Sloka & Translation

[Ravana takes on his true form -- speaks of his glory -- Sita abuses Ravana in harsh words.]

एवं बृवन्त्यां सीतायां संरब्दः परुषं वचः।

ललाटे भृकुटीं कृत्वा रावणः प्रत्युवाच ह।।3.48.1।।

सीतायाम् when Sita, एवम् in that way, बृवन्त्याम् as she spoke, रावणः Ravana, संरब्धः roused to anger, ललाटे forehead, भृकुटीम् knitted eyebrows, कृत्वा doing, परुषम् harsh, वचः words, प्रत्युवाच replied.

Addressed thus by Sita, Ravana, his anger roused, knitted his eyebrows with a frown on his forehead and replied to her harshly:
भ्राता वैश्रवणस्याहं सापत्न्यो वरवर्णिनि।

रावणो नाम भद्रं ते दशग्रीवः प्रतापवान्।।3.48.2।।

वरवर्णिनि most beautiful woman, अहम् I, वैश्रवणस्य of Kubera's, सापत्न्यः stepmother's son, भ्राता brother, दशग्रीवः ten headed, प्रतापवान् powerful, रावणो नाम called Ravana, ते to you, भद्रम् be pleased.

O paragon of beauty I am the halfbrother of Kubera, born of his stepmother. I am known as the tenheaded, powerful Ravana. Be blessed
यस्य देवास्सगन्धर्वाः पिशाचपतगोरगाः।

विद्रवन्ति भयाद्भीता मृत्योरिव सदा प्रजाः।।3.48.3।।

प्रजाः people, मृत्योरिव like death, यस्य whose, भयात् out of fear, भीताः scared of, सगन्धर्वाः including gandharvas, देवाः gods, पिशाचपतगोरगा: evil spirits, birds and serpents, विद्रवन्ति run away.

Just as people get scared of death, all (creatures) including gandharvas, gods, evil spirits, birds and snakes run away from me.
येन वैश्रवणो राजा द्वैमात्रः कारणान्तरे।

द्वन्द्वमासादितः क्रोधाद्रणे विक्रम्य निर्जितः।।3.48.4।।

येन by whom, कारणान्तरे for some other reason, क्रोधात् in anger, द्वन्द्वम् duel, आसादितः took place, द्वैमात्रः stepmother, वैश्रवणः राजा king Vaisravana, रणे in war, विक्रम्य with my prowess, निर्जितः was defeated.

For some reason or other a duel took place between me and king Kubera. With my prowess, I defeated him in the duel.
यद्भयार्तः परित्यज्य स्वमधिष्ठानमृद्धिमत्।

कैलासं पर्वतश्रेष्ठमध्यास्ते नरवाहनः।।3.48.5।।

नरवाहनः Kubera (having a human being as his carrier), यद्भयार्तः due to fear of whom, ऋद्धिमत् prosperous, स्वम् his own, अधिष्ठानम् place of residence, परित्यज्य giving up, पर्वतश्रेष्ठम् mighty mountain, कैलासम् Kailasa, अध्यास्ते residing.

Out of fear for me, Kubera is residing on the mighty mount Kailasa, leaving his own earlier prosperous place of residence.
यस्य तत्पुष्पकं नाम विमानं कामगं शुभम्।

वीर्यादेवार्जितं भद्रे येन यामि विहायसम्।।3.48.6।।

भद्रे O noble lady, यस्य whose, तत् that, पुष्पकं नाम by name Pushpaka, कामगम् goes where one desires, शुभम् auspicious, विमानम् chariot, वीर्यादेव by valour alone, आर्जितम् gained over, येन in which, विहायसम् sky, यामि I move about.

O noble lady with my valour I gained over from Kubera the aerial chariot 'Pushpaka',
which can go wherever one desires and in which I move about in the sky.
मम सञ्जातरोषस्य मुखं दृष्ट्वैव मैथिलि।

विद्रवन्ति परित्रस्तास्सुराश्शक्रपुरोगमाः।।3.48.7।।

मैथिलि O Maithili, सञ्जातरोषस्य when I get angry, मम my, मुखम् face, दृष्ट्वैव on seeing alone, परित्रस्ताः frightened , शक्रपुरोगमाः led by Indra, सुराः gods, विद्रवन्ति run away.

O Princess from Mithila, seeing my angry face even gods led by Indra take to their heels in fear.
यत्र तिष्ठाम्यहं तत्र मारुतो वाति शङ्कितः।

तीव्रांशुश्शिशिरांशुश्च भयात्सम्पद्यते रविः।।3.48.8।।

अहम् I am, यत्र wherever, तिष्ठामि stay, तत्र there, मारुतः the Windgod, शङ्कितः hesitantly, वाति blows, तीव्रांशुः the Sun with scorching rays, रविः च even Sun, भयात् in fear, शिशिरांशुः Moon of cool radiance, सम्पद्यते discharges duties.

Wherever I am, the Windgod blows with hesitation. So are the Sun and the Moon afraid of me. Afraid of me the Sun duly discharges his duties.
निष्कम्पपत्रास्तरवो नद्यश्च स्तिमितोदकाः।

भवन्ति यत्र यत्राहं तिष्ठामि विचरामि च।।3.48.9।।

अहम् I am, यत्र यत्र wherever, तिष्ठामि stay, विचरामि move about, उदकाः water, निष्कम्पपत्राः with their leaves, तरवः trees, नद्यश्च the rivers also, स्तिमितोदकाः have still waters, भवन्ति remain.

Wherever I stay or move about, the leaves of trees do not shake, and the waters in rivers remain still.
मम पारे समुद्रस्य लङ्का नाम पुरी शुभा।

सम्पूर्णा राक्षसैर्घोरैर्यथेन्द्रस्यामरावती।।3.48.10।।

घोरैः by the terrific, राक्षसैः by demons, सम्पूर्णा filled with, लङ्का नाम known as Lanka, शुभा auspicious, इंद्रस्य Indra's, अमरावतीव like Amaravati, मम my, पुरी city, समुद्रस्य on these, पारे shore.

My city known as Lanka, teeming with terrific demons, is on the other side of the sea. It is beautiful like the city of Indra's Amaravati.
प्राकारेण परिक्षिप्ता पाण्डुरेण विराजता।

हेमकक्ष्या पुरी रम्या वैढूर्यमयतोरणा।।3.48.11।।

रम्या beautiful, पाण्डुरेण pale white, विराजता shining , प्राकारेण by a ramparts, परिक्षिप्ता surrounded, हेमकक्ष्या interiors built of gold, वैढूर्यमयतोरणा entrance gates encrusted with vaidurya (cat's eye).

The beautiful city of Lanka shines with its pale white ramparts and golden interiors. The entrance gates are encrusted with vaidurya (cat'seye).
हस्त्यश्वरथसम्बाधा तूर्यनादविनादिता।


हस्त्यश्वरथसम्बाधा crowded with elephants, horses, and chariots, तूर्यनादविनादिता resounding with trumpets, सर्वकालफलैः yielding fruits in all seasons, वृक्षैः by trees, सङ्कुलोद्यानशोभिता looks splendid with delightful pleasuregardens.

It is crowded with elephants, horses and chariots. It resounds with the music of trumpets. The trees in the delightful pleasuregardens yield fruits in all seasons.
तत्र त्वं वसती सीते राजपुत्रि मया सह।

न स्मरिष्यसि नारीणां मानुषीणां मनस्विनि।।3.48.13।।

राजपुत्रि princess, मनस्विनि highminded, सीते Sita, तत्र there, मया सह along with me, वसती while residing, मानुषीणाम् of human beings, नारीणाम् of women, न स्मरिष्यसि you will not think of.

O highminded princess, O Sita while living with me, you will not even think of other women.
भुञ्जाना मानुषान्भोगान्दिव्यांश्च वरवर्णिनि।

न स्मरिष्यसि रामस्य मानुषस्य गतायुषः।।3.48.14।।

वरवर्णिनि blessed lady of excellant complexion, मानुषान् mortals, भोगान् pleasures, दिव्यांश्च wonderful as well as divine, भुञ्जाना enjoying, मानुषस्य mortals, गतायुषः of a short lifespan, रामस्य Rama's, न स्मरिष्यिसि not think of.

O blessed lady of fine complexion, while enjoying both human and heavenly pleasures with me there, you will not remember Rama who is a mortal of short lifespan.
स्थापयित्वा प्रियं पुत्रं राज्ञा दशरथेन यः।

मन्दवीर्यस्सुतो ज्येष्ठस्ततः प्रस्थापितो वनम्।।3.48.15।।

राज्ञा by the king, दशरथेन Dasaratha's, प्रियम् dear, पुत्रम् son (Bharata), स्थापयित्वा consecrating, ततः then, मन्दवीर्यः weakling, ज्येष्ठः सुतः eldest son, यः one who is, वनम् forest, प्रस्थापितः sent away.

Considering the eldest son a weakling, king Dasaratha has sent him away to the forest so that he could consecrate his dear son(Bharata).
तेन किं भ्रष्टराज्येन रामेण गतचेतसा।

करिष्यसि विशालाक्षि तापसेन तपस्विना।।3.48.16।।

विशालाक्षि O largeeyed, भ्रष्टराज्येन dislodged from the kingdom, गतचेतसा lost the capacity to think, तापसेन ascetic, तपस्विना by a pitiable man, तेन रामेण such Rama, किं करिष्यसि what can he do (for you) ?

O largeeyed Sita dislodged from the kingdom, Rama has lost his capacity to think. He is doing penance, assuming an ascetic role. What can he do (for you)?
सर्वराक्षसभर्तारं कामात्स्वयमिहागतम्।

न मन्मथशराविष्टं प्रत्याख्यातुं त्वमर्हसि।।3.48.17।।

कामात् owing to passion, स्वयम् I myself, इह here, आगतम् came, मन्मथशराविष्टम् overcome by the arrows of the god of love, सर्वराक्षसभर्तारम् lord of all demons, त्वम् you, प्रत्याख्यातुम् to reject, न अर्हसि not proper.

I am lord of all the demons. You should not reject me I am here (only because I am) overcome by the arrows of the god of love.
प्रत्याख्याय हि मां भीरु परितापं गमिष्यसि।

चरणेनाभिहत्येव पुरूरवसमूर्वशी।।3.48.18।।

भीरु O timid lady, माम् me, प्रत्याख्याय after you reject, पुरूरवसम् Pururava, चरणेन by the feet, अभिहत्य kicking, ऊर्वशीव like Urvasi, परितापम् regret, गमिष्यसि will you experience later.

O timid lady if you reject me, you will regret like Urvasi who kicked Pururava and regretted later.
अङ्गुल्या न समो रामो मम युद्धे स मानुषः।

तव भाग्येन सम्प्राप्तं भजस्व वरवर्णिनि।।3.48.19।।

वरवर्णिनि O lady of fine complexion, मानुषः a mere mortal, सः रामः that Rama, युद्धे in war, मम for me, अङ्गुल्या with my finger, समः equal, न not, तव your, भाग्येन by your luck,
सम्प्राप्तम् have I come, भजस्व take refuge.

O lady of fine complexion, Rama is a (mere) mortal. In war he is no match (even) for my finger. It is your good fortune that you have got me here. Take refuge in me.
एवमुक्ता तु वैदेही क्रुद्धा संरक्तलोचना।

अब्रवीत्परुषं वाक्यं रहिते राक्षसाधिपम्।।3.48.20।।

एवम् that way, उक्ता told, वैदेही Vaidehi, क्रुद्धा enraged, संरक्तलोचना eyes turned red, रहिते in that solitary place, राक्षसाधिपम् chief of the demons, परुषम् harsh, वाक्यम् words, अब्रवीत् said.

Thus addressed, Sita was enraged and her eyes turned red. She replied in harsh words to the chief of the demons in that solitary place:.
कथं वैश्रवणं देवं सर्वभूतनमस्कृतम्।

भ्रातरं व्यपदिश्य त्वमशुभं कर्तुमिच्छसि।।3.48.21।।

सर्वभूतनमस्कृतम् worshipped by all beings, देवम् god, वैश्रवणम् Kubera, भ्रातरम् brother, व्यपदिश्य addressing him, त्वम् you, अशुभम् inauspicious deed, कर्तुम् to do, कथम् how come, इच्छसि you desire.

Why do you wish to do something inauspicious by calling Lord Kubera who is worshipped by all beings your brother ?
अवश्यं विनशिष्यन्ति सर्वे रावण राक्षसाः।

येषां त्वं कर्कशो राजा दुर्बुद्धिरजितेन्द्रियः।।3.48.22।।

रावण O Ravana, कर्कशः cruel, दुर्बुद्धि: evilminded, अजितेन्द्रियः having no control over the senses, त्वम् you, येषाम् of whom, राजा king, सर्वे all of them, राक्षसाः demons, अवश्यम् certainly, विनशिष्यन्ति will be destroyed.

O Ravana ,you are cruel and evilminded. You have no control over your senses. (And yet) you are the ruler of your breed. Surely they are going to be destroyed.
अपहृत्य शचीं भार्यां शक्यमिन्द्रस्य जीवितुम्।

न च रामस्य भार्यां मामपनीयास्ति जीवितम्।।3.48.23।।

इन्द्रस्य Indra's, भार्याम् wife, शची Sachi, अपहृत्य after abducting, जीवितुम् to live, शक्यम् may be possible, रामस्य Rama's, भार्याम् wife, माम् me, अपनीय after carrying away, जीवितम् life, नास्ति not there.

It may be possible (for some one) to live after abducting Indra's wife, Sachi, but it is not possible for any one to live after kidnapping the wife of Rama.
जीवेच्चिरं वज्रधरस्य हस्ताच्छचीं प्रधृष्याप्रतिरूपरूपाम्।

न मादृशीं राक्षस दूशयित्वा पीतामृतस्यापि तवास्ति मोक्षः।।3.48.24।।

राक्षस demon, अप्रातिरूपरूपाम् most beautiful lady, शचीम् Sachi, वज्रधरस्य wielder of the thunderbolt, Indra's, हस्ताम् from the hands, प्रधृष्य after snatching, चिरम् long, जीवेत् may live, मादृशीम् one like me, दूषयित्वा after assualting, पीतामृतस्यापि even after drinking nectar, तव your, मोक्षः release from death, न not possible.

O demon, you may live long after forcibly snatching the most beautiful Sachi, from the hands of Indra, the wielder of the thunderbolt, but after abusing a woman like me, you will not be released from death even if you drink nectar.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे अष्टचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fortyeighty sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.