Sloka & Translation

[Sampati's revelation to sage Nishakara about his burnt wings.]

ततस्तद्दारुणं कर्म दुष्करं सहसात्कृतम्।

आचचक्षे मुनेस्सर्वं सूर्यानुगमनं तथा।।4.61.1।।

ततः then, सहसा rashly, कृतम् done, दुष्करम् impetuous, दारुणम् arrogant, तत् कर्म that deed, तदा then, सूर्यानुगमनम् following the Sun, सर्वम् everything, मुनेः to the sage, आचचक्षे I revealed.

'Then I revealed everything to the sage,including the arrogant, impetuous action of rashly following the Sun (for challenging Indra).
भगवन्व्रणयुक्तत्वाल्लज्जया व्याकुलेन्द्रियः।

परिश्रान्तो न शक्नोमि वचनं परिभाषितुम्।।4.61.2।।

भगवन् O revered sage, व्रणयुक्तत्वात् body being wounded, लज्जया च due to shame, व्याकुलेन्द्रियः with senses disturbed, परिश्रान्तः exhausted, वचनम् these words, परिभाषितुम् to express, न शक्नोमि I am not able to do.

'O revered sage I am exhausted and my senses are depressed. I am ashamed of myself. My body is wounded. Therefore I am not able to reply.
अहं चैव जटायुश्च सङ्घर्षाद्धर्पमोहितौ।

आकाशं पतितौ वीरौ जिज्ञासन्तौ पराक्रमम्।।4.61.3।।

अहं चैव I also, जटायुश्च Jatayu also, दर्पमोहितौ deluded by pride, पराक्रमम् valour, वीरौ two heroes, जिज्ञासन्तौ with the intention of knowing, सङ्घर्षात् challenging each other, दूरात् from far, आकाशम् sky, पतितौ we flew.

'Deluded by pride, I and my brother Jatayu challenging each other to test our relative strength flew far into the sky.
कैलासशिखरे बद्ध्वा मुनीनामग्रतः पणम्।

रविस्स्यादनुयातव्यो यावदस्तं महागिरिम्।।4.61.4।।

कैलासशिखरे on the peak of Kailasa, मुनीनाम् of sages, अग्रतः in their presence, महागिरिम् great mountain, अस्तं यावत् till the setting, रविः Sun, अनुयातव्यः follow, स्यात् be, पणम् bet, बद्ध्वा made.

'Both of us made a bet on the peak of mount Kailasa in the presence of sages to follow the Sungod until he sets on the western mountain.
अथाऽवां युगपत्प्राप्तावपश्याव महीतले।

रथचक्रप्रमाणानि नगराणि पृथक्पृथक्।।4.61.5।।

अथ and then, आवाम् both of us, युगपत् simultaneously, प्राप्तौ both reaching, महीतले on the land, रथचक्रप्रमाणानि the size of chariot wheels, नगराणि cities, पृथक् पृथक् one after another, अपश्याव we both saw.
'And from there both of us looked at all the cities on the land which seemed like the size of chariot wheels one after the other. 
क्वचिद्वादित्रघोषांश्च ब्रह्मघोषांश्च शुश्रुवः।

गायन्तीश्चाङ्गना बह्वीः पश्यावो रक्तवाससः।।4.61.6।।

क्वचित् at some places, वादित्रघोषांश्च sounds of musical instruments, ब्रह्मघोषांश्च sounds of Vedic chanting, शुश्रुवः we heard, गायन्ती: ladies singing, रक्तवासस: clothed in red garments, बह्वीः many, अङ्गनाः women, पश्यावः we both saw.

'We heard at some places sounds of musical instruments, sounds of Vedic chanting, and many lovely young women dressed in redsinging.
तूर्णमुत्पत्य चाकाशमादित्यपथमाश्रितौ।

आवामालोकयावस्तद्वनं शाद्वलसन्निभम्।।4.61.7।।

आकाशम् sky, तूर्णम् quickly, उत्पत्य flying, आदित्यपदम् Sun's path, आश्रितौ we reached, आवाम् we both, तत् वनम् that forest, शाद्वलसन्निभम् like a lawn of grass, आलोकयावः we saw.

'We flew quickly into the sky and reached the path of the Sun and looked down at the forest which looked like a green lawn.
उपलैरिव सञ्छन्ना दृश्यते भूश्शिलोच्चयैः।

आपगाभिश्च संवीता सूत्रैरिव वसुन्धरा।।4.61.8।।

भूः land, शिलोच्चयैः with tall mountains, उपलैः with pebbles, सञ्छन्ना इव as though it is covered, दृश्यते looked, आपगाभिः by rivers, वसुन्धरा land, सूत्रैः with threads, संवीता इव as if entwined.

'The earth filled with lofty mountains appeared as if it is covered with pebbles. Surrounded by rivers meandering, it looked as though it was entwined with threads.
हिमवांश्चैव विन्ध्यश्च मेरुश्च सुमहान्नगः।

भूतले सम्प्रकाशन्ते नागा इव जलाशये।।4.61.9।।

हिमवांश्चैव even Himalaya , विन्ध्यश्च Vindhya mountain also, सुमहान्नगः towering mountains, मेरुश्च Mount Meru also, भूतले on the surface of the earth, जलाशये in a pond, नागा इव like elephants, सम्प्रकाशन्ते shining.

'The mountains of the earth, Himavan and Vindhya and the great Meru looked like huge elephants in a huge pond.
तीव्रस्स्वेदश्च खेदश्च भयं चासीत्तदाऽऽवयोः।

समाविशति मोहश्च तमो मूर्छा च दारुणा।।4.61.10।।

तदा then, आवयोः for both of us, तीव्रः intense, स्वेदश्च sweat, खेदश्च pain, भयं च and fear, आसीत् made its appearance, मोहः confusion, दारुणा terrific, मूर्छा च and stupor, समाविशति led to.

'Much sweat, pain and fear generated in us while we went on and up. This led to terrific confusion and stupor.
न दिग्विज्ञायते याम्या नाग्नेयी न च वारुणी।

युगान्ते नियतो लोको हतो दग्ध इवाग्निना।।4.61.11।।

याम्या दिक् southern direction, न च ज्ञायते also was not known, आग्नेयी south east, न or, वारुणी west, न or, लोकः world, युगान्ते at the end of yuga, अग्निना by fire of dissolution, दग्धः burnt, हत इव consumed, नियतः set by an order.

'I did not know which the southern direction was or the southeast or the west. It looked as if the world had been consumed by fire and dissolved, as if it was the end of the yuga.
मनश्च मे हतं भूयस्सन्निवर्त्यतु संश्रयम्।

यत्नेन महता ह्यस्मिन्पुनस्सन्धाय चक्षुषी।।4.61.12।।

यत्नेन महता भूयो भास्करः प्रतिलोकितः।

तुल्यः पृथ्वीप्रमाणेन भास्करः प्रतिभाति नौ।।4.61.13।।

मे my, मनः mind, हतम् disturbed, चक्षुषी eyes, संश्रयम् a resort, प्राप्य became, महता with great, यत्नेन with effort, अस्मिन् in this, मनः mind, चक्षुषी both my eyes, सन्धाय by fixing, भूयः again, महता यत्नेन with great effort, भास्करः Sun, प्रतिलोकितः was seen, भास्करः Sun, पृथ्वीप्रमाणेन with the measurement of earth, तुल्यः equal, नौ to us, प्रतिभाति appeared.

'My mind was disturbed and I turned my attention from the object. Once again I
focused my attention (on the Sun) and could see the Sungod with great effort. The Sun appeared to us equal in size to earth.
जटायुर्मामनापृच्छ्य निपपात महीं ततः।

तं दृष्ट्वा तूर्णमाकाशादात्मानं मुक्तवानहम्।।4.61.14।।

जटायुः Jatayu, माम् to me, अनापृच्छ्य without taking leave, महीम् to the earth, निपपात fell down, ततः then, अहम् I, तम् him, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, तूर्णम् quickly, आत्मानम् myself, आकाशात् from the sky, मुक्तवान् came down.

'Without taking leave of me Jatayu descended down to the earth. Seeing that, I also followed him down quickly from the sky.
पक्षाभ्यां च मया गुप्तो जटायुर्न प्रदह्यते।

प्रमादात्तत्र निर्दग्धः पतन्वायुपथादहम्।।4.61.15।।

मया by me, पक्षाभ्याम् with wings, गुप्तः protected, जटायुः Jatayu, न प्रदह्यते was not burnt, तत्र there, प्रमादात् miserably, वायुपथात् from the path of the wind, पतन् while falling down, अहम् I, निर्दग्धः got burnt.

'I protected Jatayu with my wings so that he was not burnt. I, however, got burnt miserably and fell down from the aerial region.
आशङ्के तं निपतितं जनस्थाने जटायुषम्।

अहं तु पतितो विन्ध्ये दग्धपक्षो जडीकृतः।।4.61.16।।

तं जटायुषम् that Jatayu, जनस्थाने at Janasthana, निपतितम् fell down, आशङ्के I guess, अहं तु but I, दग्धपक्षः with burnt wings, जडीकृतः devoid of consciousness, विन्ध्ये on Vindhya, पतितः fell.

'I thought Jatayu had fallen down somewhere at Janasthana, but I fell on Vindhya, wings burnt, in an unconscious state.
राज्येन हीनो भ्रात्रा च पक्षाभ्यां विक्रमेण च।

सर्वथा मर्तुमेवेच्छन्पतिष्ये शिखराद्गीरेः।।4.61.17।।

राज्येन with kingdom, भ्रत्रा च and brother also, पक्षाभ्याम् my wings, विक्रमेण च and my strength, हीनः devoid, सर्वथा by all means, मर्तुमेव to die, इच्छन् while desiring, गिरेः from the mountain, शिखरात् from the peak, पतिष्ये I shall fall down.

'Bereft of my kingdom, my brother and my wings, and having lost my strength I desire to fall down from the mountain top and die.'
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे एकषष्टितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the sixtyfirst sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.