Sloka & Translation

[Ravana asks Sita to seek his hand -- Sita's refusal.]

रावणेन तु वैदेही तदा पृष्टा जिहीर्षता।

परिव्राजकरूपेण शशंसात्मानमात्मना।।3.47.1।।

तदा then, जिहीर्षुणा of crooked intention of abducting, परिव्राजकरूपेण in the guise of a mendicant, रावणेन by Ravana, पृष्टा was asked, वैदेही Vaidehi, आत्मानम् about her, आत्मना herself, शशंस told.

Then Ravana in the guise of a mendicant with crooked intention to abduct her, asked Vaidehi to tell him about herself.
ब्राह्मणश्चातिथिश्चायमनुक्तो हि शपेत माम्।

इति ध्यात्वा मुहूर्तं तु सीता वचनमब्रवीत्।।3.47.2।।

ब्राह्मणश्च a brahmin, अतिथिश्च also a guest, अयम् this man, अनुक्तः unanswered, माम् me, शपेत हि may curse, इति thus, मुहूर्तम् for a moment, ध्यात्वा thought, सीता Sita, वचनम् these words, अब्रवीत् said.

'He is a brahmin and also a guest. If unanswered he may curse me'. Thinking this Sita thought for a moment and said:
दुहिता जनकस्याहं मैथिलस्य महात्मनः।

सीता नाम्नास्मि भद्रं ते रामभार्या द्विजोत्तम।।3.47.3।।

द्विजोत्तम O best of brahmin, अहम् I am, मैथिलस्य of the king of Maithila, महात्मनः of the great king, जनकस्य Janaka's, दुहिता daughter, नाम्ना by name, सीता अस्मि Sita, रामभार्या wife of Rama, ते to you, भद्रम् be pleased.

O best of brahmins be pleased to know I am Sita by name, daughter of the great Janaka, king of Mithila and wife of Rama.
उषित्वा द्वादश समा इक्ष्वाकुणां निवेशने।

भुञ्जाना मानुषान्भोगान्सर्वकामसमृद्धिनी।।3.47.4।।

द्वादश twelve, समाः years, इक्ष्वाकूणाम् of the Ikshvaku family, निवेशने in the house, उषित्वा lived, मानुषान् of mortals, भोगान् pleasures, भुञ्जाना enjoying, सर्वकामसमृद्धिनी all my desires fulfilled.

I lived in the house of the Ikshvakus for twelve years and enjoyed all kinds of pleasures meant for mortals.
ततस्त्रयोदशे वर्षे राजामन्त्रयत प्रभुः।

अभिषेचयितुं रामं समेतो राजमन्त्रिभिः।।3.47.5।।

ततः then, प्रभुः राजा king and lord, त्रयोदशे वर्षे in the thirteenth year, राजमन्त्रिभिः kings and ministers, समेतः together, रामम् for Rama, अभिषेचयितुम् to consecrate, अमन्त्रयत consulted.

In the thirteenth year, the king and lord Dasaratha consulted other kings and ministers to consecrate Rama.
तस्मिन्सम्भ्रियमाणे तु राघवस्याभिषेचने।

कैकेयी नाम भर्तारमार्या सा याचते वरम्।।3.47.6।।

राघवस्य Rama's, तस्मिन् in that, अभिषेचने consecration, सम्भ्रियमाणे arrangements were being made, कैकेयी नाम Kaikeyi by name, सा she, भर्तारम् her husband, आर्या lady, वरम् boon, याचते sought.

Arrangements for consecration were on when queen Kaikeyi sought a boon from the king.
प्रतिगृह्य तु कैकेयी श्वशुरं सुकृतेन मे।

मम प्रव्राजनं भर्तुर्भरतस्याभिषेचनम्।।3.47.7।।

द्वावयाचत भर्तारं सत्यसन्धं नृपोत्तमम्।

कैकेयी Kaikeyi, मे श्वशुरम् my fatherinlaw, सुकृतेन by good luck, प्रतिगृह्य extracted a promise ( married for a consideration), सत्यसन्धम् truthful, नृपोत्तमम् best of kings, भर्तारम् husband's, मम भर्तुः of my husband, प्रव्राजनम् banishment, भरतस्य Bharata's, अभिषेचनम् consecration, द्वौ two (boons), अयाचत asked.

For the fulfilment of the promise made to Kaikeyi earlier by my truthful fatherin law, who, to my good luck, was the best of kings, she asked for two boons. One was banishment of my husband and second, consecration of Bharata.
नाद्य भोक्ष्ये न च स्वप्स्ये न पास्येच कथञ्चन।।3.47.8।।

एष मे जीवितस्यान्तो रामो यद्यभिषिच्यते।

अद्य today, रामः Rama, यदिअभिषिच्यते if consecrated, न भोक्ष्ये I will not eat, न च स्वप्स्ये I will not sleep, कथञ्चन in any way, नपास्ये च I will not drink, एषः this is, मे my, जीवितस्य life's, अन्तः an end.

'I shall not eat, or sleep or even drink if Rama is consecrated and I shall put an end to my life itself' (said Kaikeyi).
इति ब्रुवाणां कैकेयीं श्वशुरो मे स मानदः।।3.47.9।।

अयाचतार्थैरन्वर्थैर्न च याञ्चां चकार सा।

इति thus, ब्रुवाणाम् while speaking, कैकेयीम् to Kaikeyi, मानदः respectable, सः he, मे my, श्वशुरः fatherinlaw, अन्वर्थैः अर्थैः riches, अयाचत requested, सा she, याञ्चाम् soliciting, न च चकार not agreed.

The king, my fatherinlaw, who respected her offered riches. Which she did not accept.
मम भर्तामहातेजा वयसा पञ्चविंशकः।।3.47.10।।

अष्टादश हि वर्षाणि मम जन्मनि गण्यते।

महातेजाः very bold, मम भर्ता my husband, वयसा by age, पञ्चविंशकः twenty five, मम mine, जन्मनि completed after birth, अष्टादश eighteen, वर्षाणि years, गण्यते is counted.

My husband who was very bold was twentyfive years and I had completed eighteen years since my birth.
रामेति प्रथितो लोके गुणवान्सत्यवान्शुचिः।।3.47.11।।

विशालाक्षो महाबाहुस्सर्वभूतहिते रतः।

रामेति known as Rama, लोके in the world, प्रथितः famous, गुणवान् virtuous, सत्यवान् truthful, शुचिः pure, विशालाक्षः large eyed, महाबाहुः largearmed, सर्वभूतहिते in the wellbeing of all, रतः engaged.

My husband known in the world as Rama is largeeyed, longarmed, virtuous, truthful, pure and is always engaged in the welfare of all beings.
कामार्तस्तु महातेजाः पिता दशरथस्स्वयम्।।3.47.12।।

कैकेय्याः प्रियकामार्थं तं रामं नाभ्यषेचयत्।

कामार्तः overcome by love, महातेजाः brilliant, पिता father, दशरथः Dasaratha, स्वयम् himself, कैकेय्याः Kaikeyi, प्रियकामार्थम् to please her, तं रामम् Rama, नाभ्यषेचयत् not consecrated.

The brilliant king, Dasaratha, father of Rama, overcome by passion, did not consecrate Rama in order to please Kaikeyi.
अभिषेकाय तु पितुस्समीपं राममागतम्।।3.47.13।।

कैकेयी मम भर्तारमित्युवाच धृतं वचः।

अभिषेकाय for consecration, तु but, समीपम् near, आगतम् reached, मम भर्तारम् to my husband, रामम् Rama, इति धृतम् in unhesitating वचः words, उवाच said.

When my husband Rama approached his father for the consecration she said these unhesitating words:
तव पित्रा समाज्ञप्तं ममेदं शृणु राघव।।3.47.14।।

भरताय प्रदातव्यमिदं राज्यमकण्टकम्।

राघव O Rama, तव your, पित्रा by father, समाज्ञप्तम् is ordered, इदम् this way, शृणु listen, अकण्टकम् without any obstacles, इदं राज्यम् this kingdom, भरताय to Bharata, प्रदातव्यम् should be bestowed.

'O Rama, listen, your father has ordered that this kingdom be bestowed on Bharata without any obstacles.
त्वया हि खलु वस्तव्यं नव वर्षाणि पञ्च च।।3.47.15।।

वने प्रव्रज काकुत्स्थ पितरं मोचयानृतान्।

काकुत्स्थ Rama of the Kakutstha dynasty, त्वया by you, नव पञ्च च वर्षाणि fourteen years, वने in the forest, वस्तव्यम् खलु you should live indeed, प्रव्रज proceed in exile, पितरम् to father, अनृतात् from falsehood, मोचय save him.

'O Rama of the Kakutstha dynasty, you should live in the forest for fourteen years and save your father from falsehood'.
तथेत्युक्त्वा च तां रामः कैकेयीमकुतोभयः।।3.47.16।।

चकार तद्वचस्तस्या मम भर्ता दृढव्रतः।

अकुतोभयः a fearless man, दृढव्रतः of firm resolution, मम भर्ता my husband, रामः Rama, तथेति be it so, ताम् her, कैकेयीम् to Kaikeyi, उक्त्वा said, तस्याः her, तत् those, वचः words, चकार executed.

My husband Rama, a man of fearlessness and firm resolution, said to Kaikeyi 'Be it so' and carried out her words.
दद्यान्न प्रतिगृह्णीयात्सत्यं ब्रूयान्न चानृतम्।।3.47.17।।

एतद्ब्राह्मण रामस्य ध्रृवं व्रतमनुत्तमम्।

दद्यात् giver, न प्रतिगृह्णीयात् not receive, सत्यम् truth, ब्रूयात् utter, अनृतम् other than truth, न च not utter, ब्राह्मण brahmin, एतत् this is, रामस्य Rama's, धृवम् resolve, अनुत्तमम् very great, व्रतम् vow.

O brahmin this is his firm resolve and his great vow: 'One should give and never take one should speak the truth and nothing but he truth.'
तस्य भ्राता तु द्वैमात्रो लक्ष्मणो नाम वीर्यवान्।।3.47.18।।

रामस्य पुरुषव्याघ्रस्सहायस्समरेरिहा।

तस्य रामस्य such Rama's, द्वैमात्रः भ्राता second mother's son, half brother, वीर्यवान् strong, पुरुषव्याघ्रः tiger among men, अरिहा slayer of enemies, लक्ष्मणो नाम by name Lakshmana, समरे in battle, सहाय: companion.

Son to the second mother of Rama, his mighty halfbrother, by name, Lakshmana, a tiger among men and a slayer of enemies in battle is a companion to him.
स भ्राता लक्ष्मणो नाम धर्मचारी दृढव्रतः।।3.47.19।।

अन्वगच्छद्दनुष्पाणिः प्रव्रजन्तं मया सह।

धर्मचारी righteous, दृढव्रतः steadfast, लक्ष्मणो नाम Lakshmana by name, सः भ्राता his brother, धनुष्पाणिः wielder of bow, मया सह along with me, प्रव्रजन्तम् as he was being exiled, अन्वगच्छत् came along.

Lakshmana, his brother, is righteous and steadfast. Bow in hand, he followed Rama along with me, into exile.
जटी तापसरूपेण मया सह सहानुजः।।3.47.20।।

प्रविष्टो दण्डकारण्यं धर्मनित्यो जितेन्द्रियः।

धर्मनित्यः ever righteous, जितेन्द्रियः selfcontrolled, जटी with matted locks, मया सह along with me, सहानुजः with his brother, दण्डकारण्यम् Dandaka forest, प्रविष्टः entered.

Rama who is ever righteous and selfcontrolled entered the Dandaka forest with matted locks, his brother and me.
ते वयं प्रच्युता राज्यात्कैकेय्यास्तु कृते त्रयः।।3.47.21।।

विचरामो द्विजश्रेष्ठ वनं गम्भीरमोजसा।

द्विजश्रेष्ठ O best among brahmins, ते those of us, वयम् we, त्रयः three of us, कैकेय्याः कृते on account of Kaikeyi, राज्यात् from kingdom, प्रच्युताः dislodged, ओजसा with valour, गम्भीरम् deep, वनम् forest, विचरामः wandering.

O best of brahmins three of us have been wandering with courage in the deep forest, dislodged from the kingdom on account of Kaikeyi.
समाश्वस मुहूर्तं तु शक्यं वस्तुमिह त्वया।।3.47.22।।

आगमिष्यति मे भर्ता वन्यमादाय पुष्कलम्।

रुरून्गोधा न्वराहांश्च हत्वाऽदायाऽमिषान्बहून्।।3.47.23।।

मुहूर्तम् for a while, समाश्वस take rest, त्वया by you, इह here, वस्तुम् to stay, शक्यम् it is possible, मे भर्ता my husband, रुरून् deer, गोधाः alligators, वराहांश्च boars, हत्वा after killing, बहून् many of them, आमिषान् varieties of meat, आदाय would fetch, पुष्कलम् in plenty, वन्यम् from the forest, आदाय getting, आगमिष्यति will come.

Rest here awhile. My husband will return with plenty of meat of many kinds from the forest, killing deer, alligators and wild boars.
स त्वं नाम च गोत्रञ्च कुलं चाचक्ष्व तत्त्वतः।

एकश्च दण्डकारण्ये किमर्थं चरसि द्विज।।3.47.24।।

द्विज O brahmin, सः such as you, त्वम् you, नाम च name and, गोत्रञ्च gotram, कुलं च race, तत्त्वतः truly, आचक्ष्व tell me, एकः च alone, दण्डकारण्ये in Dandaka forest, किमर्थम् for what purpose, चरसि going about.

O brahmin, tell me your name, your gotra and your pedigree. And the purpose for which you are going about all alone in this Dandaka forest
एवं बृवन्त्यां सीतायां रामपत्न्यां महाबलः।

प्रत्युवाचोत्तरं तीव्रं रावणो राक्षसाधिपः।।3.47.25।।

रामपत्न्याम् when Rama's wife, सीतायाम् Sita, एवम् in that way, ब्रुवन्त्याम् speaking, महाबलः powerful, राक्षसाधिपः king of demons, रावणः Ravana, तीव्रम् sharp, उत्तरम् reply, प्रत्युवाच replied.

To these words of Sita, Rama's wife, Ravana, the powerful king of demons, replied sharp:
येन वित्रासिता लोकास्सदेवासुरपन्नगाः।

अहं तु रावणो नाम सीते रक्षोगणेश्वरः।।3.47.26।।

सीते O Sita, अहम् I am, येन by whom, सदेवासुरपन्नगाः asuras and pannagas along with gods, लोकाः worlds, वित्रासिताः are frightened, रक्षोगणेश्वरः lord of demons, रावणो नाम Ravana by name.

O Sita I am called Ravana, the lord of demons by whom all the worlds of demons,
snakes and gods are frightened.
त्वां तु काञ्चनवर्णाभां दृष्ट्वा कौशेयवासिनीम्।

रतिं स्वकेषु दारेषु नाधिगच्छाम्यनिन्दिते।।3.47.27।।

अनिन्दिते O flawless lady, काञ्चनवर्णाभाम् of golden complexion, कौशेयवासिनीम् clad in silk, त्वाम् you, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, स्वकेषु my own, दारेषु wives, रतिम् love, नाधिगच्छामि do not feel.

O flawless beauty of golden complexion seeing you clad in silk, I am not inclined to show any interest in my own wives.

सर्वासामेव भद्रं ते ममाग्रमहिषी भव।।3.47.28।।

इतस्तत: from various places, आहृतानाम् won over, बह्वीनाम् of many women, सर्वासामेव of all of them, उत्तमस्त्रीणाम् of the best of women, मम myself, अग्रमहिषी chief queen, भव be, ते भद्रम् be blessed.

You will be the chief queen among the best of women I have won in wars. Be blessed.
लङ्कानाम समुद्रस्य मम मध्ये महापुरी।

सागरेण परिक्षिस्ता निविष्टा नगमूर्धनि।।3.47.29।।

लङ्का नाम by name Lanka, मम my, महापुरी great city, समुद्रस्य of the sea, मध्ये in the middle, सागरेण by sea, परिक्षिप्ता surrounded, नगमूर्धनि on the peak of a mountain, निविष्टा it is situated.

My great city called Lanka is on the peak of a mountain surrounded by, and in the middle of, the sea.
तत्र सीते मया सार्धं वनेषु विहरिष्यसि।

न चास्यारण्यवासस्य स्पृहयिष्यसि भामिनि।।3.47.30।।

सीते O Sita, तत्र there, मया सार्धम् with me, वनेषु in the gardens, विहरिष्यसि can stroll with pleasure, भामिनि O beautiful woman, अस्य of this, अरण्यस्य वासस्य living in the forest, न च स्पृहयिष्यसि will not like.

O Sita, you can stroll with me in my pleasuregardens. O beautiful lady, you will not like living in the forest (thereafter).
पञ्च दास्यस्सहस्राणि सर्वाभरणभूषिताः।

सीते परिचरिष्यन्ति भार्या भवसि मे यदि।।3.47.31।।

सीते Sita, मे my, भार्या wife, भवसि यदि if you become so, सर्वाभरणभूषिताः adorned with all kinds of ornaments, सहस्राणि thousands, पञ्च five, दास्यः female attendants, परिचरिष्यन्ति they will serve you.

O Sita if you become my wife, five thousand female attendants adorned with all ornaments will attend on you.
रावणेनैवमुक्ता तु कुपिता जनकात्मजा।

प्रत्युवाचानवद्याङ्गी तमनादृत्य राक्षसम्।।3.47.32।।

रावणेन by Ravana, एवम् like that, उक्ता having been told, अनवद्याङ्गी a lady of blemishless limbs, जनकात्मजा Janaka's daughter(Janaki), कुपिता in rage, तम् that, राक्षसम् demon, अनादृत्य without caring, प्रत्युवाच replied.

Thus addressed by Ravana, Janaki, a lady of blemishless limbs, got enraged and replied without caring for the demon:
महागिरिमिवाकम्प्यं महेन्द्रसदृशं पतिम्।

महोदधिमिवाक्षोभ्यमहं राममनुव्रता।।3.47.33।।

महागिरिमिव like a huge mountain, अकम्प्यम् unshakeable, महेन्द्रसदृशम् equal to great Indra, महोदधिमिव like a mighty sea, अक्षोभ्यम् imperturbable, पतिम् husband, रामम् Rama, अहम् I, अनुव्रता faithful follower.

I am devoted to Rama, my husband, who is unshakeable like a huge mountain, is comparable to lord Indra and is imperturbable like the mighty ocean.
सर्वलक्षणसम्पन्नं न्यग्रोधपरिमण्डलम्।

सत्यसन्धं महाभागमहं राममनुव्रता।।3.47.34।।

अहम् I am, सर्वलक्षणसम्पन्नम् endowed with all excellences, न्यग्रोधपरिमण्डलम् a refuge like a spreading banyan tree, सत्यसन्धम् devoted to truth, महाभागम् venerable, रामम् Rama, अनुव्रता a loyal wife.

I am the loyal wife of venerable Rama who is endowed with all excellences, a refuge to all like a spreading banyan tree, and a votary of truth.
महाबाहुं महोरस्कं सिंहविक्रान्तगामिनम्।

नृसिंहं सिंहसङ्काशमहं राममनुव्रता।।3.47.35।।

अहम् I am, महाबाहुम् longarmed hero, महोरस्कम् broadchested, सिंहविक्रान्तगामिनम् takes strides like an advancing lion, नृसिंहम् like a lion among men, सिंहसङ्काशम् invincible like lion, रामम् Rama, अनुव्रता faithful wife.

I am the faithful wife of the longarmed, broadchested Rama, a lion among men. His gait is the gait of an advancing, invincible lion.
पूर्णचन्द्राननं रामं राजवत्सं जितेन्द्रियम्।

पृथुकीर्तिं महात्मानमहं राममनुव्रता।।3.47.36।।

अहम् I am, पुर्णचन्द्राननम् face like the full Moon, राजवत्सम् son of a king, जितेन्द्रियम् who has conquered his senses, पृथुकीर्तिम् whose fame is widespread, महात्मानम् great self, रामम् Rama, अनुव्रता devoted wife.

I am the devoted wife of great Rama, whose face is like a fullmoon, who is the son of a king, who has conquered his senses and whose fame is widespread (on earth).
त्वं पुनर्जम्बुकस्सिंहीं मामिच्छसि सुदुर्लभाम्।

नाहं शक्या त्वया स्प्रष्टुमादित्यस्य प्रभा यथा।।3.47.37।।

जम्बुकः jackal, त्वं पुनः you are, सुदुर्लभाम् most difficult to have, सिंहीम् a lioness, माम् me, इच्छसि you are desiring, आदित्यस्य like the Sun's, प्रभा यथा radiance, अहम् I am, त्वया by you, स्प्रष्टुम् even to touch, न शक्या not possible.

You are a jackal, and you want a lioness like me who is difficult to win. I am like the Sun's radiance whom you cannot even touch.
पादपान्काञ्चनान्नूनं बहून्पश्यसि मन्दभाक्।

राघपस्य प्रियां भार्यां यस्त्वमिच्छसि रावण।।3.47.38।।

रावण O Ravana, यः one who, त्वम् you, राघवस्य Rama's, प्रियाम् dear, भार्याम् wife, इच्छसि you want, मन्दभाक् unfortunate, नूनम् certainly, काञ्चनान् golden, पादपान् trees, पश्यसि you will see.

O luckless Ravana you want the beloved wife of Rama.You will, for sure, see golden trees. (which those close to death do).
क्षुधितस्य हि सिंहस्य मृगशत्रोस्तरस्विनः।

आशीविषस्य मुखाद्दंष्ट्रामादातुमिच्छसि।।3.47.39।।

मृगशत्रोः enemy of the deer, तरस्विनः of the powerful, क्षुधितस्य of a hungry, सिंहस्य lion's,
आशीविषस्य of a poisonous snake, मुखात् from the mouth, दंष्ट्राम् teeth, आदातुम् to seize, इच्छसि intending.

You are seeking to pull the teeth from the mouth of a hungry and powerful lion who is considered the enemy of the deer(which you are). You intend to pull the fang of a poisonous snake.
मन्दरं पर्वतश्रेष्ठं पाणिना हर्तुमिच्छसि।

कालकूटं विषं पीत्वा स्वस्तिमान्गन्तुमिच्छसि।।3.47.40।।

पर्वतश्रेष्ठम् greatest of the mountains, मन्दरम् Mandara, पाणिना with a hand, हर्तुम् to carry, इच्छसि want, कालकूटं विषम् deadly poison (produced from the churning of the ocean), पीत्वा after drinking, स्वस्तिमान् safely, गन्तुम् to go, इच्छसि wishing.

You are trying to carry the greatest of mountains, the Mandara, with one hand. You are wishing to go safe after drinking deadly poison (produced from the churning of the ocean).
अक्षि सूच्या प्रमृजसि जिह्वया लेक्षि च क्षुरम्।

राघवस्य प्रियां भार्यां योऽधिगन्तुं त्वमिच्छसि।।3.47.41।।

यः he who, त्वम् you, राघवस्य प्रियाम् dear to Rama, भार्याम् wife, अधिगन्तुम् violate, इच्छसि desiring to, सूच्या by needle, अक्षि eyes, प्रमृजसि rubbing, जिह्वया by your tongue, क्षुरम् razor, लेक्षि licking.

You wish to violate the loving wife of Rama. You are rubbing your eyes with a needle and licking the razor with your tongue.
अवसज्य शिलां कण्ठे समुद्रं तर्तुमिच्छसि।

सूर्याचन्द्रमसौ चोभौ पाणिभ्यां हर्तुमिच्छसि।।3.47.42।।

यो रामस्य प्रियां भार्यां प्रधर्षयितुमिच्छसि।

यः he who, रामस्य Rama's, प्रियाम् very dear, भार्याम् wife, प्रधर्षयितुम् assault, इच्छसि desiring, कण्ठे in the neck, शिलाम् stone, अवसज्य after girding round the neck, समुद्रम् sea, तर्तुम् cross, इच्छसि desiring, सूर्याचन्द्रमसौ Sun and Moon, उभौ both, पाणिभ्याम् with both hands, हर्तुम् to carry, इच्छसि desiring,

You want to assault Rama's dear wife. It is like girding a stone round the neck and trying to cross the sea.It is like intending to take the Sun and the Moon with both your hands.
अग्निं प्रज्वलितं दृष्ट्वा वस्त्रेणाहर्तुमिच्छसि।।3.47.43।।

काल्याणवृत्तां रामस्य यो भार्यांहर्तुमिच्छसि।

यः one who, रामस्य Rama's, कल्याणवृत्ताम् a woman of virtuous conduct, भार्याम् wife, हर्तुम् to seize, इच्छसि you intend to, प्रज्वलितम् blazing, अग्निम् fire, दृष्ट्वा after seeing that, वस्त्रेण by cloth, आहर्तुम् to hold, इच्छसि desiring.

You intend to assaut the wife of Rama, who is a lady of virtuous conduct. You wish to hold blazing fire in your cloth.
अयोमुखानां शूलानामग्रे चरितुमिच्छसि।।3.47.44।।

रामस्य सदृशीं भार्यां योऽधिगन्तुं त्वमिच्छसि।

यः one who, त्वम् you, रामस्य Rama's, सदृशीम् his another worthy form, भार्याम् wife, अधिगन्तुम् to acquire, इच्छसि wish, अयोमुखानाम् sharp ironheaded, शूलानाम् spears, अग्रे on the top, चरितुम् to walk on, इच्छसि want.

You want to acquire Rama's worthy wife. You wish to walk on sharp ironheaded spear.
यदन्तरं सिंहशृगालयोर्वने यदन्तरं स्यन्दिनिका समुद्रयोः।

सुराग्र्य सौवीरकयोर्यदन्तरं तदन्तरं वै तव राघवस्य च।।3.47.45।।

वने in the forest, सिंहशृगालयोः between a lion and a jackal, यत् whatever, अन्तरम् difference, स्यन्दिनिकासमुद्रयोः between a ditch and a sea, यत् that, अन्तरम् difference, सुराग्र्य सौवीरकयोः best of wines and sour gruel, यत् whatever, अन्तरम् difference, तव your, राघवस्य च and Rama, तत् there, अन्तरम् difference.

The difference between you and Rama is the difference between a jackal and a lion in the forest, between a ditch and the sea, and between sour gruel and the best of wines.
यदन्तरं काञ्चनसीसलोहयोर्यदन्तरं चन्दनवारिपङ्कयोः।

यदन्तरं हस्तिबिडालयोर्वने तदन्तरं दाशरथेस्तवैव च।।3.47.46।।

काञ्चनसीसलोहयोः between gold and lead, यत् whatever, अन्तरम् difference, चन्दनवारिपङ्कयोः between sandal and slime, यत् whatever, अन्तरम् difference, हस्तिबिडालयोर्वने between the elephant and the cat in the forest, दाशरथेः of Dasaratha's son, तवैव च and yours, तत् that, अन्तरम् difference.

The difference between you and Rama is the difference between gold and lead, sandal and slime, an elephant and a cat of the forest.
यदन्तरं वायसवैनतेययोर्यदन्तरं मद्गुमयूरयोरपि।

यदन्तरं सारसगृध्रयोर्वने तदन्तरं दाशरथेस्तवैव च।।3.47.47।।

वायसवैनतेययोः between a crow and and Garuda, यत् whatever, अन्तरम् difference, मद्गुमयूरयोरपि beween a watercrane and a peacock, यत् whatever, अन्तरम् difference, वने in the forest, सारसगृध्रयोः between a vulture and a swan, यत् that amount, अन्तरम् difference, दाशरथेः Dasaratha's son, तवैव च and you, तत् that, अन्तरम् difference.

The difference between you and Dasaratha's son is the difference between a crow and Garuda, a watercrane and a peacock, a vulture and a swan in the forest.
तस्मिन्सहस्राक्षसमप्रभावे रामे स्थिते कार्मुकबाणपाणौ।

हृतापि तेहं न जरां गमिष्ये वज्रं यथा मक्षिकयावगीर्णम्।।3.47.48।।

हृतापि even if I am abducted, अहम् I, सहस्राक्षसमप्रभावे a man equal in prowess to the thousandeyed Indra, कार्मुक बाणपाणौ armed with bow and arrows, तस्मिन् when he, रामे while Rama, स्थिते when he stands, मक्षिकया by fly, अवगीर्णम् gulped (presuming it to be a grain of rice), वज्रं यथा like a diamond, ते to you, जरां न गमिष्ये will not be withered.

So long Rama, equal in prowess to the thousandeyed Indra stands with bow and arrows in hand, I will not, although abducted, wither away like a diamond gulped by an insect (fly).
इतीव तद्वाक्यमदुष्टभावा सुदुष्टमुक्त्वा रजनीचरं तम्।

गात्रप्रकम्पाद्व्यथिता बभूव वातोद्धता सा कदलीव तन्वी।।3.47.49।।

अदुष्टभावा pure in thought, तन्वी slim, सा that, सुदुष्टम् forcefully, तं रजनीचरम् nightwalker, तत् that, वाक्यम् words, इति thus, उक्त्वा said, गात्रप्रकम्पात् due to trembling of the body, वातोद्धता shaken by violent wind, कदलीव banana, व्यथिता distressed, बभूव became.

Having said thus to the wicked nightwalker Ravana, Sita, pure in thought remained distressed.Her slender body started trembling like a banana plant becomes shaken by a violent wind.
तां वेपमानामुपलक्ष्य सीतां स रावणो मृत्युसमप्रभावः।

कुलं बलं नाम च कर्म चात्मनः समाचचक्षे भयकारणार्थम्।।3.47.50।।

मृत्युसमप्रभावः powerful like death, सः that, रावणः Ravana, वेपमानाम् trembling, ताम् she, उपलक्ष्य beholding, भयकारणार्थम् to create more fear, आत्मनः of himself, कुलम् clan, बलं च and strength, कर्म च deeds, समाचचक्षे gave an account of.

Beholding Sita who was trembling, Ravana, powerful like death, started telling about himself, his clan, his strength and his deeds to instil more fear in her.
इत्तयार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे सप्तचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fortyseventh sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.