Sloka & Translation


[Sita permits Hanuman to depart]

श्रुत्वा तु वचनं तस्य वायुसूनोर्महात्मनः।

उवाचात्महितं वाक्यं सीता सुरसुतोपमा।।5.40.1।।

महात्मनः great soul, तस्य his, वायुसूनोः son of the Windgod, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा having heard, सुरसुतोपमा like the daughter of gods, सीता Sita, आत्महितम् for her benefit, वाक्यम् words, उवाच spoke.

Sita who was like the daughter of the gods heard the son of the Windgod for her benefit and replied:
त्वां दृष्ट्वा प्रियवक्तारं सम्प्रहृष्यामि वानरः।

अर्धसञ्जातसस्येव वृष्टिं प्राप्य वसुन्धरा।।5.40.2।।

वानर vanara, प्रियवक्तारम् who has been speaking pleasing words, त्वाम् you दृष्ट्वा after seeing, अर्धसञ्जातसस्या as half grown, वसुन्धरा earth, वृष्टिम् rain, प्राप्येव as if begotten, सम्प्रहृष्यामि I feel happy.

"O vanara just as the earth feels happy when the half grown crops receive rain, I feel happy after seeing you. You have been speaking pleasing words
यथा तं पुरुषव्याघ्रं गात्रैश्शोकाभिकर्शितैः।

संस्पृशेयं सकामाहं तथा कुरु दयां मयि।।5.40.3।।

सकामम् a passionate lady, अहम् I, शोकाभिकर्शितैः emaciated with suffering, गात्रैः with limbs, तं पुरुषव्याघ्रम् him that tiger among men, यथा as, संस्पृशेयम् I may touch, तथा in that way, मयि in me, दयाम् kindness, कुरु do.

"Be kind to me and act in such a manner that I may embrace my lord passionately with
my body emaciated with grief.
अभिज्ञानं च रामस्य दद्या हरिगणोत्तम।

क्षिप्तामिषीकां काकस्य कोपादेकाक्षिशातनीम्।।5.40.4।।

हरिगणोत्तम best leader of the vanaras, कोपात् with anger, क्षिप्ताम् released, काकस्य crow's, एकाक्षिशातनीम् blinding one eye, इषीकाम् by a blade of grass, रामस्य to Rama, अभिज्ञानम् as a token, दद्याः give.

"O best leader of vanaras remind Rama about the incident of the release of a blade of grass in anger blinding one of the eyes of the crow narrated to you.
मनश्शिलायास्तिलको गण्डपार्श्वे निवेशितः।

त्वया प्रणष्टे तिलके तं किल स्मर्तुमर्हसि।।5.40.5।।

तिलके when tilaka mark, प्रणष्टे got erased, त्वया by you, मनश्शिलायाः with a grind stone, तिलकः tilaka (mark on forehead), गण्डपार्श्वे stone near by, निवेशितः किल painted indeed, तम् that tilaka, स्मर्तुम् to remember, अर्हसि you will.

'(Further remind him), 'When my tilaka mark was erased, you painted tilaka with a stone (manassita pigment) nearby. O Rama you should remember that (incident).
स वीर्यवान्कथं सीतां हृतां समनुमन्यसे।

वसन्तीं रक्षसां मध्ये महेन्द्रवरुणोपमः।।5.40.6।।

वीर्यवान् valiant, महेन्द्रवरुणोपमः comparable to Varuna and Indra, सः Rama, हृताम् seized, रक्षसाम् of rakshasas, मध्ये in the midst of, वसन्तीम् dwelling, सीताम् Sita, कथम् how, समनुमन्यसे he will agree.

'Rama you are like Indra and Varuna in valiance. How are you tolerating Sita seized, dwelling among the demons?
एष चूडामणिर्दिव्यो मया सुपरिरक्षितः।

एतं दृष्ट्वा प्रहृष्यामि व्यसने त्वामिवानघ।।5.40.7।।

अनघ sinless, दिव्यः wonderful, एषः this, चूडामणिः Chudamani, मया of mine, सुपरिरक्षितः carefully safe guared, व्यसने in distress, एतम् this one, दृष्ट्वा seeing, त्वामिव like you here, प्रहृष्यामि look at it.

"O sinless Rama this wonderful Chudamani of mine has been carefully safeguarded. Seeing this is like seeing you when I am in distress.
एष निर्यातितश्श्रीमान्मया ते वारिसम्भवः।

अतः परं न शक्ष्यामि जीवितुं शोकलालसा।।5.40.8।।

श्रीमान् glorious one, वारिसम्भवः born of the sea, एषः this, ते to you, निर्यातितः is returned, शोकलालसा engrossed in grief, अतः परम् beyond this, जीवितुम् to live, न शक्ष्यामि it is not possible for me.

"I am sending you this (Chudamani) born of the sea. O glorious Rama and now engrossed in grief it is not possible for me to live.
असह्यानि च दुःखानि वाचश्च हृदयच्छिदः।

राक्षसीनां सुघोराणां त्वत्कृते मर्षयाम्यहम्।।5.40.9।।

अहम् I, असह्यानि unbearable, दुःखानि grief, सुघोराणाम् of dreadful ones, राक्षसीनाम् of ogresses, हृदयच्छिदः piercing my heart, वाचश्च utterings, त्वत्कृते your sake, मर्षयामि I am enduring.

"I am tolerating this unbearable grief, and the words of the dreadful ogresses piercing my heart. Only for you.
धारयिष्यामि मासं तु जीवितं शत्रुसूदन।

ऊर्ध्वं मासान्न जीविष्ये त्वया हीना नृपात्मज।।5.40.10।।

शत्रुसूदन O subduer of enemies, नृपात्मज O prince, मासं तु for one month only, जीवितम् life, धारयिष्यामि will survive, त्वया you, हीना separated, मासात् for one month only, ऊर्ध्वम् beyond that, न जीविष्ये will not live.

"O subduer of enemies O prince I will hold on to life only for a month. I will not survive beyond a month in your absence.
घोरो राक्षसराजोऽयं दृष्टिश्च न सुखा मयि।

त्वां च श्रुत्वा विपद्यन्तं न जीवेयमहं क्षणम्।।5.40.11।।

अयम् this, राक्षसराजः demon king, घोरः fearsome, मयि at me, दृष्टिः look, सुखा moral, न no, त्वाम् you, विपद्यन्तम् facing calamities, श्रुत्वा hearing, अहम् I, क्षणम् even a moment, न जीवेयम् I will not survive.

"The demon king is frightful. He looks at me with immoral (lusty) eyes. I do not wish to live even for a moment after hearing about the adversities (you have faced)."
वैदेह्या वचनं श्रुत्वा करुणं साश्रु भाषितम्।

अथाब्रवीन्महातेजा हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः।।5.40.12।।

अथ then, महातेजाः a brilliant one, मारुतात्मजः son of the Windgod, हनुमान् Hanuman, साश्रु weeping, भाषितम् words spoken, करुणम् piteously, वैदेह्याः Vaidehi's, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा on hearing, अब्रवीत् said.

Hearing the words of Sita who was weeping piteously, brilliant Hanuman said this:
त्वच्छोकविमुखो रामो देवि सत्येन ते शपे।

रामे दुःखाभिभूते तु लक्ष्मणः परितप्यते।।5.40.13।।

देवि O irreproachable lady, रामः Rama, त्वच्छोकविमुखः out of grief he is not showing any interest in life, सत्येन truly, ते to you, शपे I promise, रामे when Rama, दुःखाभिभूते he is in grief, लक्ष्मणः च even Lakshmana, परितप्यते is immersed in sorrow.

"O irreproachable lady I swear by you that Rama has grown averse to everything out of grief of separation from you. When Rama is in grief even Lakshmana gets immersed in sorrow.
कथञ्चिद्भवती दृष्टा न कालः परिशोचितुम्।

इमं मुहूर्तं दुःखानामन्तं द्रक्ष्यसि भामिनि।।5.40.14।।

कथञ्चित् somehow, भवती you, दृष्टा seen, परिशोचितम् to worry, कालः time, न not, भामिनि a beautiful lady, इमम् this, मुहूर्तम् moment, दुःखानाम् for grief, अन्तम् end, द्रक्ष्यसि you can see.

"O beautiful lady somehow I could meet you. This is not the time to worry about. You will see the end of suffering at this very moment.
तावुभौ पुरुषव्याघ्रौ राजपुत्रावरिन्दमौ।

त्वद्दर्शनकृतोत्साहौ लङ्कां भस्मीकरिष्यतः।।5.40.15।।

पुरुषव्याघ्रौ tigers among men, अरिन्दमौ crusher of enemies, त्वद्दर्शनकृतोत्साहौ very determined to see you, उभौ both, तौ राजपुत्रौ both the princes, लङ्काम् Lanka, भस्मीकरिष्यतः will reduce to ashes.

"Both the princes are tigers among men and crushers of enemies. They are determined to see you, and will reduce Lanka to ashes.
हत्त्वा च समरे क्रूरं रावणं सहबान्धवम्।

राघवौ त्वां विशालाक्षि स्वां पुरीं प्रापयिष्यतः।।5.40.16।।

विशालाक्षि largeeyed one, राघवः Rama, समरे in war, सहबान्धवम् along with relatives, क्रूरम् vile, रावणम् Ravana, हत्वा after killing, स्वां पुरीं प्रति to his own city, त्वाम् you, प्रापयिष्यतः will
take you back.

"O largeeyed lady Killing in war the vile Ravana, the demon king and all his relatives, Rama would take you back to his own city৷৷
यत्तु रामो विजानीयादभिज्ञानमनिन्दिते।

प्रीतिसञ्जननं तस्य भूयस्त्वं दातुमर्हसि।।5.40.17।।

अनिन्दिते blameless lady, रामः Rama, यत् that which, अभिज्ञानम् knows, विजानीयात् to identify you, तस्य your, प्रीतिसञ्जननम् that which makes him more happy, भूयः one more, त्वम् you, दातुम् may give, अर्हसि is proper.

"O unimpeachable lady give one more identification which would make him more happy".
साब्रवीद्दत्तमेवेति मयाभिज्ञानमुत्तमम्।

एतदेव हि रामस्य दृष्ट्वा मत्केशभूषणम्।।5.40.18।।

श्रद्धेयं हनुमन्वाक्यं तव वीर भविष्यति।

मया mine, उत्तमम् best, अभिज्ञानम् identification, दत्तमेव already given, इति this, सा she, अब्रवीत् said, वीर hero, हनुमान् Hanuman, एतत् all this, मत्केशभूषणम् my jewel for the hair, दृष्ट्वा seeing, तव his, वाक्यम् words, रामस्य Rama's, श्रद्धेयम् what you tell, भविष्यति will believe.

"I have already given the best identification. When you hand this jewel used on my hair to him, he will believe what you tell him".
स तं मणिवरं गृह्य श्रीमान्प्लवगसत्तमः।।5.40.19।।

प्रणम्य शिरसा देवीं गमनायोपचक्रमे।

श्रीमान् illustrious one, सः he, प्लवगसत्तमः best of vanaras, मणिवरम् best jewel, गृह्य holding,
देवीम् to Sita, शिरसा by his head, प्रणम्य prostrated, गमनाय to depart, उपचक्रमे started.

The illustrious vanara held the ornament, prostrated to Sita and prepared to depart.
तमुत्पातकृतोत्साहमवेक्ष्य हरिपुङ्गवम्।।5.40.20।।

वर्धमानं महावेगमुवाच जनकात्मजा।

अश्रुपूर्णमुखी दीना बाष्पगद्गदया गिरा।।5.40.21।।

जनकात्मजा Janaka's daughter, उत्पातकृतोत्साहम् risen up eager to leap, वर्धमानम् enlarging, महावेगम् very swiftly, तं हरिपुङ्गवम् him the chief of vanaras, आवेक्ष्य looking at him, अश्रुपूर्णमुखी her face filled with tears, दीना pitiably, बाष्पगद्गदया throat choked with tears, गिरा with these words, उवाच spoke.

Seeing Hanuman eager to leap, enlarging his body quickly, she appeared pitiable with her face filled with tears and throat choked.
हनुमन्सिंहसङ्काशौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।

सुग्रीवं च सहामात्यं सर्वान् ब्रूयाह्यनामयम्।।5.40.22।।

हनुमान् Hanuman, भ्रातरौ brothers, सिंहसङ्काशौ both comparable to lion, रामलक्ष्मणौ to Rama and Lakshmana, सहामात्यम् along with ministers, सुग्रीवं च and Sugriva, सर्वान् to all, अनामयम् wellbeing, ब्रूयाः convey.

"O Hanuman to the lionlike brothers Rama and Lakshmana, to Sugriva including his ministers and to every one convey my good wishes.
यथा च स महाबाहुर्मां तारयति राघवः।

अस्माद्दु:खाम्बुसम्रोधात्त्वं समाधातुमर्हसि।।5.40.23।।

महाबाहुः mightyarmed, सः राघवः that Rama, अस्मात् from this, दुःखाम्बुसंशेधात् from this ocean of sorrow, यथा in such a way, तारयति will help to cross, त्वम् you, समाधातुम् to
make efforts, अर्हसि it is proper.

"You should make efforts in such a manner that the mightyarmed Rama will help me in crossing the cean of sorrow.
इमं च तीव्रं मम शोकवेगं रक्षोभिरेभिः परिभर्त्सनं च।

ब्रूयास्तु रामस्य गतस्समीपम् शिवश्च तेऽध्वाऽस्तु हरिप्रवीर।।5.40.24।।

हरिप्रवीर foremost vanara, रामस्य to Rama, समीपम् near, गतः after going, मम my, इमम् this, तीव्रम् intense, शोकवेगम् of grief, एभिः by these, रक्षोभिः by the rakshasas, परिभर्त्सनं च threats also, ब्रूयाः you nararte, ते to you, अध्वा journey, शिवः happy, अस्तु let it be.

"Foremost vanara tell Rama about my intense grief as well as the threats of the demons. May your journey be happy.
स राजपुत्र्य्राप्रतिवेदितार्थः कपिः कृतार्थः परिहृष्टचेताः।

अल्पावशेषं प्रसमीक्ष्य कार्यं दिशं ह्युदीचीं मनसा जगाम।।5.40.25।।

सः that, कपिः vanara, राजपुत्र्या by the princess, प्रतिवेदितार्थः understood the message, कृतार्थः accomplished, परिहृष्टचेताः delighted at heart, कार्यम् task, अल्पावशेषम् a small left over, प्रसमीक्ष्य after considering, उदीचीम् north, दिशम् direction, मनसा mentally, जगम reached.

Hanuman understood the message of princess Sita and felt delighted at heart at his accomplishment. Considering the small task yet to be accomplished he reached the northern shore mentally (He thought of Rama who waited in Kishkinda which is in the northern direction).
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे चत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fortieth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.