Sloka & Translation

[Sumantra describes the shadow of sorrow over Ayodhya -- withering plants and flowers, driedup ponds, immobile animals -- Dasaratha pines for Rama.]

इति ब्रुवन्तं तं सूतं सुमन्त्रं मन्त्रिसत्तमम्।

ब्रूहि शेषं पुनरिति राजा वचनमब्रवीत्।।2.59.1।।

राजा king, इति thus, ब्रुवन्तम् while speaking, सूतम् charioteer, मन्त्रिसत्तमम् best of ministers, तं सुमन्त्रम् that Sumantra, शेषम् the rest, पुनः again, ब्रूहि tell, इति thus, वचनम् words, अब्रवीत् said.

Listening to the charioteer, the best of ministers (Sumantra), the king asked him to tell the rest.
तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा सुमन्त्रो बाष्पविक्लबः।

कथयामास भूयोऽपि रामसन्देशविस्तरम्।।2.59.2।।

सुमन्त्रः Sumantra, तस्य his, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा having heard, बाष्पविक्लबः overcome with tears, रामसन्देशविस्तरम् details of Rama's message, भूयोऽपि once again, कथयामास narrated.

Having heard him, Sumantra, overcome with tears, related further details of Rama's message.
जटाः कृत्वा महाराज चीरवल्कलधारिणौ।

गङ्गामुत्तीर्य तौ वीरौ प्रयागाभिमुखौ गतौ।।2.59.3।।

महाराज O king, चीरवल्कलधारिणौ wearing the bark robes, तौ वीरौ those heroes, जटाः matted hair, कृत्वा having made, गङ्गाम् the river Ganga, उत्तीर्य having crossed, प्रयागाभिमुखौ towards Prayaga, गतौ went.

O King the heroes in bark robes and with matted hair crossed the Ganga and proceeded towards Prayaga.
अग्रतो लक्ष्मणो यातः पालयन्रघुनन्दनम्।

तांस्तथा गच्छतो दृष्ट्वा निवृत्तोऽस्म्यवशस्तदा।।2.59.4।।

लक्ष्मणः Lakshmana, रघुनन्दनम् Rama, पालयन् protecting, अग्रतः ahead of him, यातः had gone, तथा that way, गच्छतः going, तान् him, दृष्ट्वा having seen, तदा then, अवशः helplessly, निवृत्तः अस्मि returned.

Lakshmana walked ahead guarding Rama, the delight of the Raghus. While I returned helplessly seeing them go.
ममत्वश्वा निवृत्तस्य न प्रावर्तन्त वर्त्मनि।

उष्णमश्रु प्रमुञ्चन्तो रामे सम्प्रस्थिते वनम्।।2.59.5।।

रामे Rama, वनम् for the forest, सम्प्रस्थिते when setting out, निवृत्तस्य when I returned, मम my, अश्वा: तु as for horses, उष्णम् hot, अश्रुप्रमुञ्चन्तः shedding tears, वर्त्मनि on the path, न प्रावर्तन्त did not proceed.

When Rama set out for the forest, and I turned back, my horses shedding hot tears were reluctant to walk the path.
उभाभ्यां राजपुत्राभ्यामथ कृत्वाहमञ्जलिम्।

प्रस्थितो रथमास्थाय तद्दुःखमपि धारयन्।।2.59.6।।

अथ thereafter, अहम् I, उभाभ्याम् to both, राजपुत्राभ्याम् princess, अञ्जलिम् folded palms, कृत्वा having made, तत् that, दुःखम् अपि grief, धारयन् controlling, रथम् chariot, आस्थाय ascending, प्रस्थितः set out.

Thereafter, controlling my grief and paying obeisance to both the princes with folded
palms, I ascended the chariot and returned.
गुहेन सार्धं तत्रैव स्थितोऽस्मि दिवसान्बहून्।

आशया यदि मां रामः पुन श्शब्दापयेदिति।।2.59.7।।

रामः Rama, पुनः again, माम् me, शब्दापयेत् यदि if calls me, इति thus, आशया with hope, तत्रैव there itself, गुहेन सार्धम् with Guha, बहून् many (three), दिवसान् अस्मि I waited.

There along with Guha I waited for (three) days that Rama might call me back.
विषये ते महाराज रामव्यसनकर्शिताः।

अपि वृक्षाः परिम्लानास्सपुष्पाङ्कुरकोरकाः।।2.59.8।।

महाराज O great king, ते विषये throughout your empire, वृक्षाः अपि even trees, सपुष्पाङ्कुरकोरकाः with flowers, buds and shoots, रामव्यसनकर्शिताः oppressed on account of the calamity on Rama, परिम्लानाः withered.

O great king even trees with their flowers, buds and shoots throughout your empire have withered because of the calamity on Rama.
उपतप्तोदका नद्यः पल्वलानि सरांसि च।

परिशुष्कपलाशानि वनान्युपवनानि च।।2.59.9।।

नद्यः rivers, उपतप्तोदकाः with heated waters, पल्वलानि ponds, सरांसि च lakes, वनानि forests, उपवनानि च gardens, परिशुष्कपलाशानि have their foliage shrivelled.

Water in rivers, ponds and lakes has heated up while all the foliage in the forests and gardens have shrivelled.
न च सर्पन्ति सत्त्वानि व्यासा न प्रचरन्ति च।

रामशोकाभिभूतं तन्निष्कूजमभवद्वनम्।।2.59.10।।

सत्त्वानि living beings, न च सर्पन्ति are not moving, व्यालाः च wild animals also, नप्रचरन्ति not ranging, तत् वनम् that forest, रामशोकाभिभूतम् overpowered by grief on account of Rama, निष्कूजम् silent, अभवत् became.

No living being move about and even wild animals roam no more. Overwhelmed with grief on account of Rama a great silence pervades the forest.
लीनपुष्करपत्राश्च नरेन्द्र कलुषोदकाः।

सन्तप्तपद्माः पद्मिन्यो लीनमीनविहङ्गमाः।।2.59.11।।

नरेन्द्र O king, पद्मिन्यः lotus lakes, लीनपुष्करपत्राः च with the shrivelled blue lotus leaves submerged in water, कलुषोदकाः with waters turbid, सन्तप्तपद्माः withered lotuses, लीनमीनविहङ्गमाः devoid of fishes and birds.

The water in the lotus lakes, O king, has become turbid. The blue lotuses have withered and their shrivelled petals are submerged in water. The fishes and aquatic birds are hidden under waters.
जलजानि च पुष्पाणि माल्यानि स्थलजानि च।

नाद्य भान्त्यल्पगन्धीनि फलानि च यथापुरम्।।2.59.12।।

जलजानि born in water, पुष्पाणि flowers, स्थलजानि born on the land, माल्यानि garlands of flowers, फलानि च fruits, अद्य now, अल्पगन्धीनि with scant fragrance, यथापुरम् as before, न भान्ति do not shine.

Bunches of flowers grown in water and on land, as well as fruits with their scant fragrance do not shine as before.
अत्रोद्यानानि शून्यानि प्रलीनविहगनि च।

न चाभिरामा नारामान्पश्यामि मनुजर्षभ।।2.59.13।।

अत्र there, उद्यानानि gardens, शून्यानि are deserted, प्रलीनविहगानि च with birds vanished (into the depth of woods), मनुजर्षभ O (best) among men, आरामान् parks, अभिरामन् as beautiful, न पश्यामि I do not see.

Pleasuregardens are all deserted as the birds have vanished. O best of men, as such they do not look beautiful.
प्रविशन्तमयोध्यां मां न कश्चिदभिनन्दति।

नरा राममपश्यन्तो निश्श्वसन्ति मुहुर्मुहुः।।2.59.14।।

अयोध्यायाम् Ayodhya, प्रविशन्तम् entering, कश्चित् any one, न अभिनन्दति is not greeting, नराः people, रामम् Rama, अपश्यन्तः without beholding, मुहुर्मुहुः again and again, निश्श्वसन्ति are heaving sighs.

None greeted me when I entered Ayodhya, People heaved sighs repeatedly when they did not see Rama.
देव राजरथं दृष्ट्वा विना राममिहागतम्।

दुःखादश्रुमुखस्सर्वो राजमार्गगतो जनः।।2.59.15।।

देव O lord, विना रामम् without Rama, इह here, आगतम् arrived, राजरथम् royal chariot, दृष्ट्वा having seen, राजमार्गगतः thronged the highway, सर्वः all, जनः people, दुःखात् due to agony, अश्रुमुखः with tears on their faces.

Beholding the royal chariot arrive without Rama, all were on the highway shedding tears of anguish.
हर्म्यैर्विमानैः प्रासादैरवेक्ष्यरथमागतम्।

हाहाकारकृतानार्यो रामादर्शनकर्शिताः।।2.59.16।।

नार्य: women, हर्म्यै: from mansions, विमानैः from sevenstoried buildings, प्रासादैः from
royal palaces, आगतम् arrived, रथम् chariot, अवेक्ष्य having seen, रामादर्शनकर्शिताः afflicted by the absence of Rama, हाहाकारकृताः cried 'Alas, Alas'.

When the women from mansions, sevenstoried buildings and from royal palaces saw the chariot without Rama, they, overwhelmed with sorrow, cried, 'Alas, Alas'.

अन्योन्यमभिवीक्षन्तेऽव्यक्तमार्ततराः स्त्रियः।।2.59.17।।

स्त्रियः women, आर्ततराः in deep anguish, आयतैः with large, विमलैः bright, अश्रुवेगपरिप्लुतैः flooded with gushing tears, नेत्रै: with their eyes, अव्यक्तम् silently, अन्योन्यम् one another, अभिवीक्षन्ते are looking at.

The women, with their large, bright eyes flooded with gushing tears looked in silence at one another in deep anguish.
नामित्राणां न मित्राणामुदासीनजनस्य च।

अहमार्ततया किञ्चिद्विशेषमुपलक्षये।।2.59.18।।

अहम् I, आर्ततया in great agony, अमित्राणाम् among those who are not friends, किञ्चित् even a little, विशेषम् diference, न उपलक्षये could not see, मित्राणाम् among friends, उदासीनजनस्य of people indifferent, न could not see.

I did not see any difference in the degree of anguish among friends, those who are not friends and and those who are indifferent. (The degree of agony was same in all).
अप्रहृष्टमनुष्या च दीननागतुरङ्गमा।

आर्तस्वरपरिम्लाना विनिश्श्वसितनिस्स्वना।।2.59.19।।

निरानन्दा महाराज रामप्रव्राजनातुरा।

कौसल्या पुत्रहीनेव अयोध्या प्रतिभाति मा।।2.59.20।।

महाराज O great king, अप्रहृष्टमनुष्या च people cheerless, दीननागतुरङ्गमा spiritless elephants and horses, आर्तस्वरपरिम्लाना with agonised voices and pale faces, विनिश्वसित निस्स्वना with deep sighs, निरानन्दा depressed, रामप्रव्राजनातुरा distressed due to Rama's exile, पुत्रहीना deprived of her son, कौसल्या इव like Kausalya, मा प्रतिभाति appears to me.

O maharaja, Ayodhya is filled with cheerless people with deep sighs, agonised voices and pale faces depressed and distressed due to Rama's exile. (Even) elephants and horses look spiritless. For me it (the city) resembles (dejected) Kausalya deprived of her son.
सूतस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा वाचा परमदीनया।

बाष्पोपहतया राजा तं सूतमिदमब्रवीत्।।2.59.21।।

राजा king, सूतस्य charioteer's, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा having heard, परमदीनया deeply dejected, बाष्पोपहतया choked with tears, वाचा with a voice, तं सूतम् to the charioteer, इदम् these words, अब्रवीत् said.

At these words of the charioteer, the king in deep distress replied with a voice choked
with tears:
कैकेय्या विनियुक्तेन पापाभिजनभावया।

मया न मन्त्रकुशलैर्वृद्धैस्सह समर्थितम्।।2.59.22।।

पापाभिजनभावया by one who has wicked relations and sinful intention, कैकेय्या by Kaikeyi, विनियुक्तेन having been incited, मया by me, मन्त्रकुशलैः with men skilled in giving advice, वृद्धै: सह with seniors, न समर्थितम् was not consulted.

Incited by Kaikeyi of sinful relations and sinful motive, I did not consult expert, elderly counsellers.
न सुहृद्भिर्नचामात्यैर्मन्त्रयित्वा न नैगमैः।

मयायमर्थस्सम्मोहात् स्त्रीहेतो स्सहसा कृतः।।2.59.23।।

सुहृद्भि: with friends, अमात्यैः with ministers, नैगमैः च with men of prudence, न मन्त्रयित्वा without consulting, मया by me, अयम् this, अर्थः act, स्त्रीहेतो: for the sake of a woman, सहसा in great haste, कृतः committed.

For the sake of a woman, this act was committed in great haste, without consulting friends or ministers or men of prudence.
भवितव्यतया नूनमिदं वा व्यसनं महत्।

कुलस्यास्य विनाशाय प्राप्तं सूत यदृच्छया।।2.59.24।।

सूत O charioteer, वा otherwise, इदम् this, महत् great, व्यसनम् calamity, भवितव्यतया because it was destined to happen this way, अस्य this, कुलस्य race's, विनाशाय for destruction, यदृच्छया wilfully, प्राप्तम् has befallen, नूनम् surely.

Surely it is destiny and this calamity has befallen for the wilful destruction of the (entire) race, O charioteer
सूत यद्यस्ति ते किञ्चिन्मया तु सुकृतं कृतम्।

त्वं प्रापयाऽऽशु मां रामं प्राणास्सन्त्वरयन्तिमाम्।।2.59.25।।

सूत O Charioteer, मया by me, ते to you, किंचित् even a little, सुकृतम् favour, कृतम् अस्ति यदि if it has been rendered, त्वम् you, आशु quickly, माम् me, रामम् to Rama, प्रापय take, प्राणाः life, माम् me, संत्वरयन्ति are hastening me up.

O Charioteer, if ever I have rendered you any favour, quickly take me to Rama. My life is hastening me (fast running out).
यद्यद्यापि ममैवाज्ञा निवर्तयतु राघवम्।

न शक्ष्यामि विना रामं मुहूर्तमपि जीवितुम्।।2.59.26।।

अद्यापि even now, मम my, आज्ञैव by command, राघवम् Rama, निवर्तयतु be brought back, रामं विना without Rama, मुहूर्तमपि even for a moment, जीवितुम् to live, न शक्ष्यामि am not able.

If my command prevails today, Rama may be brought back. Without Rama I cannot live for a moment even.
अथवाऽपि महाबाहुर्गतो दूरं भविष्यति।

मामेव रथमारोप्य शीघ्रं रामाय दर्शय।।2.58.27।।

अथवा or otherwise also, महाबाहुः mightyarmed, दूरम् far away, गतः भविष्यति must have gone, मामेव me alone, रथम् on the chariot, आरोप्य placing, शीघ्रम् quickly, रामाय to Rama, दर्शय show.

Otherwise if (you think) the mightyarmed (Rama) has gone too far then quickly put me in the chariot, and show me Rama (Carry me to him).
वृत्तदंष्ट्रो महेष्वासः क्वासौ लक्ष्मणपूर्वजः।

यदि जीवामि साध्वेनं पश्येयं सीतया सह।।2.59.28।।

वृत्तदंष्ट्रः one with wellshaped teeth, महेष्वासः a great archer, असौ that, लक्ष्मणपूर्वजः elder brother of Lakshmana, Rama, क्व where is he?, एनम् him, सीतया सह along with Sita, साधु well, पश्येयं यदि if I can see him, जीवामि I can live.

Where is that Rama, elder brother to Lakshmana who has wellshaped teeth and wields a mighty bow? If I can see him along with Sita I will survive.
लोहिताक्षं महाबाहुमामुक्तमणिकुण्डलम्।

रामं यदि न पश्येयं गमिष्यामि यमक्षयम्।।2.59.29।।

लोहिताक्षम् one with redcoloured eyes, महाबाहुम् mightyarmed, आमुक्तमणिकुण्डलम् wearing earrings bedecked with gems, रामम् Rama, न पश्येयं यदि if I cannot see him, यमक्षयम् kingdom of Yama, lord of death, गमिष्यामि I will go.

If I cannot see Rama of redcoloured eyes, the mightyarmed one and wearing earrings bedecked with precious stones I shall surely go to the abode of Yama, the god of death.
अतो नु किं दुःखतरं सोऽहमिक्ष्वाकुनन्दनम्।

इमामवस्थामापन्नो नेह पश्यामि राघवम्।।2.59.30।।

इमाम् this, अवस्थाम् condition, आपन्नः having reached, सः अहम् such me, इक्ष्वाकुकुलनन्दनम् Delight of the Ikshvakus, राघवम् Rama, इह now, न पश्यामि see not, अतः than this, दुःखतरम् greater sorrow, किं नु what more.

What else can be of greater sorrow to me who having reached this state, am still unable to see Rama?
हा राम रामानुज हा हा वैदेहि तपस्विनि।

न मां जानीत दुःखेन म्रियमाणतमनाथवत्।।2.59.31।।

हा राम Ah Rama, हा रामानुज Ah Lakshmana, तपस्विनि the unfortunate, हा वैदेहि Ah Vaidehi, माम् me, दुःखेन due to grief, अनाथवत् like an orphan, म्रियमाणम् dying, न जानीत you do not know.

Ah Rama, Ah Lakshmana, Ah unfortunate Vaidehi, you do not know that I am dying like an orphan because of my grief.
स तेन राजा दुःखेन भृशमर्पितचेतनः।

अवगाढस्सुदुष्पारं शोकसागरमब्रवीत्।।2.59.32।।

तेन दुःखेन by that sorrow, भृशम् extremely, अर्पित चेतनः with enfeebled mind, सः राजा that king, सुदुष्पारम् difficult to cross, शोकसागरम् sea of sorrow, अवगाढः immersed, अब्रवीत् said.

The king whose mind was extremely enfeebled due to grief and who was immersed in
a sea of tears which he was unable to cross continued:

श्वसितोर्मि महावर्तो बाष्पफेनजालाविलः।।2.59.33।।

बाहुविक्षेपमीनौघो विक्रन्दित महास्वनः।

प्रकीर्णकेशशैवालः कैकेयीबडबामुखः।।2.59.34।।

ममाश्रुवेगप्रभवः कुब्जावाक्यमहाग्रहः।

वरवेलो नृशंसाया रामप्रव्राजनायतः।।2.59.35।।

यस्मिन्बत निमग्नोऽहं कौसल्ये राघवं विना।

दुस्तरो जीवता देवि मयाऽयं शोकसागरः।।2.59.36।।

देवि O queen, कौशल्ये Kausalya, अहम् I, यस्मिन् in which, निमग्नः immersed, (असौ this,
शोकसागरः ocean of sorrow), रामशोकमहाभोगः sorrow due to Rama's separation as its breadth, सीताविरहपारगः Sita's separation as its other shore, श्वसितोर्मिमहावर्तः sighs as its turbulent waves and whirlpools, बाष्पफेनजलाविलः tears as its foam and turbid waters, बाहुविक्षेपमीनौघः waving of the arms as fishes, विक्रन्दितमहास्वनः cries of agony as its roar, प्रकीर्णकेशशैवालः dishevelled hair as its moss, कैकेयीबडबामुखः Kaikeyi as mouth of Badaba mythical seamare, मम to me, अश्रुवेगप्रभवः source of copious tears, कुब्जावाक्यमहाग्रहः the words of hunchback (Manthara) as monstrous crocodiles, नृशंसायाः cruel, वरवेल boons as shores, रामप्रव्राजनायतः exile of Rama as its expanse, अयम् this, शोकसागरः sea of sorrow, राघवं विना without Rama, मया by me, जीवता with my life, दुस्तरः difficult to cross, बत on what a pity

O queen Kausalya, I am completely immersed in this ocean of sorrow. The misfortune due to Rama's separation is its breadth. Sita's separation is the other end of the shore. Sighs are its turbulent waves and whirlpools. Tears are its foam and turbid waters. Waving of arms is its fishes. Cries of agony are its roars. My dishevelled hair is its moss. Kaikeyi is the mouth of Badaba. My copious tears are its source. Words of the hunchback (Manthara) are the monstrous crocodiles. The cruel boons to Kaikeyi are its shores. Without Rama I cannot cross this sea of sorrow alive. Ah, what
a pity
अशोभनं योऽहमिहाद्य राघवं दिदृक्षमाणो न लभे सलक्ष्मणम्।

इतीव राजा विलपन्महायशाः पपात तूर्णं शयने समूर्छितः।।2.59.37।।

यः he who, अहम् I, अद्य now, दिदृक्षमाणः wishing to see, सलक्ष्मणम् with Lakshamana, राघवम् Rama, इह here, न लभे unable to get them, अशोभनम् inauspicious, इतीव in this way, महायशाः of great reknown, सः राजा that king, विलपन् lamenting, मूर्छितः lying unconcsious, तूर्णम् immediately, शयने on the bed, पपात fell.

Though I wish I cannot see Rama together with Lakshmana. Indeed this is very unfortunate. Lamenting thus, king Dasaratha of great reknown fell on the bed, unconscious.
इति विलपति पार्थिवे प्रणष्टे करुणतरं द्विगुणं च रामहेतोः।

वचनमनुनिशम्य तस्य देवी भयमगमत्पुनरेव राममाता।।2.59.38।।

पार्थिवे king, रामहेतोः for the sake of Rama, करुणतरम् in greater grief, द्विगुणं च doubly, विलपति lamenting, प्रणष्टे losing senses, राममाता Rama's mother, देवी queen Kausalya, तस्य वचनम् his words, अनुनिशम्य having heard, पुनरेव once again, भयम् fear, अगमत् seized.

Wailing, Dasaratha fell unconscious. He was doubly grieved due to his yearning for Rama. Rama's mother was seized with fear hearing those lamentations.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे एकोनषष्टितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fiftyninth sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.