Sloka & Translation

[The sage consoles Sampati -- Nishakara speaks about Rama coming to destroy the demons and their king Ravana.]

एवमुक्ता मुनिश्रेष्ठ मरुदं दुःखितो भृशं।

अथ ध्यात्वा मुहूर्तं तु भगवानिदमब्रवीत्।।4.62.1।।

एवम् thus, उक्ता having spoken, मुनिश्रेष्ठः venerable sage, मरुदं roared, दुःखितो भृशं very sadly, अथ then, ध्यात्वा reflecting, मुर्हूतं for a moment, भगवान् divine sage, इदम् thus, अब्रवीत said.

'When thus I spoke to the venerable sage in that manner roaring very painfully the divine sage replied after reflecting silently for a moment:
पक्षौ तु ते प्रपक्षौ च पुनरन्यौभविष्यतः।

प्राणाश्च चक्षुषी चैव विक्रमश्च बलं च ते।।4.62.2।।

पक्षौ तु wings, ते to you, प्रपक्षौ च and feathers, पुन: again, अन्यौ and other, प्राणाश्च life also, चक्षुषी eyes, चैव also, विक्रमश्च prowess, बलं च and strength, ते to you, भविष्यतः you will attain.

'You will get new wings and feathers and also other parts.You will attain vision, life, prowess and strength.
पुराणे सुमहत्कार्यं भविष्यति मया श्रुतं।

दृष्टं मे तपसा चैव श्रुत्वा च विदितं मम4.62.3।।

पुराणे in the purana (history), सुमहत् very great, कार्यं task, भविष्यति will happen, मया by you, श्रुतं I heard, दृष्टं seen, मे with my, तपसा by the power of penance, चैव also, श्रुत्वाच I heard, मम me, विदितम् I came to know.

'I have foreseen with the power of my penance that a great task will be done by you. I have also heard about it in the Puranas and came to know of it.
राजा दशरथो नाम कश्चिदिक्ष्वाकुनन्दनः।

तस्य पुत्रो महातेजा रमोनाम भविष्यति।।4.62.4।।

इक्ष्वाकुनन्दनः delight of the Ikshvaku family, दशरथो Dasaratha, नाम named, राजा king, कश्चित indeed, तस्य his, पुत्रो son, महा highly, तेजाः effulgent, रमो Rama, नाम by name, भविष्यति will beget.

'Indeed in the Ikshvaku family there will be a king named Dasaratha. He will beget a brilliant son named Rama.
अरण्यं च सह र्भात्रा लक्ष्मणेनगमिष्यति।

अस्मिन्नर्थे नियुक्त स्सन्पित्रा सत्यपराक्रमः।।4.62.5।।

अस्मिन्नर्थे on account of, नियुक्तस्सन् assigned by, पित्रा his father, सत्यपराक्रमः strength of truth, सह भ्रात्रा with his brother, लक्ष्मणेन accompanied by Lakshmana, गमिष्यति will proceed, अरण्यं the forest.

'On account of the command of his father, Rama armed with the strength of truth will proceed to the forest with his brother Lakshmana.
नैऋतो रावणो नाम तस्य भार्यां हरिष्यति।

राक्षसेन्द्रो जनस्थनादवध्य स्सुरदानवैः4.62.6।।

सुरदानवैः by gods and demons, अवध्यः indestructible, राक्षसेन्द्रो king of demons, रावणो by Ravana, नाम named, जनस्थनात् from Janasthana, नैऋतो in the southwest direction, तस्य his, भार्यां wife, हरिष्यति will be abducting.

'The king of demons, Ravana who is indestructible even by gods and demons will be
abducting his wife from Janastahana.
सा च कामैः प्रलोभ्यन्ती भक्ष्यै:भोज्यैश्च मैथिली।

नभोक्ष्यति महाभागा दुःखे मग्ना यशस्विनी।।4.62.7।।

महाभागा noble, यशस्विनी famed, दुःखे in sorrow, मग्ना immersed, न भोक्ष्यति will not eat, सा she, च and, कामैः pleasures, प्रलोभ्यन्ती however, भक्ष्यै: eatables, भोज्यैश्च to be enjoyed, मैथिली princess from Mithila.

'Immersed in grief, chaste and famed Sita, will not take any food or enjoy pleasures however much she is tempted.
परमान्नंतु वैदेह्या ज्ञात्वा दास्यति वा सः।

यदन्नममृतप्रख्यं सुराणामपिदुर्लभम्4.62.8।।

सुराणाम् of gods, वैदेह्या by Sita, दास्यति avoiding to eat, ज्ञात्वा knowing, वा to, स: he, परमान्नंतु divine food, यदन्नम् as food, अमृतप्रख्यम् like nectar, अपिदुर्लभं that which is difficult to get.

'Knowing that Vaidehi is not eating food(given by Ravana) Indra,the ruler of gods, will offer nectarlike food rare even for gods.
तदन्नं मैथिलीप्राप्य विज्ञायेन्द्रादिदंत्विति।

अग्रमुदृत्य रामाय भूतले निर्वपिष्यति।।4.62.9।।

तदन्नं such food, मैथिली princess from Mithila, प्राप्य received, विज्ञाय having understood, अदिदंत्विति this is provided by, इन्द्रात् Indra, अग्रम् large portion, उदृत्य taken out, रामाय for Rama, भूतले on the earth, निर्वपिष्यति offers.

'Having understood that it has been provided by Indra, Sita will take out a large portion of it and pour it on the ground (as an offering to Rama) and say 'I offer it to Rama wherever he is on earth'.
यदि जीवति मे भर्ता लक्ष्मणेन सह प्रभुः।

देवत्वं गच्छ्तो र्वापि तयो रन्नमिदंत्विति4.62.10।।

मे my, भर्ता husband, लक्ष्मणेन with Lakshmana, सह along with, प्रभुः king, यदि like that, जीवति if living, देवत्वं attained heaven, गच्छतः have gone, वापि or so, तयो: their, अन्नमिदंत्विति let this food be enjoyed by them.

'If my husband and Lakshmana are living or else even if they have attained heaven let this food be enjoyed by them', Sita will say.
एष्यन्त्यन्वेषका स्तस्या रामदूताः प्लवांगमाः।

आख़्येया राम महीषी त्वया तेभ्यो विहंगम4.62.11।।

रामदूताः Rama's messenger, एष्यन्ति and others that way, अन्वेषका to search, तस्याः for her, प्लवांगमाः monkeys, आख़्येया narrate, रामः Rama, महीषी queen, त्वया your, तेभ्यो to them, विहंगम bird (Sampati).

'Rama's messenger and other monkeys will be coming to search for the his queen. O Sampati you should narrate this to them.
सर्वथा हि नगन्तव्यमीदृशः क्व गमिष्यसि।

देशकालौ प्रतीक्षस्व पक्षौ त्वं प्रतिपत्स्यसे4.62.12।।

सर्वथा in all respects, हि indeed, न गन्तव्यम् should not leave, इदृशः remain here, क्व गमिष्यसि where can you go, देशकालौ time and place, प्रतीक्षस्व waiting for, पक्षौ wings, त्वं yours, प्रतिपत्स्यसे will again grow.

'It is good for you in all respects to remain here. Where can you go (without wings)? Wait for appropriate time and place. You will recover your wings'.
नोत्सहेयमहंकर्तुमध्यैव त्वां सपक्षकम्।

इहस्थ स्त्वं तु लोकानां हितं कार्यं करिष्यसि।।4.62.13।।

नोत्सह not enthusiastic, इयम् for me, अहंकर्तु if I make you get (the wings), मध्यैव remain here, त्वां your, सपक्षकम् your wings, इहस्थ: here itself, त्वं you, तु to you, लोकानां हितां good for the world, कार्यं task, करिष्यसि you will do.

'I am not enthusiastic about giving you the wings now. Remain here and carry on the work for the welfare of the world.
त्वयापि खलु तत्कार्यं तयोश्चनृपपुत्रयोः।

ब्राह्मणानां सुराणां च मुनीनां वासवस्य च।।4.62.14।।

त्वया your, अपि and, खलु for all, तत् that, कार्यं task, तयो: for both of them, च and, नृपपुत्रयोः princes, ब्राह्मणानां for the brahmins, सुराणां च and gods, मुनीनां for sages, वासवस्यच and those who live here.

'(Carry on) the work not only for the princes (Rama and Lakshmana) but also for the brahmins, sages, gods and others who live here.
इच्छाम्यहमपिद्रष्टुं भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।

नेच्छेचिरं धारयुतुं प्राणां स्त्यक्ष्ये कलेबरं।

महर्षि स्त्वब्रवीदेवं दृष्टतत्वार्थदर्शनः।।4.62.15।।

इच्छाम desirous, अहं अपि I am also, द्रष्टुं to see, भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ brothers Rama and Lakshmana, न not, इच्छा चिरं desire to live long, धारयुतुं to hold on, प्राणान् life, त्यक्ष्ये will give up, कलेबरं my body, महर्षि: sage, तु your, अब्रवीत् said, एवं this, दृष्टः after seeing, तत्वार्थदर्शनः knower of self.

'I also want to see Rama and Lakshmana. But I do not like to hold on to my life for long. Hence I will give up my body'. The knower of self, the sage (Nishakara) said this to Sampati.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे द्विषष्टितम स्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the sixtysecond sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.