
न कर्ता कस्यचित्कश्चिन्नियोगे चापिनेश्वरः।

स्वभावे वर्तते लोकस्तस्य कालः परायणम्4.25.5।।


कस्यचित् for any one, नियोगे in controlling, कश्चित् any one, कर्ता agent of action, न not even, ईश्वरः अपि च Iswara also, न not, लोकः world, स्वभावे by nature, वर्तते follows, तस्य for that, कालः only time, परायणम् ultimate cause.

'No one can control another's action. No one including God can be the agent of action. No one has the power to entrust duty to others. This entire world is governed by one's own nature. Nature in turn is governed by Time (fate).