Sloka & Translation


[Hanuman carries the episode of Kakasura and the Chudamani from Sita to Rama as a mark of identification]

ततस्स कपिशार्दूलस्तेन वाक्येन तोषितः।

सीतामुवाच तच्छृत्वा वाक्यं वाक्यविशारदः।।5.38.1।।

ततः then, वाक्यविशारदः eloquent in speech, सः कपिशार्दूलः tiger among monkeys, तत् वाक्यम् those words, श्रुत्वा hearing, तेन वाक्येन by those words, तोषितः contented with, सीताम् to Sita, उवाच said.

Satisfied with the words of Sita, the tiger among monkeys, who was eloquent in speech said:
युक्तरूपं त्वया देवि भाषितं शुभदर्शने।

सदृशं स्त्रीस्वभावस्य साध्वीनां विनयस्य च।।5.38.2।।

शुभदर्शने whose appearance is auspicious, देवि queen, त्वया you, भाषितम् spoken, युक्तरूपम् is in accordance with your nature, स्त्रीस्वभावस्य of feminine nature, साध्वीनाम् of virtuous women, विनयस्य च and of the modesty, सदृशम् appropriate.

"O queen O lady of auspicious appearance your words are most appropriate to and characteristic of a modest virtuous woman.
स्त्रीत्वं न तु समर्थं हि सागरं व्यतिवर्तितुम्।

मामधिष्ठाय विस्तीर्णं शतयोजनमायतम्।।5.38.3।।

माम् me, अधिष्ठाय after climbing up, विस्तीर्णम् vast, शतयोजनम् of hundred yojanas, आयतम् wide, सागरम् the ocean, व्यतिवर्तितुम् to cross, स्त्रीत्वम् for a woman, न समर्थं हि is not possible.

"It may not be possible for a woman to cross on my back the vast ocean stretching over a hundred yojanas. It is not possible for a woman.
द्वितीयं कारणं यच्च ब्रवीषि विनयान्विते।

रामादन्यस्य नार्हामि संस्पर्शमिति जानकि ।।5.38.4।।

एतत्ते सदृशं देवि पत्न्यास्तस्य महात्मनः।

का ह्यन्या त्वामृते देवि ब्रूयाद्वचनमीदृशम्।।5.38.5।।

विनयान्विते O lady with humility etc., जानकि Janaki, रामात् from Rama, अन्यस्य of others, संस्पर्शम् touch, नार्हिमि I do not want, यत् that which, द्वितीयम् second, कारणम् reason, ब्रवीषि you said, एतत् that, तस्य his, महात्मनः of the great soul, पत्न्याः of the wife, ते to you, सदृशम् appropriate, देवि O queen, त्वाम् your, ऋते excepting, अन्या other than, का who else, ईदृशम् such, वचनम् word, ब्रूयात् will speak.

"O humble lady the second reason given by you, 'I ought not to touch a person other than Rama' is well said and worthy of you, being the wife of the great soul. Who else can speak such words?
श्रोष्यते चैव काकुत्स्थ: सर्वं निरवशेषतः।

चेष्टितं यत्त्वया देवि भाषितं मम चाग्रतः।।5.38.6।।

काकुत्स्थ: Rama the scion of the Kakutstha family, सर्वं all, देवि queen, त्वया your, यत् what ever, चेष्टितम् is done, मम my, अग्रतः presence, भाषितं च you have spoken, सर्वम् all, निरवशेषतः without omission, श्रोष्यते च will hear.

"O queen Kakutstha Rama will hear from me fully all that has been said and done by you in my presence without any omission.
कारणैर्बहुभिर्देवि रामप्रियचिकीर्षया।

स्नेहप्रस्कन्नमनसा मयैतत्समुदीरितम्।।5.38.7।।

देवि O queen, बहुभिः with many, कारणैः with reasons, रामप्रियचिकीर्षया desiring to please Rama, स्नेहप्रस्कन्नमनसा mind is sprinkled with love, मया by me, एतत् this, समुदीरितम् uttered.

"O queen my heart is drenched with love for Rama and desires to please him for many reasons. Therefore these words have been spoken by me.
लङ्काया दुष्प्रवेशत्वाद्दुस्तरत्वान्महोदधेः।

सामर्थ्यादात्मनश्चैव मयैतत्समुदीरितम्।।5.38.8।।

लङ्कायाः of Lanka, दुष्प्रवेशत्वात् difficult to enter, महोदधेः of the ocean, दुस्तरत्वात् difficult to cross, आत्मनः of my self, सामर्थ्याश्चैव because of my capacity, मया by me, एतत् all this, समुदीरितम् pronounced.

"Crossing the ocean and entering Lanka are difficult. But I accomplished it. Hence my proposal.
इच्छामि त्वां समानेतुमद्यैव रघुबन्धुना।

गुरुस्नेहेन भक्त्या च नान्यथैतदुदाहृतम्।।5.38.9।।

गुरुस्नेहेन out of love for my master, भक्त्या च and devotion, त्वाम् you, रघुबन्धुना with Rama, अद्यैव today itself, समानेतुम् to take, इच्छामि desirous of, एतत् all this, अन्यथा any other, न उदाहृतम् not mentioned otherwise.

"I offered to take you today itself out of my love and devotion to Rama with a desire to unite you with him and not with any other intention.
यदि नोत्सहसे यातुं मया सार्थमनिन्दिते।

अभिज्ञानं प्रयच्छ त्वं जानीयाद्राघवो हि यत्।।5.38.10।।

अनिन्दिते O blameless lady, मया सार्थम् along with me, यातुम् to go, नोत्सहसे यदि if not desiring, यत् that, राघवः Rama, जानीयात् coming and seeing you, अभिज्ञानम् to let him know, त्वम् you, प्रयच्छ you may give me a token of identity.

"O blameless lady If you wish not to accompany me you may give me a token of identification to let Rama know about my coming here and seeing you".
एवमुक्ता हनुमता सीता सुरसुतोपमा।

उवाच वचनं मन्दं बाष्पप्रग्रथिताक्षरम्।।5.38.11।।

इदं श्रेष्ठमभिज्ञानं ब्रूयास्त्वं तु मम प्रियम्।

हनुमता by Hanuman, एवम् in that way, उक्ता having been addressed, सुरसुतोपमा resembling a god's daughter, सीता Sita, बाष्पप्रग्रथिताक्षरम् words choked with tears, वचनम् word, मन्दम् in low tone, उवाच said, त्वं तु you also, मम my, प्रियम् dear, श्रेष्ठम् best, इदम् thus, अभिज्ञानम् token of identity, ब्रूयाः said.

Having heard Hanuman, Sita, a child of god, said these words in a low tone. Choked with tears, 'Carry this token of identity to my dear husband':
शैलस्य चित्रकूटस्य पादे पूर्वोत्तरे पुरा।।5.38.12।।

तापसाश्रमवासिन्याः प्राज्यमूलफलोदके।

तस्मिन्सिद्धाश्रमे देशे मन्दाकिन्या विदूरतः।।5.38.13।।

तस्योपवनषण्डेषु नानापुष्पसुगन्धिषु।

विहृत्य सलिले क्लिन्ना ममाङ्के समुपाविशमः।।5.38.14।।

पुरा earlier, चित्रकूटस्य शैलस्य on the mountain of Chitrakuta, पूर्वोत्तरे in the northeast, पादे on foot, प्राज्यमूलफलोदके with abundant roots fruits and water, तस्मिन् in that, सिद्धाश्रमे Siddhasrama, देशे in a region, मन्दाकिन्याध्यविदूरतः not far from Mandakini river, तस्य of him, नानापुष्पसुगन्धिषु many kinds of fragrant flowers, उपवनषण्डेषु in gardens, सलिले in water, विहृत्य after sporting, क्लिन्नः wet, तापसाश्रमवासिन्याः hermitages of ascetics, मम me,
अङ्के the body, समुपाविशः you were seated.

'Long ago we were staying at Siddhasrama. This hermitage was situated to the northeast at the foot of Chitrakuta mountain which was not far from the river Mandakini. It had abundant roots, fruits and water. You sported with me in the gardens which were fragrant with many types of flowers and ponds. You sat down on my lap with wet clothes in the hermitage'.
ततो मांससमायुक्तो वायसः पर्यतुण्डयत्।

तमहं लोष्टमुद्यम्य वारयामिस्म वायसम्।।5.38.15।।

ततः then, मांससमायुक्तः it brought meat, वायसः crow, पर्यतुण्डयत् went round with its beak and pecked, अहम् I, लोष्टम् clod of earth, उद्यम्य by lifting, तम् him, वायसम् that crow, वारयामि स्म I presented him.

'Then a crow greedy of flesh began to peck my bossom with its beak. I took a clod of earth and warded him off.
दारयन्स च मां काकस्तत्त्रैव परिलीयते।

न चाप्युपारमन्मांसाद्भक्षार्थि बलिभोजनः।।5.38.16।।

सः काकः that crow, माम् me, दारयन् while pecking, तत्रैव there itself, परिलीयते waited, भक्षार्थि hungry for food, सः he, बलिभोजनः eater of offerings, मांसात् flesh, न उपारमच्चापि was not giving up.

'The crow was an eater of offerings, hungry for food began to peck me again and again for flesh.He did not stop.
उत्कर्षन्त्यां च रशनां क्रुद्धायां मयि पक्षिणि।

स्रस्यमाने च वसने ततो दृष्टा त्वया ह्यहम्।।5.38.17।।

मयि I, पक्षिणि by the crow, क्रुद्धायाम् when I was angry, वसने when the cloth, स्रस्यमाने च was
slipping, रशनाम् waist string, उत्कर्षन्त्यां च as I was pulling up, ततः then, त्वया by you, अहम् I, दृष्टा seen.

'My upper cloth was slipping. I was trying to pull up my waist string angrily when you saw me.
त्वयाऽपहसिता चाहं क्रुद्धा संलज्जिता तदा।

भक्षगृध्नेन काकेन दारिता त्वामुपागता।।5.38.18।।

तदा then, क्रुद्धा enraged, अहम् I, त्वया your, अपहसिता made fun of me, संलज्जिता embarassed, भक्षगृध्नेन by the voracious bird, काकेन by the crow, दारिता torn, त्वाम् you, उपागता sought.

'Then you made fun of me, and I became angry. I was abashed. Torn by the voracious bird I sought your shelter.
आसीनस्य च ते श्रान्ता पुनरुत्सङ्गमाविशम्।

क्रुध्यन्ती च प्रहृष्टेन त्वयाऽहं परिसान्त्विता।।5.38.19।।

श्रान्ता exhausted, आसीनस्य when you sat, ते your, उत्सङ्गम् lap, पुनः again, आविशम् settled again, क्रुध्यन्ती seeing me angry, अहम् I, प्रहृष्टेन happily, त्वया by you, परिसान्त्विता you pacified me.

'Exhausted, I sat on your lap again. Seeing my angry face you pacified me. You were happy (to see me draw close).
बाष्पपूर्णमुखी मन्दं चक्षुषी परिमार्जती।

लक्षिताऽहं त्वया नाथ वायसेन प्रकोपिता।।5.38.20।।

नाथ O lord, वायसेन by the crow, प्रकोपिता angered, बाष्पपूर्णमुखी face filled with tears, मन्दम् slowly, चक्षुषी eyes, परिमार्जती while wiping, अहम् I was, त्वया you, लक्षिता marked.

'O lord when I was angered by the crow and my face was filled with tears, you marked me wiping my eyes.
परिश्रमात्प्रसुप्ता च राघवाङ्केऽप्यहं चिरम्।

पर्यायेण प्रसुप्तश्च ममाङ्के भरताग्रजः।।5.38.21।।

अहमपि I too, परिश्रमात् due to exhaustion, राघवाङ्के on Rama's lap, चिरम् for long time, प्रसुप्ता च I slept, पर्यायेण in turn, भरताग्रजः Bharata's elder brother, मम my, अङ्के on the lap, प्रसुप्तः slept.

'Totally exhausted I slept on your lap for a long time, and in turn you slept on my lap later.
स तत्र पुनरेवाथ वायसस्समुपागमत्।

ततस्सुप्तप्रबुद्धां मां रामस्याङ्कात्समुत्थिताम्।।5.38.22।।

वायसस्सहसागम्य विददार स्तनान्तरे।

पुनः पुनरथोत्पत्य विददार स मां भृशम्।।5.38.23।।

अथ and then, सः वायसः that crow, पुनरेव again, तत्र there, समुपागमत् came back, ततः then, सः he, वायसः crow, सहसा atonce, आगम्य having come, सुप्तप्रबुद्धाम् awakened from sleep, रामस्य Rama's, अङ्कात् from the lap, समुत्थिताम् risen, माम् myself, स्तनान्तरे between my breasts, विददार clawed, अथ and, पुनः again, उत्पत्य flying, माम् myself, भृशम् repeatedly, विददार clawed down.

'The crow came back again and clawed me in the space between my breasts even after I woke up after slumber from Rama's lap. Flying, it tore my bosom again and again.
ततस्समुक्षितो रामो मुक्तैश्शोणितबिन्दुभिः।

वायसेन ततस्तेन बलवत्क्लिश्यमानया।।5.38.24।।

स मया बोधितश्श्रीमान्सुखसुप्तः परन्तपः।

ततः then, रामः Rama, मुक्तै: dripping, शोणितबिन्दुभिः drops of blood, समुक्षितः seeing, ततः then, तेन वायसेन by that crow, बलवत् forcibly, क्लिश्यमानया tormented, मया by me, श्रीमान् illustrious, परन्तपः scorcher of foes, सुखसुप्तः happily sleeping, सः he, बोधितः he was awakened.

'At the touch of the drops of blood dripping from my body, tormented by seeing me distressed with the dripping blood, you were awakened, you who were an illustrious scorcher of foes.
स मां दृष्ट्वा महाबाहुर्वितुन्नां स्तनयोस्तदा।।5.38.25।।

आशीविष इव क्रुद्धश्वसन्वाक्यमभाषत।

महाबाहुः strong armed, सः Rama, तदा then, स्तनयोः in the breasts, वितुन्नाम् wounded, माम् me, दृष्ट्वा on seeing, क्रुद्धः angered, आशीविष इव like a (hissing) snake, श्वसन् breathing hard, वाक्यम् these words, अभाषत spoke.

'O strongarmed Rama, seeing my torn breasts, you became angry like a hissing serpent and hissing said :
केन ते नागनासोरु विक्षतं वै स्तनान्तरम्।।5.38.26।।

कः क्रीडति सरोषेण पञ्चवक्त्रेण भोगिना।

नागनासोरु lady whose thighs look like elephant's trunk, सीता Sita, स्तनान्तरम् your breasts, केन by whom, विक्षतं वै wounded, सरोषेण with the angry, पञ्चवक्त्रेण fivehooded, भोगिना by the serpent, कः who, क्रीडति sporting.

'O Sita with a beautiful lap like an elephant trunk by whom is your bosom wounded? Who is sporting with an angry fivehooded snake?
वीक्षमाणस्ततस्तं वै वायसं समुदैक्षत।।5.38.27।।

नखैस्सरुधिरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्मामेवाभिमुखं स्थितम्।

ततः then, वीक्षमाणः while glancing, सरुधिरैः with blood stained, तीक्ष्णैः with sharp ones, नखैः with nails, मामेव me, अभिमुखम् facing me, स्थितम् standing, तं वायसम् that crow, समुदैक्षत वै he saw.

'Then looking around, you saw the crow facing me with sharp, bloodstained claws.
पुत्त्रः किल स शक्रस्य वायसः पततां वरः।।5.38.28।।

धरान्तरगतश्शीघ्रं पवनस्य गतौ समः।

पतताम् of the birds, वरः eminent, सः वायसः that crow, शक्रस्य Indra's, पुत्रः किल it is said that he is the son, धरान्तरगतः he covered a long distance, शीघ्रम् in great speed, गतौ in movement, पवनस्य Windgod's, समः matching.

'This crow was the best of birds. He was surely Indra's son who had covered a long distance with great speed and his speed was like the Windgod's.
ततस्तस्मिन्महाबाहुः कोपसंवर्तितेक्षणः।।5.38.29।।

वायसे कृतवान्क्रूरां मतिं मतिमतां वरः।

ततः then, मतिमताम् among the wise, वरः best, महाबाहुः strongarmed, कोपसंवर्तितेक्षणः with eye balls rolling in anger, तस्मिन् him, वायसे at the crow, क्रूराम् cruel, मतिम् mind, कृतवान् made up.

'Then you, the strongarmed and best among the wise, your eyeballs rolling in fury, made up your mind about the cruel crow.
स दर्भं संस्तराद्गृह्य ब्राह्मेणास्त्रेण योजयत्।।5.38.30।।

स दीप्त इव कालाग्निर्जज्वालाभिमुखो द्विजम्।

सः he, Rama, संस्तरात् from his darbha mat, दर्भम् darbha grass, गृह्य took out, ब्राह्मेण अस्त्रेण invoked the weapon of Brahma into it by reciting the mantra, योजयत् discharged, सः that, दीप्तः blazed, कालाग्निरिव like the fire of death, द्विजम् the bird, अभिमुखः towards, जज्वाल glowed.

'Taking out a blade of darbha grass from your mat, you invoked the weapon of Brahma by reciting the mantra. Then you discharged it which blazed like the fire of death and went spearheading towards the crow.
स तं प्रदीप्तं चिक्षेप दर्भं तं वायसं प्रति।।5.38.31।।

ततस्तं वायसं दर्भस्सोम्बरेऽनुजगाम ह।

सः he, प्रदीप्तम् glowing, तं दर्भम् that darbha, तं वायसं प्रति him, the crow in turn, चिक्षेप threw, ततः then, सः दर्भः that darbha, तं वायसम् that crow, अम्बरे in the sky, अनुजगाम ह followed.

'Then you threw the burning darbha grass at the crow and it chased him in the sky.
अनुसृष्टस्तदा काको जगाम विविधां गतिम्।।5.38.32।।

लोककाम इमं लोकं सर्वं वै विचचार ह।

तदा then, काकः that crow, अनुसृष्टः one who was followed, विविधाम् many, गतिम् places, जगाम went, लोककामः the entire universe desiring safety, इमम् this, सर्वम् all, लोकम् worlds, विचचार ह went round.

'Then that crow flew to many places seeking asylum all over the universe chased by the blade of grass.
स पित्रा च परित्यक्तस्सुरैश्च समहर्षिभिः।।5.38.33।।

त्रीन्लोकान्सम्परिक्रम्य तमेव शरणं गतः।

सः he, त्रीन् three, लोकान् worlds, सम्परिक्रम्य having gone round, पित्रा च and to his father
also, समहर्षिभिः including the sages, सुरैश्च by gods, परित्यक्तः rejected, तमेव him alone, शरणं गतः went seeking refuge.

'Then the crow went round all the three worlds, having been rejected by his father Indra, including all the sages and gods. Refused by all he came back to Rama seeking shelter.
स तं निपतितं भूमौ शरण्यश्शरणागतम्।।5.38.34।।

वधार्हमपि काकुत्स्थ: कृपया पर्यपालयत्।

शरण्यः saviour, सः काकुत्स्थ: that Kakutstha, शरणागतम् one who sought refuge, भूमौ on the ground, निपतितम् fallen on the ground, तम् him, वधार्हमपि even though deserves to be killed, कृपया out of compassion, पर्यपालयत् saved.

'Seeing the crow fallen on the ground, O Kakutstha, you who are a saviour of those who seek refuge saved him out of compassion, even though he deserved to be killed.
परिद्यूनं विषण्णं च स तमायान्तमब्रवीत्।।5.38.35।।

मोघं कर्तुं न शक्यं तु ब्राह्ममस्त्रं तदुच्यताम्।

सः Rama, परिद्यूनम् pained, विषण्णम् despondent, आयान्तम् he reached, तम् him, अब्रवीत् said, ब्राह्मम् अस्त्रम् Brahma weapon, मोघम् in vain, कर्तुम् to do, न शक्यं तु not possible, तत् that, उच्यताम् tell.

'Rama, you saw the crow in pain and despondency who returned to you and said that it is not possible to make Brahma's weapon ineffectual.You may tell now. (what should be done.)
हिनस्तु दक्षिणाक्षि त्वच्छर इत्यथ सोऽब्रवीत्।।5.38.36।।

ततस्तस्याक्षि काकस्य हिनस्ति स्म स दक्षिणम्।

दत्त्वा स दक्षिणं नेत्रं प्राणेभ्यः परिरक्षितः।।5.38.37।।

अथ and then, सः that, त्वच्छरः your arrow, दक्षिणाक्षि right eye, हिनस्तु may be blinded, इति thus, अब्रवीत् said, ततः then, सः he, तस्य काकस्य that crow's, दक्षिणम् right, अक्षि eye, हिनस्ति स्म blinded by hitting, सः that, दक्षिणम् right, दत्त्वा having offered, प्राणेभ्यः from life, परिरक्षितः protected.

'Then that crow said, 'let my right eye be blinded'. you then hit the right eye of the crow'. Thus the crow offered his right eye and saved himself.
स रामाय नमस्कृत्य राज्ञे दशरथाय च।

विसृष्टस्तेन वीरेण प्रतिपेदे स्वमालयम्।।5.38.38।।

सः that crow, रामाय to Rama, राज्ञे to the king, दशरथाय च and to Dasaratha, नमस्कृत्य having offered salutations, तेन by him, वीरेण by the warrior, विसृष्टः permitted to leave, स्वम् his own, आलयम् dwelling, प्रतिपेदे went reached.

'That crow offered salutations to you Rama and king Dasaratha, thereafter took permission and went to his own dwelling.
मत्कृते काकमात्रे तु ब्रह्मास्त्रं समुदीरितम्।

कस्माद्यो मां हरेत्त्वत्तः क्षमसे तं महीपते।।5.38.39।।

महीपते lord of the earth, मत्कृते for the sake of, काकमात्रे on a mere crow, ब्रह्मास्त्रम् weapon of Brahma, समुदीरितम् released, त्वत्तः from you, माम् me, यः he who, अहरत् abducted, तम् him, कस्मात् why, क्षमसे you excuse him.

'(Addressing Rama as though he was present before her, Sita said) 'O lord of the earth for my sake you released the weapon of Brahma on a crow. What makes you excuse him who has abducted me?
स कुरुष्व महोत्साहः कृपां मयि नरर्षभ।

त्वया नाथवती नाथ ह्यनाथा इव दृश्यते।।5.38.40।।

नरर्षभ bull among men, सः Rama, महोत्साहः one with great love, मयि in me, कृपाम् compassion, कुरुष्व bestow, नाथ O lord, त्वया your, नाथवती I have been protected, अनाथा इव like an orphan, दृश्यते appears.

'O bull among men you are so loving to me. I am like an orphan. Be kind to me. She who has found her lord in you stays without a protector.
आनृशंस्यं परो धर्मस्तवत्त्त ऐव मया श्रुतः।

जानामि त्वां महावीर्यं महोत्साहं महाबलम्।।5.38.41।।

अपारपारमक्षोभ्यं गाम्भीर्यात्सागरोपमम्।

भर्तारं ससमुद्राया धरण्या वासवोपमम्।।5.38.42।।

अनृशंस्यम् kindness, परः supreme, धर्मः is righteous, मया by me, त्वत्तः एव from you alone,श्रुतः heard, त्वाम् you, महावीर्यम् heroic, महोत्साहम् vigour, महाबलम् mighty, अपारपारम् boundless, अक्षोभ्यम् never to be stirred, गाम्भीर्यात् with depth, सागरोपमम् like the ocean, ससमुद्रायाः inclusive of seas, धरण्याः of the earth, भर्तारम् lord, वासवोपमम् like Vasava, जानामि I know.

'O my supreme lord I know you are kind, righteous, valiant, vigroous, mighty. You are boundless, calm and deep like the ocean. You are lord of earth and the seas and compeer of Vasava. I have heard from you that motiveless compassion is the best way to make one righteous.
एवमस्त्रविदां श्रेष्ठस्सत्यवान्बलवानपि।

किमर्थमस्त्रं रक्षस्सु न योजयसि राघव।।5.38.43।।

राघव Rama, एवम् in that way, अस्त्रविदाम् among the users of weapons, श्रेष्ठः expert, सत्यवान् truthful, बलवानपि even strong, रक्षस्सु demons, अस्त्रम् weapon, किमर्थम् why, न योजयसि you are not using?

'Even though you are an expert in the use of weapons, truthful and strong. (Yet) why
are you not using weapons aganst the demons?'
न नागा नाऽपि गन्धर्वा नासुरा न मरुद्गणाः।

रामस्य समरे वेगं शक्ताः प्रतिसमाधितुं।।5.38.44।।

समरे in war, रामस्य Rama's, वेगम् speed, प्रतिसमाधितुम् to hit back, नागाः serpents, न शक्ताः not able, गन्धर्वा अपि even gandharvas, न not, असुराः demons, न not, मरुद्गणाः marutas, न not.

(Now Sita turns to Hanuman and says) "In war serpents, gandharvas, demons or Marutas cannot withstand the speed of Rama's arrows and hit back.
तस्य वीर्यवतः कश्चिद्यद्यस्ति मयि सम्भ्रमः।

किमर्थं न शरैस्तीक्ष्णै: क्षयं नयति राक्षसान्।।5.38.45।।

वीर्यवतः hero of great discipline, तस्य his, मयि in me, कश्चित् even a little, सम्भ्रमः hurry, अस्ति यदि if he has, तीक्ष्णैः with sharp, शरैः with arrows, राक्षसान् at the demons, किमर्थम् why, क्षयम् destroy, न नयति not killing.

"Does Rama have a little anxiety about me? If he has, why does he, a disciplined hero, not put an end to the demons with his sharp arrows?
भ्रातुरादेशमादाय लक्ष्मणो वा परन्तपः।

कस्य हेतोर्न मां वीरः परित्राति महाबलः।।5.38.46।।

परन्तपः scorcher of enemies, महाबलः mighty, वीरः hero, लक्ष्मणो वा even Lakshmana, भ्रातुः brother, आदेशम् order, आदाय after taking, कस्य हेतोः for what reason, माम् me, न परित्राति not rescue.

"Or, why does the mighty hero, Lakshmana, who is a scorcher of enemies, not come to my rescue taking the orders from his brother?
यदि तौ पुरुषव्याघ्रौ वाय्वग्निसमतेजसौ।

सुराणामपि दुर्धर्षौ किमर्थं मामुपेक्षतः।।5.38.47।।

वाय्वग्निसमतेजसौ resembling wind and fire in power, पुरुषव्याघ्रौ two tigers among men, तौ they both, सुराणाम् even the gods, दुर्धर्षौ यदि अपि even though unassailable also, माम् me, किमर्थम् how is it, उपेक्षतः disregarding.

"Both Rama and Lakshmana are tigers among men who resemble wind and fire in power and have the unassailability of the gods. Wherefore are they disregarding me?.
ममैव दुष्कृतं किञ्चिन्महदस्ति न संशयः।

समर्थावपि तौ यन्मां नावेक्षेते परन्तपौ।।5.38.48।।

ममैव mine alone, महत् atrocious, किञ्चित् some, दुष्कृतम् sin, अस्ति is committed, संशयः doubt, न no, यत् because, समर्थावपि although capable, परन्तपौ both scorchers of enemies, तौ both, माम् me, न आवेक्षेते not deliver.

"Perhaps I must have committed an atrocious sin. There is no doubt. For although both of them are scorchers of enemies, they deliver me not."
वैदेह्या वचनं श्रुत्वा करुणं साश्रुभाषितम्।

अथाब्रवीन्महातेजा हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः।।5.38.49।।

अथ and then, महातेजाः lustrous, मारुतात्मजः Windgod's son, हनुमान् Hanuman, वैदेह्या Vaidehi's, साश्रु with tears, करुणम् piteous, भाषितम् spoken, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा having heard, अब्रवीत् said.

Hearing the piteous words of Vaidehi and beholding her eyes filled with tears, the Windgod's son, lustrous Hanuman replied thus:.
त्वच्छोकविमुखो रामो देवि सत्येन ते शपे।

रामे दुःखाभिपन्ने च लक्ष्मणः परितप्यते।।5.38.50।।

देवि Devi, रामः Rama, त्वच्छोकविमुखः he is averse to your misery, सत्येन truly, ते your, शपे I vow, रामे when Rama, दुःखाभिपन्ने immersed in sorrow, लक्ष्मणः च even Lakshmana, परितप्यते wails.

"O godlike lady Rama is not averse to your misery. On my word this is true. Rama is immersed in sorrow. Even Lakshmana wails.
कथञ्चिद्भवती दृष्टा न कालः परिदेवितुम्।

इमं मुहूर्तं दुःखानां द्रक्ष्यस्यन्तमनिन्दिते।।5.38.51।।

कथञ्चित् with difficulty, भवती your self, दृष्टा could be found, परिदेवितुम् wailing, कालः time, न not, अनिन्दिते blameless lady, इमम् this, मुहूर्तम् moment, दुःखानाम् all sorrrow, अन्तम् end, द्रक्ष्यसि you will see.

"I could find you with difficulty. This is not the time to wail. O blameless lady take it, your sorrow has come to an end at this moment.
तावुभौ पुरुषव्याघ्रौ राजपुत्रौ महाबलौ।

त्वद्दर्शनकृतोत्साहौ लङ्कां भस्मीकरिष्यतः।।5.38.52।।

पुरुषव्याघ्रौ two tigers among men, महाबलौ mighty, त्वद्दर्शनकृतोत्साहौ eager to see you, उभौ both, तौ राजपुत्रौ those two princes, लङ्काम् this Lanka, भस्मीकरिष्यतः will reduce to ashes.

"Both the mighty brothers, tigers among men, are eager to see you. Both the princes will reduce this Lanka into ashes.
हत्त्वा च समरे क्रूरं रावणं सहबान्धवम्।

राघवस्त्वां विशालाक्षि नेष्यति स्वां पुरीं प्रति।।5.38.53।।

विशालाक्षि O largeeyed lady, राघवः Rama, समरे in war, सहबान्धवम् along with relatives, क्रूरम् cruel, रावणम् Ravana, हत्वा after killing, स्वां पुरीं प्रति towards his city, त्वाम् you, नेष्यति he will be taking you.

"O largeeyed lady cruel Ravana along with his relatives will be killed by Rama in war and Rama will return to his city with you.
ब्रूहि यद्राघवो वाच्यो लक्ष्मणश्च महाबलः।

सुग्रीवो वापि तेजस्वी हरयोऽपि समागताः।।5.38.54।।

राघवः Rama, यत् whichever, वाच्यः you may like to convey, महाबलः mighty Rama, लक्ष्मणश्च and Lakshmana, तेजस्वी brilliant, सुग्रीवो वापि and Sugriva also, समागताः those who collect there, हरयोऽपि even the vanaras, ब्रूहि say.

"Communicate your message to mighty Rama and Lakshamana, to brilliant Sugriva and even the vanaras who gather there.
इत्युक्तवति तस्मिंस्तु सीता सुरसुतोपमा।

उवाच शोकसन्तप्ता हनुमन्तं प्लवङ्गमम्।।5.38.55।।

तस्मिन् when he, इति in that way, उक्तवति when he said, सुरसुतोपमा lady resembling a god's daughter, सीता Sita, शोकसन्तप्ता filled with grief, प्लवङ्गमम् to vanara, हनुमन्तम् Hanuman, उवाच said

"Hanuman having spoken this way, Sita, resembling a god's daughter, grieving, thus addressed Hanuman:
कौसल्या लोकभर्तारं सुषुवे यं मनस्विनी।

तं ममार्थे सुखं पृच्छ शिरसा चाभिवादय।।5.38.56।।

लोकभर्तारम् lord of the world, यम् whom, मनस्विनी sensitive woman, कौसल्या Kausalya, सुषुवे bore, तम् him, मदर्थे on my behalf, सुखम् welfare, पृच्छ you may inquire into, शिरसा by
bowing, अभिवादय च offer salutations.

"Bow to Rama and offer salutations on my behalf. Inquiries concerning his welfare should be addressed to Rama, whom virtuous Kausalya bore as a son.
स्रजश्च सर्वरत्नानि प्रिया याश्च वराङ्गनाः।

ऐश्वर्यं च विशालायां पृथिव्यामपि दुर्लभम्।।5.38.57।।

पितरं मातरं चैव सम्मान्याभिप्रसाद्य च।

अनुप्रव्रजितो रामं सुमित्रा येन सुप्रजाः।।5.38.58।।

येन by whom, सुमित्रा Sumitra, सुप्रजाः has attained the title of blessed mother, स्रजश्च garlands, सर्वरत्नानि all jewels, प्रियाः dear, याः those, वराङ्गनाः best of women, विशालायाम् in the vast, पृथिव्याम् in the whole earth, दुर्लभम् most difficult to attain, ऐश्वर्यं चापि prosperity also, पितरम् father, मातरं चापि even mother, सम्मान्य having respected, अभिप्रसाद्य pleased by adopting the life of an ascetic, च and, रामम् with Rama, अनुप्रव्रजितः accompanied.

आनुकूल्येन धर्मात्मा त्यक्त्वा सुखमनुत्तमम्।

अनुगच्छति काकुत्स्थं भ्रातरं पालयन्वने।।5.38.59।।

धर्मात्मा righteous self, अनुत्तमम् great, सुखम् pleasures, त्यक्त्वा having given up, भ्रातरम् his brother, काकुत्स्थम् Kakustha Rama, वने to the forest, आनुकूल्येन in his favour, पालयन् while serving, अनुगच्छति followed.

"Great, righteous Lakshmana had given up his pleasures and followed his brother Rama in his favour into the forest to be able to serve him.
सिंहस्कन्धो महाबाहुर्मनस्वी प्रियदर्शिनः।

पितृवद्वर्तते रामे मातृवन्मां समाचरन्।।5.38.60।।

सिंहस्कन्ध: lionshoulders, महाबाहुः strongarmed one, मनस्वी highsouled, प्रियदर्शनः a handsome person, माम् me, मातृवत् like his mother, समाचरन् while treating, रामे with Rama, पितृवत् as his father, वर्तते conducts.

"Lakshmana, who has lionshoulders and strong arms, who is handsome, who takes Rama as his father and treats me as his own mother.
ह्रियमाणां तदा वीरो न तु मां वेद लक्ष्मणः।

वृद्धोपसेवी लक्ष्मीवान् शक्तो न बहुभाषिता।।5.38.61।।

राजपुत्रः प्रियः श्रेष्ठः सदृशः श्वशुरस्य मे।

वीरः hero, लक्ष्मणः Lakshmana, तदा then, माम् me, ह्रियमाणाम् while I was borne away, न वेद not know, वृद्धोपसेवी serving elders, लक्ष्मीवान् prosperous, शक्तः energetic, न बहुभाषिता limited in speech, मे my, श्वशुरस्य of my fatherinlaw, सदृशः resembles, प्रियः dear, श्रेष्ठः foremost, राजपुत्रः prince.

"Heroic Lakshmana, did not know while I was borne away. He is prosperous, foremost in serving elders. He is energetic and reserved in his speech like my fatherinlaw. He is a prince dear (to his brother).
ममः प्रियतरो नित्यं भ्राता रामस्य लक्ष्मणः।।5.38.62।।

नियुक्तो धुरि यस्यां तु तामुद्वहति वीर्यवान्।

रामस्य Rama's, भ्राता brother, लक्ष्मणः Lakshmana, नित्यम् always, मम to me, प्रियतरः loving, वीर्यवान् heroic, यस्याम् in whichever, धुरि task, नियुक्तः he is entrusted, ताम् such a job, उद्वहति executes.

"Rama's brother Lakshmana is always dear to me. Heroic Lakshmana will discharge whichever responsibility is entrusted to him.
यं दृष्ट्वा राघवो नैव वृत्तमार्यमनुस्मरेत्।।5.38.63।।

स ममार्थाय कुशलं वक्तव्यो वचनान्मम।

यम् who, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, राघवः Rama, वृत्तम् support, आर्यम् noble, न अनुस्मरेत् not remembering, सः he, मम my, अर्थाय sake, मम on me, वचनात् words, कुशलम् welfare, वक्तव्यः that I have enquired.

"He is Lakshmana for whose care and support Rama did not miss the noble king Dasaratha (during exile). Convey him my words of enquiry about his wellbeing.
मृदुर्नित्यं शुचिर्दक्षः प्रियो रामस्य लक्ष्मणः।।5.38.64।।

यथा हि वानरश्रेष्ठ दुःखक्षयकरो भवेत्।

त्वमस्मिन्कार्यनिर्योगे प्रमाणं हरिसत्तमः।।5.38.65।।

वानरश्रेष्ठः excellent vanara, हरिसत्तम: esteemed vanaras, मृदुः gentle, नित्यम् always, शुचिः pure, दक्षः competent, रामस्य Rama's, प्रियः beloved, लक्ष्मणः Lakshmana, यथा as such, दुःखक्षयकरः who mitigates suffering, भवेत् will be, अस्मिन् in that, कार्यनिर्योगे in a task, त्वम् you, प्रमाणम् authority.

"Lakshmana is soft, pure, competent and dear to Rama. O great vanara, act in such a manner that Lakshmana can mitigate my suffering. O great monkey, the best of vanaras you are competent in accomplishing this task.
राघवस्त्वत्समारम्भान्मयि यत्नपरो भवेत्।

इदं ब्रूयाश्च मे नाथं शूरं रामं पुनः पुनः।।5.38.66।।

राघवः Rama, त्वत्समारम्भात् by your efforts alone, मयि regarding me, यत्नपरः one who makes efforts, भवेत् will be, मे my, नाथम् husband, शूरम् powerful hero, रामम् Rama, पुनः पुनः again and again, इदम् this, ब्रूयाः may tell.

"By your efforts alone my husband will try for my release. You may tell these words to my heroic husband, Rama, again and again.
जीवितं धारयिष्यामि मासं दशरथात्मज।

ऊर्ध्वं मासान्न जीवेयं सत्येनाहं ब्रवीमि ते।।5.38.67।।

दशरथात्मज Dasaratha's son, Rama, मासम् a month, जीवितम् life, धारयिष्यामि will hold on to life, मासात् after a month, ऊर्ध्वम् beyond that, न जीवेयम् I will not live, अहम् I, सत्येन on truth, ते to you, ब्रवीमि I am telling.

"I will hold on to life only for a month. Beyond, I will not survive. I swear by truth. You may tell this to Rama.
रावणेनोपरुद्धां मां निकृत्य पापकर्मणा।

त्रातुमर्हसि वीर त्वं पातालादिव कौशिकीम्।।5.38.68।।

वीर hero, पापकर्मणा by the wicked, रावणेन by Ravana, निकृत्य after insulting, उपरुद्धाम् imprisonment, माम् me, त्वम् you, पातालात् from the underworld or Pataala, कौशिकीमिव like Kausik, त्रातुम् rescue me, अर्हसि is proper.

"O heroic Rama just as Kausik was rescued from the underworld it behoves you to deliver me from imprisonment of wicked Ravana".
ततो वस्त्रगतं मुक्त्वा दिव्यं चूडामणिं शुभम्।

प्रदेयो राघवायेति सीता हनुमते ददौ।।5.38.69।।

ततः then, सीता Sita, वस्त्रगतम् tied up in clothes, शुभम् auspicious, दिव्यम् exquisite, चूडामणिम् Chudamani, an ornament worn on the head, मुक्त्वा took out, राघवाय to Rama, प्रदेयः to be given, इति thus, हनुमते to Hanuman, ददौ gave.

Then Sita took out the exquisite and auspicious Chudamani worn on the head, untied from her clothes and gave it to Hanuman to be presented to Rama.
प्रतिगृह्य ततो वीरो मणिरत्नमनुत्तमम्।

अङ्गुल्या योजयामास न ह्यस्य प्राभवद्भुजः।।5.38.70।।

ततः then, वीरः hero, अनुत्तमम् very great, मणिरत्नम् jewel, प्रतिगृह्य after taking, अङ्गुल्या on his finger, योजयामास placed अस्य to his, भुजः arm, न प्राभवत् हि was not fitting.

Then Hanuman, taking the extraordinary jewel and placed it on his finger as it was not fitting to his arm.
मणिरत्नं कपिवरः प्रतिगृह्याभिवाद्य च।

सीतां प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा प्रणतः पार्व्शतः स्थितः।।5.38.71।।

कपिवरः best of vanaras, मणिरत्नम् jewel, प्रतिगृह्य after taking, सीताम् from Sita, अभिवाद्य च having saluted, प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा having circumambulated, प्रणतः humbly, पार्श्वतः by the side, स्थितः stood.

Having recieved the jewel from Sita and circumambulated her, Hanuman offered salutations to her and stood by her.
हर्षेण महता युक्तः सीतादर्शनजेन सः।

हृदयेन गतो रामं शरीरेण तु विष्ठितः।।5.38.72।।

सः he, सीतादर्शनजेन by seeing Sita, महता with a great, हर्षेण joy, युक्तः endowed, हृदयेन his mind, रामम् to Rama, गतः went, शरीरेण तु but body, विष्ठितः stood there.

Hanuman stood there physically, with great joy gazing at Sita, but mentally he was with Rama.
मणिवरमुपगृह्य तं महार्हं जनकनृपात्मजया धृतं प्रभावात्।

गिरिरिव पवनावधूतमुक्तः सुखितमनाः प्रतिसङ्क्रमं प्रपेदे।।5.38.73।।

महार्हम् precious, जनकनृपात्मजया by Janaka's daughter, धृतम् borne, तं मणिवरम् that great jewel, उपगृह्य taking, प्रभावात् by its glow, पवनावधूतमुक्तः shaken by wind and released, गिरिरिव like a mountain, सुखितमनाः pleased, प्रतिसङ्क्रमम् to return, प्रपेदे prepared.

Having received the most precious jewel from the daughter of Janaka, Hanuman prepared to return like a mountain released from the impact of the wind.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे अष्टत्रिंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the thirtyeighth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.