Sloka & Translation

[Sumantra conveys the message of Rama to the wailing king and Kausalya.]

प्रत्याश्वस्तो यदा राजा मोहात्प्रत्यागतं पुनः।

अथाऽजुहाव तं सूतं रामवृत्तान्तकारणात्।।2.58.1।।

अथ thereafter, राजा king, यदा when, प्रत्याश्वस्तः consoled, मोहात् from loss of
consciousness, पुनः again, प्रत्यागतम् having regained his senses, रामवृत्तान्त कारणात् due to the news about Rama, तं सूतम् that charioteer, आजुहाव called for him.

When the king regained his consciousness and was consoled, he summoned the charioteer to hear news about Rama.
अथ सूतो महाराजं कृताञ्जलिरुपस्थितः।

राममेवानुशोचन्तं दुःखशोकसमन्वितम्।।2.58.2।।

वृद्धं परमसन्तप्तं नवग्रहमिव द्विपम्।

विनिश्वसन्तं ध्यायन्तमस्वस्थ मिव कुङञरम्।।2.58.3।।

अथ then, सूतः the charioteer, कृताञ्जलिः with folded palms, राममेव Rama alone, अनुशोचन्तम् thinking of Rama, दुःखशोकसमन्वितम् by grief and sorrow, वृद्धम् aged, परमसन्तप्तम् deeply afflicted, नवग्रहम् newlycaptured, द्विपमिव like an elephant, विनिःश्वसन्तम् heaving deep sighs, अस्वस्थम् indisposed, कुञ्जरमिव like an elephant, ध्यायन्तम् brooding, महाराजम् king, उपस्थितः approached.

Then the charioteer with folded palms approached the king who, deeply afflicted with grief and pain, was brooding over Rama alone. Aged Dasaratha was heaving deep sighs like a newlycaptured, indisposed elephant.
राजा तु रजसा सूतं ध्वस्ताङ्गं समुपस्थितम्।

अश्रुपूर्णमुखं दीनमुवाच परमार्तवत्।।2.58.4।।

राजा king, रजसा with dust, ध्वस्ताङ्गम् covered all over, अश्रुपूर्णमुखम् face bathed in tears, दीनम् dejected, समुपस्थितम् standing nearby, सूतम् charioteer, परमार्तवत् filled with extreme grief, उवाच said.

Seeing the dejected charioteer standing before him, the desolate king covered all over with dust and his face bathed in tears, said to him in extreme grief:
क्वनु वत्स्यति धर्मात्मा वृक्षमूलमुपाश्रितः।

सोऽत्यन्तसुखित स्सूत किमशिष्यति राघवः।।2.58.5।।

सूत the charioteer, धर्मात्मा righteous (Rama), वृक्षमूलम् foot of the tree, उपाश्रितः having taken refuge, क्वनु where, वत्स्यति will he live?, अत्यन्त सुखितः enjoyed supreme luxury, स: राघवः that Rama, किम् what?, अशिष्यति will he eat?

O charioteer Rama is rightous and he is acustoomed to all sorts of comfort. Taking refuge at the foot of a tree how shall he live and what shall he eat?
दुःखस्यानुचितो दुःखं सुमन्त्र शयनोचितः।

भूमिपालात्मजो भूमौ शेते कथमनाथवत्।।2.58.6।।

सुमन्त्र Sumantra, दुःखस्य to sorrow, अनुचितः not deserving, शयनोचितः accustomed to comfortable couches, भूमिपालात्मजः son of the guardian of the earth (prince Rama), अनाथवत् like an orphan, भूमौ on the ground, दुःखम् sadly, कथम् how?, शेते can lie down?

How can the son of the guardian of the earth who is accustomed to a comfortable bed and not to undeserved suffering lie down on the ground like an orphan, O Sumantra
यं यान्तमनुयान्ति स्म पदातिरथकुञ्जराः।

स वत्स्यति कथं रामो विजनं वन माश्रितः।।2.58.7।।

यान्तम् when he went out, यम् whom, पदातिरथकुञ्जरा: footsoldiers, chariots and elephants, अनुयान्ति स्म followed, सः that, रामः Rama, विजनम् desolate, वनम् forest, आश्रितः having taken shelter, कथम् how, वत्स्यति can live.

Wherever Rama went, elephants, chariots and footsoldiers followed him. How can he (now) live in the desolate forest where he has taken refuge?
व्यालैर्मृगैराचरितं कृष्णसर्पनिषेवितम्।

कथं कुमारौ वैदेह्या सार्धं वन मुपस्थितौ।।2.58.8।।

कुमारौ the two youths (Rama and Lakshmana), वैदेह्या सार्धम् with Vaidehi also, व्यालैः by wicked wild elephants, मृगैः animals, आचरितम् ranging about, कृष्णसर्पनिषेवितम् abounding in black cobras, वनम् forest, कथम् how, उपस्थितौ exist.

How can the two young men along with Vaidehi live in the forest infested with black cobras and wicked, wild animals?
सुकुमार्या तपस्विन्या सुमन्त्र सह सीतया।

राजपुत्रौ कथं पादैरवरुह्य रथाद्गतौ।।2.58.9।।

सुमन्त्र Sumantra, राजपुत्रौ king's sons, सुकुमार्या along with delicate, तपस्विन्या by the pitiable, सीतया सह with Sita, रथात् from the chariot, पादैः on foot, अवरुह्य alighting, कथम् how, गतौ did they go.

O Sumantra how did those two princes along with pitiable, delicate Sita, alight from the chariot, and enter the forest on foot?
सिद्धार्थः खलु सूत त्वं येन दृष्टौ ममाऽत्मजौ।

वनान्तं प्रविशन्तौ तावश्विनाविवमन्दरम्।।2.58.10।।

सूत O charioteer, येन by you, अश्विनौ Aswinis, मन्दरम् इव like Mandara mountain, वनान्तम् on the outskirts of the forest, प्रविशन्तौ entering, मम my, आत्मजौ sons, दृष्टौ have been seen, त्वम् you, सिद्धार्थः खलु are blessed indeed.

You are blessed indeed, O charioteer to have seen my sons entering the outskirts of the forest like Aswinis stepping into the region of the Mandara mountain.
किमुवाच वचो रामः किमुवाच च लक्ष्मणः।

सुमन्त्र वनमासाद्य किमुवाच च मैथिली।।2.58.11।।

सुमन्त्र Sumantra, वनम् forest, आसाद्य on reaching, रामः Rama, किम् what?, वचः words, उवाच did speak, लक्ष्मणः Lakshmana, किम् what, उवाच did say, मैथिली च and Sita, किम् what, उवाच did say.

Upon reaching the forest, O Sumantra what did Rama, Lakshmana and Sita say?
आसितं शयितं भुक्तं सूत रामस्य कीर्तय।

जीविष्यामहमेतेन ययातिरिव साधुषु।।2.58.12।।

सूत charioteer, रामस्य Rama's, आसितम् seat, शयितम् bed, भुक्तम् food, कीर्तय describe, अहम् I, ययातिः Yayati, साधुषु इव as in the company of saints, एतेन with this, जीविष्यामि shall live.

Tell me, O charioteer where Rama sat, where he slept, what (food) he ate. Only your words will enable me to live like Yayati among saints.
इति सूतो नरेन्द्रेण बोधित स्सज्जमानया।

उवाच वाचा राजानं स बाष्पपरिबद्धया।।2.58.13।।

नरेन्द्रेण by the king, Dasaratha, इति in this way, बोधितः questioned, सः सूतः that charioteer, बाष्पपरिबद्धया with voice choked with tears, सज्जमानया faltering with grief, वाचा with words, राजानम् to the king, उवाच said.

Thus questioned by the king the charioteer, his voice choked with tears and words faltering in grief, addressed the king:
अब्रवीन्मां महाराज धर्ममेवानुपालयन्।

अञ्जलिं राघवः कृत्वा शिरसाऽभिप्रणम्य च।।2.58.14।।

महाराज O great king, राघवः the descendant of the Raghu race (Rama), धर्ममेव righteousness also, अनुपालयन् guarding, अञ्जलिम् with folded hands, कृत्वा having set, शिरसा bowing his head, अभिप्रणम्य च offering salutations, माम् to me, अब्रवीत् said.

With palms folded and head bowed, O great king Rama offered his salutations to you in confirmity with righteousness and said to me:
सूत मद्वचनात्तस्य तातस्य विदितात्मनः।

शिरसा वन्दनीयस्य वन्द्यौ पादौ महात्मनः।।2.58.15।।

सूत O charioteer, मद्वचनात् as my words, विदितात्मनः knower of the self, महात्मनः illustrious, वन्दनीयस्य worthy of salutations, तस्य that, तातस्य father's, पादौ feet, शिरसा head, वन्द्यौ are worthy of salutations.

'Convey on my behalf, O charioteer to my illustrious father who is known for his selfknowledge, and is worthy of homage, that I am saluting his feet with my head bowed.
सर्वमन्तःपुरं वाच्यं सूत मद्वचनात्त्वया।

आरोग्यमविशेषेण यथार्हं चाभिवादनम्।।2.58.16।।

सूत O charioteer, त्वया by you, मद्वचनात् at my words, सर्वम् entire, अन्तःपुरम् inmates of the inner apartment, अविशेषेण without distinction, आरोग्यम् wellbeing, यथार्हम् befitting their status, अभिवादनं च salutations, वाच्यम् fit to be conveyed.

'On my behalf convey, O charioteer, without any distinction, my salutations to all the
women befitting their status and tell them I was enquiring about their wellbeing.
माता च मम कौसल्या कुशलं चाभिवादनम्।

अप्रमादं च वक्तव्या ब्रूयाश्चैनामिदं वचः।।2.58.17।।

मम my, माता mother, कौसल्या Kausalya, कुशलम् welfare, अभिवादनं च salutations, अप्रमादं च alertness, वक्तव्या is worthy of conveying, इदम् this, वचश्च word, ब्रूयाः tell.

'Convey my mother carefully my saluations and my wellbeing and tell her:
धर्मनित्या यथाकालमग्न्यगारपरा भव।

देवि देवस्य पादौ च देववत्परिपालय।।2.58.18।।

देवि O mother, धर्मनित्या adhering to the righteous path, यथाकालम् in time, अग्न्यगारपरा भव perform the rituals in the chamber of sacrificial fire, देवस्य (your) lord's (king Dasaratha's), पादौ च feet also, देववत् like a god, परिपालय serve.

'O mother, adhering to the righteous path and performing in time the rituals in the chamber of sacrificial fire, offer your services at the feet of king Dasaratha as if he were a god.
अभिमानं च मानं च त्यक्त्वा वर्तस्व मातृषु।

अनु राजानमार्यां च कैकेयीमम्ब कारय।।2.58.19।।

अभिमानं च egoism, मानं च pride, मातृषु towards mothers, वर्तस्व conduct yourself, अम्ब O mother, आर्याम् venerable, कैकेयीम् Kaikeyi, राजानम् अनु welldisposed towards the king, कारय mould her.

'O mother, conduct yourself with other mothers without pride and egoism. Ensure that venerable Kaikeyi remains welldisposed towards the king.
कुमारे भरते वृत्तिर्वर्तितव्या च राजवत्।

अर्थज्येष्ठा हि राजानो राजधर्ममनुस्मर।।2.58.20।।

कुमारे young, भरते towards Bharata, राजवत् like a king, वृत्ति: conduct, वर्तितव्या to be followed, राजानः kings, अर्थज्येष्ठाः हि senior by virtue of their royalty, राजधर्मम् prerogative of kings, अनुस्मर remember.

'Behave towards young Bharata as to a king. Irrespective of age, a king is a king. (Hence should be honoured). You should keep this rajadharma (royal prerogative) in mind.
भरतः कुशलं वाच्यो वाच्यो मद्वचनेन च।

सर्वास्वेव यथान्यायं वृत्तिं वर्तस्व मातृषु।।2.58.21।।

भरतः Bharata, कुशलम् welfare, वाच्यः deserves to be told, मद्वचनेन by my word, वाच्यः च is to be told, सर्वासु among all, मातृषु mothers, यथान्यायम् rightly, वृत्तिम् behaviour, वर्तस्व follow.

'Tell Bharata of my welfare and tell him on my behalf that he should honour all our mothers equally.
वक्तव्यश्च महाबाहुरिक्ष्वाकुकुलनन्दनः।

पितरं यौवराज्यस्थो राज्यस्थमनुपालय।।2.58.22।।

इक्ष्वाकुकुलनन्दनः delight of the race of Ikshvaku, महाबाहुः mightyarmed, वक्तव्यश्च deserves be told this way, यौवराज्यस्थः crowned as prince regent, राज्यस्थम् being in the kingdom, पितरम् father, अनुपालय rule the kingdom (by being obedient to him).

अतिक्रान्तवया राजा मास्मैनं व्यवरोरुधः।

कुमार राज्ये जीव त्वं तस्यैवाज्ञाप्रवर्तनात्।।2.58.23।।

राजा king Dasaratha, अतिक्रान्तवयाः is advanced in age, एनम् him, मा स्म व्यवरोरुधः do not restrict him, त्वम् you, तस्यैव that king's, आज्ञाप्रवर्तनात् carrying out the commands, कुमारराज्ये as prince regent, जीव live.

'The king is advanced in age. Do not restrict him in any manner. Carry out his orders as prince regent, and live happily'.
अब्रवीच्चापि मां भूयो भृशमश्रूणि वर्तयन्।

मातेव मम माता ते द्रष्टव्या पुत्रगर्धिनी।।2.58.24।।

भृशम् excessively, अश्रूणि tears, वर्तयन् shedding, माम् addressing me, भूयः more, अब्रवीच्चापि uttered, पुत्रगर्धिनी covetous of her son, मम माता my mother, ते by you, मातेव as your mother, द्रष्टव्या worthy of being looked after.

Shedding profuse tears, Rama continued, 'Look after my mother who is covetous of her son as your own mother'.
इत्येवं मां महराज ब्रुवन्नेव महायशाः।

रामो राजीवताम्राक्षो भृशमश्रूण्यवर्तयत्।।2.58.25।।

महाराज O king, महायशाः renowned, राजीवताम्राक्षः with red lotuslike eyes, रामः Rama, माम् to me, इत्येवम् thus, ब्रुवन्नेव while saying, भृशम् copious, अश्रूणि tears, अवर्तयत् shed.

While saying this the red lotuslike eyes of illustrious Rama streamed with tears, O maharaja
लक्ष्मणस्तु सुसङ्कृद्धो निश्श्वसन्वाक्यमब्रवीत्।

केनायमपराधेन राजपुत्रो विवासितः।।2.58.26।।

लक्ष्मणस्तु Lakshmana, सुसङ्कृद्धः mighty angry, निश्श्वसन् sighing, वाक्यम् words, अब्रवीत् said, अयम् this, राजपुत्रः king's son, केन by what, अपराधेन offence, विवासितः has been banished?

But Lakshmana, seething with anger and sighing said, 'For what offence has this king's son been banished'?
राज्ञा तु खलु कैकेय्या लघुत्वाश्रित्य शासनम्।

कृतं कार्यमकार्यं वा वयं येनाभिपीडिताः।।2.58.27।।

राज्ञा तु by the king also, कैकेय्याः of Kaikeyi, लघु trash, शासनम् command, आश्रित्य having taken refuge, अकार्यम् a forbidden act, कार्यं वा or a worthy act, कृतम् has been done, येन by which, वयम् we, अभिपीडिताः have been made to suffer.

'The king, too, submitting to the trash command of Kaikeyi has perpetrated an act, just or unjust (he knows better), for which we are made to suffer so much.
यदि प्रव्राजितो रामो लोभकारणकारितम्।

वरदाननिमित्तं वा सर्वथा दुष्कृतं कृतम्।।2.58.28।।

रामः Rama, लोभकारणकारितम् out of greed (for the kingdom), वरदाननिमित्तं वा or on account of the boons bestowed, प्रव्राजितः यदि if banished, सर्वथा by all means, दुष्कृतम् wicked act, कृतम् has been done.

'Whether it was out of greed (for the kingdom) or for (the execution of) the boon bestowed, this act of banishment is by all means wicked'.
इदं तावद्यथाकाममीश्वरस्य कृते कृतम्।

रामस्य तु परित्यागे न हेतु मुपलक्षये।।2.58.29।।

इदं तावत् this one, ईश्वरस्य कृते for (fear of) God, यथाकामम् this act, कृतम् done, रामस्य Rama's, परित्यागे in abandonment, हेतुम् reason, न उपलक्षये I do not see.

'Or he might have thought he is the overlord and can do as he likes. (Or, he might have done this for fear of God) Otherwise, I do not see any reason for the abandonment of Rama'.
असमीक्षय समारब्धं विरुद्धं बुध्दिलाघवात्।

जनयिष्यति सङ्क्रोशं राघवस्य विवासनम्।।2.58.30।।

बुद्धिलाघवात् out of lack of intelligence, असमीक्ष्य without (proper) consideration, समारब्धम् commenced, विरुद्धम् contrary (to justice), राघवस्य Rama's, विवासनम् banishment,
सङ्क्रोशम् bewailment, जनयिष्यति will produce.

'Unjustly, foolishly and without (proper) consideration Rama has been banished. This will (definitely) cause sorrow'.
अहं तावन्महाराजे पितृत्वं नोपलक्ष्ये।

भ्राता भर्ता च बन्धुश्च पिता च मम राघवः।।2.58.31।।

अहम् I, महाराजे in that great king, पितृत्वम् fatherhood, नोपलक्ष्ये I do not see, मम to me, राघवः Rama alone, भ्राता च brother, भर्ताच also protector, बन्धुश्च friend, पिता father.

'I do not regard the great king as my father. Rama alone is my brother, protector, friend and father.
सर्वर्लोकप्रियं त्यक्त्वा सर्वलोकहिते रतम्।

सर्वलोकोऽनुरज्येत कथं त्वाऽनेनकर्मणा।।2.58.32।।

सर्वलोकप्रियम् beloved to all, सर्वलोकहिते in the welfare of all, रतम् devoted, त्यक्त्वा after deserting, अनेन कर्मणा with this act, त्वा towards you, सर्वलोकः entire world, कथम् how, अनुरज्येत will be pleased?

'How can anyone in this world be pleased with you for deserting Rama, the beloved of all, and ever devoted to their welfare?
सर्वप्रजाभिरामं हि रामं प्रव्राज्य धार्मिकम्।

सर्वलोकं विरुध्येमं कथं राजा भविष्यसि।।2.58.33।।

सर्वप्रजाभिरामम् Delight of all subjects, धार्मिकम् righteous, रामम् to Rama, प्रव्राज्य having used banishment, इमम् this, सर्वलोकम् entire world, विरुध्य antagonizing, राजा king, कथम् how, भविष्यसि will continue to rule?

'Having banished the righteous Rama, the delight of all subjects and, thereby,
antagonizing the entire world, how can you claim to be their king?'
जानकी तु महाराज निश्श्वसन्ती मनस्विनी।

भूतोपहतचित्तेव विष्ठिता विस्मृता स्मिता।।2.58.34।।

महाराज O great king, मनस्विनी sensitive lady, जानकी तु Janaki, निश्श्वसन्ती heaving sighs, भूतोपहतचित्तेव like one possessed, विस्मृता स्मिता like one unconcerned with the surroundings and yet smiling, विष्ठिता stood stupefied.

O great king as for that sensitive Janaki, she stood sighing, stupefied and oblivious (of the past), yet smiling as though her mind was possessed by an evil spirit.
अदृष्टपूर्वव्यसना राज्यपुत्री यशस्विनी।

तेन दुःखेन रुदती नैव मां किञ्चिदब्रवीत्।।2.58.35।।

अदृष्टपूर्वव्यसना who had never experienced adversity, यशस्विनी celebrated, राजपुत्री that princess, तेन that, दुःखेन with sorrow, रुदती weeping, माम् to me, किञ्चित् even a little, नैव अब्रवीत् did not at all say.

That glorious princess Sita who had never experienced any adversity earlier, weeping with sorrow, could not even speak to me anything.
उद्वीक्षमाणा भर्तारं मुखेन परिशुष्यता।

मुमोच सहसा बाष्पं मां प्रयान्तमुदीक्ष्य सा।।2.58.36।।

सा she, प्रयान्तम् moving, माम् me, उदीक्ष्य having seen, परिशुष्यता with driedup, मुखेन face, भर्तारम् husband, उद्वीक्षमाणा beholding, सहसा suddenly, बाष्पम् tears, मुमोच shed.

When she saw me leaving, she looked at her husband with a dry (pale) face and suddenly burst into tears.
तथैव रामोऽश्रुमुखः कृताञ्जलिः स्थितोऽभवल्लक्ष्मणबाहुपालितः।

तथैव सीता रुदती तपस्विनी निरीक्षते राजरथं तथैव माम्।।2.58.37।।

तथैव thus, रामः Rama, अश्रुमुखः with his face filled with tears, कृताञ्जलिः with folded hands, लक्ष्मणबाहुपालितः supported by the arms of Lakshmana, स्थितः अभवत् stood, तपस्विनी pitiable, सीता Sita, रुदती weeping, राजरथम् king's chariot, माम् me, निरीक्षते kept gazing.

Supported by Lakshmana's arms, Rama stood, his face streaming with tears and palms folded, while the wretched Sita, glaring at me and the royal chariot, weeping.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे अष्टपञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fiftyeighth sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.