Sloka & Translation

[Lakshmana departs from the hermitage -- Ravana arrives in a saint's robes -- praises Sita and enquires of her -- Sita reveals details about her family to Ravana.]

तया परुषमुक्तस्तु कुपितो राघवानुजः।

स विकाङ्क्षन्भृशं रामं प्रतस्थे नचिरादिव।।3.46.1।।

तया by her, परुषम् harsh, उक्तः said, सः he, राघवानुजः brother of Rama, कुपितः angry, भृशम् very much, विकांक्षन् wished, न चिरादिव very soon, रामम् to Rama, प्रतस्थे went.

Lakshmana, brother of Rama, hurt by the harsh words of Sita, hastened with Rama's wellbeing in mind.
तदासाद्य दशग्रीवः क्षिप्रमन्तरमास्थितः।

अभिचक्राम वैदेहीं परिव्राजकरूपधृक्।।3.46.2।।

अन्तरम् inside, आस्थितः in hiding, दशग्रीवः tenheaded Ravana, तत् there, आसाद्य assuming, परिव्राजकरूपधृक् assuming the form of a wandering mendicant, वैदेहीम् to Vaidehi, अभिचक्राम approached.

The tenheaded Ravana who was in hiding assumed the guise of a wandering mendicant and approached Sita.
श्लक्ष्णकाषायसंवीतश्शिखी छत्री उपानही।

वामे चांसेऽवसज्याथ शुभे यष्टिकमण्डलू।।3.46.3।।

परिव्राजकरूपेण वैदेहीमन्वपद्यत।

अथ then, श्लक्ष्णकाषायसंवीतः wearing fine orange robes, शिखी with knotted hair on the head, छत्री with a parasol, उपानही wearing sandals, वामे अंसे on his left shoulder, शुभे
auspicious, यष्टिकमण्डलू staff and water pot, आसज्य hung to the shoulder, परिव्राजकरूपेण as a mendicant, वैदेहीम् to Vaidehi, अन्वपद्यत walked towards.

And then Ravana wearing fine orange robes, with hair knotted on the head, carrying a parasol, wearing sandals, hanging a kamandalu (waterpot), and a staff on the auspicious left shoulder walked towards Vaidehi like a mendicant.
तामाससादातिबलो भ्रातृभ्यां रहितां वने।।3.46.4।।

रहितां चन्द्रसूर्याभ्यां सन्ध्यामिव महत्तमः।

अतिबलः mighty Ravana, वने in the forest, भ्रातृभ्याम् with both brothers, रहिताम् in the absence of, ताम् them, चन्द्रसूर्याभ्याम् by both Sun and Moon, सन्ध्याम् in the evening twilight, महत् great, तमः इव like darkness, आससाद reached.

Mighty Ravana approached Sita deprived of both the brothers, Like darkness encompasses the evening twilight in the absence of the Sun and the Moon.
तामपश्यत्ततो बालां रामपत्नीं यशस्विनीम्।।3.46.5।।

रोहिणीं शशिना हीनां ग्रहवद्भृशदारुणः।

ततः then, भृशदारुणः extremely cruel, यशस्विनीम् illustrious lady, रामपत्नीम् Rama's wife, बालाम् young lady, ताम् her, शशिना Moon, हीनाम् without, रोहिणीम् at Rohini, ग्रहवत् like planet Ketu, अपश्यत् gazed.

The extremely cruel Ravana saw the illustrious young wife of Rama just as Ketu looks at Rohini star in the absence of the Moon.
तमुग्रतेजःकर्माणं जनस्थानरूहा द्रुमाः।।3.46.6।।

समीक्ष्य सम्प्रकम्पन्ते न प्रवाति च मारुतः।

उग्रतेजःकर्माणम् of ferocious activities, तम् him, समीक्ष्य saw, जनस्थानरुहाः at Janasthana, महाद्रुमाः huge trees, सम्प्रकम्पन्ते shaken up, मारुतः च even the wind, न प्रवाति blows not.

Seeing the ferocious Ravana, the huge trees at Janasthana shook vidently. Even the wind ceased to blow.
शीघ्रस्रोताश्च तं दृष्ट्वा वीक्षन्तं रक्तलोचनम्।।3.46.7।।

स्तिमितं गन्तुमारेभे भयाद्गोदावरी नदी।

शीघ्रस्रोताः swiftflowing, गोदावरीनदी river Godavari, रक्तलोचनम् bloodred eyes, वीक्षन्तम् looked at, तम् him, दृष्ट्वा on seeing, भयात् out of fear, स्तिमितम् slow, गन्तुम् आरेभे started flowing

Seeing Ravana with his bloodred eyes, the swiftflowing river Godavari slowed down out of fear.
रामस्य त्वन्तरप्रेप्सुर्दशग्रीवस्तदन्तरे।।3.46.8।।

उपतस्थे च वै देहीं भिक्षुरूपेण रावणः।

रामस्य Rama's, अन्तरप्रेप्सुः waiting for a chance, दशग्रीवः tenheaded, रावणः Ravana, तदन्तरे in his absence, भिक्षुरूपेण disguised in the form of a mendicant, वैदेहीम् to Vaidehi, उपतस्थे went close.

The tenheaded Ravana who was waiting for Rama's absence now got it. Disguised as a mendicant he stepped toward to where Sita was.
अभव्यो भव्यरूपेण भर्तारमनुशोचतीम्।।3.46.9।।

अभ्यवर्तत वैदेहीं चित्रामिव शनैश्चरः।

अभव्यः evil one, भर्तारम् about husband, अनुशोचतीम् worried , वैदेहीम् to Vaidehi, भव्यरूपेण disguised like a holy man, शनैश्चरः like the Saturn moving to, चित्रामिव towards Chitra , अभ्यवर्तत stood near.

The evilminded Ravana in the guise of a holy man, like Saturn moves towards Chitra
star, came close to Sita who was brooding over her husband.
स पापो भव्यरूपेण तृणैः कूप इवावृतः।।3.46.10।।

अतिष्ठत्प्रेक्ष्य वैदेहीं रामपत्निं यशस्विनीम्।

कूपः well, तृणै by grass, भव्यरूपेण disguised like a holy man, आवृतः concealed, इव like, सः he, पापः that sinner, यशस्विनीम् illustrious, रामपत्नीम् Rama's wife, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, प्रेक्ष्य after seeing, अतिष्ठत् stood.

Just like a well is concealed by an overgrowth of grass, Ravana guised as a holy man stood looking at illustrious Sita, the wife of Rama.
शुभां रुचिरदन्तोष्ठीं पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननाम्।।3.46.11।।

आसीनां पर्णशालायां बाष्पशोकाभिपीडिताम्।

स तां पद्मपलाशाक्षीं पीतकौशेयवासिनीम्।।3.46.12।।

अभ्यगच्छत वैदेहीं दुष्टचेता निशाचरः।

दुष्टचेताः wicked, सः निशाचरः that nightwalker, शुभाम् auspicious lady, रुचिरदन्तोष्ठीम् lwith lovely teeth and lips, पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननाम् face like the fullmoon, पर्णशालायाम् in the cottage, आसीनाम् seated, बाष्पशोकाभिपीडिताम् tormented by tears of grief, पद्मपलाशाक्षीम् eyes like lotus petals, पीतकौशेयवासिनीम् clad in yellow silk, तां वैदेहीम् that Vaidehi, अभ्यगच्छत came close.

The wicked demon came close to that auspicious princess from Videha sitting in the cottage Her face was like the full moon. Her teeth and lips were lovely. She was clad in yellow silk. Her eyes were like lotus petals tormented by tears of grief.
स मन्मथशराविष्टो ब्रह्मघोषमुदीरयन्।।3.46.13।।

अब्रवीत्प्रश्रितं वाक्यं रहिते राक्षसाधिपः।

मन्मथशराविष्टः struck by the arrows of the god of love, सः राक्षसाधिपः that lord of the demons, ब्रह्मघोषम् chanting from the Vedas, उदीरयन् while chanting, रहिते in a solitary spot, प्रश्रितम् humbly, वाक्यम् these words, अब्रवीत् spoke.

तामुत्तमां स्त्रियं लोके पद्महीनामिव श्रियम्।।3.46.14।।

विभ्राजमानां वपुषा रावणः प्रशशंस ह।

लोके in the world, उत्तमाम् the best, स्त्रियम् lady, पद्महीनाम् without a lotus, श्रियम् इव like goddess of wealth, वपुषा with her body, विभ्राजमानाम् shining, ताम् her, रावणः Ravana, प्रशशंस ह he praised.

Sita was the most lovely lady of the world shining in beauty. She was like the goddess of wealth (Laxmi) without her lotus. Ravana praised her thus:
का त्वं काञ्चनवर्णाभे पीतकौशेयवासिनि।।3.46.15।।

कमलानां शुभां मालां पद्मिनीव हि बिभ्रती।

काञ्चनवर्णाभे of golden hue, पीतकौशेयवासिनि clad in yellow silk, पद्मिनीव like a lotus pond, कमलानाम् of lotuses, शुभाम् auspicious, मालाम् garland, बिभ्रती wearing, त्वम् you, का who are you?

Who are you with a golden complexion, clad in yellow silk, and looking like a lotuspond and wearing an auspicious lotus garland?
ह्रीः कीर्तिः श्रीश्शुभा लक्ष्मीरप्सरा वा शुभानने।।3.46.16।।

भूतिर्वा त्वं वरारोहे रतिर्वा स्वैरचारिणी।

शुभानने lady of beautiful face, वरारोहे with lovely things, त्वम् you, ह्रीः shyness personified, कीर्तिः goddess of fame, शुभा auspicious, श्रीः or goddess of wealth, लक्ष्मीः or Lakshmi,
अप्सरा वा or apsara?, भूतिर्वा Bhuti, goddess of fortune, स्वैरचारिणी Rati who makes at will freely, रतिर्वा or Rati, golden of love.

O lady with a beautiful face, with lovely thighs, are you 'hri', shyness personified? Are you the auspicious lovely Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth? Are you the goddess of fame? Are you an apsara? Are you Bhuti, the goddess of fortune? Or are you Rati, the goddess of love moving at your free will ?
समाश्शिखरिणस्स्निग्धाः पाण्डुरा दशनास्तव।।3.46.17।।

विशाले विमले नेत्रे रक्तान्ते कृष्णतारके।

दशनाः teeth, समाः even, शिखरिणः pointed, स्निग्धाः shining, तव your, पाण्डुराः pale white, नेत्रे eyes, विशाले large, विमले clear, रक्तान्ते having reddish tinge, कृष्णतारके having dark pupils.

Your teeth are even and pointed, white and beautiful.Your eyes are large and clear and sparkling with dark pupils with a red tinge at the corner.
विशालं जघनं पीनमूरू करिकरोपमौ।।3.46.18।।

एतावुपचितौ वृत्तौ संहतौ सम्प्रवल्गितौ।

पीनोन्नतमुखौ कान्तौ स्निग्धौ तालफलोपमौ।।3.46.19।।

मणिप्रवेकाभरणौ रुचिरौ ते पयोधरौ।

विशालम् big, जघनम् hips, पीनम् stout, ऊरू thighs, करिकरोपमौ like the elephant's trunk, ते your, एताः these two, मणिप्रवेकाभरणौ adorned with gems, पयोधरौ breasts, उपचितौ wellformed, वृत्तौ round, संहतौ coming together, सम्प्रवल्गितौ drooping due to weight, पीनोन्नतमुखौ are stout and nipples projecting, कान्तौ shining, स्निग्धौ delightful, तालफलोपमौ like two palm friuts, रुचिरौ adding beauty.

Your big hips are stout and strong, Your smooth thighs are like the trunk of an elephant, your breasts adorned with gems, are round and robust like palm fruits and drooping with heaviness with projected stiff nipples, shining and delightful, adding beauty.
चारुस्मिते चारुदति चारुनेत्रे विलासिनि।।3.46.20।।

मनो हरसि मे कान्ते नदी कूलमिवाम्भसा।

करान्तमितमध्यासि सुकेशी संहतस्तनी।।3.46.21।।

चारुस्मिते lady with an elegant smile, चारुदति lady of lovely teeth, चारुनेत्रे beautiful eyes, विलासिनि lovely lady, कान्ते attractive lady, नदी river, अम्भसा with water, कूलमिव like a river bank, मे my, मनः mind, हरसि capturing, करान्तमितमध्या slender waist could be compassed with fist, सुकेशी of beautiful hair, संहतस्तनी breasts rubbing agaist each other, असि you are.

O lady with an elegant smile, beautiful teeth, lovely eyes you are enticing.Your slender waist can be compassed by my fist.Your hair is beautiful and your large breasts are rubbing against each other.You are capturing my mind just as the flow of water in a river touches its banks.
नैव देवी न गन्धर्वी न यक्षी न च किन्नरी।

नैवंरूपा मया नारी दृष्टपूर्वा महीतले।।3.46.22।।

मया by me, महीतले on this earth, एवं रूपा such a beauty, नारी lady, न दृष्टपूर्वा not seen earlier, देवी O goddess, नैव neither, गन्धर्वी gandharva woman, न not even, यक्षी yakshi, न not, किन्नरी kinnera woman.

O beautiful lady I have not seen such a beauty earlier either among goddesses or among gandharavis, or yakshis or even among kinneris.
रूपमग्र्यं च लोकेषु सौकुमार्यं वयश्चते।

इह वासश्च कान्तारे चित्तमुन्मादयन्ति मे।।3.46.23।।

लोकेषु in the world, अग्र्यम् the best, ते your, रूपम् beauty, सौकुमार्यम् tenderness, वयश्च youth, इह here, कान्तारे in this forlorn forest, वासश्च living, मे my, चित्तम् heart, उन्मादयन्ति
are maddening.

You are the most beautiful among women in the world. With all your tenderness and youth you are living in this forlorn forest. This maddens my heart.
सा प्रतिक्राम भद्रं ते नैवं वस्तुमिहार्हसि।

राक्षसानामयं वासो घोराणां कामरूपिणाम्।।3.46.24।।

सा such a lady, प्रतिक्राम move out, ते of yours, भद्रम् safety, इह here, एवम् in this way, वस्तुम् to reside, न अर्हसि not proper, अयम् this is, घोराणाम् horrible, कामरूपिणाम् who can change their form at will, राक्षसानाम् of demons, वासः dwelling place.

It is not safe for a lady like you to reside here. Move out at once. This is only fit for the dwelling of horrible demons who can change their form at will.
प्रासादाग्राणि रम्याणि नगरोपवनानि च।

सम्पन्नानि सुगन्धीनि युक्तान्याचरितुं त्वया।।3.46.25।।

प्रासादाग्राणि terraces of palaces, रम्याणि beautiful, सम्पन्नानि luxurious, सुगन्धीनि fragrant, नगरोपवनानि च city gardens, त्वया yourself, आचरितुम् to stroll, युक्तानि deserve.

You deserve to stroll in the terraces of palaces, in beautiful, luxurious and fragrant city gardens.
वरं माल्यं वरं भोज्यं वरं वस्त्रं च शोभने।

भर्तारं च वरं मन्ये त्वद्युक्तमसितेक्षणे।।3.46.26।।

असितेक्षणे black eyed lady, शोभने O beauty, वरम् best of, माल्यम् garlands, वरम् best of, भोज्यम् food, वरम् best of, वस्त्रम् clothes, वरम् choicest, भर्तारं च and husband, त्वद्युक्तम् suitable for you, मन्ये I think.

O beautiful, blackeyed lady, I think you deserve the best of garlands, best of food,
and clothes and a suitable husband.
का त्वं भवसि रुद्राणां मरुतां वा वरानने।

वसूनां वा वरावोहे देवता प्रतिभासि मे।।3.46.27।।

वरानने O beautiful lady, वरारोहे O with beautiful buttocks lady, त्वम् you, का भवसि who are you, रुद्राणाम् among Rudras, मरुतां वा or Maruta's, वसूनां वा or Vasus, मे to me, देवता goddess, प्रतिभासि you appear.

O best of women O lady with beautiful buttocks can you be one of the Rudras or Maruts or Vasus? To me, you appear like a goddess.
नेह गच्छन्ति गन्धर्वा न देवा न च किन्नराः।

राक्षसानामयं वासः कथं नु त्वमिहागता।।3.46.28।।

इह here, गन्धर्वाः gandharva, न गच्छन्ति do not go this way, देवाः gods, न not, किन्नराः च and kinnara, न not, अयम् this is, राक्षसानाम् for demons, वासः dwelling place, त्वम् you, कथम् how, इह here, आगता came?

Neither gandharvas, nor kinnaras, nor gods move here. This is only a dwelling place for the demons. How did you come here ?
इह शाखामृगास्सिंहा द्वीपिव्याघ्रमृगास्तथा।

ऋक्षास्तरक्षवः कङ्काः कथं तेभ्यो न बिभ्यसि।।3.46.29।।

इह here, शाखामृगाः monkeys, सिंहाः lions, द्वीपिव्याघ्रमृगाः panthers, tigers and other wild animals, तथा so also, ऋक्षाः bears, तरक्षवः hyenas, कङ्काः Kanka birds, तेभ्यः by them, कथम् how is it, न बिभ्यसि you are not frightened.

There are monkeys, lions, panthers, tigers, hyenas, bears, kanka birds and other wild animals here. How is it that you are not afraid of them?
मदान्वितानां घोराणां कुञ्जराणां तरस्विनाम्।

कथमेका महारण्ये न बिभेषि वरानने।।3.46.30।।

वरानने beautiful lady, महारण्ये in dense woods, मदान्वितानाम् in rut, घोराणाम् fierce, तरस्विनाम् swift and powerful, कुञ्जराणाम् of elephants, एका alone, कथम् how, न बिभेषि are you not scared of them?

O Charming lady how is it that although alone you are not afraid of the dreadful, swift, powerful wild animals like elephants in rut ?
कासि कस्य कुतश्चित्त्वं किं निमित्तं च दण्डकान्।

एका चरसि कल्याणि घोरान्राक्षससेवितान्।।3.46.31।।

कल्याणि O auspicious lady, त्वम् you, का असि who are you, कस्य to whose, कुतश्चित् where did you come from ?, राक्षससेवितान् inhabited by demons, घोरान् terrible, दण्डकान् Dandaka, एका alone, किं निमित्तम् for what reason, चरसि you roam.

Who are you, O auspicious lady ? Who are your people? Why are you here? From where have you come? For what reason are you going about alone in this fierce Dandaka tract, inhabited by demons?
इति प्रशस्ता वैदेही रावणेन दुरात्मना।

द्विजातिवेशेण हि तं दृष्ट्वा रावणमागतम्।।3.46.32।।

सर्वैरतिथिसत्कारैः पूजयामास मैथिली।

दुरात्मना by the villain, रावणेन by Ravana, इति thus, प्रशस्ता praised, मैथिली Maithili, वैदेही princess of Videha, द्विजातिवेशेण in the guise of a brahmin, आगतम् come, तं रावणम् that Ravana, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, सर्वैः with all, अतिथिसत्कारैः with hospitality, पूजयामास honoured him.

Seeing Ravana, a villain in the guise of a brahmin praising her, Sita, the princess of
Videha, honoured him with all hospitality.
उपनीयासनं पूर्वं पाद्येनाभिनिमन्त्र्य च।।3.46.33।।

अब्रवीत्सिद्धमित्येव तदा तं सौम्यदर्शनम्।

तदा then, पूर्वम् first, आसनम् seat, उपनीय brought, पाद्येन water for his feet, अभिनिमन्त्र्य च and inviting (for food), सौम्यदर्शनम् lovelylooking, तम् to him, सिद्धम् food ready, इत्येव in this way, अब्रवीत् said.

She offered the handsome guest a seat first and then water for washing his feet with, and then invited him for food.
द्विजातिवेषेण समीक्ष्य मैथिली समागतं पात्रकुसुम्भधारिणम्।

अशक्यमुद्वेष्टुमपायदर्शनम् न्यमन्त्रयद्ब्राह्मणवत्तदाङ्गना।।3.46.34।।

तदा then, मैथिली Maithili, अङ्गना lady, द्विजातिवेशेण in the guise of a brahmin, समागतम् having come, पात्रकुसुम्भधारिणम् holding a bottlegourd as a begging bowl, उद्वेष्टुम् to hate, अशक्यम् not possible, अपायदर्शनम् dangerous intention, ब्राह्मणवत् brahmin, न्यमन्त्रयत् she invited.

Sita, being a lady, was unable to doubt him since he came in the guise of a brahmin, holding a bottlegourd and a begging bowl. Without knowing his illintention she invited him in, mistaking him for a brahmin.
इयं बृसी ब्राह्मण काममास्यतामिदं च पाद्यं प्रतिगृह्यतामिति।

इदं च सिद्धं वनजातमुत्तमं त्वदर्थमव्यग्रमिहोपभुज्यताम्।।3.46.35।।

ब्राह्मण O brahmin, इयम् this is, बृसी the seat of an ascetic, कामम् freely, आस्यताम् be seated, इदम् this is, पाद्यम् water for washing feet, प्रतिगृह्यताम् please take, इति these, इदम् this is, उत्तमम् best, वनजातम् available in the forest, त्वदर्थम् for you, सिद्धम् kept ready, इह here, अव्यग्रम् without hesitation, उपभुज्यताम् please eat.

O brahmin, here is the seat for you. Feel free to sit. Here is water to wash your feet with. This is the best of food for you collected from the forest. Please partake this without hesitation.
निमन्त्र्यमाणः प्रतिपूर्णभाषिणीं नरेन्द्रपत्नीं प्रसमीक्ष्य मैथिलीम्।

प्रसह्य तस्याहरणे धृतं मनः समर्पयत्स्वात्मवधाय रावणः।।3.46.36।।

निमन्त्र्यमाणः as he was being invited, रावणः Ravana, प्रतिपूर्णभाषिणीम् softspoken, नरेन्द्रपत्नीम् wife of the king, मैथिलीम् Maithili, प्रसमीक्ष्य looking at her, स्वात्मवधाय for his own destruction, प्रसह्य forcibly, तस्याः her, हरणे to abduct, मनः set his mind, धृतम् intent upon, समर्पयत् presented.

Ravana was observing the princess from Mithila, wife of a king inviting him and speaking to him in cordial manner. Looking at her, he resolved to abduct her forcibly, inviting his own death.
ततः सुवेषं मृगयागतं पतिं प्रतीक्षमाणा सहलक्ष्मणं तदा।

विवीक्षमाणा हरितं ददर्श तन्महद्वनं नैव तु रामलक्ष्णौ।।3.46.37।।

ततः then, सुवेषम् that beautiful form of Rama, मृगयागतम् gone to hunt the deer, सहलक्ष्मणम् along with Lakshmana, पतिम् husband, प्रतीक्षमाणा while waited, तदा then, विवीक्षमाणा while she looked with eagerness, हरितम् green, तत् that, महत् dense, वनम् forest, ददर्श saw, रामलक्ष्मणौ तु for Rama and Lakshmana, नैव not seen.

Sita looked out for the beautiful figure of Rama who had gone to hunt the deer along with Lakshmana. Waiting eagerly for her husband, she only saw the vast stretch of green forest but not Rama and Lakshmana.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे षट्चत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fortysixth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.