Sloka & Translation

[Ravana carries away Sita in his chariot-- she screams and wails aloud -- implores the animals, trees, mountains and rivers to tell Rama about her.]

सीताया वचनं श्रुत्वा दशग्रीवः प्रतापवाम्।

हस्ते हस्तं समाहत्य चकार सुमहद्वपुः।।3.49.1।।

प्रतापवाम् powerful, दशग्रीवः tenheaded Ravana, सीतायाः Sita's, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा having heard, हस्ते by the palm, हस्तम् palm, समाहत्य striking, सुमहत् very great, वपुः body, चकार assumed.

On hearing the Sita's words, the powerful Ravana struck his palms one over the other and assumed a huge form (original figure).
स मैथिलीं पुनर्वाक्यं बभाषे च ततो भृशम्।

नोन्मत्तया श्रुतौ मन्ये मम वीर्यपराक्रमौ।।3.49.2।।

सः Ravana, मैथिलीम् Maithili, पुनः again, वाक्यम् these words, भृशम् very much, बभाषे said, उन्मत्तया by madness, मम my, वीर्यपराक्रमौ strength and valour, न श्रुतौ not heard, मन्ये I suppose.

Ravana again said to that princess from Mithila, I suppose you are too insane to disregard my strength and valour.
उद्वहेयं भुजाभ्यां तु मेदिनीमम्बरे स्थितः।

आपिबेयं समुद्रं च हन्यां मृत्युं रणे स्थितः।।3.49.3।।

अम्बरे in the sky, स्थितः standing, भुजाभ्याम् with my arms, मेदिनीम् the earth, उद्वहेयम् lift, समुद्रं च and oceans, आपिबेयम् can drink away, रणे in war, स्थितः standing, मृत्युम् for death, हन्याम् can cause death.

Standing in the sky, I can lift the earth with my arms. I can drink the oceans. I can kill even the god of death in a combat.
अर्कं ऱुन्ध्यां शरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्विभिन्द्या हि महीतलम्।

कामरूपिणमुन्मत्ते पश्य मां कामदं पतिम्।।3.49.4।।

अर्कम् Sun, ऱुन्ध्याम् can obstruct, तीक्ष्णैः with sharp, शरैः arrows, महीतलम् earth, विभिन्द्याम् I can shatter, उन्मत्ते O mad woman, कामदम् who can fulfil desires, पतिम् husband, कामरूपिणम् who can assume any form at will, माम् me, पश्य see.

I can obstruct the Sun and shatter the earth with my sharp arrows. O mad woman I am a husband who can fulfil your desires, and can assume any form at my own free will. Look at me.
एवमुक्तवतस्तस्य सूर्यकल्पे शिखिप्रभे।

क्रुद्धस्य हरिपर्यन्ते रक्ते नेत्रे बभूवतुः।।3.49.5।।

एवम् in that manner, उक्तवतः as he spoke, क्रुद्धस्य full of anger, तस्य his, सूर्यकल्पे almost like the Sun, शिखिप्रभे radiance of flaming fire, हरिपर्यन्ते ambercoloured at the corners, नेत्रे eyes, रक्ते red, बभुवतुः became.

As Ravana exploded in anger, his ambercoloured eyes turned red like the radiance of the flaming fire, and almost as bright as the Sun.
सद्यस्सौम्यं परित्यज्य भिक्षुरूपं स रावणः।

स्वं रूपं कालरूपाभं भेजे वैश्रवणानुजः।।3.49.6।।

वैश्रवणानुजः younger brother of Kubera, सद्यः instantly, सौम्यम् gentle, भिक्षुरूपम् form of a mendicant, परित्यज्य shed, स्वम् his, कालरूपाभम् the form of the god of death, रूपम् figure, भेजे assumed.

Ravana, brother of Kubera, shed the gentle figure of a mendicant and assumed the form of the god of death.

क्रोधेन महताविष्टो नीलजीमूतसन्निभः।।3.49.7।।

दशास्यः कार्मुकी बाणी बभूव क्षणदाचरः।

महता with intense, क्रोधेन with anger, आविष्टः overcome, संरक्तनयनः with reddened eyes, श्रीमान् shining, तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणः glittering golden ornaments, नीलजीमूतसन्निभः looking like a dark cloud, दशास्यः the tenfaced Ravana, कार्मुकी with bow, बाणी with arrows, क्षणदाचरः nightranger, बभूव became.

Overcome by intense anger, Ravana's eyes reddened. The nightranger, stood armed with bow and arrows and shining with glittering gold ornaments, appeared like a black cloud.
स परिव्राजकच्छद्म महाकायो विहाय तत्।।3.49.8।।

प्रतिपद्य स्वकं रूपं रावणो राक्षसाधिपः।

संरक्तनयनः क्रोधाज्जीमूतनिचयप्रभः।।3.49.9।।

रक्ताम्बरधरस्तस्थौ स्त्रीरत्नं प्रेक्ष्य मैथिलीम्।

राक्षसाधिपः chief of the demons, सः रावणः that Ravana, तत् that, परिव्राजकच्छद्म figure of a mendicant, विहाय shedding, स्वकम् his real, रूपम् form, प्रतिपद्य assuming, क्रोधात् in anger, संरक्त नयनः red eyes, जीमूतनिचयप्रभः radiating like layers of clouds, रक्ताम्बरधरः wearing red garments, स्त्रीरत्नम् gem of a woman, मैथिलीम् to Sita, प्रेक्ष्य seeing, तस्थौ stood in front.

Ravana, chief of the demons, shed the mendicant's form and assumed his real self. Clad in red garments, his eyes turned red in anger. Looking like layers of clouds, he stood in front of Sita, a gem among women.
स तामसितकेशान्तां भास्करस्य प्रभामिव।।3.49.10।।

वसनाभरणोपेतां मैथिलीं रावणोऽब्रवीत्।

सः that, रावणः Ravana, असितकेशान्ताम् a lady with shining black hair, भास्करस्य the Sun's, प्रभामिव like the radiance, वसनाभरणोपेताम् robed in the best of clothes and ornaments, मैथिलीम् to SIta, अब्रवीत् said.

Ravana said to the princess from Mithila, whose black hair was shining, who was luminous like the Sun and was clad in the best of clothes and ornaments.
त्रिषु लोकेषु विख्यातं यदि भर्तारमिच्छसि।।3.49.11।।

मामाश्रय वरारोहे तवाहं सदृशः पतिः।

वरारोहे O beautiful lady, त्रिषुलोकेषु in the three worlds, विख्यातम् famous, भर्तारम् husband, इच्छसि you desire, यदि so, माम् me, आश्रय take refuge in, अहम् I, तव your, सदृशः fit, पतिः husband.

O beautiful lady if you desire a husband who is famous in the three worlds, take refuge in me. I am fit to be your husband.
मां भजस्व चिराय त्वमहं श्लाघ्यः प्रियस्तव।।3.49.12।।

नैव चाहं क्वचिद्भद्रे करिष्ये तव विप्रियम्।

त्यज्यतां मानुषे भावो मयि भावः प्रणीयताम्।।3.49.13।।

भद्रे O auspicious lady, चिराय for long, माम् me, भजस्व accept, अहम् I am, तव your, श्लाघ्यः praiseworthy, प्रियः (पतिः) husband, अहम् I am, क्वचित् at any time, तव your, विप्रियम् unpleasantness, न करिष्ये चwill not cause, मानुषे mortal , भावः your attachment, त्यज्यताम् abandon, मयि in me, भावः inclination, प्रणीयताम् diverted.

I am your praiseworthy husband. I will not cause any unpleasantness to you at any time. Abandon on your inclination towards, a (mere) mortal. Divert your love to me.
राज्याच्च्युतमसिद्धार्थं रामं परिमितायुषम्।

कैर्गुणैरनुरक्तासि मूढे पण्डितमानिनि।।3.49.14।।

यः स्त्रिया वचनाद्राज्यं विहाय ससुहृज्जनम्।

अस्मिन्व्यालानुचरिते वने वसति दुर्मतिः।।3.49.15।।

मुढे O stupid woman, पण्डितमानिनि you think you are wise, दुर्मतिः wicked, यः he, स्त्रियाः woman's, वचनात् word, ससुहृज्जनम् including friends, राज्यम् kingdom, विहाय after leaving, व्यालानुचरिते haunted by wild animals, अस्मिन् in this, वने in the forest, चरति moves, राज्यात् from the kingdom, च्युतम् banished, असिद्धार्थम् who has not accomplished any objective, परिमितायुषम् of limited life, रामम् Rama, कैः by what, गुणैः virtues, अनुरक्ता a attached, असि are you.

O stupid woman you think you are very wise. What is there in Rama so that you are attached to him ? He has left the kingdom and his kith and kin due to the words of a woman. He has not accomplished anything (in life). He has a limited life span and now lives in this forest haunted by wild animals.
इत्युक्त्वा मैथिलीं वाक्यं प्रियार्हां प्रियवादिनीम्।

अभिगम्य सुदुष्टात्मा राक्षसः काममोहितः।।3.49.16।।

जग्राह रावणस्सीतां बुधः खे रोहिणीमिव।

सुदुष्टात्मा evilminded, काममोहितः infatuated, राक्षसः demon, रावणः Ravana, प्रियार्हाम् worthy of pity, प्रियवादिनीम् speaks pleasing words, मैथिलीम् Maithili, इति thus, उक्त्वा said, अभिगम्य going towards, खे बुधः Mercury in the sky, रोहिणीमिव like Rohini, सीताम् Sita, जग्राह caught hold of.

Just as Budha (planet Mercury) catches Rohini (a cluster of five stars) in the sky, the evilminded, infatuated Ravana advanced towards the pitiable, pleasing Sita and caught hold of her.
वामेन सीतां पद्माक्षीं मूर्धजेषु करेण सः।।3.49.17।।

ऊर्वोस्तु दक्षिणेनैव परिजग्राह पाणिना।

सः that Ravana, पद्माक्षीम् lotuseyed, सीताम् Sita, वामेन करेण with his left hand, मूर्धजेषु holding her hair, दक्षिणेन पाणिना with right hand, ऊर्वोः under her thighs, प्रतिजग्राह held her.

Ravana seized with his left hand the lotuseyed Sita by the hair and lifted her by the thighs with his right hand.
तं दृष्ट्वा मृत्युसङ्काशं तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्रं महाभुजम्।।3.49.18।।

प्राद्रवन्गिरिसङ्काशं भयार्ता वनदेवताः।

मृत्युसङ्काशम् like the god of death, तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्रम् with sharp teeth, महाभुजम् mightyarmed, गिरिसङ्काशम् like a mountain, तम् him, दृष्ट्वा seeing, वनदेवताः deities of the forest, भयार्ताः out of fear, प्राद्रवन् fled.

The sylvan deities fled out of fear on seeing the dreadful appearance of Ravana who had sharp teeth and mighty arms. He looked like a mountain, a veritable god of death.
स च मायामयो दिव्यः खरयुक्तः खरस्वनः।।3.49.19।।

प्रत्यदृश्यत हेमाङ्गो रावणस्य महारथः।

मायामयः illusive form, दिव्यः divine, खरयुक्तः harnessed by donkeys, खरस्वनः brayins of asses, हेमाङ्गः goldenlimbed, रावणस्य Ravana's, सः महारथः that great chariot, प्रत्यदृश्यत apeared.

There arrived the great golden chariot of Ravana, illusive and wonderful, harnessed with donkeys and braying like donkeys.
ततस्तां परुषैर्वाक्यैर्भर्त्सयन्स महास्वनः।।3.49.20।।

अङ्केनादाय वैदेहीं रथमारोपयत्तदा।

तदा then, महास्वनः Ravana in a loud voice, सः he, तां वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, परुषैः with harsh, वाक्यैः words, भर्त्सयन् reproaching, अङ्केन on his lap, आदाय on lifting, रथम् chariot, आरोपयत् placed.

Reproaching the princess from Videha loudly and harshly, Ravana took her on his lap and put her on the chariot.
सा गृहीता विचुक्रोश रावणेन यशस्स्विनी।।3.49.21।।

रामेति सीता दुःखार्ता रामं दूरगतंवने।

रावणेन by Ravana, गृहीता seized, यशस्स्विनी illustrious, सा सीता that Sita, दुःखार्ता helpless in grief, वने in the forset, दूरगतम् who was far away, रामम् Rama, राम इति saying, Alas Rama, विचुक्रोश screamed aloud.

Seized by Ravana, illustrious Sita screamed aloud Alas, Rama. for one who was far away in the forest.
तामकामां स कामार्तः पन्नगेन्द्रवधूमिव।।3.49.22।।

विवेष्टमानामादाय उत्पपाताथ रावणः।

अथ then, कामार्तः passionate, सः that, रावणः Ravana, अकामाम् not willing, पन्नगेन्द्रवधूमिव like a serpent queen, विवेष्टमानाम् writhing hard, ताम् her, आदाय seized,उत्पपात flew up.

Passionate Ravana took hold of Sita who was not willing and was writhing in pain. He seized her like (an eagle carrying away) a serpent queen and flew up.
ततस्सा राक्षसेन्द्रेण ह्रियमाणा विहायसा।।3.49.23।।

भृशं चुक्रोश मत्तेव भ्रान्तचित्ता यथाऽऽतुरा।

ततः then, राक्षसेन्द्रेण by the king of demons, विहायसा through the sky, ह्रियमाणा being carried off, सा that Sita, मत्तेव like a mad woman, भ्रान्तचित्ता with a bewildered mind, आतुरा
anxious, यथा like, भृशम् चुक्रोश screamed a lot in agony.

While Sita was being carried off in the sky by the king of demons, she screamed a lot in agony and anxiety like a mad woman in a bewildered state:
हा लक्ष्मण महाबाहो गुरुचित्तप्रसादक।।3.49.24।।

ह्रियमाणां न जानीषे रक्षसा माममर्षिणा।

महाबाहो O longarmed Lakshmana, गुरुचित्तप्रसादक who entertains the brother's mind, हा लक्ष्मण Alas, Lakshmana, अमर्षिणा by this angry, रक्षसा demon, माम् me, ह्रियमाणाम् being carried away, न जानीषे you do not know.

Alas, O longarmed Lakshmana, you who used to entertain your brother do not know that I am being carried away by this ruthless demon.
जीवितं सुखमर्थांश्च धर्महेतोः परित्यजन्।।3.49.25।।

ह्रियमाणामधर्मेण मां राघव न पश्यसि।

जीवितम् life, सुखम् comfort, अर्थांश्च treasure, धर्महेतोः for the sake of righteousness, परित्यजन् giving up, राघव O Rama, अधर्मेण by unrighteous, ह्रियमाणाम् carried off, माम् me, न पश्यसि do you not see.

O Rama, you have given up your life, pleasure and treasure for the sake of righteousness. Do you not see me carried off by an unrighteous fellow ?
ननु नामाविनीतानां विनेतासि परन्तप।।3.49.26।।

कथमेवंविधं पापं न त्वं शासि हि रावणम्।

परन्तप scorcher of enemies, अविनीतानाम् of the haughty, विनेता a chastiser, असि ननु as such, एवंविधम् such, पापम् sinner, रावणम् Ravana, कथम् how is it, हि indeed, शासि you are not punishing?

O scorcher of enemies you are the chastiser of the haughty. Why do you not punish such a sinner like Ravana.
ननु सद्योऽविनीतस्य दृश्यते कर्मणःफलम्।।3.49.27।।

कालोऽप्यङ्गीभवत्यत्र सस्यानामिव पक्तये।

अविनीतस्य arrogant, कर्मणः action, फलम् result, सद्यः right now, न दृश्यते नु not seen, सस्यानाम् crop, पक्तये इव ripening, अत्र in the same way, कालोऽपि it takes time also, अङ्गीभवति serves as a supporting factor.

The effect of arrogant action cannot be seen right away. Just as the crop yields results only after ripening, in the same way it takes time. Time acts as a supporting factor.
त्वं कर्म कृतवानेतत्कालोपहतचेतनः।।3.49.28।।

जीवितान्तकरं घोरं रामाद्व्यसनमाप्नुहि।

त्वम् you, कालोपहतचेतनः time has taken a toll of your senses, एतत् this, कर्म action, कृतवान् have done, रामात् from Rama, जीवितान्तकरम् leading towards the end of your life, घोरम् dreadful, व्यसनम् sorrow, आप्नुहि will befall.

Time has taken a toll of your senses. This has made you do what you have done. A great calamity is awaiting you in the hands of Rama. It will end your life.
हन्तेदानीं सकामास्तु कैकेयी सह बान्धवैः।।3.49.29।।

ह्रिये यद्धर्मकामस्य धर्मपत्नी यशस्विनः।

धर्मकामस्य of one who wants to discharge righteous duties, यशस्विनः of the glorious, धर्मपत्नी lawful wife, यत् such, ह्रिये being carried away, इदानीम् now, कैकेयी Kaikeyi, बान्धवैः सह along with her relations, सकामा her desires, अस्तु may be fulfilled, हन्त alas.

Alas, the lawful wife of the glorious and righteous Rama is being abducted now. Let
Kaikeyi along with her relations be happy with her desire fulfilled.
आमन्त्रये जनस्थाने कर्णिकारान्सुपुष्पितान्।।3.49.30।।

क्षिप्रं रामाय शंसध्वं सीतां हरति रावणः।

जनस्थाने in Janasthana, सुपुष्पितान् blossomed, कर्णिकारान् karnikara trees, आमन्त्रये pray, रावणः Ravana, सीताम् Sita, हरति is abducting, क्षिप्रम् at once, रामाय to Rama, शंसध्वम् tell him.

O karnikar trees in full bloom in Janasthana, tell Rama quickly that Ravana is kidnapping Sita.
माल्यवन्तं शिखरिणं वन्दे प्रस्रवणं गिरिम्।।3.49.31।।

क्षिप्रं रामाय शंस त्वं सीतां हरति रावणः।

माल्यवन्तम् Malyavan, शिखरिणम् mountain, प्रस्रवणं गिरिम् mount Prasravana, वन्दे I salute, रावणः Ravana, सीताम् Sita, हरति abducting, त्वम् you, क्षिप्रम् at once, रामाय to Rama, शंस tell.

I salute to Malyavan and Prasravana mountains. Tell Rama at once that Ravana is carrying away Sita.
हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णां वन्दे गोदावरीं नदीम्।।3.49.32।।

क्षिप्रं रामाय शंस त्वं सीतां हरति रावणः।

हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णां filled with swans and cranes, गोदावरीं नदीम् river Godavari, वन्दे my salutations to you, रावणः Ravana, सीताम् Sita, हरति is carrying away, त्वम् you, क्षिप्रम् immediately, रामाय Rama, शंस tell.

O river Godavari abounding in swans and cranes, my salutations to you Tell Rama immediately that Ravana is taking away Sita.
दैवतानि च यान्यस्मिन्वने विविधपादपे।।3.49.33।।

नमस्करोम्यहं तेभ्योभर्तुश्शंसत मां हृताम्।

विविधपादपे various trees, अस्मिन् वने in this forest, यानि those, दैवतानि deities, (सन्ति residing here), तेभ्यः to them, अहम् I, नमस्करोमि I offer salutations, माम् me, हृताम् taken away, भर्तुः to my husband, शंसत Tell.

I offer my salutations to different deities residing in this forest abounding in trees of many kinds. Tell my husband about me that I am being whisked away.
यानि कानि चिदप्यत्र सत्त्वानि निवसन्त्युत।।3.49.34।।

सर्वाणि शरणं यामि मृगपक्षिगणानपि।

अत्र here, यानि कानि चित् all the animals of the forest, सत्त्वानि living beings, निवसन्ति are residing, सर्वाणि all, मृगपक्षिगणानपि including herds of animals and birds, शरणम् I seek refuge, यामि I seek.

I seek refuge in all those living beings as well as herds of animals and birds in the forest.
ह्रियमाणां प्रियां भर्तुः प्राणेभ्योऽपि गरीयसीम्।।3.49.35।।

विवशाऽपहृता सीता रावणेनेति शंसत।

प्राणेभ्योऽपि more than his life, गरीयसीम् valuable lady, ह्रियमाणाम् carried away, प्रियाम् beloved, विवशा helpless lady, सीता Sita, रावणेन by Ravana, अपहृता इति is abducted like this, भर्तुः to my husband, शंसत tell.

Tell Rama that his dear wife Sita whom he loves more than his life is abducted helplessly.
विदित्वा मां महाबाहुरमुत्रापि महाबलः।।3.49.36।।

आनेष्यति पराक्रम्य वैवस्वतहृतामपि।

महाबलः mighty, महाबाहुः longarmed, वैवस्वतहृतामपि even if abducted by Vaivasvata, lord of death, माम् me, अमुत्रापि from there also, विदित्वा knowing, पराक्रम्य by his valour, आनेष्यति can get back.

If he knows that I am abducted by Yama, the god of death, that mighty, longarmed hero will save me even from there by virtue of his valour.
सा तदा करुणा वाचो विलपन्ती सुदुःखिता।।3.49.37।।

वनस्पतिगतं गृध्रं ददर्शाऽयतलोचना।

तदा then, करुणाः piteously, वाचः words, विलपन्ती pleading crying, आयतलोचना large eyed, सा that lady, सुदुःखिता very sadly, वनस्पतिगतम् seated on the tree, गृध्रम् vulture, ददर्श saw.

When the griefstricken, largeeyed Sita was lamenting piteously, she saw the vulture (Jatayu) seated on a tree.
सा तमुद्वीक्ष्य सुश्रोणी रावणस्य वशं गता।3.49.38।।

समाक्रन्दद्भयपरा दुःखोपहतया गिरा।

रावणस्य Ravana's, वशम् grip, गता gone, सुश्रोणी heavyhipped Sita, भयपरा frightened, सा she, तम् him, उद्वीक्ष्य seeing him, दुःखोपहतया shaken up by sorrow, गिरा with words, समाक्रन्दत् screamed.

The heavyhipped Sita felt frightened in the grip of Ravana. When she saw Jatayu she screamed, shaken by sorrow:
जटायो पश्य मामद्य ह्रियमाणामनाथवत्।।3.49.39।।

अनेन राक्षसेन्द्रेण करुणं पापकर्मणा।

जटायो O Jatayu, अद्य now, अनेन by this one, पापकर्मणा by sinful deeds, राक्षसेन्द्रेण by the king of demons, अनाथवत् like an orphan, करुणम् in a desparate way, ह्रियमाणाम् being carried away, माम् me, पश्य see.

O Jatayu, see me now being carried away by the sinful king of demons in this pitiable condition as though I am an orphan.
नैष वारयितुं शक्यस्तव क्रूरो निशाचरः।।3.49.40।।

सत्त्वाञ्जितकाशी च सायुधश्चैव दुर्मतिः।

क्रूरः cruel, सत्त्वान् strong, जितकाशी victorious, सायुधश्चैव wielding weapons, दुर्मतिः evilminded, एषः this, निशाचरः nightranger, तव you, वारयितुम् to prevent, न शक्यः not possible.

This nightranger is equipped with weapons. Cruel, strong and evilminded, he has won wars. You cannot stop him.
रामाय तु यथातत्त्वं जटायो हरणं मम।।3.49.41।।

लक्ष्मणाय च तत्सर्वमाख्यातव्यमशेषतः।

जटायोः Jatayu, मम my, हरणम् abduction, यथातत्त्वम् exact fact, तत् सर्वम् everything, अशेषतः without any omission, रामाय to Rama, लक्ष्मणाय च and Lakshmana, आख्यातव्यम् please narrate.

O Jatayu narrate to Rama and Lakshmana the exact facts of my abduction and all the details without any omission.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे एकोनपञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fortyninth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.