Sloka & Translation

[Rama's lamentation.]

सीतामपश्यन्धर्मात्मा शोकोपहतचेतनः।

विललाप महाबाहू रामः कमललोचनः।।3.62.1।।

धर्मात्मा righteous Rama, महाबाहुः longarmed, कमललोचनः lotuseyed, रामः Rama, सीताम् Sita, अपश्यन् not able to see, शोकोपहतचेतनः senses overwhelmed by grief, विललाप wept.

The righteous, the longarmed,lotuseyed Rama, unable to see Sita wept with his senses overwhilmed by grief.
पश्यन्निव च तां सीतामपश्यन्मदनार्दितः।

उवाच राघवो वाक्यं विलापाश्रयदुर्वचम्।।3.62.2।।

मदनार्दितः under the spell of Cupid, राघवः Rama, ताम् her, सीताम् Sita, अपश्यन् while not seeing, पश्यन्निव as if he was seeing, विलापाश्रयदुर्वचम् words which cannot be uttered in grief, वाक्यम् words, उवाच said.

Under the spell of Cupid, Rama uttered such words in grief which are otherwise unutterable. As if he was seeing Sita (before him) which was not a fact.
त्वमशोकस्य शाखाभिः पुष्पप्रियतया प्रिये।

आवृणोषि शरीरं ते मम शोकविवर्धिनी।।3.62.3।।

प्रिये O my beloved, त्वम् you, पुष्पप्रियतया due to your love for flowers, मम my, शोकविवर्धिनी augmenting sorrow, अशोकस्य Ashoka's, शाखाभिः by branches, ते your, शरीरम् body, आवृणोषि you are covering.

O my beloved as you love flowers you are hiding your body behind the branches of
the Ashoke tree that enhances my sorrow (paradoxically).
कदलीस्कन्धसदृशौ कदल्या संवृतावुभौ।

ऊरू पश्यामि ते देवि नासि शक्ता निगूहितुम्।।3.62.4।।

देवि O Devi, कदलीस्कन्धसदृशौ appearing like banana trunk, कदल्या with banana plant, संवृतौ are covered, ते ऊरू both your thighs, पश्यामि I see, निगूहितुम् to hide, शक्ता possible, नासि not.

O Devi I can see both your thighs which resemble banana trunk hidden behind a banana plant. It is not possible for you to hide them from me.
कर्णिकारवनं भद्रे हसन्ती देवि सेवसे।

अलं ते परिहासेन मम बाधावहेन वै।।3.62.5।।

देवि O lady, भद्रे O gentle one, हसन्ती laughing, कर्णिकारवनम् Karnikara garden, सेवसे wandering, मम myself, बाधावहेन causing pain, ते परिहासेन by your fun, अलम् enough of it.

O gentle one you are wandering in the karnikara garden, laughing and making fun. Enough of this , that causes my pain.
परिहासेन किं सीते परिश्रान्तस्य मे प्रिये।

अयं स परिहासोऽपि साधु देवि न रोचते।।3.62.6।।

प्रिये O beloved, सीते Sita, परिश्रान्तस्य when I am exhausted, मे my, परिहासेन by joking, किम् why, अयम् this, सः that, परिहासोऽपि fun also, साधु well, न रोचते not liked.

O my dear Sita, why are you joking when I am exhausted? Such fun cannot be relished now.
विशेषेणाश्रमस्थाने हासोऽयं न प्रशस्यते।

अवगच्छामि ते शीलं परिहासप्रियं प्रिये।।3.62.7।।

आगच्छ त्वं विशालाक्षि शून्योऽयमुटजस्तव।

विशेषेण especially, आश्रमस्थाने in a place like hermitage, अयम् this, हासः jest, न प्रशस्यते not appreciated, प्रिये O dear, ते you, परिहासप्रियम् lover of fun, शीलम् nature, अवगच्छामि I am aware, विशालाक्षि largeeyed lady, त्वम् you, आगच्छ come here, तव yours, अयम् this, उटजः cottage, शून्यः empty.

O darling joking specially in a hermitage is not appreciated. I know your nature.You love fun. O largeeyed Sita, come here. This cottage of yours is empty.
सुव्यक्तं राक्षसैस्सीता भक्षिता वा हृतापि वा।।3.62.8।।

न हि सा विलपन्तं मामुपसम्प्रैति लक्ष्मण।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, सीता Sita, सुव्यक्तम् surely, राक्षसैः by demons, भक्षिता वा devoured or, हृतापि वा or abducted, सा that, विलपन्तम् while I cry like this, माम् me, न उपसम्प्रैति हि not coming to me.

O Lakshmana surely Sita is either devoured by demons or abducted. When I am weeping like this she is not coming to me.
एतानि मृगयूथानि साश्रुनेत्राणि लक्ष्मण।।3.62.9।।

शंसन्तीव हि वैदेहीं भक्षितां रजनीचरैः।

लक्ष्मण O Lakshmana, साश्रुनेत्राणि eyes filled with tears, एतानि these, मृगयूथानि herds of deer, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, रजनीचरैः night walkers, भक्षिताम् eaten away, शंसन्ति इव as if they are telling me.

O Lakshmana, these herds of deer with their eyes filled with tears are as if telling me that she is eaten away by the demons.
हा ममार्ये क्व यातासि हा साध्वि वरवर्णिनि।।3.62.10।।

हा सकामा त्वया देवी कैकेयी सा भविष्यति।

हा Alas, मम my, आर्ये noble lady, क्व where, याता असि have you gone?, हा साध्वि Ha chaste lady, वरवर्णिनि a woman of excellent complexion, हा Ha, त्वया by you, देवी the queen, सा that, कैकेयी Kaikeyi, अद्य now, सकामा desire fulfilled, भविष्यति will become.

Alas, my noble lady, where have you gone? O chaste lady of excellent complexion, that queen Kaikeyi's desire will be fulfilled now.
सीतया सह निर्यातो विना सीतामुपागतः।।3.62.11।।

कथं नाम प्रवेक्ष्यामि शून्यमन्तःपुरं पुनः।

सीतया सह along with Sita, निर्यातः came out, विना सीताम् without Sita, उपागतः coming back, शून्यम् empty, अन्तःपुरम् linner apartment (of queens), पुनः again, कथं नाम how can I, प्रवेक्ष्यामि enter?

I left home with Sita. How can I reenter the inner apartment without her ?
निर्वीर्य इति लोको मां निर्दयश्चेति वक्ष्यति।।3.62.12।।

कातरत्वं प्रकाशं हि सीतापनयनेन मे।

लोकः the world, माम् me, निर्वीर्यः without valour, इति so also, निर्दयश्चेति a man who lack compassion, वक्ष्यति will say, सीतापनयनेन by Sita's abduction, मे my, कातरत्वम् timid nature, प्रकाशं हि will manifest.

By Sita's abduction it will be clear to the world that I lack manliness and compassion. My cowardly nature will clearly manifest.
निवृत्तवनवासश्च जनकं मिथिलाधिपम्।।3.62.13।।

कुशलं परिपृच्छन्तं कथं शक्ष्ये निरीक्षितुम्।

निवृत्तवनवासश्च after completing the period of exile, कुशलम् welfare, परिपृच्छन्तम् as he enquires, मिथिलाधिपम् to lord of Mithila, जनकम् Janaka, निरीक्षितुम् to face, कथम् how do I, शक्ष्ये will be able.

After completing the period of my exile when Janaka , king of Mithila, enquires of her welfare how can I face him?
विदेहराजो नूनं मां दृष्ट्वा विरहितं तया।।3.62.14।।

सुतास्नेहेन सन्तप्तो मोहस्य वशमेष्यति।

विदेहराजः king of Videha, तया विरहितम् without her, माम् me, दृष्ट्वा seeing, सुतास्नेहेन out of love for his daughter, सन्तप्तः distressed, मोहस्य delusion's, वशम् grip, एष्यति he will be, नूनम् surely.

If the king of Videha sees me without her, he will surely be distressed and will fall into a swoon for the love of his daughter.
अथवा न गमिष्यामि पुरीं भरतपालिताम्।।3.62.15।।

स्वर्गोऽपि सीतया हीनश्शून्य एव मतो मम।

अथवा or else, भरतपालिताम् ruled by Bharata, पुरीम् city, न गमिष्यामि not go, सीतया by Sita,मम for me, हीनः empty, स्वर्गोऽपि even heaven, शून्य empty, एव too, मतः to me.

Or else, I will not go to the city ruled by Bharata. Without Sita even heaven will be empty for me.
मामिहोत्सृज्य हि वने गच्छायोध्यां पुरीं शुभाम्।।3.62.16।।

न त्वहं तां विना सीतां जीवेयं हि कथञ्चन।

माम् to me, इह here, वने in the woods, उत्सृज्य deserting, शुभाम् auspicious, अयोध्यां पुरीम् to the city of Ayodhya, गच्छ you may go, अहं तु I also , तां सीतां विना without Sita, कथञ्चन
indeed, न जीवेयं हि will not live.

Go to the auspicious city of Ayodhya, leaving me here in the woods. I can never live without Sita.
गाढमाश्लिष्य भरतो वाच्यो मद्वचनात्त्वया।।3.62.17।।

अनुज्ञातोऽसि रामेण पालयेति वसुन्धराम्।

भरतः Bharata, गाढम् tightly, आश्लिष्य embracing, मद्वचनात् by my words, त्वया by you, वाच्यः should be told, वसुन्धराम् earth, पालयेति may rule, रामेण by Rama's, अनुज्ञातः ordered, असि you are.

While embracing Bharata tightly, repeat my words, 'You are permitted by Rama to rule the earth.'
अम्बा च मम कैकेयी सुमित्रा च त्वया विभो।।3.62.18।।

कौसल्या च यथान्यायमभिवाद्या ममाऽज्ञया।

रक्षणीया प्रयत्नेन भवता सूक्तकारिणा।।3.62.19।।

विभो O Lord, मम my, अम्बा mother, कैकेयी Kaikeyi, सुमित्रा च and Sumitra, कौसल्या च Kausalya also, त्वया by you, मम my, आज्ञया by orders, यथान्यायम् duly, अभिवाद्याः offer obeisance, (सु)उक्तकारिणा who does as instructed, भवता by you, प्रयत्नेन by effort, रक्षणीया: should be protected.

My mother Kaikeyi, Sumitra and Kausalya should also be offered due obeisance. You should protect them with great effort, carrying out my instructions.
सीतायाश्च विनाशोऽयं मम चामित्रकर्शन।

विस्तरेण जनन्या मे विनिवेद्यस्त्वया भवेत्।।3.62.20।।

अमित्रकर्शन subduer of enemy, सीतायाश्च Sita's, मम च and of me, अयम् this, विनाशः loss,
त्वया by you, मे my, जनन्याः mother, विस्तरेण in detail, विनिवेद्यः make her know, भवेत् you will.

O Lakshmana, subduer of the enemy this loss of Sita and me should be explained in detail to my mother.
इति विलपति राघवे सुदीने वनमुपगम्य तया विना सुकेश्या।

भयविकलमुखस्तु लक्ष्मणोऽपि व्यथितमना भृशमातुरो बभूव।।3.62.21।।

सुदीने very piteous, राघवे when Rama, वनम् woods, उपगम्य after reaching, सुकेश्या by that lady of beautiful hair, तया विना without her, इति thus, विलपति was wailing, लक्ष्मणोऽपि and Lakshmana too, भयविकलमुखः face perturbed by fear, व्यथितमनाः distressed mentally, भृशम् exceedingly, आतुरः agitated, बभूव became.

When Rama, devoid of Sita, the lady with beautiful hair, wailed piteously after reaching the forest, Lakshmana too, his face pale out of fear and mind dejected, felt extremely agitated.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे द्विषष्टितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the sixtysecond sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.