Sloka & Translation

[Ravana carries away Sita-- Sita calls out for Rama and Lakshmana again and again.]

सा तु ताराधिपमुखी रावणेन समीक्ष्य तम्।

गृध्रराजं विनिहतं विललाप सुदुःखिता।।3.52.1।।

ताराधिपमुखी with Moonlike face, सा तु that Sita, रावणेन by Ravana, विनिहतम् struck down, तं गृध्रराजम् king of the birds, समीक्ष्य seeing, सुदुःखिता very much agonised, विललाप wept.

Sita,whose face was like the lord of the stars (Moon), saw Jatayu, king of birds, struck down by Ravana, and lamented in extreme grif :
निमित्तं लक्षणज्ञानं शकुनिस्वरदर्शनम्।

अवश्यं सुखदुःखेषु नराणां प्रतिदृश्यते।।3.52.2।।

लक्षणज्ञानम् prognostication, शकुनिस्वरदर्शनम् sounds of ominous birds, नराणाम् for people, सुखदुःखेषु in joy and sorrow, अवश्यम् certainly, निमित्तम् indications, प्रतिदृश्यते are perceived.

People, for sure, foresee weal and woe in life from auspicious symptoms and ominous sounds.
नूनं राम न जानासि महद्व्यसनमात्मनः।

धावन्ति नूनं काकुत्स्थं मदर्थं मृगपक्षिणः।।3.52.3।।

राम Rama, आत्मनः your, महत् great, व्यसनम् disaster, न जानासि not aware, नूनम् surely, मदर्थम् for my sake, मृगपक्षिणः animals and birds, काकुत्स्थम् towards Kakutstha, धावन्ति running to tell you, नूनम् surely.

O Rama you are, indeed, unaware of the great disaster that has befallen you. All the animals and birds are running for my sake to tell you about me, O scion of the
अयं हि पापचारेण मां त्रातुमभिसङ्गतः।

शेते विनिहतो भूमौ ममाभाग्याद्विहंगमः।।3.52.4।।

माम् me, त्रातुम् to rescue, अभिसङ्गतः has come forward, अयम् his, विहङ्गमः bird, मम for me, अभाग्यात् due to bad luck, पापचारेण by the sinner, विनिहतः is hit down, भूमौ on the ground, शेते lies down.

'This bird that came forward to save me is hit by the sinner(Ravana) and lies down on the ground, as ill luck would have it.
त्राहि मामद्य काकुत्स्थ लक्ष्मणेति वराङ्गना।

सुसन्त्रस्ता समाक्रन्दच्छृण्वतां तु यथान्तिके।।3.52.5।।

वराङ्गना beautiful lady, सुसन्त्रस्ता terribly frightened, काकुत्स्थ O Rama, लक्ष्मण O Lakshmana, अद्य and now, माम् me, त्राहि save, इति thus, अन्तिके close by, शृण्वतां यथा as if listening to her, समाक्रन्दत् cried bitterly.

Terribly frightened, the beautiful lady (Sita) cried bitterly, 'O Rama, O Lakshmana, save me', as if they were close by and were listening to her.
तां क्लिष्टमाल्याभरणां विलपन्तीमनाथवत्।

अभ्यधावत् वैदेहीं रावणो राक्षसाधिपः।।3.52.6।।

क्लिष्टमाल्याभरणाम् lady whose garlands were crushed and jewels let loose, अनाथवत् like orphan, विलपन्तीम् weeping lady, तां वैदेहीम् that Vaidehi, राक्षसाधिपः demon king, रावणः Ravana, अभ्यधावत ran towards.

Ravana, king of the demons, ran towards Sita who was weeping like an orphan with her garlands and ornaments crushed.
तां लतामिव वेष्टन्तीमालिङ्गन्तीं महाद्रुमान्।

मुञ्च मुञ्चेति बहुशः प्रवदन्राक्षसाधिपः।।3.52.7।।

क्रोशन्तीं राम रामेति रामेण रहितां वने।

जीवितान्ताय केशेषु जग्राहान्तकसन्निभः।।3.52.8।।

अन्तकसन्निभः like Yama, lord of death, राक्षसाधिपः lord of the demons, लतामिव like a creeper, महाद्रुमान् huge trees, वेष्टन्तीम् coiled आलिङ्गन्तीम् embracing, वने in the forest, रामेण by Rama, रहिताम् separated from, राम रामेति saying 'Rama, Rama', क्रोशन्तीम् lamenting, ताम् her, मुञ्च मुञ्च इति leave it, leave it, बहुशः several times, प्रवदन् uttering, जीवितान्ताय to bring an end to his life, केशेषु by her hair, जग्राह caught hold.

Separated from Rama in the forest, Sita hugged huge trees, running round and round like a creeper coiled, crying loudly, 'Rama, O Rama' . The king of the demons, like Yama, caught hold of her hair only to invite his death, all the time saying, Leave it, Leave it (Leave the tree).
प्रधर्षितायां सीतायां बभूव सचराचरम्।

जगत्सर्वममर्यादं तमसान्धेन संवृतम्।।3.52.9।।

न वाति मारुतस्तत्र निष्प्रभोऽभूद्दिवाकरः।

सीतायाम् when Sita, प्रधर्षितायाम् was assaulted, सचराचरम् with all beings animate and inanimate, सर्वम् all, जगत् world, अमर्यादम् crossed all moral law, अन्धेन तमसा by pitch darkness, संवृतम् enveloped, बभूव became, तत्र then, मारुतः wind, न वाति did not blow, दिवाकरः the Sun, निष्प्रभः lustreless, अभूत् became.

While Sita was being assaulted, the earth with the animate and the inanimate crossed all limits of moral law and became enveloped in blinding darkness. The wind ceased to blow and the Sun, to shine.
दृष्ट्वा सीतां परामृष्टां दीनां दिव्येन चक्षुषा।।3.52.10।।

कृतं कार्यमिति श्रीमान्व्याजहार पितामहः।

श्रीमान् glorious, पितामहः grandfather( Brahma), दीनाम् a desperate woman, सीताम् Sita, परामृष्टाम् assaulted by the enemy, दिव्येन divine, चक्षुषा eyes, दृष्ट्वा saw, कार्यम् the task, कृतम् is accomplished, इति thus, व्याजहार said.

Brahma, the glorious Grandfather, saw with his divine eyes, Sita in a desperate state caught by the enemy and said, 'The task is accomplished.
प्रहृष्टा व्यथिताश्चासन्सर्वे ते परमर्षयः।।3.52.11।।

दृष्ट्वा सीतां परामृष्टां दण्डकारण्यवासिनः।

रावणस्य विनाशं च प्राप्तं बुद्ध्वा यदृच्छया।।3.52.12।।

दण्डकारण्यवासिनः residents of Dandaka forest, सर्वे all, ते those, परमर्षयः great seers, सीताम् Sita, परामृष्टाम् abducted, दृष्ट्वा seeing, यदृच्छया that which happened naturally, रावणस्य Ravana's, विनाशं च destruction, प्राप्तम् has come, बुद्ध्वा knowing, प्रहृष्टाः happy, व्यथिताश्च distressed, आसन् became.

All the great seers residing in Dandaka forest felt both happy and sad, happy because the destruction of Ravana is at hand and sad because Sita was in distress.
स तु तां राम रामेति रुदन्तीं लक्ष्मणेति च।

जगामादाय चाकाशं रावणो राक्षसाधिपः।।3.52.13।।

राक्षसाधिपः lord of the demons, सः रावणः that Ravana, राम रामेति saying, Rama, O Rama, लक्ष्मणेति च O Lakshmana, रुदन्तीम् crying, ताम् her, आदाय taking her, आकाशम् into the sky, जगाम went.

While Sita was crying, 'O Rama, O Lakshmana', Ravana, lord of the demons, carried her back into the sky.
तप्ताभरणजुष्टाङ्गी पीतकौशेयवासिनी।

रराजराजपुत्री तुविद्युत्सौदामिनी यथा।।3.52.14।।

तप्ताभरणजुष्टाङ्गी lady wearing on her limbs pure gold ornaments, पीतकौशेयवासिनी lady clad in yelow silk, राजपुत्री princess, विद्युत् सौदामिनी यथा like lightning, रराज shone.

SIta who had put on pure gold ornaments on her body and who was clad in yellow silk shone like lightning.
उद्धूतेन च वस्त्रेण तस्याः पीतेन रावणः।

अधिकं परिबभ्राज गिरिर्दीप्त इवाग्निना।।3.52.15।।

तस्याः her, उद्धूतेन blown, पीतेन yellow, वस्त्रेण clothes, रावणः Ravana, अग्निना with fire, दीप्तः glowing, गिरिरिव like a mountain अधिकम् more, परिबभ्राज shone.

Ravana was shining all the more with(her) yellow clothes blowing in the air, and looked like a mountain shining with fire burning around.
तस्याः परमकल्याण्यास्ताम्राणि सुरभीणि च।

पद्मपत्राणि वैदेह्या अभ्यकीर्यन्त रावणम्।।3.52.16।।

परमकल्याण्याः of the most auspicious, तस्याः her, वैदेह्याः Vaidehi's, ताम्राणि copper coloured, सुरभीणि fragrant, पद्मपत्राणि lotus petals, रावणम् Ravana, अभ्यकीर्यन्त were showered on him.

The red lotus petals worn by the most auspicious Sita, princess of Videha, were showered on Ravana.
तस्याः कौशेयमुद्धूतमाकाशे कनकप्रभम्।

बभौ चादित्यरागेण ताम्रमभ्रमिवातपे।।3.52.17।।

तस्याः her, आकाशे in the sky, उद्धूतम् blown by the wind, कनकप्रभम् goldenhued, कौशेयम् silken robes, आतपे exposed to the evening Sun , आदित्यरागेण by the Sun's redness, ताम्रम् red, अभ्रमिव cloudlike, बभौ appeared.

As the goldencoloured garment worn by Sita blew in the wind, it looked like a coppercoloured cloud illumined by the evening Sun in the sky.
तस्यास्तत्सुनसं वक्त्रमाकाशे रावणाङ्कगम्।

न रराज विना रामं विनालमिव पङ्कजम्।।3.52.18।।

आकाशे in the sky, रावणाङ्कगम् in the lap of Ravana, सुनसम् with a beautiful nose, तस्याः वक्त्रम् her face, रामं विना without Rama, विनालम् without stalk, पङ्कजम् इव like lotus, न रराज did not shine.

Sita's face with her beautiful nose on Ravana's lap and not on Rama's, shone no more like a lotus without its stalk.
बभूव जलदं नीलं भित्त्वा चन्द्र इवोदितः।

सुललाटं सुकेशान्तं पद्मगर्भाभमव्रणम्।।3.52.19।।

शुक्लैस्सुविमलैर्दन्तै प्रभावद्भिरलङ्कृतम्।

तस्यास्तद्विमलं वक्त्रमाकाशे रावणाङ्कगम्।।3.52.20।।

रुदितं व्यपमृष्टास्रं चन्द्रवत्प्रियदर्शनम्।

सुनासं चारुताम्रोष्ठमाकाशे हाटकप्रभम्।।3.52.21।।

सुललाटम् a fine forehead, सुकेशान्तम् beautiful hair, पद्मगर्भाभम् the glow of the inner side of a fully blossomed lotus, अव्रणम् whose face had no marks, शुक्लैः white, सुविमलैः clean, प्रभावद्भि: shining, दन्तैः teeth, अलङ्कृतम् decorated, रुदितम् as she wept, व्यपमृष्टास्रम् wiped her tears, सुनासम् of nice nose, चारुताम्रोष्ठम् with lovely red lips, आकाशे in the sky, हाटकप्रभम् having golden glow, रावणाङ्कगम् held by Ravana, तस्याः her, तत् that, विमलम् pure, वक्त्रम् face, नीलम् dark blue, जलदम् rain cloud, भित्त्वा breaking through, उदितः risen,
चन्द्र इव like Moon, बभूव appeared.

Sita's face looked beautiful with her smooth forehead, shining hair and spotless complexion like the inside of a lotus, with clean, white, shining teeth, a nice nose and lovely red lips. She was continuously weeping and wiping her tears. Her face which was pleasing like the Moon on the lap of Ravana appeared as though the Moon was rising through dark clouds.
राक्षसेन समाधूतं तस्यास्तद्वदनं शुभम्।

शुशुभे न विना रामंदिवा चन्द्र इवोदितः।।3.52.22।।

राक्षसेन by the demon, समाधूतम् being shaken, तस्याः her, शुभम् auspicious, तत् that, वदनम् face, रामं विना without Rama, दिवा by daytime, उदितः arisen, चन्द्रः इव Moon like, न शुशुभे did not glow.

Shaken up by the demon and deprived of Rama's company, Sita's beautiful face looked like the Moon during daytime without any glow.
सा हेमवर्णा नीलाङ्गं मैथिली राक्षसाधिपम्।

शुशुभे काञ्चनी काञ्ची नीलं मणिमिवाश्रिता।।3.52.23।।

नीलाङ्गम् dark body, राक्षसाधिपम् lord of the demons, आश्रिता was held, हेमवर्णा golden complexioned, सा मैथिली that Maithili, नीलम् मणिम् sapphire, काञ्चनी golden, काञ्ची इव like a girdle, शुशुभे shone.

Goldencomplexioned Sita, princess of Mithila, held by the darkcoloured king of the demons, shone like a girdle resting on a dark blue sapphire.
सा पद्मगौरी हेमाभा रावणं जनकात्मजा।

विद्युद्घनमिवाविश्य शुशुभे तप्तभूषणा।।3.52.24।।

पद्मगौरी a lady like a bright lotus, हेमाभा of golden colour, तप्तभूषणा with bright gold
ornaments, सा जनकात्मजा that Janaka's daughter, रावणम् to Ravana, आविश्य clinging, घनम् dark cloud, आविश्य held by, विद्युदिव like lightning, शुशुभे shone bright.

Bright like a golden lotus, adorned with gold ornaments, Sita, the daughter of Janaka, held by Ravana, looked like a streak of lightning shining bright in a dark cloud.
तस्या भूषणघोषेण वैदेह्या राक्षसाधिपः।

बभौ सचपलो नीलस्सघोष इव तोयदः।।3.52.25।।

राक्षसाधिपः the lord of the demons, तस्याः वैदेह्याः that Vaidehi's, भूषणघोषेण by the tinkling ornaments, सचपलः along with lightning, सघोषः roaring, नीलः dark blue, तोयदः इव like raincloud, बभौ seemed.

The lord of the demons by the side of Sita, princess of Videha with her jingling ornaments looked like the darkblue raincloud with its lightning and thunder.
उत्तमाङ्गाच्च्युता तस्याः पुष्पवृष्टिस्समन्ततः।

सीताया ह्रिममाणायाः पपात धरणीतले।।3.52.26।।

ह्रियमाणायाः as she was being carried away, तस्याः सीतायाः that Sita's, उत्तमाङ्गात् from the head, च्युताः dropped, पुष्पवृष्टिः rain of flowers, समन्ततः all over, धरणीतले on the earth, पपात fell down.

As Sita was being carried away, the shower of flowers dropped from her head and scattered on the earth.
सा तु रावणवेगेन पुष्पवृष्टिः समन्ततः।

समाधूता दशग्रीवं पुनरेवाभ्यवर्तत।।3.52.27।।

समन्ततः all over, सा पुष्पवृष्टिः that shower of flowers, रावणवेगेन by the speed of Ravana, समाधूता swirling together, पुनः again, दशग्रीवमेव on to the tenheaded Ravana only, अभ्यवर्तत went towards.

The shower of flowers that fell flew towards the tenheaded Ravana again in the swirling motion (of the chariot).
अभ्यवर्तत पुष्पाणां धारा वैश्रवणानुजम्।

नक्षत्रमाला विमला मेरुं नगमिवोन्नतम्।।3.52.28।।

पुष्पाणाम् of the flowers, धारा flow, विमला clean, नक्षत्रमाला rows of stars, उन्नतम् high, मेरुं नगमिव mount Meru, वैश्रवणानुजम् on the brother of Vaisravana, अभ्यवर्तत went towards.

The shower of flowers that dropped went round towards Ravana, brother of Vaisravana, like the bright garland of stars move towards mount Meru.
चरणान्नूपुरं भ्रष्टं वैदेह्या रत्नभूषितम्।

विद्युन्मण्डलसङ्काशं पपात मधुरस्वनम्।।3.52.29।।

वैदेह्याः Vaidehi's, चरणात् from her feet, भ्रष्टम् dropped, रत्नभूषितम् ornament studded with gems, नूपुरम् anklet, विद्युन्मण्डलसङ्काशम् looking like an orb of lightning, मधुरस्वनम् making gentle sound, पपात fell down.

The gemstudded anklet of Sita, looking like an orb of lightning, dropped with a gentle sound.
तरुप्रवालरक्ता सा नीलाङ्गं राक्षसेश्वरम्।

प्राशोभयत वैदेही गजं कक्ष्येव काञ्चनी।।3.52.30।।

तरुप्रवालरक्ता red like tender leaves, सा वैदेही that Vaidehi, नीलाङ्गम् dark coloured, राक्षसेश्वरम् Ravana, काञ्चनी golden, कक्ष्ये binding chain, गजमिव like an elephant, प्राशोभयत made him glow.

With her golden girdle, Sita whose complexion resembled tender leaves looked like a golden chain to bind an elephant with. (Here Ravana is the elephant).
तां महोल्कामिवाकाशे दीप्यमानां स्वतेजसा।

जहाराऽकाशमाविस्य सीतां वैश्रवणानुजः।।3.52.31।।

वैश्रवणानुजः brother of Vaisravana, महोल्कामिव like a massive comet, स्वतेजसा in her natural radiance, आकाशे in the sky, दीप्यमानाम् glowing, तां सीताम् Sita, आकाशम् into the sky, आविश्य having entered, जहार carried.

The younger brother of Vaisravana (Ravana), like a massive comet, carried Sita, who was glowing in the radiance of her own beauty, and entered the sky.
तस्यास्तान्यग्निवर्णानि भूषणानि महीतले।

सघोषाण्यवकीर्यन्त क्षीणास्तारा इवाम्बरात्।।3.52.32।।

तस्याः her, अग्निवर्णानि bright as flame, तानि भूषणानि those ornaments, सघोषाणि tinkling, अम्बरात् from the sky, क्षीणाः dim, ताराः इव like the stars, महीतले on the ground, अवकीर्यन्त scattered.

Like the dim stars falling from the sky, her ornaments, bright as flame, scattered on the groundtinkling.
तस्यास्स्तनान्तराद्भ्रष्टो हारस्ताराधिपद्युतिः।

वैदेह्या निपतन्भाति गङ्गेव गगनाच्च्युता।।3.52.33।।

तस्याः वैदेह्याः Vaidehi's, स्तनान्तरात् from between the breasts, भ्रष्टः fell down, ताराधिपद्युतिः shining like the Moon, हारः necklace, निपतन् fell, गगनात् from the sky, च्युता dropped, गङ्गेव like river Ganga, भाति seemed.

Sita's necklace shining like the bright Moon slipped from between her breasts like the river Ganga falling down from the sky.
उत्पातवाताभिहता नानाद्विजगणायुताः।

माभैरिति विधूताग्रा व्याजह्रुरिव पादपाः।।3.52.34।।

उत्पातवाताभिहताः hit by the stormy wind, नानाद्विजगणायुताः filled with different flocks of birds, पादपाः trees, विधूताग्राः 'Be not afraid', मा भैः इति saying, 'Be not afraid', व्याजह्रुः इव as if they said.

The trees filled with birds of all kinds, shaken at the top by stormy winds seemed to be saying to Sita, 'Be not afraid'.
नलिन्यो ध्वस्तकमलास्त्रस्तमीनजलेचराः।

सखीमिव गतोच्छ्वासामन्वशोचन्त मैथिलीम्।।3.52.35।।

ध्वस्तकमलाः with lotuses withering, त्रस्तमीनजलेचराः with disturbed aquatic animals like fishes, नलिन्यः lotus ponds, गतोच्छ्वासाम् who lost her power to breathe, सखीमिव like a companion, मैथिलीम् Maithili, अन्वशोचन्त felt sorry for her.

Lotusponds with withering lotuses and with disturbed aquatic life like fishes in fright were as if grieving for Sita as one would grieve for a companion who is unable to breathe.
समन्तादभिसम्पत्य सिंहव्याघ्रमृगद्विजाः।

अन्वधावंस्तदा रोषात्सीतां छायानुगामिनः।।3.52.36।।

तदा then, सिंहव्याघ्रमृगद्विजाः lions, tigers, deer and birds, समन्तात् अभिसम्पत्य coming together from all sides, रोषात् due to anguish, छायानुगामिनः followers of the shadow, सीताम् Sita, अन्वधावन् ran following her.

Then the lions, tigers, deer and birds gathered together in anger (also anguish) and ran after Sita's shadow.

सीतायां ह्रियमाणायां विक्रोशन्तीव पर्वताः।।3.52.37।।

सीतायाम् Sita, ह्रियमाणायाम् carried away, पर्वताः mountains, जलप्रपातास्रमुखाः with tears rolling down in the form of waterfalls शृङ्गैः representing the peaks, उच्छ्रितबाहुभिः lifting the hands high, विक्रोशन्तीव seemed as if they were crying in grief.

The mountains were shedding tears in the form of waterfalls, and crying with hands lifted up in the form of peaks, while Sita was being carried away.
ह्रियमाणां तु वैदेहीं दृष्ट्वा दीनो दिवाकरः।


ह्रियमाणाम् while being hijacked, वैदेहीम् Sita, दृष्ट्वा seeing, श्रीमान् glorious, दिवाकरः Sun, दीनः distressed, प्रतिध्वस्तप्रभः with dimmed lustre, पाण्डुरमण्डलः white disk around, आसीत् had.

Seeing Sita abducted, the glorious Sun looked lustreless and distraught. He developed a pale white disk around him.
नास्ति धर्मः कुतस्सत्यं नार्जवं नानृशंसता।

यत्र रामस्य वैदेहीं भार्यां हरति रावणः।।3.52.39।।

इति सर्वाणि भूतानि गणशः पर्यदेवयन्।

यत्र where, रामस्य Rama's, भार्या wife, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, रावणः Ravana, हरति is abducting, धर्मः dharma, नास्ति is not there, सत्यम् truth, कुतः where is it , आर्जवम् uprightness, न not, अनृशंसता compassion, न not, इति thus, सर्वाणि all, भूतानि beings, गणशः in groups, पर्यदेवयन् wailed.

When Rama's consort, the princess of Videha, is being carried away by Ravana, how can there be rightousness or truth or uprightness or compassion for men? Thus bewailed all beings in groups.
वित्रस्तका दीनमुखा रुरुदुर्मृगपोतकाः।।3.52.40।।

उद्वीक्ष्योद्वीक्ष्य नयनैरस्रपाताविलेक्षणाः।

मृगपोतकाः young deer, वित्रस्तकाः with fear, दीनमुखाः with distressed looks, अस्रपाताविलेक्षणाः unable to see clearly due to eyes filled with tears, नयनैः with eyes, उद्वीक्ष्योद्वीक्ष्य looked up (at the direction) again and again, रुरुदुः wept.

The young deer full of fear and distress looked again and again with eyes blurred with tears at the direction in which Sita went. And wept.
सुप्रवेपितगात्राश्च बभूवुर्वनदेवताः।।3.52.41।।

विक्रोशन्तीं दृढं सीतां दृष्ट्वा दुःखं तथा गताम्।

तथा likewise, दुःखम् grief, गताम् experiencing, दृढम् strongly, विक्रोशन्तीम् called out weeping, सीताम् to Sita, दृष्टवा seeing, वनदेवताः sylvan deities, सुप्रवेपितगात्राश्च with their bodies shivering, बभूवुः became.

The sylvan deities shivered, seeing Sita's grief and cried aloud.
तां तु लक्ष्मण रामेति क्रोशन्तीं मधुरस्वरम्।।3.52.42।।

अवेक्षमाणां बहुशो वैदेहीं धरणीतलम्।

स तामाकुलकेशान्तां विप्रमृष्टविशेषकाम्।।3.52.43।।

जहारात्म विनाशाय दशग्रीवो मनस्स्विनीम्।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, राम Rama, इति saying so, मधुरस्वरम् in a sweet voice, क्रोशन्तीम् while she was weeping, बहुशः many times, धरणीतलम् down to the ground, अवेक्षमाणाम् looknig at, आकुलकेशान्ताम् hair dishevelled, विप्रमृष्ट विशेषकाम् with the auspicious mark on the forehead erased, मनस्स्विनीम् highminded woman, तां वैदेहीम् to that Vaidehi, सः दशग्रीवः that tenheaded Ravana, आत्मविनाशाय for his own destruction, जहार abducted.

The ten headed Ravana abducted Sita who was calling out, O Rama, O Lakshmana with her sweet voice, weeping , looking down on the earth her hair dishevelled and auspicious, (vermilion) mark on the forehead erased. Ravana abducted this highminded Sita for his own destruction.
ततस्तु सा चारुदती शुचिस्मिता विनाकृता बन्धुजनेन मैथिली।

अपश्यती राघवलक्ष्मणावुभौ विवर्णवक्त्राभयभारपीडिता।।3.52.44।।

ततः then, चारुदती of beautiful teeth, शुचिस्मिला a lady gifted with a sweet smile, बन्धुजनेन विनाकृता distanced from her relatives, मैथिली Maithili, राघवलक्ष्मणौ Rama and Lakshmana, उभौ both, अपश्यती unable to see, विवर्णवक्त्रा face grew pale, भयभारपीडिता with the stress of fear.

Then Sita whose teeth were beautiful and smile, sweet was distanced from her kins, and, unable to see both Rama and Lakshmana, grew pale in intense fear.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे द्विपञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fiftysecond sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.