
व्यापारवीर्यधैर्यैश्च परिक्षीणं पराक्रमैः।

तं तु दुन्दुभिमुद्यम्य धरण्यामभ्यपातयत्।।4.11.45।।

युद्धे प्राणहरे तस्मिन्निष्पिष्टो दुन्दुभिस्तदा।

पपात च महाकायः क्षितौ पञ्चत्वमागतः4.11.46।।


व्यापारवीर्यधैर्यै in effort, strength and courage, पराक्रमैः in prowess as well, परिक्षीणं deterioration, तम् Vali, दुन्दुभिम् Dundubhi, उद्यम्य having lifted, धरण्याम् on the ground, अभ्यपातयत् hit down, तदा then, प्राणहरे in the deadly, तस्मिन् in that, युद्धे fight, दुन्दुभिः Dundubhi, निष्पिष्ट: crushed, पातयतः thrown down, तस्य his, महाकायः of huge body, पञ्चत्वम् resolved into the five elements (dead), आगतः go, क्षितौ on the ground, पपात fell down.

In the fight, Dundubhi fell down, with his strength, courage and prowess dwindled. Vali lifted his huge body and dashed it down on the ground. The body of Dundubhi dissolved into the five elements.