Sloka & Translation


[Sita further appeals to Hanuman]

मणिं दत्त्वा ततः सीता हनूमन्तमथाब्रवीत्।

अभिज्ञानमभिज्ञातमेतद्रामस्य तत्त्वतः।।5.39.1।।

सीता Sita, मणिं Jewel, दत्त्वा having given, ततः that way, हनूमन्तम् to Hanuman, अब्रवीत् said, एतत् this, रामस्य to Rama, अभिज्ञात known, तत्त्वतः truly, अभिज्ञानम् signet.

Sita gave the jewel to Hanuman and said, "This signet ornament is known to Rama very well".
मणिं तु दृष्ट्वा रामो वै त्रयाणां संस्मरिष्यति।

वीरो जनन्या मम च राज्ञो दशरथस्य च।।5.39.2।।

मणिम् jewel, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, रामः Rama, त्रयाणाम् of three of us, जनन्याः of the mother, मम च me and, राज्ञः king, दशरथस्य च Dasaratha and, संस्मरिष्यति will recall.

"Seeing this jewel,Rama will recall three of us, my mother, myself and the king Dasaratha" (as this was given by her mother at her marriage.)
स भूयस्त्वं समुत्साहे चोदितो हरिसत्तम।

अस्मिन्कार्यसमारम्भे प्रचिन्तय यदुत्तरम्।।5.39.3।।

हरिसत्तम great Hanuman, सः such Rama, त्वम् you, भूयः again, समुत्साहचोदितः prompted by enthusiasm, अस्मिन् in this, कार्यसमारम्भे in this effort, यत् that, उत्तरम् now, प्रचिन्तय think over.

"Great Hanuman you are enthused now. You may think over the future course of action.
त्वमस्मिन्कार्यनिर्योगे प्रमाणं हरिसत्तम।

हनुमन्यत्नमास्थाय दुःखक्षयकरो भव।।5.39.4।।

तस्य चिन्तयतो यत्नो दुःखक्षयकरो भवेत्।

हरिसत्तम O best of monkeys, अस्मिन् in this, कार्यनिर्योगे in carrying out this task, त्वम् you, प्रमाणम् are responsible, हनुमान् Hanuman, यत्नम् initiative, आस्थाय after making, दुःखक्षयकरः reducer of suffering, भव you are, तस्य for him, चिन्तयतः thinking, यत्नः effort, दुःखक्षयकरः reducer of grief, भवेत् become.

"O best of monkeys it is your responsibility to carry out this task. O Hanuman think carefully of that. Take the initiative to reduce my suffering. I am confident that you can do it."
स तथेति प्रतिज्ञाय मारुतिर्भीमविक्रमः।।5.39.5।।

शिरसा वन्ध्य वैदेहीं गमनायोपचक्रमे।

भीमविक्रमः possessed with fierceful valour, सः मारुतिः that Maruti, तथेति so be it, प्रतिज्ञाय promised, वैदेहीम् to Vaidehi, शिरसा with his head, वन्ध्य having offered salutation, गमनाय to depart, उपचक्रमे started.

Hanuman possessed with fierce valour said to Vaidehi, 'so be it' and bowed his head, and offered salutations before he departed.
ज्ञात्वा सम्प्रस्थितं देवी वानरं मारुतात्मजम्।।5.39.6।।

बाष्पगद्गदया वाचा मैथिली वाक्यमब्रवीत्।

देवी noble lady, मैथिली Mythili, मारुतात्मजम् Maruti's son, वानरम् vanara, सम्प्रस्थितम् who had started, ज्ञात्वा having realised, बाष्पगद्गदया with voice choked with tears, वाचा with speech, वाक्यम् these words, अब्रवीत् said.

The noble lady, Sita, having been fully convinced about Hanuman and realising that he is about to start, her voice was choked with tears. She said these words:
कुशलं हनुमन्ब्रूयाः सहितौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।।5.39.7।।

सुग्रीवं च सहामात्यं वृद्धान् सर्वांश्च वानरान्।

ब्रूयास्त्वं वानरश्रेष्ठ कुशलं धर्मसंहितम्।।5.39.8।।

वानरश्रेष्ठः O great vanara, हनुमन् O Hanuman, सहितौ both, रामलक्ष्मणौ Rama and Lakshmana, कुशलम् welfare, ब्रूयाः you may communicate, सहामात्यम् along with his ministers, सुग्रीवं च and Sugriva, वृद्धान् elders, सर्वान् all, वानरान् vanaras, त्वम् you, धर्मसंहितम् righteous manner, कुशलम् welfare, ब्रूयाः you may communicate

"O Hanuman the great communicate my welfare to both Rama and Lakshmana, to Sugriva, his ministers, elderly vanaras in righteous order.
यथा स च महाबाहुर्मां तारयति राघवः।

अस्माद्धुःखाम्बुसंरोधात्त्वं समाधातुमर्हसि।।5.39.9।।

महाबाहुः strongarmed, सः राघवः that Rama, अस्मात् from this, दुःखाम्बुसंरोधात् relieve me from this ocean of grief, यथा that way, तारयति he helps me to cross, त्वम् you, समाधातुम् to pacify, अर्हसि you may.

"You must pacify the strongarmed Rama in a manner by which he will help me to cross the ocean of grief and rlieve me.
जीवन्तीं मां यथा रामः सम्भावयति कीर्तिमान्।

तत्तथा हनुमन्वाच्यं वाचा धर्ममवाप्नुहि।।5.39.10।।

हनुमान् Hanuman, कीर्तिमान् illustrious one, रामः Rama, माम् me, जीवन्तीम् while I am alove, यथा in such way, सम्भावयति will take me, तत् that, तथा that way, वाच्यम् words, वाचा tell, धर्मम् righteous, अवाप्नुहि you will acquire.

"Let the illustrious Rama take me alive. Help me with your (persuasive) words and you will acquire merit.
नित्यमुत्साहयुक्ताश्च वाचश्रुत्वा त्वयेरिताः।

वर्धिष्यते दाशरथेः पौरुषं मदवाप्तये।।5.39.11।।

त्वया you, ईरिताः spoken, उत्साहयुक्ताः full of determination for action, वाचः words, नित्यम् ever, श्रुत्वा after hearing, मदवाप्तये for acquiring me, दाशरथेः son of Dasaratha, पौरुषम् manliness, वर्धिष्यते will increase.

"On hearing your ever spirited words his manliness to get me back will be charged.
मत्सन्देशयुता वाचस्त्वत्तश्श्रुत्वा च राघवः।

पराक्रमविधिं वीरो विधिवत्संविधास्यति।।5.39.12।।

वीरः hero, राघवः Rama, त्वत्तः from you, मत्सन्देशयुताः with repetition of my message, वाचः words, श्रुत्वा after hearing, विधिवत् arrange duly, पराक्रमविधम् following his valour, संविधास्यति will make efforts.

सीताया वचनं श्रुत्वा हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः।

शिरस्यञ्जलिमाधाय वाक्यमुत्तरमब्रवीत्।।5.39.13।।

मारुतात्मजः son of Maruta, हनुमान् Hanuman, सीतायाः Sita's, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा after listening, शिरसि on his head, अञ्जलिम् folded palms, आधाय placed, उत्तरम् replied, वाक्यम् these words, अब्रवीत् said.

"Having heard Sita's words, Hanuman, son of Maruta, placed his folded palms over his head in reverence and replied:
क्षिप्रमेष्यति काकुत्स्थो हार्यृक्षप्रवरैर्वृतः।

यस्ते युधि विजित्यारीन्शोकं व्यपनयिष्यति।।5.39.14।।

काकुत्स्थ: Kakutstha, हर्यृक्षप्रवरैः with vanaras and bears, क्षिप्रम् at once, एष्यति he will hasten, यः he, युधि in war, अरीन् enemies, विजित्य winning over, ते your, शोकम् grief, व्यपनयिष्यति will relieve.

"Kakutstha Rama, accompanied by vanaras and bears will reach here soon and conquer the enemies in war and relieve your grief.
न हि पश्यामि मर्त्येषु नासुरेषु सुरेषु वा।

यस्तस्य क्षिपतो बाणान्स्थातुमुत्सहतेऽग्रतः।।5.39.15।।

यः when he, बाणान् arrows, क्षिपतः while he releases, तस्य his, अग्रतः in front, स्थातुम् to stand, उत्सहते will have, मर्त्येषु among humans, नासुरेषु or among demons, सुरेषु वा or among gods, न हि पश्यामि I do not see.

"I do not see any one among humans or demons or even among gods who can face his arrows when released.
अप्यर्कमपि पर्जन्यमपि वैवस्वतं यमम्।

स हि सोढुं रणे शक्तस्तव हेतोर्विशेषतः।।5.39.16।।

सः he, रणे in war, अर्कमपि even the Sun, पर्जन्यमपि or the raingod, वैवस्वतम् son of the Sun, यमम् Yama the lord of death, सोढुम् to hear, शक्तः capable, तव हेतोः for you, विशेषतः specially.

"Indeed, Rama is capable of conquering even the Sungod, or the raingod or Yama (the son of the Sun) specially for your sake.
स हि सागरपर्यन्तां महीं शासितुमीहति।

त्वन्निमित्तो हि रामस्य जयो जनकनन्दिनि।।5.39.17।।

सः he, सागरपर्यन्ताम् surrounded by the entire ocean, महीम् earth, शासितुम् to rule, अर्हति हि is fit, जनकनन्दिनि O Janaka's delight, रामस्य Rama's, जयः victory, त्वन्निमित्तो हि for your sake only.

"Rama is fit to rule the entire earth surrounded by the ocean. O delight of Janaka he will succeed in serving your cause."
तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा सम्यक्सत्यं सुभाषितम्।

जानकी बहुमेनेऽथ वचनं चेदमब्रवीत्।।5.39.18।।

जानकी Janaki, तस्य his, सत्यम् truth, सम्यक् proper, सुभाषितम् good words, तत् that, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा on hearing, बहुमेने held in great esteem, अथ then, इदम् thus, वचनं च and the word, अब्रवीत् said.

On hearing the truthful, proper, pleasing words by Hanuman whom she held in great esteem, Sita said this:
ततस्तं प्रस्थितं सीता वीक्षमाणा पुनः पुनः।

भर्तृस्नेहान्वितं वाक्यं सौहार्दादनुमानयत्।।5.39.19।।

ततः then, सीता Sita, प्रस्थितम् ready to start, तम् him, पुनः पुनः again and again, वीक्षमाणा looking at, भर्तृस्नेहान्वितम् conveying her love to Rama, वाक्यम् word, सौहार्दात् goodhearted, अनुमानयत् she made him understand.

Sita again and again looked at Hanuman who was about to start. She made him understand her words conveying her love for Rama.
यदि वा मन्यसे वीर वसैकाहमरिन्दम।

कस्मिंश्चित्संवृते देशे विश्रान्तःश्वो गमिष्यसि।।5.39.20।।

अरिन्दम O destroyer of enemies, वीर hero, मन्यसे यदि if you think so, कस्मिंश्चित् some where, संवृते in a closed space, देशे in location, एकाहम् for one day, वस you may stay, विश्रान्तः rest, श्वः tomorrow, गमिष्यसि you may go.

"O destroyer of enemies if you think of halting for a day you may do so in a solitary location and leave tomorrow.
मम चेदल्पभाग्याया सान्निध्यात्तव वानर।

अस्य शोकस्य महतो मुहूर्तं मोक्षणं भवेत्।।5.39.21।।

वानर vanara, तव your, सान्निध्यात् by the presence, अल्पभाग्यायाः of an unfortunate woman, मम to me, महतः great, अस्य शोकस्य from the suffering, मुहूर्तम् for a short while, मोक्षणम् relief, भवेत् चेत् will be.

"Your presence will relieve me of my suffering, if you stay here for a while.
गते हि हरिशार्दूल पुनरागमनाय तु।

प्राणानामपि सन्देहो मम स्यान्नात्र संशयः।।5.39.22।।

हरिशार्दूल O tiger among vanaras, पुनरागमनाय for your visit once again, गते when you go, मम for me, प्राणानामपि and for my life, सन्देहः doubt, स्यात् will be, अत्र here, सन्देहः doubt, न no.

"O tiger among vanaras if you leave this place to come again, my life will be uncertain, (if your coming is uncertain). There is no doubt about it.
तवादर्शनजः शोको भूयो मां परितापयेत्।

दुःखाद्धुःखपरामृष्टां दीपयन्निव वानर।।5.39.23।।

वानर vanara, दुःखात् agonised, दुःखपरामृष्टाम् agony increased further, माम् me, तव your,
अदर्शनजः not seeing you, शोकः sorrow, दीपयन्निव as if inflamming my agony, भूयः again, परितापयेत् it will trouble me.

"My agony would be increased further by not seeing you. It would be inflamming my agony and I would be even more pained.
अयं च वीर सन्देहस्तिष्ठतीव ममाग्रतः।

सुमहांस्त्वत्सहायेषु हर्यृक्षेषु हरीश्वरः।।5.39.24।।

वीर hero, हरीश्वर chief of vanaras, त्वत्सहायेषु your helpless, हर्यृक्षेषु among vanaras and bears, अयम् this, सुमहान् great, सन्देहः doubtful, मम अग्रतः in front of me, तिष्ठतीव dwells in my mind.

"O heroic chief of vanaras I am doubtful as to whether vanaras and bears can extend help?
कथं नु खलु दुष्पारं तरिष्यन्ति महोदधिम्।

तानि हर्यृक्षसैन्यानि तौ वा नरवरात्मजौ।।5.39.25।।

तानि those, हर्यृक्षसैन्यानि army of vanaras and bears, तौ they both, Rama and Lakshmana, नरवरात्मजौ princes, दुष्पारम् difficult to cross, महोदधिम् ocean, कथं नु how indeed, तरिष्यन्ति they can cross.

"How can the army of vanaras and bears, for that matter, princes Rama and Lakshmana negotiate the ocean, which is difficult to cross?
त्रयाणामेव भूतानां सागरस्यास्य लङ्घने।

शक्तिस्स्याद्वैनतेयस्य तव वा मारुतस्य वा।।5.39.26।।

अस्य of this, सागरस्य ocean's, लङ्घने to leap, वैनतेयस्य वा for Bainateya (Garuda) or, तव वा or you, मारुतस्य or Windgod वा or, त्रयाणाम् for these three, भूतानाम् living beings, शक्तिः energy, स्यात् have.

"It is only three beings who have the capacity to leap over this ocean. Garuda, or you or the Windgod.
तदस्मिन्कार्यनिर्योगे वीरैवं दुरतिक्रमे।

किं पश्यसि समाधानं त्वं हि कार्यविदां वरः।।5.39.27।।

वीर hero, तत् such, एवम् in that way, दुरतिक्रमे in a very difficult task, अस्मिन् in this, कार्यनिर्योगे the task, किम् what, समाधानम् means, पश्यसि you foresee, त्वम् you, कार्यविदाम् among those who are capable, वरः हि foremost.

"What means do you, being the foremost hero among the three who are capable performing this difficult task, foresee?
काममस्य त्वमेवैकः कार्यस्य परिसाधने।

पर्याप्तः परवीरघ्न यशस्यस्ते फलोदयः।।5.39.28।।

परवीरघ्न slayer of enemy heroes, अस्य कार्यस्य this task, परिसाधने to accomplish, त्वम् you, एक एव alone are, पर्याप्तः कामम् are competent, ते to you, फलोदयः fruit, यशस्यः of the accomplishment.

"O slayer of enemy heroes if you alone can accomplish this task the fame of doing this will be yours.
बलैस्समग्रैर्यदि मां रावणं जित्य संयुगे।

विजयी स्वपुरं यायात्तत्तस्य सदृशं भवेत्।।5.39.29।।

संयुगे in war, समग्रैः with the entire, बलैः with army, रावणम् Ravana, जित्य after winning, माम् me, विजयी victorious , स्वपुरम् his own city, यायात् यदि if he can reach, तत् that, तस्य his, सदृशम् worthy of him, भवेत् will be.

"It would be worthy of Rama if he with his entire army emerges victorious over Ravana
in a battle and takes me to his city.
शरैस्तु सङ्कुलां कृत्वा लङ्कां परबलार्दनः।

मां नयेद्यदि काकुत्स्थः तत्तस्य सदृशं भवेत्।।5.39.30।।

परबलार्दनः slayer of enemy army, काकुत्स्थः Kakutstha, लङ्काम् Lanka, शरैः with arrows, सङ्कुलाम् an agitated place, कृत्वा does, माम् me, नयेद्यदि if he takes, तत् that, तस्य his action, सदृशम् agreeable, भवेत् will be.

"If Kakutstha (Rama), slayer of the enemy army fills the entire Lanka with his arrows and takes me, then his action will be worthy of him.
तद्यथा तस्य विक्रान्तमनुरूपं महात्मनः।

भवेदाहवशूरस्य तथा त्वमुपपादय।।5.39.31।।

तत् that, महात्मनः of the great self, आहवशूरस्य of the hero in war, तस्य his, अनुरूपम् worthy of him, विक्रान्तम् victorious, यथा in such a way, भवेत् will be, तथा in that way, त्वम् you, उपपादय you may make arrangement.

"You may make arrangement in such a manner that, that great self, the hero in war makes his victorious march which is worthy of him."
तदर्थोपहितं वाक्यं प्रश्रितं हेतुसंहितम्।

निशम्य हनुमान्शेषं वाक्यमुत्तरमब्रवीत्।।5.39.32।।

हनुमान् Hanuman, अर्थोपहितम् meaningful, प्रश्रितम् courteous, हेतुसंहितम् logical, तत् those, वाक्यम् words, निशम्य having heard, शेषम् the rest, वाक्यम् word, अब्रवीत् said, उत्तरं in reply.

Having heard the meaningful, courteous and logical words of Sita, Hanuman replied:
देवि हर्यृक्षसैन्यानामीश्वरः प्लवतां वरः।

सुग्रीवस्सत्त्वसम्पन्नस्तवार्थे कृतनिश्चयः।।5.39.33।।

देवि Devi, हर्यृक्षसैन्यानाम् of the army of vanaras and bears, ईश्वरः lord, प्लवतां वरः foremost among monkeys, सत्त्वसम्पन्नः richly endowed with satvaguna, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, तव अर्धे for your sake, कृतनिश्चयः detemined to accomplish.

"O Devi the lord of monkeys, Sugriva heads the army of vanaras and bears. He is richly endowed with satvaguna and is determined to accomplish your cause and free you from sorrow.
स वानरसहस्राणां कोटीभिरभिसंवृतः।

क्षिप्रमेष्यति वैदेहि राक्षसानां निबर्हणः।।5.39.34।।

वैदेहि Vaidehi, सः he, the Sugriva, वानरसहस्राणाम् of thousands of vanaras, कोटीभिः with crores of them, अभिसंवृतः is surrounded, राक्षसानाम् of all the ogres, निबर्हणः will destroy, क्षिप्रम् swiftly, एष्यति he will reach.

"O Vaidehi Sugriva will reach this place with thousands of crores of vanaras very soon and would kill all the ogres.
तस्य विक्रमसम्पन्नास्सत्त्ववन्तो महाबलाः।

मनस्सङ्कल्पसम्पाता निदेशे हरयः स्थिताः।।5.39.35।।

विक्रमसम्पन्नाः powerful, सत्त्ववन्तः virtuous, महाबलाः mighty, मनस्सङ्कल्पसम्पाताः who can leap with the speed of mind, हरयः vanaras, तस्य his, निदेशे at his command, स्थिताः awaiting.

"Valiant, virtuous and powerful vanaras who can leap with the speed of mind are awaiting orders (of Sugriva).
येषां नोपरि नाधस्तान्न तिर्यक्सज्जते गतिः।

न च कर्मसु सीदन्ति महत्स्वमिततेजसः।।5.39.36।।

येषाम् for those monkeys, गतिः movement, उपरि upward, न सज्जते do not get impeded, अधस्तात् downward, न not, तिर्यक् horizontally, न not, अमिततेजसः very brilliant ones, महत्सु any kind, कर्मसु of task, न सीदन्ति do not care

"Their course cannot be impeded either upward, or downward or right or left. They are indeed very brilliant and would never fail in any task.

प्रदक्षिणीकृता भूमिर्वायुमार्गानुसारिभिः।।5.39.37।।

महोत्साहैः by the enthusiastic, वायुमार्गानुसारिभिः following aerial path, तैः by them, असकृत् repeatedly, ससागरधराधरा with the oceans and mountains, भूमिः earth, प्रदक्षिणीकृता has been circumambulated.

"They have often circumambulated the earth including its oceans and mountains through the aerial path with great enthusiasm.
मद्विशिष्टाश्च तुल्याश्च सन्ति तत्र वनौकसः।

मत्तः प्रत्यवरः कश्चिन्नास्ति सुग्रीवसन्निधौ।।5.39.38।।

तत्र there, मद्विशिष्टाश्च more powerful than me, तुल्याश्च those equal to me, वनौकसः vanaras who move in the forest, सन्ति are, मत्तः to me, प्रत्यवरः inferior, कश्चित् not even one, सुग्रीवसन्निधौ under Sugriva, नास्ति not there.

"The vanaras under Sugriva who move in the forest are more powerful than me or equal to me. None is inferior to me.
अहं तावदिह प्राप्तः किं पुनस्ते महाबलाः।

न हि प्रकृष्टाः प्रेष्यन्ते प्रेष्यन्ते हीतरे जनाः।।5.39.39।।

अहं तावत् I have, इह here, अनुप्राप्तः reached, महाबलाः very powerful, ते to you, किं पुनः why
not others, प्रकृष्टाः the best ones, न प्रेष्यन्ते हि will not be sent, इतरे others, जनाः ordinary ones, प्रेष्यन्ते हि will be sent.

"If I have managed to come here, why not the other powerful ones? The superior leaders are not sent (as messengers). Only ordinary ones like me are.
तदलं परितापेन देवि शोको व्यपैतु ते।

एकोत्पातेन ते लङ्कामेष्यन्ति हरियूथपाः।।5.39.40।।

देवि noble lady, तत् therefore, परितापेन with lamentation, अलम् enough, ते your, शोकः agony, व्यपैतु may be given up, ते those, हरियूथपाः monkey troops, एकोत्पातेन in one stride, लङ्काम् to Lanka, एष्यन्ति will reach.

"O noble lady therefore, give up your agony. Enough of your lamentation. The monkey troops will reach this place in one stride.
मम पृष्ठगतौ तौ च चन्द्रसूर्याविवोदितौ।

त्वत्सकाशं महासत्त्वौ नृसिंहावागमिष्यतः।।5.39.41।।

महासत्त्वौ both great men, नृसिंहौ both lions among men, तौ च and both, मम my, पृष्ठगतौ on my back, उदितौ just risen, चन्द्रसूर्याविव like Sun and Moon, त्वत्सकाशम् to your presence, आगमिष्यतः will come.

"Both the valiant Rama and Lakshmana, lions among men, looking brilliant like Sun and Moon will come to you riding on my back.
ततो वीरौ नरवरौ सहितौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।

आगम्य नगरीं लङ्कां सायकैर्विधमिष्यतः।।5.39.42।।

ततः then, वीरौ two heroes, नरवरौ both the princes, रामलक्ष्मणौ Rama and Lakshmana, सहितौ together, आगम्य on coming, लङ्कां नगरीम् to the city of Lanka, सायकैः with their arrows, विधमिष्यतः will blow away.

"Both the heroes, Rama and Lakshmana will come and blow up the city of Lanka with their unfailing arrows.
सगणं रावणं हत्त्वा राघवो रघुनन्दनः।

त्वामादाय वरारोहे स्वपुरीं प्रतियास्यति।।5.39.43।।

वरारोहे O beautiful lady, रघुनन्दनः the delight of the Raghu race, राघवः Rama, सगणम् along with his kins, रावणम् Ravana, हत्त्वा on killing, त्वाम् you, आदाय after taking you, स्वपुरीम् their city, प्रतियास्यति would go back.

"O beautiful lady Raghava, the delight of the Raghu race would kill Ravana and his kins and return with you to his city৷৷
तदाश्वसिहि भद्रं ते भव त्वं कालकाङ्क्षिणी।

नचिराद्द्रक्ष्यसे रामं प्रज्वलन्तमिवानलम्।।5.39.44।।

तत् therefore, आश्वसिहि rest assured, ते भद्रम् let it be auspicious to you, त्वम् you, कालकाङ्क्षिणी count your time, भव be, प्रज्वलन्तम् burning, अनलम् इव like the fire, रामम् Rama, नचिरात् shortly, द्रक्ष्यसे would see.

"Therefore, count the days and rest assured. Let it be auspicious to you. You will shortly see Rama burning like fire.
निहते राक्षसेन्द्रेऽस्मिन्सपुत्रामात्यबान्धवे।

त्वं समेष्वसि रामेण शशाङ्केनेव रोहिणी।।5.39.45।।

सपुत्रामात्यबान्धवे along with his sons, ministers and relatives, अस्मिन् when, राक्षसेन्द्रे the king of demons, निहते killed, त्वम् you, रोहिणी Rohini, शशाङ्केनेव like the Moon, रामेण with Rama, समेष्यसि you will reunite.

"When Ravana is slain, with his sons, ministers and kith and kin, you will reunite with
Rama as Rohini unites with the Moon.
क्षिप्रं त्वं देवि शोकस्य पारं यास्यसि मैथिलि।

रावणं चैव रामेण निहतं द्रक्ष्यसेऽचिरात्।।5.39.46।।

देवि queen, मैथिलि Mythili, त्वम् you, क्षिप्रम् soon, शोकस्य grief, पारम् to the other shore, यास्यसि will go, अचिरात् very shortly, रामेण by Rama, रावणम् Ravana, निहतं slain, द्रक्ष्यसे चैव you will see.

"O queen Mythili you come to the end of your sorrow and will soon see Ravana killed by Rama".
एवमाश्वास्य वैदेहीं हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः।

गमनाय मतिं कृत्वा वैदेहीं पुनरब्रवीत्।।5.39.47।।

मारुतात्मजः son of the Windgod, हनुमान् Hanuman, वैदेहीम् to Vaidehi, एवम् in that manner, आश्वास्य having consoled, गमनाय to depart, मतिम् thought, कृत्वा after resolving, पुनः again, वैदेहीम् to Vaidehi, अब्रवीत् said.

Having thus consoled Vaidehi, Hanuman, son of the Windgod resolved to depart. Once again he spoke to Vadehi:
तमरिघ्नं कृतात्मानं क्षिप्रं द्रक्ष्यसि राघवम्।

लक्ष्मणं च धनुष्पाणिं लङ्काद्वारमुपागतम्।।5.39.48।।

लङ्काद्वारम् at the entrance of Lanka, उपागतम् reached, अरिघ्नम् slayer of foes, कृतात्मानम् an accomplished man, तं राघवम् that Rama, धनुष्पाणिम् wielder of bow, लक्ष्मणं च and Lakshmana, क्षिप्रम् very soon, द्रक्ष्यसि you will see.

"Very soon you would see the slayer of foes, who is an accomplished wielder of the bow (Rama) along with Lakshmana at the entrance of Lanka.

वानरान्वारणेन्द्राभान्क्षिप्रं द्रक्ष्यसि सङ्गतान्।।5.39.49।।

नखदंष्ट्रायुधान् whose nails and teeth are their weapons, वीरान् heroes, सिंहशार्दूलविक्रमान् resembling lion and tiger in valour, वारणेन्द्राभान् who resemble wellbred elephants, सङ्गतान् reach, वानरान् vanaras, क्षिप्रम् soon, द्रक्ष्यसि you will see.

"You will soon see heroic vanaras whose weapons are their teeth, who are like lion and tiger in their valour. They are (mighty) like wellbred elephants.
शैलाम्बुदनिकाशानां लङ्कामलयसानुषु।

नर्दतां कपिमुख्यानामार्ये यूधान्यनेकशः।।5.39.50।।

आर्ये respectable lady, शैलाम्बुदनिकाशानाम् whose body is like clouds on mountain, नर्दताम् of the roaring, कपिमुख्यानाम् of the chiefs of vanaras, अनेकशः in many ways, यूधानि troops, लङ्कामलयसानुषु on the mountain of Lanka.

"O respectable lady you would see many troops of vanara chiefs who resemble clouds hovering on the mountain peaks of Lankaroaring.
स तु मर्मणि घोरेण ताडितो मन्मथेषुणा।

न शर्म लभते रामस्सिंहार्धित इव द्विपः।।5.39.51।।

सः रामः that Rama, घोरेण by the dreadful, मन्मथेषुणा arrows of god of love, मर्मणि pierced into vitals, ताडितः hit, सिंहार्दितः hit by a lion, द्विपः इव like an elephant, न शर्म लभते is not happy

"Rama is tormented by the dreadful arrows of the god of love pierced into vitals, like an elephant hit by a lion. He has no happiness in life.
मा रुदो देवि शोकेन माभूत्ते मनसोऽप्रियम्।

शचीव पत्या शक्रेण भर्त्रा नाथवती ह्यसि।।5.39.52।।

देवि devi, शोकेन with sorrow, मा रुदः do not cry, ते your, मनसः in mind, अप्रियम् unpleasant, माभूत् no thought be entertained, पत्या with a husband शक्रेण to Indra, शचीव like Sachi, भर्त्रा by your husband, नाथवती you have a great husband, असि हि you are.

"O devi weep no more.Entertain no unpleasant thoughts.You have a great husband, just as Sachi has her lord Indra.
रामाद्विशिष्टः कोऽन्योऽस्ति कश्चित्सौमित्रिणा समः।

अग्निमारुतकल्पौ तौ भ्रातरौ तव संश्रयौ।।5.39.53।।

रामात् than Rama, विशिष्टः more distinguished, अन्यः others, कः who is there, अस्ति is, सौमित्रिणा to Lakshmana, समः equal, कश्चित् who is there, अग्निमारुतकल्पौ equal to fire and wind, तौ भ्रातरौ both brothers, तव your, संश्रयौ they are your refuge.

"Who is superior to Rama? Who is equal to Lakshmana? Both the brothers are like Fire and Wind. They are your refuge.
नास्मिंश्चिरं वत्स्यसि देवि देशे रक्षोगणैरध्युषितेऽतिरौद्रे।

न ते चिरादामगमनं प्रियस्य क्षमस्व मत्सङ्गमकालमात्रम्।।5.39.54।।

देवि noble lady, रक्षोगणैः by the hosts of ogres, अध्युषिते in a stronghold, अतिरौद्रे in a dreadful place, अस्मिन् देशे country, चिरम् not very long, न वत्स्यसि will not stay, ते प्रियस्य with your beloved, आगमनम् coming, न चिरात् not very long, मत्सङ्गमकालमात्रम् for this period, क्षमस्व pardon me.

"O noble lady You will not stay longer in this country, which is a strong hold of hosts of demons and a dreadful place It will not be very long before you unite with your beloved. Pray, have patience till then.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे एकोनचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the thirtyninth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.