
शठो नैकृतिकः क्षुद्रो मिथ्याप्रश्रितमानसः।

कथं दशरथेन त्वं जातः पापो महात्मना4.17.42।।


शठः treacherous, नैकृतिकः dishonest, क्षुद्रः mean, मिथ्याप्रश्रितमानसः guised with false humility, पापः sinner, त्वम् you, महात्मना highsouled, दशरथेन to Dasaratha, कथम् how, जातः were you born?

'You are treacherous, dishonest, mean, guised with false humility and a sinner to the core. How were you born to that highsouled Dasaratha?