Sloka & Translation


[On king Dasaratha's refusal to accede to his request, Viswamitra gets enraged.]

तच्छ्रुत्वा राजशार्दूलो विश्वामित्रस्य भाषितम्।

मुहूर्तमिव निस्संज्ञस्संज्ञावानिदमब्रवीत्।।1.20.1।।

राजशार्दूल: great king, विश्वामित्रस्य Visvamitra's, तत् भाषितम् those words, श्रुत्वा having heard, मुहूर्तमिव for a moment, निस्संज्ञ: lost his senses, संज्ञावान् regained his consciousness, इदम् अब्रवीत् thus spoke.

On hearing Viswamitra, words the tiger among kings (Dasaratha) lost his senses for a moment and on regaining his consciousness spoke this way.
ऊनषोडशवर्षो मे रामो राजीवलोचन:।

न युद्धयोग्यतामस्य पश्यामि सह राक्षसै:।।1.20.2।।

राजीवलोचन: lotuseyed, मे राम: my Rama, ऊनषोडशवर्ष: in lessthan sixteen years of age, अस्य for him, राक्षसै:सह with the rakshasas, युद्धयोग्यताम् abilities to fight in a battle, न पश्यामि I do not see.

"My lotuseyed son Rama is less than sixteen. I do not think he has ability to fight with the rakshasas in a battle.
इयमक्षौहिणी पूर्णा यस्याहं पतिरीश्वर:।

अनया संवृतो गत्वा योद्धाऽहं तैर्निशाचरै:।।1.20.3।।

पूर्णा completely, इयम् अक्षौहिणी this Akshauhini, यस्या: for which, अहं I, पति: am the lord, ईश्वर: sustainer, अनया with this Akshauhini, संवृत: accompanied by, गत्वा having gone, अहं I, तै:निशाचरै: with those night rangers, rakshasas, योद्धा will engage in the battle.

Here is the whole akshauhini (army) of which I am the lord and sustainer.
Accompanied by the akshauhini I shall engage those rakshsasas in the battle.
इमे शूराश्च विक्रान्ता भृत्या मेऽस्त्रविशारदा:।

योग्या रक्षोगणैर्योद्धुं न रामं नेतुमर्हसि।।1.20.4।।

मे भृत्या: my servants, इमे these warriors, शूराश्च also valiant, विक्रान्ता: powerful, अस्त्रविशारदा: those skilled in use of weapons, रक्षोगणै: multitude of rakshasas, योद्धुम् to engage in battle, योग्या: are fit, रामम् Rama, नेतुम् नार्हसि not proper on your part to take him.

These servants of mine are warriors, valiant, powerful and courageous, skilled in the
use of weapons and fit to engage multitude of rakshasas in battle. It is not proper to take Rama with you.
अहमेव धनुष्पाणिर्गोप्ता समरमूर्धनि।

यावत्प्राणान्धरिष्यामि तावद्योत्स्ये निशाचरै:।।1.20.5।।

अहमेव I myself, धनुष्पाणि: with a bow in hand, गोप्ता will protect, यावत् as long as, प्राणान् my life, धरिष्यामि I sustain, तावत् till such time, समरमूर्धनि on the battlefield, निशाचरै: with rakshasas, योत्स्ये will engage in the battle.

Wielding bow in hand I will protect the sacrifice. As long as my life sustains, I will engage the rakshasas in the battle.
निर्विघ्ना व्रतचर्या सा भविष्यति सुरक्षिता।

अहं तत्रागमिष्यामि न रामं नेतुमर्हसि।।1.20.6।।

अहम् I, तत्र there, आगमिष्यामि shall come, सा व्रतचर्या that observance of vows,सुरक्षिता will be well protected, निर्विघ्ना without obstacles, भविष्यति will continue, रामम् Rama, नेतुम् to take, नार्हसि it is not proper on your part.
I shall go there, protect the sacrifice and see that it is conducted without obstacles. It
is not proper to take Rama with you.
बालो ह्यकृतविद्यश्च न च वेत्ति बलाबलम्।

न चास्त्रबलसंयुक्तो न च युद्धविशारद:।।1.20.7।।

न चासौ रक्षसां योग्य: कूटयुद्धा हि ते ध्रुवम् ।

हि indeed, बाल: a child, अकृतविद्यश्च is not learned in the science of warfare, बलाबलम् strengths and weaknesses, न वेत्ति does not know, अस्त्रबलसंयुक्त:च न has not acquired the strength of weapons, युद्धविशारद: च न not proficient in warfare, असौ he, रक्षसाम् of rakshasas, योग्य:न is not qualified, ते those rakshasas, ध्रुवम् certainly, कूटयुद्धा: हि are deceitful in battle.

Rama is still a child, he is not learned in the science of warfare,he does not know the strength and weakness of enemies. He has not acquired as yet the strength of using weapons and is not proficient in warfare. You know certainly those rakshasas are deceitful in battle. And hence he is not qualified to oppose them in the battle succesfully.
विप्रयुक्तो हि रामेण मुहूर्तमपि नोत्सहे।।1.20.8।।

जीवितुं मुनिशार्दूल न रामं नेतुमर्हसि।

रामेण from Rama, विप्रयुक्त: separated, मुहूर्तमपि even for a moment, जीवितुम् to live, नोत्सहे I do not like, मुनिशार्दूल O Best of ascetics, रामम् Rama, नेतुम् to take, नार्हसि it is not proper on your part (You should not take).

Separated from Rama, I do not like to live even for a moment. O tiger among ascetics, it is not proper to take Rama with you.
यदि वा राघवं ब्रह्मन्नेतुमिच्छसि सुव्रत।।1.20.9।।

चतुरङ्गसमायुक्तं मया च सहितं नय।

सुव्रत O Sage of excellent vows, ब्रह्मन् O Brahman, वा or, राघवम् Rama, नेतुम् to take him, इच्छसि you are intending, चतुरङ्गसमायुक्तम् my army consiting of elephants, chariots, cavalry and infantry, मया च सहितम् along with me, नय you may take.

O sage of great vows, O brahman if at all you intend to take Rama with you, take me also along with my army.
षष्टिर्वर्षसहस्राणि जातस्य मम कौशिक।।1.20.10।।

दु:खेनोत्पादितश्चायं न रामं नेतुमर्हसि।

कौशिक O Scion of Kusika family, जातस्य having born, मम for me, षष्टि: sixty, वर्षसहस्राणि thousand years passed, अयम् this Rama, दु:खेन with great efforts, उत्पादित: is obtained, रामम् Rama, नेतुम् to take him, नार्हसि it is not proper for you.

O scion of of Kusika family, sixty thousand years have passed since I was born. Rama was born to me after a great deal of suffering. It is not proper to take him with you.
चतुर्णामात्मजानां हि प्रीति:परमिका मम।।1.20.11।।

ज्येष्ठं धर्मप्रधानं च न रामं नेतुमर्हसि।

चतुर्णाम् among the four, आत्मजानाम् sons, मम for me, परमिका great, प्रीति: हि affection indeed, ज्येष्ठम् eldest, धर्मप्रधानम् च with virtue as prime qualification, रामम् Rama, नेतुम् to take, नार्हसि it is not proper.

My love for Rama among all my four sons is supreme.It is not proper for you to take Rama, the eldest son whose prime qualification is his virtue.
किंवीर्या राक्षसास्ते च कस्य पुत्राश्च ते च के।।1.20.12।।

कथं प्रमाणा: के चैतान्रक्षन्ति मुनिपुङ्गव।

मुनिपुङ्गव O Best of sages, ते राक्षसा: those rakshsas, किंवीर्या how powerful?, कस्य whose, पुत्रा: sons?, ते they, के who?, कथंप्रमाणा: how much is the size of their body, एतान् them, के who, रक्षन्ति are protecting.

O best of sages, how powerful are those rakshsas? Whose sons are they? Who are they and how huge is their body? Who are protecting them?
कथं च प्रतिकर्तव्यं तेषां रामेण रक्षसाम्।।1.20.13।।

मामकैर्वा बलैर्ब्रह्मन्मया वा कूटयोधिनाम्।3

ब्रह्मन् O Brahman, कूटयोधिनाम् of those treacherous and deceitful warriors, तेषाम् रक्षसाम् in the matter of those rakshasas, रामेण by Rama, मामकै: my, बलै: वा with forces, मया वा by me, कथम् how, प्रतिकर्तव्यम् to retaliate.

O brahman, how to rebuff those deceitful warriors either through Rama or through my army or through me?
सर्वं मे शंस भगवन्कथं तेषां मया रणे।।1.20.14।।

स्थातव्यं दुष्टभावानां वीर्योत्सिक्ता हि राक्षसा:।4

तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा विश्वामित्रोऽभ्यभाषत।।1.20.15।।

भगवन् O Venerable one, दुष्टभावानाम् of the wicked natured, तेषाम् of them, मया by me, रणे in the battle, कथम् how, स्थातव्यम् to stay, सर्वम् all this matter, मे to me, शंस tell, राक्षसा: rakshasas, वीर्योत्सिक्ता: proud of their prowess, तस्य his, तत् वचनम् those words, श्रुत्वा having heard, विश्वामित्र: Viswamitra, अभ्यभाषत spoke.

O venerable one, how to fight those wickednatured ones in the battle and stay aginst them? For rakshasas are proud of their prowess". Having heard the words of Dasaratha, Viswamitra said:
पौलस्त्यवंशप्रभवो रावणो नाम राक्षस:।

स ब्रह्मणा दत्तवरस्त्रैलोक्यं बाधते भृशम्।।1.20.16।।

महाबलो महावीर्यो राक्षसैर्बहुभिर्वृत:।

पौलस्त्यवंशप्रभव: born in the illustrious race of Pulastya, रावणो नाम by name Ravana, राक्षस: rakshasa, महाबल: of great strength, महावीर्य: of great prowess, स: he, ब्रह्मणा by Brahma, दत्तवर: by boon granted, बहुभि: by several, राक्षसै: by rakshasas, वृत: accompanied, त्रैलोक्यम् three worlds, भृशम् excessively, बाधते is tormenting.

श्रूयते हि महावीर्यो रावणो राक्षसाधिप:।।1.20.17।।

साक्षाद्वैश्रवणभ्राता पुत्रो विश्रवसो मुने:।

साक्षात् evidently, वैश्रवणभ्राता brother of Kubera, विश्रवस:मुने: ascetic Visrava's, पुत्र: son, राक्षसाधिप: king of rakshasas, रावण: Ravana, महावीर्य: of great prowess, श्रूयते it is heard.

Ravana, king of rakshasas, is the brother of Kubera and son of ascetic Visravana. He is said to possess great prowess.
यदा स्वयं न यज्ञस्य विघ्नकर्ता महाबल:।।1.20.18।।

तेन सञ्चोदितौ द्वौ तु राक्षसौ वै महाबलौ।

मारीचश्च सुबाहुश्च यज्ञविघ्नं करिष्यत:।।1.20.19।।

महाबल: he, possessing great strength, यदा when, स्वयम् on his own, यज्ञस्य for sacrifice, विघ्नकर्ता न does not create impediments, तेन by, सञ्चोदितौ prompted, मारीचश्च Maricha, सुबाहुश्च Subahu, द्वौ राक्षसौ two rakshasas, यज्ञविघ्नम् obsctacles of sacrifice, करिष्यत: cause.

Although endowed with great strength, Ravana, by himself, never created impediments to the sacrifice. But two rakshasas by name Maricha and Subahu are incited by him to cause obstacles".
इत्युक्तो मुनिना तेन राजोवाच मुनिं तदा।

न हि शक्तोऽस्मि सङ्ग्रामे स्थातुं तस्य दुरात्मन:।।1.20.20।।

इति in this manner, तेन मुनिना by that sage, उक्त: spoken, राजा king Dasaratha, तदा then, मुनिम् addressing the sage, उवाच said, सङ्ग्रामे in the battle, तस्य दुरात्मन: of that evil minded one, स्थातुम् to stand, शक्त: न अस्मि I am not capable.

Informed in this manner by sage Viswamitra, king Dasaratha addressed the sage, saying, "I am not competent enough to stand before those evilminded rakshasas in the batlle".
स त्वं प्रसादं धर्मज्ञ कुरुष्व मम पुत्रके।

मम चैवाल्पभाग्यस्य दैवतं हि भवान्गुरु:।।1.20.21।।

धर्मज्ञ O Knower of truth, स:त्वम् such of you, मम to me, पुत्रके in the little son, अल्पभाग्यस्य of the unfortunate, मम च in my matter, प्रसादम् favour, कुरुष्व extend, गुरु: spiritual preceptor, भवान् you, दैवतं हि verily god.

"You are the knower of righteousness. Extend your favour to my little son and also to me for I am so who is unfortunate. You are verily my spiritual preceptor and god.
देवदानवगन्धर्वा यक्षा:पतगपन्नगा:।

न शक्ता रावणं सोढुं किं पुनर्मानवा युधि।।1.20.22।।

देवदानवगन्धर्वा: gods, danavas and gandharvas, यक्षा: yakshas, पतगपन्नगा: birds and great serpents, युधि in the battle, रावणम् Ravana, सोढुम् to endure him, न शक्ता: are not capable, मानवा: men, किं पुन: again to say.

Gods, danavas, gandharvas, yakshas, birds and great serpents cannot withstand Ravana in battle. What are men to him? (They are no match to him).
स हि वीर्यवतां वीर्यमादत्ते युधि राक्षस:।

तेन चाहं न शक्तोऽस्मि संयोद्धुं तस्य वा बलै:।।1.20.23।।

सबलो वा मुनिश्रेष्ठ सहितो वा ममात्मजै:।

स: राक्षस: that rakshasa, युधि in the battle, वीर्यवताम् of the warriors, वीर्यम् prowess, आदत्ते हि takes, मुनिश्रेष्ठ O Foremost of ascetics, सबलो वा either with forces, मम आत्मजै:सहितो वा or together with my sons, अहम् I, तेन with him, तस्य बलै:वा or with his forces, संयोद्धुम् to engage in battle, न शक्तोऽस्मि I am not competant.

That rakshasa pulls out warriors' prowess in the battle. O foremost of ascetics Either with forces or with my sons it is not possible for me to engage him or his forces in battle.
कथमप्यमरप्रख्यं सङ्ग्रामाणामकोविदम्।

बालं मे तनयं ब्रह्मन् नैव दास्यामि पुत्रकम्।।1.20.24।।

ब्रह्मन् O Brahman, अमरप्रख्यम् resembling celestial deities, सङ्ग्रामाणाम् in the warfare, अकोविदम् not experienced, बालं पुत्रकम् dear young child, मे my, तनयम् son, कथमपि how so ever, नैव दास्यामि I never, never give him.

O brahman although my son resembles the celestials he is not experienced in warfare. On no account shall I spare him.
अथ कालोपमौ युध्दे सुतौ सुन्दोपसुन्दयो:।।1.20.25।।

यज्ञविघ्नकरौ तौ ते नैव दास्यामि पुत्रकम्।

अथ and, ते you, यज्ञविघ्नकरौ those causing obstacles to sacrifice, सुन्दोपसुन्दयो: of Sunda and Upasunda, सुतौ तौ sons, युध्दे in the battle, कालोपमौ resemble god of death, Yama, पुत्रकम् my son, नैव दास्यामि I shall never part with him.

Further the sons of Sunda and Upasunda by name Maricha and Subahu are causing obstacles to your sacrifice. They resemble the god of death, Yama. I shall never part with my son.
मारीचश्च सुबाहुश्च वीर्यवन्तौ सुशिक्षितौ।

तयोरन्यतरेणाहं योध्दा स्यां ससुहृद्गण:।।1.20.26।।

मारीचश्च Maricha, सुबाहुश्च Subahu, वीर्यवन्तौ possessed of prowess, सुशिक्षितौ experienced in warfare, अहम् I, ससुहृद्गण: with my best friends, तयो: in them, अन्यतरेण with one of them, योध्दा स्याम् can combat.

Maricha and Subahu not only possess prowess but also are experienced in warfare. Together with my group of friends I can combat with one of the two".
इति नरपतिजल्पनाद्द्विजेन्द्रं

कुशिकसुतं सुमहान्विवेश मन्यु:।

सुहुत इव मखेऽग्निराज्यसिक्त

स्समभवदुज्ज्वलितो महर्षिवह्नि:।।1.20.27।।

इति in this manner, नरपतिजल्पनात् with the statements of king Dasaratha, द्विजेन्द्रम् Indra among ascetics, कुशिकसुतम् son of Kusika, सुमहान् great, मन्यु: rage, विवेश entered, महर्षिवह्नि: fire in the form of maharshi, मखे in the sacrifice, सुहुत: with good offerings of oblation, आज्यसिक्त: sprinkled with clarified butter, अग्नि:इव like sacrificial fire, उज्वलित: समभवत् blazed.

Having heard the statements of the king the son of Kusika, Viswamitra who was like Indra among the ascetics was seized by great anger. As though fire in the form of maharshi blazed like the sacrificial fire into which oblations of clarified butter have been poured.
 ।। iऋफफछफौ चफळउफp८फउफफऋफhफॊ खफफऔउफळE१ळऋफ फबn८E१फखऋफॊ अफफऔफE१फhbॊ६ भखफघफजजफMफऩ
ityढऍ डrंmadraचऍ vmंkंya ikyऍ bakङऍ viनडassargaध৷৷
Thus ends the twentieth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.