राणि वर्माणि च शिरांसि च।


चिच्छेद रामस्समरे शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः।


रामः Rama, समरे in war, तैः by them (arrows), शतशः in hundreds, अथ and, सहस्रशः in thousands, धनूंषि bows, ध्वजाग्राणि tops of flags, वर्माणि च and armour, शिरांसि च and heads, सहस्ताभरणान् along with armlets, बाहून् shoulders, करिकरोपमान् like elephants' trunks, ऊरून् thighs, चिच्छेद cut.

In war Rama cut asunder the bows, flag tops, armour and heads of demons, their shoulders and thighs that were like the trunks of elephants, in their hundreds and thousands.