
स ते दर्पं बलं वीर्यमुत्सेकं च तथाविधम्।

अपनेष्यति गात्रेभ्यश्शरवर्षेण संयुगे।।3.56.15।।


सः he, संयुगे in combat, शरवर्षेण with showers of arrows, ते your, गात्रेभ्यः from limbs, दर्पम् pride, बलम् power, वीर्यम् heroism, तथाविधम् as such, उत्सेकं च haughtiness, अपनेष्यति will remove.

He will remove your pride, your power, your valour and haughtiness from your limbs with a shower of arrows in the fight.