Sloka & Translation


[Sita decides to end her sad life.]

प्रसक्ताश्रुमुखीत्यवं ब्रुवन्ती जनकात्मजा।

आधोगतमुखी बाला विलप्तुमुपचक्रमे।।5.26.1।।

प्रसक्ताश्रुमुखी shedding tears on this account, बाला young lady, जनकात्मजा Janaka's daughter, एवम् in this way, ब्रुवन्ती speaking, अधोगतमुखी with a face bending low, विलप्तुम् to cry, उपचक्रमे started.

The young daughter of king Janaka thus speaking, began to cry, her face bent down.
उन्मत्तेव प्रमत्तेव भ्रान्तचित्तेव शोचती।

उपावृत्ता किशोरीव विवेष्टन्ती महीतले।।5.26.2।।

उन्मत्तेव like a bewildered person, प्रमत्तेव like an intoxicated one, भ्रान्तचित्तेव with distracted mind, शोचती worrying, उपावृत्ता wallowing, किशोरीव like an young horse, महीतले on the ground, विवेष्टन्ती coiled round.

Bewildered or distracted or intoxicated, this young lady wailed, wallowing round on the ground like a young female horse:
राघवस्य प्रमत्तस्य रक्षसा कामरूपिणा।

रावणेन प्रमथ्याहमानीता क्रोशती बलात्।।5.26.3।।

राघवस्य Rama's, प्रमत्तस्य engaged, कामरूपिणा who can assume any form at his will, रक्षसा by a demon, रावणेन by Ravana, प्रमथ्य tormented, क्रोशती screaming, अहम् I, बलात् forcibly, आनीता I was brought.

When Rama was engaged (in deer hunt) and I was screaming, I was brought forcibly by Ravana who can assume any form at his will.
राक्षसीवशमापन्ना भर्त्स्यमाना सुदारुणम्।

चिन्तयन्ती सुदुःखार्ता नाहं जीवितुमुत्सुहे।।5.26.4।।

राक्षसीवशम् fallen under the clutches of the ogresses, आपन्ना I have been, सुदारुणम् very dreadful, भर्त्स्यमाना threatened, चिन्तयन्ती worrying, सुदुःखार्ता overcome with terrible grief, अहम् I, जीवितुम् to live, न उत्सहे I have no interest.

"Having fallen under the clutches of the dreadful demonesses and threatened by them, I am so full of woes and worries that I don't want to live.
न हि मे जीवितेनार्थो नैवार्थेर्न च भूषणैः।

वसन्त्या राक्षसीमध्ये विना रामं महारथम्।।5.26.5।।

महारथम् great charioteer, रामं विना without Rama, राक्षसीमध्ये in the midst of ogresses, वसन्त्याः while living, मे my, जीवितेन with life, अर्थः use, न not, अर्थैः with wealth, न no, भूषणैश्च with ornaments, न no need.

"In the absence of the great charioteer Rama, of what use is my living in the midst of ogresses? I need no wealth, no ornaments.
अश्मसारमिदं नूनमथवाप्यजरामरम्।

हृदयं मम येनेदं न दुःखेनावशीर्यते।।5.26.6।।

अथवा or, मम my, इदम् this, हृदयम् heart, नूनम् surely, अश्मसारम् made of stone, अजरामरमपि with no age or death, येन since, दुःखेन grieving, नावशीर्यते it does not riven

"It may be, that my heart is made of stone or it has no age or death since it does not riven even with grief.
धिङ्मामनार्यामसतीं याहं तेना विना कृता।

मुहूर्तमपि रक्षामि जीवितं पापजीविता।।5.26.7।।

पापजीविता a woman of sinful life, या since, अहम् I, तेन विना कृता I am separated from Rama, मुहूर्तमपि even for a moment, जीवितम् life, रक्षामि I am preserving, अनार्याम् a wrteched, असतीम् infidel, माम् me, धिक् fie upon

"I am preserving this sinful life like this though separated from Rama. Fie on me, for this wretched, infidel life
का च मे जीविते श्रद्धा सुखे वा तं प्रियं विना।

भर्तारं सागरान्ताया वसुधायाः प्रियंवदम्।।5.26.8।।

सागरान्तायाः extending upto the ocean, वसुधायाः of the earth, भर्तारम् husband, प्रियंवदम् of pleasing words, तम् him, विना without, मे my, जीविते in life, सुखे वा in pleasure, श्रद्धा interest, का why?

"How can I have interest in any kind of pleasure without my sweettongued husband, the lord of the whole earth extending up to the ocean.
भिद्यतां भक्ष्यतां वापि शरीरं विसृजाम्यहम्।

न चाप्यहं चिरं दुःखं सहेयं प्रियवर्जिता।।5.26.9।।

अहम् I, शरीरम् my body, विसृजामि I will leave, भिद्यताम् you cut me to pieces, भक्ष्यतां वापि or you eat me up, प्रियवर्जिता separated from my dear lord, अहम् I, चिरम् for long, दुःखम् sorrow, न च सहेयम् I cannot bear.

"I will give up my body. Break me into pieces or eat me up. I cannot bear the sorrow of separation from my dear Rama any longer.
चरणेनापि सव्येन न स्पृशेयं निशाचरम्।

रावणं किं पुनरहं काममेयं विगर्हितम्।।5.26.10।।

निशाचरम् nightranger, विगर्हितम् vile, रावणम् Ravana, अहम् I, सव्येन with the left, चरेणेन अपि even with feet, न स्पृशेयम् will not touch, किं what, पुनः again, काममेयं can I love him.

"I will not even touch that vile nightranger Ravana with my left foot. What to speak of loving him.
प्रत्याख्यातं न जानाति नात्मानं नात्मनः कुलम्।

यो नृशंसस्वभावेन मां प्रार्थयितुमिच्छति।।5.26.11।।

यः he who, नृशंसस्वभावेन due to cruel nature, माम् me, प्रार्थयितुम् for pleading, इच्छति hopes, आत्मानम् his own, प्रत्याख्यातम् loss of fame, न जानाति is not aware, आत्मनः of himself, कुलम् family, न not.

'As Ravana has no heart, he pleads to gain me. He is aware of neither his own self nor his family.
छिन्ना भिन्ना विभक्ता वा दीप्तेवाग्नौ प्रदीपिता।

रावणं नोपतिष्ठेयं किं प्रलापेन वश्चिरम्।।5.26.12।।

छिन्ना वा whether cut, भिन्ना broken into pieces, दीप्ते as if burnt, अग्नौ by fire, प्रदीपिता वा or burnt by others, रावणम् Ravana, नोपतिष्ठेयम् I will not accept, चिरम् for long, विभक्ता: or else share, प्रलापेन by empty words, किम् what is the use.

"Even if I am cut, broken to pieces or burnt in glowing fire, I will not accept Ravana. Why do you shout for so long?
ख्यातः प्राज्ञः कृतज्ञश्च सानुक्रोशश्च राघवः।

सद्वृत्तो निरनुक्रोशश्शङ्के मद्भाग्यसङ्क्षयात्।।5.26.13।।

राघवः Rama, ख्यातः renowned, प्राज्ञःwise, कृतज्ञ grateful, सानुक्रोशश्च a kind hearted one,
सद्वृत्तः well behaved, मद्भाग्यसङ्क्षयात् due to my misfortune, निरनुक्रोशः turned pitiless, शङ्के I doubt.

"Rama is renowned, wise, grateful and kindly. It is due to my misfortune that he has turned pitiless to me. There is no doubt.
राक्षसानां सहस्राणि जनस्थाने चतुर्दश।

येनैकेन निरस्तानि स मां किं नाभिपद्यते।।5.26.14।।

एकेन by single one, येन by whom, जनस्थाने at Jansthana, राक्षसानाम् of demons, चतुर्दश fourteen, सहस्राणि thousand, निरस्तानि destroyed, सः he, माम् my, किम् why, नाभिपद्यते not protect me.

"He who destroyed fourteen thousand demons singlehanded has not come to protect me. I do not know why.
निरुद्धा रावणेनाहमल्पवीर्येण रक्षसा।

समर्थः खलु मे भर्ता रावणं हन्तुमाहवे।।5.26.15।।

अहम् I, अल्पवीर्येण of inferior valour, रक्षसा by the demon, रावणेन by Ravana, निरुद्धा I am held captive, मे भर्ता my husband, आहवे in battle, रावणम् Ravana, हन्तुम् killing, समर्थः खलु is surely capable.

"Rama, my husband, for sure, is capable of killing in battle this Ravana who has held me captive and who is a demon of inferior valour.
विराधो दण्डकारण्ये येन राक्षसपुङ्गवः।

रणे रामेण निहतस्स मां किं नाभिपद्यते।।5.26.16।।

येन by whom, रामेण by Rama, दण्डकारण्ये in Dandaka forest, रणे in fight, राक्षसपुङ्गवः a bull among demons, विराध: Viradha, निहतः killed, सः that Rama, माम् me, किम् why, नाभिपद्यते not protecting me.

"Why is Rama who killed Viradha, a bull among demons, in Dandaka forest in the fight not coming to rescue me?
कामं मध्ये समुद्रस्य लङ्केयं दुष्प्रधर्षणा।

न तु राघवबाणानां गतिरोधो भविष्यति ।।5.26.17।।

समुद्रस्य ocean's, मध्ये in the middle, इयम् this, लङ्का Lanka, दुष्प्रधर्षणा unassailable, तु but, राघवबाणानाम् by the arrow of Rama, गतिरोध: resist, न भविष्यति will not be.

"This Lanka in the middle of the ocean is unassailable. But there is nothing which can resist the arrows of Rama.
किन्नु तत्कारणं येन रामो दृढपराक्रमः।

रक्षसापहृतां भार्यामिष्टां नाभ्यवपद्यते।।5.26.18।।

तत् such, कारणम् reason, किं नु what can be, येन by which, दृढपराक्रमः highly powerful, रामः Rama, रक्षसा by the demon, अपहृताम् abducted, इष्टाम् dear, भार्याम् wife, नाभ्यवपद्यते not reach.

"What may be the reason that my loving husband, Rama who is highly powerful has not reached this place to which I was abducted by the demon.
इहस्थां मां न जानीते शङ्के लक्ष्मणपूर्वजः।

जानन्नपि हि तेजस्वी धर्षणं मर्षयिष्यति।।5.26.19।।

लक्ष्मणपूर्वजः elder brother of Lakshmana, माम् me, इहस्थाम् that I am here, न जानीते he does not know, शङ्के I doubt, जानन्नपि even if he had known, तेजस्वी glorious, धर्षणम् such an outrageous act, मर्षयिष्यति he is tolerating.

"The elder brother of Lakshamana does not know that I am here. Or, I'm afraid, the glorious Rama knows and yet tolerates such an outrageous act.
हृतेति योऽधिगत्वा मां राघवाय निवेदयेत्।

गृध्रराजोऽपि स रणे रावणेन निपातितः।।5.26.20।।

यः he who, अधिगत्वा after knowing, हृतेति is borne away, राघवाय to Raghava, निवेदयेत् inform, सः he, गृध्रराजोऽपि even the king of vultures, रावणेन by Ravana, रणे in fight, निपातितः is thrashed down.

"Even the king of vultures knows I was borne away. He could have informed Rama. But he has also been thrashed down on the earth by Ravana in the fight.
कृतं कर्म महत्तेन मां तथाऽभ्यवपद्यता।

तिष्ठता रावणद्वन्द्वे वृद्धेनापि जटायुषा।।5.26.21।।

माम् me, तथा then, अभ्यवपद्यता by advancing, वृद्धेनापि even being old, रावणद्वन्द्वे in the duel with Ravana, तिष्ठता stood, तेन जटायुषा by that Jatayu, महत् great, कर्म help, कृतम् did.

"Though old, Jatayu did a great help to me by resisting Ravana in the duel and advancing (to confront him.).
यदि मामिह जानीयाद्वर्तमानां स राघवः।

अद्य बाणैरभिक्रुद्धः कुर्याल्लोकमराक्षसम्।।5.26.22।।

सः he, राघवः Raghava, माम् me, इह here, वर्तमानाम् being here, जानीयाद्यदि if he knew, अभिक्रुद्धः angry, लोकम् this world, बाणैः with arrows, अद्य now, अराक्षसम् free of demons, कुर्यात् he would have made.

"Had only Raghava known that I was here he would have freed this world of demons with his anger.
विधमेच्च पुरीं लङ्कां शोषयेच्च महोदधिम्।

रावणस्य च नीचस्य कीर्तिं नाम च नाशयेत्।।5.26.23।।

लङ्कां पुरीम् city of Lanka, विधमेच्च he will blow away, महोदधिम् this great ocean, शोषयेच्च will drain it dry, नीचस्य of the mean fellow, रावणस्य Ravana's, कीर्तिम् fame, नाम च and name, नाशयेत् he would have destroyed.

"Had Rama known that I am in Lanka he would have blown up this city, dried up the ocean and destroyed the name and fame of the mean Ravana.
ततो निहतनाथानां राक्षसीनां गृहे गृहे।

यथाहमेवं रुदती तथा भूयो न संशयः।।5.26.24।।

ततः then, अहम् I, यथा like the way, एवम् in that way, रुदती while crying, तथा similarly, गृहे गृहे in every home, निहतनाथानाम् of those women who lost husbands, राक्षसीनाम् of the ogresses, भूयः again, संशयः no doubt.

"Like me weeping, the cry of ogresses with lost husbands will be heard in every house in Lanka. There is no doubt.
अन्विष्य रक्षसां लङ्कां कुर्याद्रामस्सलक्ष्मणः।

न हि ताभ्यां रिपुर्दृष्टो मुहूर्तमपि जीवति।।5.26.25।।

सलक्ष्मणः accompanied by Lakshmana, रामः Rama, रक्षसाम् of the demons, लङ्काम् Lanka, अन्विष्य after searching, कुर्यात् will do, ताभ्याम् by both of them, दृष्टः sight, रिपुः enemy, मुहूर्तमपि even for a moment, न जीवति हि will not be alive.

"If only Lakshmana and Rama in their quest for Lanka reach here, it is not possible within their sight for the enemy to survive even a moment.
चिताधूमाकुलपथा गृध्रमण्डलसङ्कुला।

अचिरेण तु लङ्केयं श्मशानसदृशी भवेत्।।5.26.26।।

इयम् this, लङ्का Lanka, अचिरेण without delay, चिताधूमकुलपथा with its atreets enveloped with smoke from funeral pyres, गृध्रमण्डलसङ्कुला thronged with flocks of vultures, श्मशानसदृशी like the burial ground, भवेत् will be.

"Very soon this Lanka will be enveloped with smoke from funeral pyres and thronged with flocks of vultures moving in circles. It will be like a burial ground.
अचिरेणैव कालेन प्राप्स्याम्येव मनोरथम्।

दुष्प्रस्थानोऽयामाख्याति सर्वेषां वो विपर्ययम्।।5.26.27।।

अचिरेण कालेनैव in a short time, मनोरथम् my desire, प्राप्स्याम्येव I will gain, अयम् this, दुष्प्रस्थानः behaving badly, सर्वेषाम् of all of you, वः you people, विपर्ययम् a reversal of fate, आख्याति indicates

"Your bad behaviour forebodes illluck for you.I shall have my desire fulfilled in a short time.
यादृशानीह दृश्यन्ते लङ्कायामशुभानि वै।

अचिरेणैव कालेन भविष्यति हतप्रभा।।5.26.28।।

इह here, लङ्कायाम् at Lanka, यादृशानि such, अशुभानि inauspicious signs, दृश्यन्ते are seen, अचिरेणैव कालेन in a short while, हतप्रभा lose its splendour, भविष्यति will be.

"Inauspicious signs are seen here in Lanka. In a short time this city will lose its splendour.
नूनं लङ्का हते पापे रावणे राक्षसाधमे।

शोषं यास्यति दुर्धर्षा प्रमदा विधवा यथा।।5.26.29।।

पापे when the sinner, राक्षसाधमे mean demons, रावणे when Ravana, हते is killed, दुर्धर्षा impregnable, लङ्का Lanka, नूनम् surely, विधवा widow, प्रमदा यथा like a woman, शोषम्
wither up, यास्यति truly.

"Surely this impregnable Lanka will wither up (lose its splendour) and appear like a widow when this sinful Ravana, a mean demon is killed.
पुण्योत्सवसमुत्था च नष्टभर्त्री सराक्षसी।

भविष्यति पुरी लङ्का नष्टभर्त्री यथाङ्गना।।5.26.30।।

नष्टभर्त्री with the death of the king, लङ्कापुरी the city of Lanka, सराक्षसी along with the ogresses, नष्टभर्त्री with the death of her lord, अङ्गना यथा like a women, पुण्योत्सवसमुत्था च with several auspicious celebrations, भविष्यति will remain.

"This city of Lanka with many auspicious celebrations will lose its king and all mean ogresses will remain like widows.
नूनं राक्षसकन्यानां रुदन्तीनां गृहे गृहे।

श्रोष्यामि नचिरादेव दुःखार्तानामिह ध्वनिम्।।5.26.31।।

नचिरादेव very soon, इह here, गृहे गृहे at every house, दुःखार्तानाम् distressful cry of women, रुदन्तीनाम् crying, राक्षरकन्यानाम् young ogresses, ध्वनिम् sound, नूनम् surely, श्रोष्यामि I will hear.

"I shall surely hear very soon sounds of distressful cry of young ogresses in every household.
सान्थकारा हतद्योता हतराक्षसपुङ्गवा।

भविष्यति पुरी लङ्का निर्दग्धा रामसायकैः।।5.26.32।।

लङ्कापुरी the state of Lanka, रामसायकैः with Rama's arrows, निर्दग्धा burnt totally, सान्धकारा filled with darkness, हतद्योता lost splendour, हतराक्षसपुङ्गवा with powerful demons killed, भविष्यति will be

"Totally burnt by Rama's arrows, this Lanka will be filled with darkness, and its splendour lost and preeminent demons destroyed.
यदि नाम स शूरो मां रामो रक्तान्तलोचनः।

जानीयाद्वर्तमानां हि रावणस्य निवेशने।।5.26.33।।

अनेन तु नृशंसेन रावणेनाधमेन मे।

समयो यस्तु निर्दिष्टस्तस्य कालोऽयमागतः।।5.26.34।।

स च मे विहितो मृत्युरस्मिन् दुष्टे न वर्तते।

शूरः heroic, रक्तान्तलोचनः with bloodshot eyes, सः रामः that Rama, माम् me, रावणस्य Ravana's, निवेशने at home, वर्तमानाम् present, यदि that, नाम जानीयात् knows I am here. नृशंसेन by the cruel one, अधमेन by the lowly person, अनेन by this one, रावणेन by Ravana, यः whichever, समयः time limit, मे to me, निर्दिष्टः is fixed, तस्य its, अयम् this, कालः time, आगतः has arrived, मे to me, विहितः fixed, सः that, मृत्युः death, अस्मिन् in him, दुष्टेन by this wicked fellow, वर्तते is fixed.

"If the heroic Rama of bloodshot eyes comes to know that I am here at Ravana's, the expiry of time limit fixed by this cruel, lowly, foolish Ravana has arrived, this wicked fellow's death is inevitable.
अकार्यं ये न जानन्ति नैर्ऋताः पापकारिणः।।5.26.35।।

अधर्मात्तु महोत्पातो भविष्यति हि सांप्रतम्।

नैते धर्मं विजानन्ति राक्षसाः पिशिताशनाः।।5.26.36।।

पापकारिणः sinners, ये those, नैर्ऋताः demons, अकार्यम् a forbidden act, न जानन्ति they know not अधर्मात्तु due to adharma, सांप्रतम् presently, महोत्पातः calamity, भविष्यति will befall, पिशिताशनाः flesheating, एते these, राक्षसाः demons, धर्मम् dharma,न जानन्ति they are not aware.

Nothing is forbidden for sinful demons. A calamity will befall now due to this adharma. The flesheating ogres are aware of neither dharma nor adharma.
ध्रुवं मां प्रातराशार्थे राक्षसः कल्पयिष्यति।

साहं कथं करिष्यामि तं विना प्रियदर्शनम्।।5.26.37।।

रामं रक्तान्तनयनमपश्यन्ती सुदुःखिता।

राक्षसः ogre, ध्रुवम् determined, माम् me, प्रातराशार्थे for morning meal, कल्पयिष्यति will make it, सा such, अहम् I, प्रियदर्शनम् who has pleasing countenance, तं विना without him, कथम् how, करिष्यामि I will do, रक्तान्तनयनम् one whose eyes have a reddish tinge in the corners, रामम् Rama, अपश्यन्ती without seeing, सुदुःखिता distressed very much.

"This demon is determined to make me his morning meal. How can I do anything in the absence of my lord of pleasing countenance. I am distressed very much by not seeing Rama, possessed of eyes with a reddish tinge in the corners.
यदि कश्चित् प्रदाता मे विषस्याद्य भवेदिह।।5.27.38।।

क्षिप्रं वैवस्वतं देवं पश्येयं पतिना विना।

अद्य now, मे to me, विषस्य of poison, प्रदाता donor, कश्चित् some one, इह here, भवेद्यदि can give, पतिना husband विना devoid, क्षिप्रम् soon, देवम् divine, वैवस्वतम् lord of death, पश्येयम् I will see.

"If I can find some one who can give me poison now I shall soon see the lord of death without my lord.
नाजानाज्जीवतीं रामस्स मां लक्ष्मणपूर्वजः।।5.26.39।।

जानन्तौ तौ न कुर्यातां नोर्य्वां हि मम मार्गणम्।

लक्ष्मणपूर्वजः elder brother of Lakshmana, सः रामः that Rama, माम् me, जीवतीम् living, नाजानात् he is not aware तौ both of them, जानन्तौ if they had known, मम my, मार्गणम् search, उर्व्याम् on earth, न कुर्याताम् इति न not undertake.

"Neither Lakshmana nor his elder brother knows that I am here alive. (Had they known) both of them would have ransacked this earth.
नूनं ममैव शोकेन स वीरो लक्ष्मणाग्रजः।।5.26.40।।

देवलोकमितो यातस्त्यक्त्वा देहं महीतले।

वीरः heroic one, लक्ष्मणाग्रजःLakshmna's elder brother, सः he, मम my, शोकेनैव suffering, महीतले on this earth, देहम् body, त्यक्त्वा giving up, इतः from here, देवलोकम् to the abode of gods, यातः gone, नूनम् surely.

"Would it be that the heroic elder brother of Lakshmana has gone to the abode of gods unable to find me on this earth?
धन्या देवास्सगन्धर्वाः सिद्धाश्च परमर्षयः।।5.26.41।।

मम पश्यन्ति ये नाथं रामं राजीवलोचनम्।

मम my, नाथम् husband, राजीवलोचनम् with eyes like lotus petals, रामम् Rama, ये those, पश्यन्ति will see, देवाः gods, सगन्धर्वाः along with gandharvas, सिद्धाश्च siddhas, परमर्षयः great sages, धन्याः blessed ones.

"Blessed are the gods, gandharvas, and siddhas and great sages who are able to see my lotuseyed lord Rama.
अथवा न हि तस्यार्थो धर्मकामस्य धीमतः।।5.26.42।।

मया रामस्य राजर्षेर्भार्यया परमात्मनः।

अथवा or else, धर्मकामस्य one who is ever seeking dharma, धीमतः wise, राजर्षेः royal sage, परमात्मनः the supreme self, तस्य his, रामस्य Rama's, भार्यया by wife, मया by me, अर्थः interest, न हि dispassion.

 Or that royal sage, wise Rama who always seeks dharma having become one with the supreme spirit has no longer any interest in me?
दृश्यमाने भवेत्प्रीति स्सौहृदं नास्त्यपश्यतः।।5.26.43।।

नाशयन्ति कृतघ्नास्तु न रामो नाशयिष्यति।

दृश्यमाने remains before seeing, प्रीतिः love, भवेत् will be, अपश्यतः not see, सौहृदम् friendship, नास्ति does not last, कृतघ्नाः ungrateful one, नाशयन्ति will be destroyed, रामस्तु Rama too, न नाशयिष्यति will not persih.

"Love attaches itself to one who remains before one's eyes.Friendship fades with separation. The ungrateful destroy love and friendship (as their love is conditioned by frequent meetings). But it cannot happen in case of Rama.
किं नु मे न गुणाः केचित्किं वा भाग्यक्षयो मम।।5.26.44।। याहं सीदामि रामेण हीना मुख्येन भामिनी।

भामिनी charming lady, या whoever, अहम् I, मुख्येन foremost, रामेण विना without Rama, सीदामि sinking, मे for me, केचित् some, गुणाः qualities, न किं नु are they not found, किं वा or else, मम my, भाग्यक्षयः fortune is diminished.

"Do I, a charming lady, not have any good fortune because of my past deeds? I wonder how a foremost woman like me seperated from my husband is sinking in grief without Rama. Has my fortune diminished?
श्रेयो मे जीवितान्मर्तुं विहीनाया महात्मनः।।5.26.45।।


अक्लिष्टचारित्रात् of blemishless character, शूरात् from the brave, शत्रुनिबर्हणात् who can destroy his enemy, महात्मनः great self, रामात् from Rama, विहीनायाः seperated, मे me, जीवितात् with life, मर्तुम् to die, श्रेयः it is better for me.

Instead of living separated from noble and brave Rama, a blemishless character and a destroyer of enemies, it is better for me to die.
अथवा न्यस्तशत्रौ तौ वने मूलफलाशिनौ।।5.26.46।।

भ्रातरौ हि नरश्रेष्ठौ संवृत्तौ वनगोचरौ।

अथवा or else, नरश्रेष्ठौ both foremost among men, तौ both, भ्रातरौ brothers, न्यतशत्रौ laid down their arms, वने in the forest, मूलफलाशनौ eating roots and fruits, वनगोचरौ roaming in the forest as ascetics, संवृत्तौ become.

"May be both the brothers, foremost among men, have laid down their arms, and taken to asceticism, subsisting on roots and fruits.
अथवा राक्षसेन्द्रेण रावणेन दुरात्मना।।5.26.47।।

छद्मना घातितौ शूरौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।

अथवा or else, शूरौ two heroes, भ्रातरौ both brothers, रामलक्ष्मणौ Rama and Lakshmana, दुरात्मना by the wicked one, राक्षसेन्द्रेण by the demon king, रावणेन by Ravana, छद्मना by some clever deceptive means, घातितौ are slain.

"Or else, has this wicked demon king slain both the brothers Rama and Lakshmana by some deceptive means?
साऽहमेवङ्गते काले मर्तुमिच्छामि सर्वथा।।5.26.48।।

न च मे विहितो मृत्युरस्मिन् दुःखेऽपि वर्तते।

एवङ्गते in the circumstances, काले at this time, सा such, अहम् I, सर्वथा by all means, मर्तुम् to die, इच्छामि I wish, अस्मिन् in this, दुःखेऽपि in sorrwful state, मे to me, मृत्युः death, विहितः ordained, न वर्तते does not exist.

"By all means I wish to die in these circumstances. However, death is not ordained for me even in this sorrowful state.
धन्याः खलु महात्मानो मुनयस्त्यक्तकिल्बिषाः।।5.26.49।।

जितात्मनो महाभागा येषां न स्तः प्रियाप्रिये।

महात्मानः great men, त्यक्तकिल्बिषाः who have given up all sins, जितात्मानः those who have selfcontrol, महाभागाः exhalted ones, मुनयः sages, धन्याः खलु are surely blessed, येषाम् for whom, प्रियाप्रिये pleasure or displeasure, न स्तः none.

Blessed are the exhalted sages who have not committed any sin. They have self control and have subdued their senses. There is no pleasure or displeasure for them.
प्रियान्न संभवेद्दुःखमप्रियादधिकं भयम्।।5.26.50।।

ताभ्यां हि ये वियुज्यन्ते नमस्तेषां महात्मनाम्।

प्रियात् from a pleasing act, दुःखम् sorrow, अप्रियात् from an unpleasant act, अधिकम् excessive, भयम् fear, न संभवेत् may not result, ये those, ताभ्याम् from both of them, वियुज्यन्ते those who have distanced themselves, तेषाम् for them, महात्मानाम् of the great sages, नमः salutations to them.

"Salutations to those exalted souls who have distanced themselves from pleasure and displeasure. Pleasures may not lead to suffering or displeasure to excessive, meaningless fear for such great souls.
साहं त्यक्ता प्रियार्हेण रामेण विदितात्मना।।5.26.51।।

प्राणांस्त्यक्ष्यामि पापस्य रावणस्य गता वशम्।

प्रियेणैव who deserves pleasant things, विदितात्मना by the knower of the self, रामेण by Rama, त्यक्ता separated, पापस्य sinner's, रावणस्य Ravana's, वशम् clutches, गता reached, सा अहम् that I am, प्राणान् life, त्यक्ष्यामि I will give up.

"Separated from the wise Rama who deserves pleasant things I will give up life being under the clutches of the sinful Ravana.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे षडिवंश स्सर्गः।
Thus ends the twentysixth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.