Sloka & Translation

[Sita reproaches Ravana--pleads, threatens Ravana with dire consequences.]

खमुत्पतन्तं तं दृष्ट्वा मैथिली जनकात्मजा।

दुःखिता परमोद्विग्ना भये महति वर्तिनी।।3.53.1।।

जनकात्मजा Janaka's daughter, मैथिली Maithili, खम् into the sky, उत्पतन्तम् while flying, तम् Ravana, दृष्ट्वा seeing, परमोद्विग्ना agitated greatly, महति intense, भये fear, वर्तिनी became, दुःखिता miserable.

Sita, daughter of Janaka, princess of Mithila felt miserable, looking at Ravana taking off and got very much agitated out of fear.
रोषरोदनताम्राक्षी भीमाक्षं राक्षसाधिपम्।

रुदन्ती करुणं सीता ह्रियमाणेदमब्रवीत्।।3.53.2।।

ह्रियमाणा while being carried away, सीता Sita, करुणम् piteously, रुदन्ती weeping, रोषरोदनताम्राक्षी eyes reddened due to crying out of anger and grief, भीमाक्षम् with frightening eyes, राक्षसाधिपम् to Ravana, the lord of demons, इदम् these (words), अब्रवीत् said.

While being carried away, Sita wept piteously and her eyes went red with tears of anger and grief. Looking at the frightening eyes of the king of the demons, she said these words :
न व्यपत्रपसे नीच कर्मणानेन रावण।

ज्ञात्वा विरहितां यन्मां चोरयित्वा पलायसे।।3.53.3।।

नीच O mean, रावण Ravana, विरहिताम् when I am separated, माम् me, चोरयित्वा having stolen, पलायसे run away, इति यत् like this, अनेन by this, कर्मणा by action, न व्यपत्रपसे are
you not ashamed?

O mean Ravana, are you not ashamed of kidnapping me when I was separated (from my husband)?
त्वयैव नूनं दुष्टात्मन् भीरुणा हर्तुमिच्छता।

ममापवाहितो भर्ता मृगरूपेण मायया।।3.53.4।।

दुष्टात्मन् O wicked fellow, हर्तुम् to abduct, इच्छता desiring, भीरुणा by a timid one, त्वयैव yourself, मम my, भर्ता husband, मायया with deceit, मृगरूपेण in the form of deer, अपवाहितः led to a distance.

O wicked fellow, with an intention to abduct me you enticed my husband to a distance deceitfully in the form of a deer.
यो हि मामुद्यतस्त्रातुं सोऽप्ययं विनिपातितः।

गृध्रराजः पुराणोऽसौ श्वशुरस्य सखा मम।।3.53.5।।

यः who, गृध्रराजः king of vultures, माम् me, त्रातुम् to protect, उद्यतः tried, मम my, श्वशुरस्य of fatherinlaw, पुराणः old, सखा friend, अयम् he, असौ अपि he too, विनिपातितः is fallen.

This Jatayu, an old friend of my fatherinlaw tried to protect me but he too has fallen a prey.
परमं खलु ते वीर्यं दृश्यते राक्षसाधम।

विश्राव्य नामधेयं हि युद्धे नास्मि जिता त्वया।।3.53.6।।

राक्षसाधमः O lowly demon, ते विर्यम् bravery, परमम् very great, दृश्यते खलु is seen indeed, नामधेयम् your name, विश्राव्य after announcing, त्वया by your, युद्धे war, जिता won, नास्मि हि I am not.

O lowly demon, you have, indeed, shown your heroism (in killing this old vulture).
You have not won me in a battle declared by you.
ईदृशं गर्हितं कर्म कथं कृत्वा न लज्जसे।

स्त्रियाश्च हरणं नीच रहिते च परस्य च।।3.53.7।।

नीच O lowly fellow, रहिते when alone, परस्य च other's, स्त्रियाः woman's, हरणम् abduction, ईदृशम् this way, गर्हितम् despised, कर्म deed, कृत्वा after doing, कथम् how is it, न लज्जसे are you not ashamed

O lowly fellow how is it that you are not ashamed of commiting such a despicable act abducting another's wife when she is alone ?
कथयिष्यन्ति लोकेषु पुरुषाः कर्म कुत्सितम्।

सुनृशंसमधर्मिष्ठं तव शौण्डीर्यमानिनः।।3.53.8।।

शौण्डीर्यमानिनः considering yourself to be brave, तव yourself, सुनृशंसम् this very cruel act, अधर्मिष्ठम् unrighteous, कुत्सितम् despised by others, कर्म action, लोकेषु in the worlds, पुरुषाः people, कथयिष्यन्ति will talk about.

You consider yourself to be brave after committing such a cruel, despicable and unrighteous act for which people of the world will condemn you.
धिक्ते शौर्यं च सत्त्वं च यत्त्वं कथितवांस्तदा।

कुलाक्रोशकरं लोके धिक्ते चारित्रमीदृशम्।।3.53.9।।

strength, धिक् fie, लोके in the world, कुलाक्रोशकरम् that which would bring calumny to the family, ते to you, ईदृशम् such, चारित्रम् behaviour, धिक् I condemn.

Fie upon your heroism and strength about which you boasted. Fie upon your character that would bring calumny to the race and the world. I condemn such behaviour of yours.
किं कर्तुं शक्यमेवं हि यज्जवेनैव धावसि।

मुहूर्तमपि तिष्ठस्व न जीवन्प्रतियास्यसि।।3.53.10।।

किम् what, कर्तुम् to do, शक्यम् is possible, यत् since, एवम् in this way, जवेनैव so swiftly, धावसि you are running, मुहूर्तमपि for a moment also, तिष्ठस्व you stay, जीवन् with life, न प्रतियास्यसि you will not.

Tarry a little, you will not go back with life. What can be done now since you are running away so swiftly?
न हि चक्षुष्पथं प्राप्य तयोः पार्थिवपुत्रयोः।

ससैन्योऽपि समर्थस्त्वं मुहूर्तमपि जीवितुम्।।3.53.11।।

तयोः of both of them, पार्थिवपुत्रयोः of the two princes, चक्षुष्पथम् within the range of their sight, प्राप्य on reaching, त्वम् you, ससैन्योऽपि even with your army, मुहूर्तमपि for a moment, जीवितुम् to live, न समर्थः हि not possible.

If you come within sight of these two princes, it will not be possible for you to live for a moment even if you are with your entire army.
न त्वं तयोश्शरस्पर्शं सोढुं शक्तः कथञ्चन।

वने प्रज्वलितस्येव स्पर्शमग्नेर्विहंगमः।।3.53.12।।

वने in the forest, प्रज्वलितस्य of burning, अग्नेः fire, स्पर्शम् touch, विहङ्गमः इव like bird, त्वम् you, तयोः of both of them, शरस्पर्शम् touch of arrows, सोढुम् to endure, कथञ्चन anyhow, न शक्तः it is not possible for you.

Just as a bird cannot bear the touch of forest fire, you will not be able to endure the mere touch of arrows of the two heroes indeed.
साधु कुर्वाऽऽत्मनः पथ्यं साधु मां मुञ्च रावण।

मत्प्रधर्षणरुष्टो हि भ्रात्रा सह पतिर्मम।।3.53.13।।

विधास्यति विनाशाय त्वं मां यदि न मुञ्चसि।

रावण Ravana, साधु it is only proper, आत्मनः your, पथ्यम् good for your wellbeing, कुरु you may do, माम् me, साधु be good, मुञ्च you may release, त्वम् you, माम् me, न मुञ्चसि you do not leave, यदि what, मत्प्रधर्षणरुष्टः enraged for the assaulting me, मम पतिः my husband, भ्रात्रा सह along with his brother, विनाशाय for destruction, विधास्यति he will arrange.

O Ravana be good and do whatever is beneficial to you. It is proper for you to release me. If you do not, enraged over my assault, my husband along with his brother, will bring about your destruction.
येन त्वं व्यवसायेन बलान्मां हर्तुमिच्छसि।।3.53.14।।

व्यवसायस्स ते नीच भविष्यति निरर्थकः।

नीच O mean fellow, त्वम् you, येन by which, व्यवसायेन effort, माम् me, बलात् by force, हर्तुम् to abduct, इच्छसि desire, ते your, सः that, व्यवसायः determination, निरर्थकः fruitless, भविष्यति will become.

O vile creature, the effort you are making to abduct me forcibly will be fruitless.
न ह्यहं तमपश्यन्ती भर्तारं विबुधोपमम्।।3.53.15।।

उत्सहे शत्रुवशगा प्राणान्धारयितुं चिरम्।

अहम् I am, विबुधोपमम् godlike, भर्तारम् husband, तम् him, अपश्यन्ती without seeing him, शत्रुवशगा at the mercy of an enemy, चिरम् long, प्राणान् life, धरयितुम् to hold on, न उत्सहे हि I am not enthused.

I will not be eager to hold on to my life for long to live at the mercy of the enemy without being able to see my godlike husband.
न नूनं चात्मनः पथ्यं श्रेयो वा समवेक्षसे।।3.53.16।।

मृत्युकाले यथा मर्त्यो विपरीतानि सेवते।

मर्त्य: a mortal, मृत्युकाले at the time of death, यथा as, विपरीतानि very differently, सेवते he will resort to, आत्मनः your own, पथ्यम् whatever is beneficial to you, श्रेयो वा your welfare, न समवेक्षसे you are not able to foresee.

At the time of death, mortals behave very differently. They act contrary to their own welfare. Likewise you are not able to foresee what is beneficial and good for you.
मुमूर्षूणां हि सर्वेषां यत्पथ्यं तन्न रोचते।।3.53.17।।

पश्याम्यद्य हि कण्ठेत्वां कालपाशावपाशितम्।

मुमूर्षूणाम् who want to die, सर्वेषाम् all of them, यत् what, पथ्यम् is salutary, तत् that, न रोचते not like, अद्य now, त्वाम् you, कण्ठे in your neck, कालपाशावपाशितम् noose of death wound round, पश्यामि हि I see.

Those who wish to die, do not like anything salutary. I see the noose of death wound round your neck now.
यथा चास्मिन्भयस्थाने न बिभेषि दशानन।।3.53.18।।

व्यक्तं हिरण्मयान् हि त्वं सम्पश्यसि महीरुहान्।

दशानन tenheaded Ravana, त्वम् you, अस्मिन् in this, भयस्थाने cause of fear, यथा even so, न बिभेषि you are not scared, हिरण्मयान् golden, महीरुहान् trees, सम्पश्यसि you see, व्यक्तम् evident.

O tenheaded Ravana, since you do not fear the source of fear, evidently you see golden trees. (a symptom of death).
नदीं वैतरणीं घोरां रुधिरौघनिवाहिनीम्।।3.53.19।।

असिपत्रवनं चैव भीमं पश्यसि रावण।

रावण Ravana, रुधिरौघनिवाहिनीम् river carrying torrents of blood flowing, घोराम् dreadful, वैतरणीं नदीम् river Vaitarani, भीमम् frightening, असिपत्रवनं चैव forest of trees with swords as leaves, पश्यसि see.

O Ravana, you see the dreadful river Vaitarani with torrents of blood flowing and frightening forest of trees with swords as leaves.
तप्तकाञ्चनपुष्पां च वैडूर्यप्रवरच्छदाम्।।3.53.20।।

द्रक्ष्यसे शाल्मलीं तीक्ष्णामायसैः कण्टकैश्चिताम्।

तप्ककाञ्चनपुष्पाम् with bright golden flowers, वैडूर्यप्रवरच्छदाम् with barks of excellent Vaidurya stones like bark, आयसैः with iron, कण्टकैः thorns, चिताम् logged, तीक्ष्णाम् sharp, शाल्मलीम् salmali (silkcotton) tree, द्रक्ष्यसे you see.

You will see a log of salmali tree with bright golden flowers and excellent vaidurya stone with pointed iron thorns.
न हि त्वमीदृशं कृत्वा तस्यालीकं महात्मनः।।3.53.21।।

धरितुं शक्ष्यसि चिरं विषं पीत्वेव निर्घृणः।

निर्घृणः pitiless, त्वम् you, महात्मनः of the noble, तस्य his, ईदृशम् such, अलीकम् deceiving, कृत्वा after doing, विषम् poison, पीत्वेव as if after drinking, चिरम् for long, धरितुम् to survive, न शक्ष्यसि not possible.

You are pitiless. You will not be able to survive for long after deceiving such noble Rama just as man cannot survive after drinking poison.
बद्धस्त्वं कालपाशेन दुर्निवारेण रावण।।3.53.22।।

क्वगतो लप्स्यसे शर्म भर्तुर्मम महात्मनः।

रावण Ravana, त्वम् you, दुर्निवारेण by the inevitable, कालपाशेन noose of death, बद्धः bound, मम my, भर्तुः husband's, महात्मनः great Rama, क्व where can you, गतः go, शर्म peace, लप्स्यसे will you get.

O Ravana you are bound by the inevitable noose of death. Where shall you get away from great Rama, my husband to obtain peace.
निमेषान्तरमात्रेण विना भ्रात्रा महावने।।3.53.23।।

राक्षसा निहता येन सहस्राणि चतुर्दश।

स कथं राघवो वीरस्सर्वास्त्रकुशलो बली।।3.53.24।।

न त्वां हन्याच्छरैस्तीक्ष्णैरिष्टभार्यापहारिणम्।

येन by whom, महावने in this great forest, भ्रात्रा विना without the help of his brother, निमेषान्तरमात्रेण in a short while, चतुर्दश सहस्राणि fourteen thousand, राक्षसाः demons, निहताः were killed, वीरः warrior, सर्वास्त्रकुशली wellversed in the use of all kinds of weapons, बली strong man, सः that, राघवः Rama, इष्टभार्यापहारिणम् who has stolen his beloved wife, त्वाम् you, तीक्ष्णैः with sharp, शरैः arrows, कथम् how, न हन्यात् will he not kill?

Rama has killed fourteen thousand demons alone without his brother within a moment. He is a strong warrior and wellversed in the use of all kinds of weapons. You have stolen his loving wife. How can he live without killing you.
तच्चान्यच्च परुषं वैदेही रावणाङ्कगा।।3.53.25।।

भयशोकसमाविष्टा करुणं विललाप ह।

रावणाङ्कगा a lady under Ravana's grip, वैदेही Vaidehi (Sita), भयशोकसमाविष्टा full of fear and sorrow, एतत् च these words, अन्यच्च and other words, परुषम् harsh, करुणम् piteously, विललाप ह wept.

Sita, daughter of Videha, full of sorrow and fear under Ravana's grip uttered these partly harsh and partly piteous wordsweeping.
तथा भृशार्तां बहुचैव भाषिणीं विलापपूर्वं करुणं च भामिनीम्।

जहार पापः करुणं विचेष्टतीं नृपात्मजामागतगात्रवेपथुम्।।3.53.26।।

तथा likewise, भृशार्ताम् greatly terrified, विलापपूर्वम् weeping, करुणं च piteously, बहुचैव in many ways, भाषिणीम् talking, करुणम् mournfully, विचेष्टतीम् struggling, नृपात्मजाम् princess, आगतगात्रवेपथुम् whose body started shivering, भामिनीम् to the beautiful lady, पापः sinner Ravana, जहार carried off.

Sinful Ravana carried away the beautiful princess trembling with great fear, struggling helplessly, crying pathetically and pleading in many mournful ways.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे त्रिपञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fiftythird sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.