Sloka & Translation

[Tara's lamentation over her misfortune.]

रामचापविसृष्टेन शरेणान्तकरेण तम्।

दृष्ट्वा विनिहतं भूमौ तारा ताराधिपानना4.20.1।।

सा समासाद्य भर्तारं पर्यष्वजत भामिनी।

ताराधिपानना moonfaced, भामिनी lovely woman, सा तारा that Tara, रामचापविसृष्टेन by the release of an arrow from Rama's bow, अन्तकरेण by a deathdealing one, शरेण arrow, (वि)निहतम् killed, तम् him, भूमौ on the ground, दृष्ट्वा beholding, समासाद्य went near, पर्यष्वजत embraced.

Beholding her husband lying on the ground pierced by a deathdealing arrow released by Rama, the lovely moonfaced Tara went and embraced him.
इषुणाऽभिहतं दृष्ट्वा वालिनं कुञ्जरोपमम्4.20.2।।

वानरेन्द्र महेन्द्राभं शोकसन्तप्तमानसा।

तारा तरुमिवोन्मूलं पर्यदेवयदातुरा4.20.3।।

इषुणा by the arrows, अभिहतम् killed, कुञ्जरोपमम् like an elephant, पर्वतेन्द्राभम् splendid as mountain, उन्मूलम् uprooted, तरुम् इव like a tree, वानरेन्द्रम् lord of monkeys, वालिनम् Vali, दृष्ट्वा seeing, तारा Tara, आतुरा restless, शोकसन्तप्तमानसा immersed in grief, पर्यदेवयत् wailed.

Beholding Vali, the lord of monkeys, who was strong as an elephant, splendid as a mountain, fallen down like an uprooted tree, struck by the arrow, Tara became restless and wailed bitterly:
रणे दारुण विक्रान्त प्रवीर प्लवतां वर।

किं दीनामपुरोभागामद्य त्वं नाभिभाषसे।।4.20.4।।

रणे in war, दारुण dreadful, प्रवीर valiant, विक्रान्त a hero who advances, प्लवतां वर lord of monkeys, दीनाम् piteous lady, अपुरोभागाम् ignorant, त्वम् you, अद्य now, किम् why, नाभिभाषसे not replying.

'O valiant hero, lord of monkeys you were terrifying in war. Why don't you speak now to me so forlorn and helpless?
उत्तिष्ठ हरिशार्दूल भजस्व शयनोत्तमम्।

नैवंविधाश्शेरते हि भूमौ नृपतिसत्तमाः4.20.5।।

हरिशार्दूल O tiger among monkeys, उत्तिष्ठ get up, शयनोत्तमम् best of beds, भजस्व resort to, एवंविधाः such people, नृपतिसत्तमाः best of kings, भूमौ on the ground, न शेरते हि do not lie down.

'O tiger among monkeys get up. Come and sleep on the best of beds. Best of kings, you should not lie on the ground.
अतीव खलु ते कान्ता वसुधा वसुधाधिप।

गतासुरपि यां गात्रैर्मां विहाय निषेवसे4.20.6।।

वसुधाधिप lord of the earth, ते to you, वसुधा earth, अतीव very much, कान्ता खलु indeed your loved one, गतासुरपि even after death, माम् me, विहाय abandon, गात्रै: by your limbs, याम् her, निषेवसे you are enjoying.

'O lord of the earth I know you loved the earth more than you loved me since you have forsaken me and enjoy her company by hugging her with your limbs, even after death.
व्यक्तमन्या त्वया वीर धर्मत: सम्प्रवर्तिता।

किष्किन्धेव पुरी रम्या स्वर्गमार्गे विनिर्मिता4.20.7।।

वीर O hero, धर्मतः righteously, सम्प्रवर्तिता acknowledged, त्वया by you, अन्या another, किष्किन्धेव kishkindalike, रम्या delightful, पुरी city, स्वर्गमार्गे on your way to heaven, विनिर्मिता is built, स्पष्टम् it is evident.

'O my heroic husband, you are the legitimate, righteous king of Kiskinda. You have evidently built another beautiful city Kiskinda on your way to heaven.
यान्यस्माभिस्त्वया सार्धं वनेषु मधुगन्धिषु।

विहृतानि त्वया काले तेषामुपरमः कृतः4.20.8।।

त्वया with you, अस्माभि: by us, सार्धम् with us, मधुगन्धिषु sweetscented, वनेषु in the forests, यानि such, विहृतानि pleasure trips, काले at this time, तेषाम् their, उपरमः made to end, त्वया by you, कृतः is made.

'Our pleasure trips to sweetscented forests have ended now. You have brought them to a close.
निरानन्दा निराशाऽहं निमग्ना शोकसागरे।

त्वयि पञ्चत्वमापन्ने महायूथपयूथपे4.20.9।।

महायूथपयूथपे the leader of the leaders, त्वयि you only, पञ्चत्वम् heaven, आपन्ने are dead, अहम् I am, निरानन्दा without pleasure, निराशा with no hope, शोकसागरे in a sea of sorrow, निमग्ना immersed.

'You are the leader of leaders. Now that you have attained heaven I am bereft of all joy, plunged in a sea of grief.
हृदयं सुस्थिरं मह्यं दृष्ट्वा विनिहतं पतिम्।

यन्न शोकाभिसन्तप्तं स्फुटतेऽद्य सहस्रधा4.20.10।।

मह्यम् for me, हृदयम् heart, सुस्थिरम् is strong, यत् since, भुवि on the ground, (नि)पतितम् fallen, दृष्ट्वा even seeing, शोकाभिसन्तप्तम् tormented with sorrow, अद्य today, सहस्रधा thousandfold, न स्फुटते not broken into pieces.

'I presume my heart is strong, for it has not broken into a thousand pieces, even though I am overwhelmed with grief to see my husband fallen on the ground.
सुग्रीवस्य त्वया भार्या हृता स च विवासितः।

यत्तु त्तस्य त्वया व्युष्टिः प्राप्तेयं प्लवगाधिप4.20.11।।

प्लवगाधिप O king of monkeys, त्वया by you, यत् that, सुग्रीवस्य Sugriva's, भार्या wife, हृता seized, सः च and he is, विवासितः banished, तत् that, त्वया by you, तस्य its, इयम् this, व्युष्टिः as a result, प्राप्ता attained.

'O king of monkeys you have banished Sugriva. You have usurped his wife. This is the fruit of your action.
निश्श्रेयसपरा मोहात्त्वया चाहं विगर्हिता।

यैषाऽब्रुवं हितं वाक्यं वानरेन्द्र हितैषिणी4.20.12।।

वानरेन्द्र O lord of monkeys, निःश्रेयसपरा wishing your wellfare, हितैषिणी as a wellwisher, या such, एषा such a lady, हितम् वाक्यम् salutary advice, अब्रुवम् I tendered, अहम् I, त्वया मोहात् due to delusion, विगर्हिता despised.

'O lord of monkeys wishing your wellbeing I tendered salutary advice. But out of delusion you despised them.
रूपयौवनदृप्तानां दक्षिणानां च मानद।

नूनमप्सरसामार्य चित्तानि प्रमथिष्यसि4.20.13।।

मानद O venerable one, रूपयौवनदृप्तानाम् endowed with youth and beauty, दक्षिणानाम् of the kindhearted, अप्सरसाम् of apsarasas, चित्तानि hearts, प्रमथिष्यसि you will churn, नूनम् surely.

'O venerable one you will surely churn the minds of the kindhearted celestial nymphs who are endowed with youth and beauty.
कालो निस्संशयो नूनं जीवितान्तकरस्तव।

बलाद्येनावपन्नोऽसि सुग्रीवस्यावशो वशम्4.20.14।।

निस्संशयः no doubt, कालः inexorable time, तव to you, जीवितान्तकरः ends your life, नूनम् surely, येन since, अवशः an uncontrollable one, बलात् forcibly, सुग्रीवस्य Sugriva's, वशम् under control, अवपन्नः come into the fold.

'No doubt time is inexorable. The time of your death had surely arrived.Now you, whom nobody could control, have come under the sway of Sugriva.
वैधव्यं शोकसन्तापं कृपणं कृपणा सती।

अदुःखोपचिता पूर्वं वर्तयिष्याम्यनाथवत्।।4.20.15।।

पूर्वम् earlier, कृपणा सती reduced to pitiable condition, अदुःखोपचिता not experienced grief, अनाथवत् like an orphan, कृपणं in a wretched manner, वैधव्यम् widowhood, शोकसन्तापम् immersed in grief, वर्तयिष्यामि I will remain.

'I have not experienced poverty or suffering before. Immersed in grief, like an orphan, now I am reduced to the pitiable condition of a widow.
लालितश्चाङ्गदो वीरस्सुकुमारस्सुखोचितः।

वर्त्स्यते कामवस्थां मे पितृव्ये क्रोधमूर्छिते।।4.20.16।।

पितृव्ये father's brother, क्रोधमूर्छिते is deluded with anger, लालितः a fondled boy, सुकुमारः tender, सुखोचितः who deserves comforts, वीरः a hero, मे अङ्गदः my Angada, काम् what kind, अवस्थाम् state, वर्त्स्यते is going to experience?

'To what plight will the tender Angada, who has been tended affectionately and
deserves comforts, be reduced when his uncle displays anger?
कुरुष्व पितरं पुत्र सुदृष्टं धर्मवत्सलम्।

दुर्लभं दर्शनं वत्स तव तस्य भविष्यति।।4.20.17।।

पुत्र O son, धर्मवत्सलम् a lover of dharma, पितरम् father, सुदृष्टम् well seen, कुरुष्व you may do, वत्स dear, तस्य his, दर्शनम् meeting, दुर्लभम् difficult, भविष्यति will become.

(Turning to Angada Tara said) 'O son, look at your father, a lover of dharma. See him, as it will be difficult to see him later, dear'.
समाश्वासय पुत्रं त्वं सन्देशं सन्दिशस्व मे।

मूर्ध्नि चैनं समाघ्राय प्रवासं प्रस्थितो ह्यसि4.20.18।।

त्वम् you, पुत्रम् son, समाश्वासय console him, एनम् him, मूर्ध्नि touching his forehead, समाघ्राय enjoying the sweet smell of his body, च एनं him, सन्देशम् instructon, सन्दिश्व consoling him, प्रवासम् on a journey, प्रस्थितः going, असि हि you are.

'O lord you have set out on a long journey. Kiss your son on the forehead, enjoy its sweet smell, console him and give him your message.
रामेण हि महत्कर्म कृतं त्वामभिनिघ्नता।

आनृण्यं च गतं तस्य सुग्रीवस्य प्रतिश्रवे4.20.19।।

त्वाम् you, अभिनिघ्नता by killing you, रामेण by Rama, महत् great, कर्म deed, कृतं हि accomplished, सुग्रीवस्य for Sugriva, प्रतिश्रवे in fulfilling promise, तस्य his, आनृण्यम् debt, गतं तु is acquitted.

'Indeed, Rama has achieved a great feat in fulfilling his promise to Sugriva. He is acquitted of the debt by killing you.
सकामो भव सुग्रीव रुमां त्वं प्रतिपत्स्यसे।

भुङ्क्षव राज्यमनुद्विग्नश्शस्तो भ्राता रिपुस्तव4.20.20।।

सुग्रीव Sugriva, सकामः be happy, भव be, त्वम् you, रुमाम् Ruma, प्रतिपत्स्यसे returned to her, अनुद्विग्नः without any worry, राज्यम् kingdom, भुङ्क्षव enjoy, तव your, रिपुः enemy, भ्राता brother, शस्तः is killed.

'(Now turning to Sugriva she said) O Sugriva your enemy brother has been killed and your desire has been fulfilled.You will get back Ruma and enjoy the kingdom without any obstacles.'
किं मामेवं विलपतीं प्रेम्णा त्वं नाभिभाषसे।

इमाः पश्य वरा बह्वीर्भार्यास्ते वानरेश्वर4.20.21।।

वानरेश्वर lord of monkeys, एवम् in that way, विलपतीम् while I am wailing, प्रेम्णा lovingly, माम् with me, त्वम् you, किम् why, नाभिभाषसे you are not speaking, ते your, बह्वीः many, वराः lovely, भार्याः wives, इमाः these, पश्य you may see.

'(To Vali she said) O lord of monkeys Why don't you speak to me loving words when I am wailing this way? Here are your excellent wives'
तस्या विलपितं श्रुत्वा वानर्यस्सर्वतश्च ताः।

परिगृह्याङ्गदं दीनं दुःखार्ता परिचुक्रुशुः4.20.22।।

सर्वतः all over, ताः those, वानर्यः female monkeys, तस्याः their, विलपितम् wailing, श्रुत्वा on hearing, अङ्गदम् Angada, परिगृह्य taking hold, दीनाः wretched women, दुःखार्ताः filled with sorrow, परिचुक्रुशुः cried bitterly.

On hearing the wailing of Tara, all the other wives of Vali held the piteous (in their arms) Angada and wailed, overwhelmed with sorrow:
किमङ्गदं साङ्गदवीरबाहो

विहाय यास्यद्य चिरप्रवासम्।

न युक्तमेवं गुणसन्निकृष्टं

विहाय पुत्रं प्रियपुत्र गन्तुम्4.20.23।।

साङ्गदवीरबाहो O hero adorned with armlets, अङ्गदम् Angada, विहाय deserting, चिरप्रवासम् on a long journey, किम् why, प्रयातः असि going, गुणसन्निकृष्टम् with qualities like yours, प्रियपुत्र your dear son, पुत्रम् son, एवम् this way, न युक्तम् not proper to go.

'O hero, adorned with armlets, why have you departed on a long journey, deserting your dear son Angada who possesses similar virtues like you? It is not proper.
किमप्रियं ते प्रिय चारुवेष

मया कृतं नाथ सुतेन वा ते।

सहाङ्गदां मां प्रविहाय वीर

यत्प्रस्थितो दीर्घ मितः प्रवासम्4.20.24।।

प्रियचारुवेष robed attractively, वीर esteemed one, नाथ lord, सहाङ्गदाम् with Angada, माम् me, विहाय leaving, इतः this place, दीर्घम् long distance, प्रवासम् journey, यत् प्रस्थितः since you have begun, मया by me, ते to you, सुतेन वा or by your son, किम् what, अप्रियम् unpleasant, कृतम् done.

'O darling, attractively dressed, you are leaving me and Angada and going too far. What unpleasant deeds we have done (to deserve this).
यद्यप्रियं किञ्चिदसम्प्रधार्य

कृतं मया स्यात्तव दीर्घबाहो।

क्षमस्व मे तद्धरिवंशनाथ

व्रजामि मूर्ध्ना तव वीर पादौ।।4.20.25।।

दीर्घबाहो O longarmed one, हरिवंशनाथ chief of monkey clan, वीर warrior, असम्प्रधार्य unknowingly, मया by me, तव to you, अप्रियम् inconsiderately, किञ्चित् even a little, कृतं स्याद्यदि if done, मे mine, तत् that, क्षमस्व may pardon, मूर्ध्ना by my head, तव your, पादो feet, व्रजामि I reach.

'O longarmed chief of the monkey clan O warrior pardon me any wrong done unknowingly, inconsiderately. I touch your feet with my head.'
तथा तु तारा करुणं रुदन्ती

भर्तुस्समीपे सह वानरीभिः।

व्यवस्यत प्रायमुपोपवेष्टु

मनिन्द्यवर्णा भुवि यत्र वाली4.20.26।।

अनिन्द्यवर्णा flawless complexion, तारा Tara, भर्तुः husband's, समीपे in the presence, वानरीभिः सह along with female monkeys, तथा similarly, करुणम् patheticaly, रुदन्ती crying, वाली Vali, यत्र there, भुवि on the ground, प्रायम् उपोपवेष्टुम् sitting down by abstaining from food seeking death, व्यवस्यत determined.

Beautiful Tara crying pathetically sat near her husband along with other female monkeys on the ground, determined to abstain from food and drink, awaiting death.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे विंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the twentieth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.