
ततस्स निनदं घोरं कृत्वा युद्धाय चाह्वयत्।

परिवारैः परिवृतो नादैर्भिन्दन्निवाम्बरम्4.14.3।।

गर्जन्निव महामेघो वायुवेगपुरस्सरः।


परिवारैः with companions, परिवृतः surrounded, ततः then, नादैः with sounds, अम्बरम् sky, भिन्दन्निव as if piercing through, वायुवेगपुरःसरः moving with the speed of wind, गर्जन् while roaring, महामेघ इव like a huge cloud, घोरम् terrific, निनदम् sound, कृत्वा having produced,
युद्धाय for the combat, अह्वयत् challenged.

Sugriva, surrounded by his companions, raised his voice as if piercing the sky, roaring like a huge thundering cloud, challenging Vali to a duel.