
कस्येमौ पुरुषव्याघ्र शयाते निहतौ युधि।

चामरग्राहिणौ सौम्य सोष्णीषमणिकुण्डलौ।।3.64.50।।


पुरुषव्याघ्र O tiger among men, सौम्य O handsome one, सोष्णीषमणिकुण्डलौ with head dress and earrings made of gems, इमौ these two, चामर ग्राहिणौ carriers of fans, कस्य whose, युधि in war, निहतौ both are slain, शयाते both fallen down?

O best among men, O handsome Lakshmana see these carriers of fans with head dress and earrings studded with gems lying slain in the combat. Whose are they ?