
मायावी नाम तेजस्वी पूर्वजो दुन्दुभेः सुतः।

तेन तस्य महद्वैरं स्त्रीकृतं विश्श्रुतं पुरा4.9.4।।


दुन्दभेः Dundubhi's, पूर्वजः elder, सुतः son, मायावी Mayavi, तेजस्वी a mighty one, पुरा in the past, तस्य विश्श्रुतं wellknown about him, तेन by him, स्त्रीकृतम् for the sake of a woman, महत् bitter, वैरम् enmity.

'Dundubhi's eldest son Mayabi was a mighty demon. He developed bitter enmity with Vali for the sake of a woman.