
दिष्ट्यासि कुशली प्राप्तो निहतश्च त्वया रिपुः।

अनाथस्य हि मे नाथस्त्वमेकोऽनाथनन्दनः4.10.2।।


अनाथनन्दन compassionate to orphans, दिष्ट्या providence, त्वया by you, रिपुः enemy, निहतः is killed, कुशली safely, प्राप्तः असि have returned, अनाथस्य to the orphan, मे me, त्वम् you, एकः alone, नाथः are the saviour.

'By providence you have come back safe and the enemy has been killed. You are the only protector to an orphan which I am.